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Project Scorpio to be shown off next week according to Jez C... (READ MOD POST)

Same team made the OG Xbox One tho haha.
But that was because if a crazy deadline.

I dont let them have a pass on this, they had 8 years between 360 and XB1, there was no crazy deadline, only their own shitty project management. The S is a move in the right direction though


If he thinks GAF hates him now, if he teases Zen and it doesn't come true...

Before this goes any further, in the same tweet chain he mentions he doesn't know either way.

He mentions there will be one "huge" announcement and "plenty of surprises". Not sure if he means hardware, features or games.
Selling more hardware. Market this as next gen and I don't see why this can't be a hit.

Because again, who's going to make games for it as a next-gen? You mentioned a (singular) third-party moneyhat and Microsoft itself. So, you're looking at four or five titles that will take full advantage of it as next-gen hardware. Everything else will leverage it just like the PS4 Pro, just marginally better.

Microsoft is not in a position where it can force a new generation, especially not when there are 50 million PS4s and 30 million Xbox Ones already out there.
Before this goes any further, in the same tweet chain he mentions he doesn't know either way.

He mentions there will be one "huge" announcement and "plenty of surprises". Not sure if he means hardware, features or games.

Why doesn't he just tell everyone what he knows? The teasing gets kinda old, and his name's already attached to the rumour. He may as well just put everything on the table at this point.


That's interesting. I really never have any idea about these kind of things. I've been using to just buying the console I want and never looking at what is in the system haha. Times sure have changed.
Me neither tbf. From a business perspective, it's really important to AMD for getting buy-in from one of their largest semi-custom buyers for their new architectures.

If Ryzen is announced for Scorpio, expect AMD's share price to bump up.
Because again, who's going to make games for it as a next-gen? You mentioned a (singular) third-party moneyhat and Microsoft itself. So, you're looking at four or five titles that will take full advantage of it as next-gen hardware. Everything else will leverage it just like the PS4 Pro, just marginally better.

Microsoft is not in a position where it can force a new generation, especially not when there are 50 million PS4s and 30 million Xbox Ones already out there.

Good point, but I see five major titles plus VR as better than nothing. Granted these exclusives will play on PC which will negate the point but I feel it will have a better chance then.


Hell yeah!!!

Awesome man, thanks!

My guess is it's more powerful than expected. Not sure if that could mean Ryzen tech in there, but I doubt he means design.

Yeah agree. It also looks like it will be $499. I think is a smart move from MS. At least build brand reputation back with a beast and get the HC base on your side


Why doesn't he just tell everyone what he knows? The teasing gets kinda old, and his name's already attached to the rumour. He may as well just put everything on the table at this point.

I think he's just respecting the contract agreement between MS and the unknown website that will reveal some info soon.


Does anyone know what kind of content, if any, we are getting for Forza? Screenshots? Video? Messaging?
Yeah agree. It also looks like it will be $499. I think is a smart move from MS. At least build brand reputation back with a beast and get the HC base on your side

Exactly man. There's even a chance more people that want the multiplats will actually buy Scorpio for it if it's significantly more powerful than pro. What even would be the point of waiting a full year if it's not going to be above Pro by a great deal?

Hopefully we hear something official from MS soon though, you'd think they would let the people know via Major Nelson at least.



Oh my



Exactly man. There's even a chance more people that want the multiplats will actually buy Scorpio for it if it's significantly more powerful than pro. What even would be the point of waiting a full year if it's not going to be above Pro by a great deal?

Hopefully we hear something official from MS soon though, you'd think they would let the people know via Major Nelson at least.

Tomorrow probably


If I was them I'd scrap the no exclusives idea. Don't see how a Pro situation benefits them.

I think Spencer and other MS representatives have been too public about no exclusives to backtrack now. Sure diehard fans wouldn't care but the general market reaction would likely be negative.

The XBOX division would be in the position of straight up lying in their earlier statements and big Scorpio exclusives would immediately raise question mark over buying an Xbox One and not getting specific games.

I think for at least first 12 months they're going to have to commit to promises made regarding no exclusives (I suspect VR games may be the exception to the rule here though).


Interested to see what MS has, but I think even with the boost to GPU they'll continue to use Jaguar to keep the overall console cost down to $400. Also betting on no console reveal at the event and will hold off on that till E3. They'll show off a ton of in-development games as well as section showing standard X1 games with framerate/graphical/resolution improvements.


