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Project GAF Inn - $5,000 for a mark in Obsidian's Project Eternity [FUNDED!]

I held off donating when it stalled out in the 30-something percent range, as I figured we wouldn't make it. I wonder if others did as well. Now that we are nearing 80% I am confident we'll get there.

If funds are just short of the required goal, give the current backers a chance to bump up their donation. You'll have a good idea on where this is heading in the last day or so of the campaign. As I said, disposable income is a bit short for me going into the holidays (and I already donated money towards the actual PE kickstarter), but I'd throw in another $5-10 if needed to bump us over. I'm sure many of the other 97 donors would do the same. $5 from everyone would be $500 more.

Yeah, I didn't add my pledge to this in the beginning as I realized that it will stop where it is, especially when I didn't have an exact figure of how much I can pledge to this. Thanks to the top donor for really pushing this as far as it is and matching up! (I'm enjoying calling you "The watchful protector. The silent guardian" for all your support).

Also: Corto, welcome to the 1% Group! So close to $4,000!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Yeah, I didn't add my pledge to this in the beginning as I realized that it will stop where it is, especially when I didn't have an exact figure of how much I can pledge to this. Thanks to the top donor for really pushing this as far as it is and matching up! (I'm enjoying calling you "The watchful protector. The silent guardian" for all your support).

Also: Corto, welcome to the 1% Group! So close to $4,000!

Is it still really the 1% group though, lol. Shouldnt we make up a bigger percentage by now? Haha.


98 Backers
$4,003/5,000 (80%) PLEDGED!
(Average of $41 per Inn Keeper!)
Biggest donation: $500.00!!

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
I'm glad this is
definitely going to happen.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
5 days to go, eh?

I'm going to wait til the end to see if you need it to heighten the drama.

I can totally see it already: Another 2 days without donations, another 2 days of heart attacks for shagg and then we pull through on the last day.
What we needs, is more fanfiction.


Shagg surveyed the gathering of people around him in wonderment, trying to remember when exactly it was that half of Aedyr had parked themselves in his field. There were all sorts. A few yards away, a couple of chanters were engaged in a duel, spinning tales and enjoying the gasps of the onlookers as ethereal shapes unfolded in the air between them.

Not a bad way to earn a living, the would-be barkeep thought, but at least I won’t have to coax the spirits out of my taps with fancy wordplay. He shook himself – thinking in certainties again, that was a dangerous habit. It was the book, he was sure of it. His eyes shifted furtively for a moment, then he bent down and lifted up the corner of one of the crates.

Still there. It wasn’t resting on the ground so much as lurking there – if books could do such a thing that is, which, Shagg reassured himself, they couldn’t. Could they?

He shivered, remembering the evening that it had appeared. He’d been running the figures as usual, barely aware of the flow of people coming and going. He’d sensed someone approaching, leaving something on the bar. He’d assumed it was gold, like the rest of them, and hadn't paid much heed - until those words had slashed through his consciousness: ‘Soon... Very soon.’

Even if you could look past the sharp metal bindings, odd markings and suspiciously red stains, the tome did nothing to reassure any of the doubts in his mind. Evil radiated from its squat, dark form in waves. It had kept on talking to him after that evening; inscribing suggestions and directions into his thoughts with the same piercing voice. That was why he’d shoved it under the box; but he kept getting the urge to check on it, as if it might burrow its way out beneath the soil. So far, however, it had not. It just kept whispering to him.

This time was no different.

‘I need more.’

“Why?” Shagg managed, keeping his voice low. It ignored him.

‘More souls. This is... insufficient.’

“I...” Shagg straightened up, coming to his senses somewhat and feeling sure that someone must have spotted him talking to a wooden box. The bustle continued around him, unconcerned. Furthermore, two newcomers were approaching, hesitating at the picket-gate into the field, but on the unmistakable verge of a decision. All they needed was a little push.

“I’ll see what I can do,” he muttered, and set off towards the couple, fixing a welcoming smile onto his face.
Fair enough! :D

While Kuro watches, another beautiful lurker donates.

Just wanted to help out. Exclude me from any reward. Also I am not a full member, can't post, etc. Good luck.

How much will I bear this treason, when outsiders have accepted my love more than my own innkeepers!? How much?! D:

Just donated 20$. It's not a whole lot, but all I felt I could spare at the moment, as I also intend to increase my pledge to the game directly.

Forgot to leave my GAF id though, I apologize for any inconvenience.


Rodent Whores
Hm, just noticed this. Just spent a lot of money in a giveaway, but I could throw a bit into this too.

Question: Can I donate anonymously through Paypal?
Hm, just noticed this. Just spent a lot of money in a giveaway, but I could throw a bit into this too.

Question: Can I donate anonymously through Paypal but still write a comment?

Sadly, no. Name and email address will be shown to me. I won't judge you, nor will I reveal your identity to anyone out here or anywhere (if that's the case). I've yet to tell anyone who donated without their discretion (Hell, even the identity of top donor is a secret, unless he posts here himself).

You have trusted me with $4000. I'm sure you guys can trust me a little more! :p

Oh and please write a comment! I love reading the comments! :D


Rodent Whores
Sadly, no. Name and email address will be shown to me. I won't judge you, nor will I reveal your identity to anyone out here or anywhere (if that's the case).

You have trusted me with $4000. I'm sure you guys can trust me a little more! :p

Oh and please write a comment! I love reading the comments! :D


Could I just send you a Steam gift, or an Amazon gift code, or something else you can use instead? Even if the project doesn't get fully funded you can still keep it :p


Sadly, no. Name and email address will be shown to me. I won't judge you, nor will I reveal your identity to anyone out here or anywhere (if that's the case).

You have trusted me with $4000. I'm sure you guys can trust me a little more! :p

Oh and please write a comment! I love reading the comments! :D

There goes the idea of donating negative 4000 dollars through paypal...

Could I just send you a Steam gift, or an Amazon gift code, or something else you can use instead? Even if the project doesn't get fully funded you can still keep it :p

I think you can use fictitious name and email address for Paypal. Also, my backlog is so massive that giving me a game on Steam will certainly not help my self-esteem! :lol

I do however appreciate your awesome dedication! <3

Oh and adixon NOOOOO! D:


Is there a way to do a paypal payments deal to this, or do i actually have to make a paypal account and then give it money and then send the money? The paypal payments system allows you to not have to commit a payment account to them.
Is there a way to do a paypal payments deal to this, or do i actually have to make a paypal account and then give it money and then send the money? The paypal payments system allows you to not have to commit a payment account to them.

I just realized you can send money without having a PayPal account! Why was I not aware of this?

EDIT: NO! I was wrong! So wrong! :( I still asks you to log in. Damn paypal! It says "You can request a payment from anyone with an email address even if they do not have a PayPal account."

Doesn't make sense to me. Oh well! :(


I just realized you can send money without having a PayPal account! Why was I not aware of this?

EDIT: NO! I was wrong! So wrong! :( I still asks you to log in. Damn paypal! It says "You can request a payment from anyone with an email address even if they do not have a PayPal account."

Doesn't make sense to me. Oh well! :(

Darn, well when the time comes if you really needs it ill chip in. Still gots 4 days and im sure plenty of folk already have paypal accounts.
OH MY GOD! It worked! It's alive!! MUAHAHAH! No more "I ain't got no paypal account", people!!

Let's do this! D:

(Only problem with this is that it deducts a small fee from me. It's all good, I suppose!)


Just chipped in $10!

Good luck, looks like we'll make it =]

EDIT: Exchange rate cost me 11 cents, damn haha.
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