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PS4 Firmware 2.50 (Yukimura) coming March 26


They're pretty terrible with PS4's UI/OS.
Where's friend notifications? Can't be that fucking hard since they let me know every person that creates and/or joins a party.
Where's some damn folders to clean up that horizontal row of shit?
Where's custom backgrounds? Not themes Sony wants me to pay for. Themes I make myself.
It's like no one knows what the hell they're doing when they went from PS3 to PS4.

Absolutely. The idea that a software team could put together an OS without folders in 2015 is mind-boggling. The firmware team is still one of the weakest links in the Playstation ecosystem.


I know I have been fucked a couple of times by the feature on Xbox One so I don't really use it.

That is really strange. Never heard one person having issues with suspend and resume on Xbox One besides Ori, and now that issue is fixed with the latest preview update, but before that, nothing glaring.
That is really strange. Never heard one person having issues with suspend and resume on Xbox One besides Ori, and now that issue is fixed with the latest preview update, but before that, nothing glaring.

It's happened to me with D4 and Forza Horizon 2. Sometimes I turn on my XB1 and the game is just no longer running.


It's happened to me with D4 and Forza Horizon 2. Sometimes I turn on my XB1 and the game is just no longer running.

Yeah, idk, different experiences I guess and from peoples' impressions I dont think it is nowhere common and works 99% of the time. If you did a hard shut down, or an update in the background while you were away, the game will shut down and not be resumed.


May well have been discussed but does anybody know if you're able to reassign buttons so that it saves different configurations for each game or is it just a overall change of buttons?


Absolutely. The idea that a software team could put together an OS without folders in 2015 is mind-boggling. The firmware team is still one of the weakest links in the Playstation ecosystem.

To be fair: Folders are not a very modern concept.

It would be better if it was handled by filters and sorting options and so on.


That is really strange. Never heard one person having issues with suspend and resume on Xbox One besides Ori, and now that issue is fixed with the latest preview update, but before that, nothing glaring.

I've heard of issues people have had plenty of times. It's messed up with me a few times on FH2 and Sunset Overdrive.
for those of you that tried the Beta, what was the status of Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited? did those two apps still have the old branding or the new style?

new style posted here
That is really strange. Never heard one person having issues with suspend and resume on Xbox One besides Ori, and now that issue is fixed with the latest preview update, but before that, nothing glaring.

Happened to me twice on Forza Horizon 2.

Not a huge loss as the game saves frequently but it kept me from using it in games that really needed it.


I've heard of issues people have had plenty of times. It's messed up with me a few times on FH2 and Sunset Overdrive.

From forums and friends havent heard of problems and also playing those games a ton, I havent. I have 1000G in Sunset and did not have a problem once along with the other titles. If a game or system update is in the background, it will shut down the game and not be resumed or a hard shutdown. That is more likely to be the cause.


They're pretty terrible with PS4's UI/OS.
Where's friend notifications? Can't be that fucking hard since they let me know every person that creates and/or joins a party.
Where's some damn folders to clean up that horizontal row of shit?
Where's custom backgrounds? Not themes Sony wants me to pay for. Themes I make myself.
It's like no one knows what the hell they're doing when they went from PS3 to PS4.

I find it hard to disagree with any of that. Why prioritize stuff like remote play and trophies over folders and online notifications? They have a weird set of priorities.


They're pretty terrible with PS4's UI/OS.
Where's friend notifications? Can't be that fucking hard since they let me know every person that creates and/or joins a party.
Where's some damn folders to clean up that horizontal row of shit?
Where's custom backgrounds? Not themes Sony wants me to pay for. Themes I make myself.
It's like no one knows what the hell they're doing when they went from PS3 to PS4.

Launch firmware is always going to be stripped down and relatively bare. It's smart to remove pretty much everything that isn't mission critical to ensure a smooth and safe launch. Then you add the features back in over time.

Folders make sense to patch in at a later date since not many people will need them at first (granted, they're needed now). Custom themes will never rise above a 'nice to have' so will be near the bottom of the priority list. I do think they skipped some key features (like grouping friends since we can have so many) but in general the launch OS got the job done, and that's a huge success - and that success is in part due to stripping out non-critical features to ensure solid performance/reliability.