If there is a new CPU that leads me to believe Microsoft has planned it out smartly as a cheap next gen console to go against a PS5 while still having an Xbox 5 in their pocket. A Jaguar Scorpio is not a long game option, something new can keep up even a few years down the road and the cherry on top, it will be a cheap SKU by the time a PS5 comes out. That's pretty clever because as Sony goes PS5 games only with full PS4 BC on one console, Microsoft have a cheap Scorpio for Xbox 5 games and full Xbox One BC at half the price of a PS5 while having an Xbox 5 console still to release as the premium option.

Xbox One/S - Drop support in 2019/20
Xbox One Scorpio - Launch 2017
Xbox Scorpio 5 - Cheap Slim Edition/Rebrand as Xbox 5 compatible
Xbox 5 - On the same level or above a PS5
Unless you are a pc gamer or only Japanese exclusives appeal to you I don't see how anyone could say something like that giving how diverse the xbone console only lineup is.

What?? That's Xbox's biggest problem lately. The exclusive lineup isn't very diverse.

Tease some games. Having the most powerful console in the world means nothing without games. The most powerful console hasn't won since SNES. I'm praying MS doesn't just think having the best multi-plats is going to solve its problems. Tease or show at least one new piece of software.
Exactly man. There's even a chance more people that want the multiplats will actually buy Scorpio for it if it's significantly more powerful than pro. What even would be the point of waiting a full year if it's not going to be above Pro by a great deal?

Hopefully we hear something official from MS soon though, you'd think they would let the people know via Major Nelson at least.

I'd say to an extent people discount the hardcore crowd when it comes to hardware. There are a decent amount of people like me who will just buy the best thing that is currently out. Gaming is one of my biggest hobbies, so I want to have the best and have no brand loyalty besides where friends are. I am super excited for Scorpio so I can play Destiny 2 on the best console with friends. I wish I had more friends on PC and hackers were not a constant issue.

As you said though it needs to be above the pro by a good margin to really take a foothold. Tons of people have said it already in this thread, but Microsoft's goal here is power not necessarily wide spread adoption. I'm thinking a $499 price point with better specs than what was leaked. At least that's my hope.


What?? That's Xbox's biggest problem lately. The exclusive lineup isn't very diverse.

Tease some games. Having the most powerful console in the world means nothing without games. The most powerful console hasn't won since SNES. I'm praying MS doesn't just think having the best multi-plats is going to solve its problems. Tease or show at least one new piece of software.

It is. It just lacks Japanese games.


Because again, who's going to make games for it as a next-gen? You mentioned a (singular) third-party moneyhat and Microsoft itself. So, you're looking at four or five titles that will take full advantage of it as next-gen hardware. Everything else will leverage it just like the PS4 Pro, just marginally better.

Microsoft is not in a position where it can force a new generation, especially not when there are 50 million PS4s and 30 million Xbox Ones already out there.

But we can't judge MS actions based on what Sony did for PS4. They'll certainly do something different. That's for sure.

If it will be good or not, that's a discussion for later.


What?? That's Xbox's biggest problem lately. The exclusive lineup isn't very diverse.

The full console exclusive line-up has actually been pretty diverse. They have more in certain genres than Sony/PlayStation has this gen. They just can't compete when it comes to RPGs.

Tease some games. Having the most powerful console in the world means nothing without games.

A huge portion of today's popular games are multiplatform and Xbox will have many of them so I would say it still means something regardless of exclusives.

The most powerful console hasn't won since SNES. I'm praying MS doesn't just think having the best multi-plats is going to solve its problems. Tease or show at least one new piece of software.

The PS4 is currently the most powerful console and its winning. Closest gen since the SNES gen in sales when it comes to North America but worldwide it's basically 2:1.

Microsoft knows that having the best multiplats aren't going to solve all of their problems. Having that though DID help their dominance during the previous generation in the territories that the console brand is relevant in. That alongside new console brand exclusive games should help. I don't see Scorpio as them wanting to gain worldwide dominance -- it seems more about them wanting to get back to being really dominant in North America and U.K..


Because again, who's going to make games for it as a next-gen? You mentioned a (singular) third-party moneyhat and Microsoft itself. So, you're looking at four or five titles that will take full advantage of it as next-gen hardware. Everything else will leverage it just like the PS4 Pro, just marginally better.

Microsoft is not in a position where it can force a new generation, especially not when there are 50 million PS4s and 30 million Xbox Ones already out there.

