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Project GAF Inn - $5,000 for a mark in Obsidian's Project Eternity [FUNDED!]

shhhhhhh that was to be kept hush hush damn it! hehehe

Oh... right. Yes! "GAF Inn".

128 Backers
$4,725/$5,000 (94%) PLEDGED!
(Average of $37 per Inn Keeper!)
Biggest donation: $500.00!!

Do you smell that Ale? Do you?!

And do we stop when he hit the mark or do we keep on providing to Obsidian for the best?!


For a Finer World
Pitching in 25 USD more. And also upped my pledge to 125 USD on the page. I'm really believing in Project Eternity. That one screenshot blew my mind.


Oh... right. Yes! "GAF Inn".

128 Backers
$4,725/$5,000 (94%) PLEDGED!
(Average of $37 per Inn Keeper!)
Biggest donation: $500.00!!

Do you smell that Ale? Do you?!

And do we stop when he hit the mark or do we keep on providing to Obsidian for the best?!

I say we keep going. I want that second city!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Oh... right. Yes! "GAF Inn".

128 Backers
$4,725/$5,000 (94%) PLEDGED!
(Average of $37 per Inn Keeper!)
Biggest donation: $500.00!!

Do you smell that Ale? Do you?!

And do we stop when he hit the mark or do we keep on providing to Obsidian for the best?!

Just keep going, pretty sure people will stop donating on their own anyway after the "need" to participate is gone.


After we reach $5k, wouldn't it be cheaper for people who want to donate to do so directly to the PE Kickstarter? Paypal charges a small fee to either the person donating or the person receiving the donation.


I'd say we end the donation and drive and let people up their own pledges!

Still amazing that there is going to be GAF inn. :D


Oh... right. Yes! "GAF Inn".

128 Backers
$4,725/$5,000 (94%) PLEDGED!
(Average of $37 per Inn Keeper!)
Biggest donation: $500.00!!

Do you smell that Ale? Do you?!

And do we stop when he hit the mark or do we keep on providing to Obsidian for the best?!

Well, if there's more than 5k Obisidian might be more willing to give out all the digital extras you requested.
Well, if there's more than 5k Obisidian might be more willing to give out all the digital extras you requested.

That's true. Let's see how excited everyone is. :lol

Also, there will be Paypal fee for transferring all the money to credit card, so I might add a short buffer for that.
Nevertheless: 5 MORE PERCENT!!

129 Backers
$4,750/$5,000 (95%) PLEDGED!
(Average of $37 per Inn Keeper!)
Biggest donation: $500.00!!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
No more Shagg (heart) attacks!


Eh screw it, chipped in a second time, as long as we make the Inn totally awesome Im good
(and because I wanted to beat the average)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Someone should start researching the best RPG inns of all time.
Donated. PayPal is acting up, though. In the receipt it lists my cousin's address that I sent a gift to a single time several years ago, as opposed to my confirmed address. The fuck? lol


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
But seriously. This nice work getting it together and everything, but the Inns are sold out.

This is like in Black & White, where no matter what you do, the animal just keeps eating its own feces.


This is like in Black & White, where no matter what you do, the animal just keeps eating its own feces.

Haha. A lot of people in this thread are lucky that the rule about reading the OP before posting isn't strictly enforced on GAF.

Now that this is for sure happening, I look forward to observing the actual design phase of our inn, NPC, and weapon/item.
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