They're pretty terrible with PS4's UI/OS.
Where's friend notifications? Can't be that fucking hard since they let me know every person that creates and/or joins a party.
Where's some damn folders to clean up that horizontal row of shit?
Where's custom backgrounds? Not themes Sony wants me to pay for. Themes I make myself.
It's like no one knows what the hell they're doing when they went from PS3 to PS4.

None of these are really essential, meanwhile the 1GB upload limit should be the number one priority for the next update. 1GB is absolutely useless for anyone with a decently size library.


Same here, it's pretty spotty on my X1. It works most of the time, but that's not really good enough. If I can't rely on it 100% I'm simply not going to use it.

"works most of the time" is what gives me zero confidence in using the function. If Sony makes it work 100 percent of the time, it'll be a huge improvement over XB1's implementation.


I find it hard to disagree with any of that. Why prioritize stuff like remote play and trophies over folders and online notifications? They have a weird set of priorities.

Because many people care more about remote play and trophies than folders and online notifications.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
That is really strange. Never heard one person having issues with suspend and resume on Xbox One besides Ori, and now that issue is fixed with the latest preview update, but before that, nothing glaring.

MCC and Killer Instinct act like fucking idiots for me with suspend resume. I actually rarely use it. Not too many games in my experience work 100% with it. I doubt it wil be any different here.


Where's custom backgrounds? Not themes Sony wants me to pay for. Themes I make myself,

What makes this worse is that 99% of the themes for sale are: 1) over-priced; 2) ugly, half-assed efforts; and 3) don't have any form of previews (pictures or videos) to see what they look like before purchasing.
"works most of the time" is what gives me zero confidence in using the function. If Sony makes it work 100 percent of the time, it'll be a huge improvement over XB1's implementation.
Do you have a vita? Works perfectly every single time. I swear I've had it hold on to my game even when the battery died.

Gives some hope that they will make it work that well for PS4.
Because many people care more about remote play and trophies than folders and online notifications.

That's great and all, but when your new console is missing basic features that your old console had then those should be a priority over than new improvements. Taking away features to give us new ones is lame.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
as a beta user the update has been awesome and I think nearly all of y'all are going to dig it.
Launch firmware is always going to be stripped down and relatively bare. It's smart to remove pretty much everything that isn't mission critical to ensure a smooth and safe launch. Then you add the features back in over time.

this is silly. they only did this because of the changes in hardware/processor/architecture. hypothetically, if a ps5 comes out in 4 years and has an x86 and similar hardware, you'd better believe the OS will be a new version of whatever is on ps4 at the time and will be much more feature complete
I'm personally happy with no friend online notifications as I find them annoying, but I agree the option should be there.

Same. I have way more PSN friends than before thanks to GAF, there's people coming on and offline every couple of minutes it would drive me nuts.

But options are always good so it should be available for those who want it.




Do you have a vita? Works perfectly every single time. I swear I've had it hold on to my game even when the battery died.

Yeah, it works so perfectly on the Vita. Makes it hard for me to transition to the 3DS; and really disappointing that they didn't allow for some of this functionality in the New 3DS--you can't even open the eShop app if you're running a game!


Depends what you mean by energy efficient. The PS4 has a design flaw that the USB mode if turned on in rest mode consumes power at all times even if nothing is connected.

Rest mode (connected standby) with USB charging turned on is ~8W
Rest mode without USB charging turned on is ~3W.

There is also a 3 hour time limit for USB charging you can opt into.
Thanks for the details! I guess it's time to keep my PS4 at rest mode. Crap I usually leave the USB cable connected to the console even if I don't have a controller connected to it.


Thanks for the details! I guess it's time to keep my PS4 at rest mode. Crap I usually leave the USB cable connected to the console even if I don't have a controller connected to it.

There's a power save setting somewhere where you can tell the console to stop supplying power to the USB ports after 3 three hours (enough time to charge a typical controller), and the power consumption drops to regular levels (~3W for rest mode).


extra source of jiggaflops
Thanks for the details! I guess it's time to keep my PS4 at rest mode. Crap I usually leave the USB cable connected to the console even if I don't have a controller connected to it.
The issue is not leaving a cable connected. It's the PS4 doesn't detect if something is actually plugged in that would want to draw power.

I'm not an electrical engineer but it basically wastes 5 Watts to power the USB ports when you don't set the "Rest Mode Settings" to "USB charging: Off"

I hope that clears it up.
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