I don't understand this -- especially as it blatantly goes against what MS did in 2005 with them having a full year head start and the original Xbox getting slaughtered in sales far more than XB1 vs. PS4.

Everything will seemingly be scalable/compatible from here on out when it comes to Xbox platforms so they can't do a "true next gen" console in that sense, but they could definitely go away from the Xbox One brand with the Scorpio if they wanted to. It would honestly be smarter in my opinion; And if we are to believe Microsoft's statements, then every Xbox from here on out will be an Xbox One due to compatibility anyway.
I'd say to an extent people discount the hardcore crowd when it comes to hardware. There are a decent amount of people like me who will just buy the best thing that is currently out. Gaming is one of my biggest hobbies, so I want to have the best and have no brand loyalty besides where friends are. I am super excited for Scorpio so I can play Destiny 2 on the best console with friends. I wish I had more friends on PC and hackers were not a constant issue.

As you said though it needs to be above the pro by a good margin to really take a foothold. Tons of people have said it already in this thread, but Microsoft's goal here is power not necessarily wide spread adoption. I'm thinking a $499 price point with better specs than what was leaked. At least that's my hope.

Yep that's exactly how I see it too, but I also really just prefer Xbox when it comes to most things. Wasn't the reason the majority of people bought PS4 over X1 that it simply was more powerful and of course MS' own message didn't exactly help. It all remains to be seen how big the differences will be in all these upcoming games, but if it's a clear difference I bet there will be enough people changing their main system choice for the multiplatform games.

Maybe Scorpio can have most games at Native 4K while Pro has the checkerboard technique. But if that's all, is that enough for people to get Scorpio over Pro? According to DF it's hard to see the difference between checkerboard and Native 4K. Maybe if the Scorpio games have a better visual fidelity as well, that could make a bigger splash perhaps. We'll see.


Sure. Doesnt mean the line up isnt diverse. Its just different. MS just released a RTS and are coming with a MMO and a coop survival game.

MS is too much oriented toward US market I'd say. Playstation lineup has a worldwide feel since it has games from every corner of the planet. Maybe that's why people always think MS lacks diversity in their lineup.


Yeah, didn't Phil go to Japan recently. Hopefully getting more support even if it's just multiplatform like Nier Automata.


Will be interesting "how much" they show.

I believe we all remember the PS4 console annoucement where we only saw a controller and no console ;-)

Games will obviously be at E3 but open is still

* console itself (casing)
* hardware details
* OS (rumored to be a slightly altered UI)
* price
* launch date
* "new killer feature"


Unconfirmed Member
Considering how they have marketed the hardware, I would be astonished if they don't present a tech demo during the reveal.


Sony has just had a lucky Q1 with many exclusives scoring well over their expectations, specially the 3 japanese ones...that's why their lineup looks so much better atm
What?? That's Xbox's biggest problem lately. The exclusive lineup isn't very diverse.

Tease some games. Having the most powerful console in the world means nothing without games. The most powerful console hasn't won since SNES. I'm praying MS doesn't just think having the best multi-plats is going to solve its problems. Tease or show at least one new piece of software.
It's not diverse to people that don't know the exclusive/console exclusive games and think it's all halo gears and Forza.


I dont let them have a pass on this, they had 8 years between 360 and XB1, there was no crazy deadline, only their own shitty project management. The S is a move in the right direction though

So what? At least the OG XB1 was very quiet and very reliable.
Sony has just had a lucky Q1 with many exclusives scoring well over their expectations, specially the 3 japanese ones...that's why their lineup looks so much better atm

You mean release strategy? Lol luck... how did these games just end up exclusive on PS4? We don't know it's all luck.
Yeah, didn't Phil go to Japan recently. Hopefully getting more support even if it's just multiplatform like Nier Automata.

Oh I would love to have Nier Automata on Xbox One, but also more JRPGs. I know it's not gonna happen soon if ever but what about Ni No Kuni 2? It is coming to PC so bring it to Xbox as well you know? Then there's Persona and so on. Should be interesting to see what Japanese games we're getting.


I meant that they coul'd have done the same thing and have the games score 85's...always a luck factor involved to get 4 of them at once over 90.

They worked hard for that shot though. I guess was a poor choice of words lol, didnt want to belittle Sony.

It's not that Sony has more diversity, is also that that diversity in the Japanese games brings also top notch quality and scores over 90
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