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PS4 Firmware 2.50 (Yukimura) coming March 26


so let me see if i understood it correctly :

if i delete lets say far cry 3 on a PS4 it will be deleted BUT if i log in on my PS3 the game will still show up there??

thats kinda weird and stupid to be honest...

That's correct.

They may be able to update the PS3 so they don't show too, though the last few PS3 OS updates have been very lacklustre.


Gold Member
Here's a screenshot of the app bar with the new PS Store location from the beta.


What's the over/under on when there will be a SingStar icon right next to it. I give it a year.

Does it stay in the front like the whats new icon?

I hope so (easier for me !)

Kinda dumb that they had the entrance to their "take your money" app slightly tucked away b4


Pls tell me that one of the most basic features is in.


I don't understand why people want this w/ the size of friend lists these days it would be extremely annoying, and left out of the Xbox One and PS4 UI's for a reason. Just message your friend when you're online if you're meeting up to play a game, literally no hassle?
Not yet, nope.
What in the fuck

How was this not there day 1???

Like wtf sony
I don't understand why people want this w/ the size of friend lists these days it would be extremely annoying, and left out of the Xbox One and PS4 UI's for a reason. Just message your friend when you're online if you're meeting up to play a game, literally no hassle?

Just put an on/off button for the notification settings.

Simple as that

Will Spotify and the subsequent removal of Music Unlimited be another system update? I'd imagine it would be to remove MU, but maybe Spotify is just an app instead of built in like MU.


Here's a screenshot of the app bar with the new PS Store location from the beta.


I preferred it up the top hidden away, but that's the main reason they are moving it so it isn't. I guess I'll get used to it and won't even think about it

It just highlights that the UI itself needs an overhaul, that main app bar is way too cluttered.


Unconfirmed Member
Will Spotify and the subsequent removal of Music Unlimited be another system update? I'd imagine it would be to remove MU, but maybe Spotify is just an app instead of built in like MU.

I'd like them to add support for Google Play Music so I can access the music I have uploaded there.
Very glad to see suspend/resume finally coming out, and I'll definitely make use of that 60fps SharePlay.

The only two OS features I'd like to see added:

* The ability to see notifications for "favorite" friends.
* The ability to appear offline.

That second one has completely busted any online etiquette me and my buddies had established with the 360. On the Xbox you can at least put yourself in a state where people know in advance not to bother you. On the PS4 you just have to bother people first to find out whether people mind being bothered. Its accidentally rude.
So is the Store tile going to be a permanent fixture there like the What's New tile?

Because I spent over a minute last night trying to find my Live From Playstation app which ended up running off my cross bar and I had to hunt around for it in the crappily organized Library.


I don't understand why people want this w/ the size of friend lists these days it would be extremely annoying, and left out of the Xbox One and PS4 UI's for a reason. Just message your friend when you're online if you're meeting up to play a game, literally no hassle?

It was left out the Xbox's UI but shortly added back in again with the option of being notified only when a select group of "favourite" friends come online. I think that's better than not having the option at all.
I might start buying more digital games now. I seldom to do now mostly become of price, but also because of the pain in the ass it would be to download an entire library again if my hard drive or PS4 failed.


It was left out the Xbox's UI but shortly added back in again with the option of being notified only when a select group of "favourite" friends come online. I think that's better than not having the option at all.

Agreed, but now it is becoming less a simole feature to just pop in - you're looking at adding the ability to choose favourites and manage those too.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
i really hope they update that because its just plain dumb

am i the only one who thinks that?

That's beyond fucking dumb and has completely removed all hype I had for this update. So all you're really doing is hiding those games on your PS4 list. Fuck the PlayStation OS team are sub par.
I don't understand why people want this w/ the size of friend lists these days it would be extremely annoying, and left out of the Xbox One and PS4 UI's for a reason. Just message your friend when you're online if you're meeting up to play a game, literally no hassle?

It's on the Xbox One and it has a great system for handling this. You can choose which freinds you wish to notify you by setting them as a favorite. It works fantastic.

Anyways I could care less about most of these changes but suspend resume if it works is going to be extremely useful
It's on the Xbox One and it has a great system for handling this. You can choose which freinds you wish to notify you by setting them as a favorite. It works fantastic.

Anyways I could care less about most of these changes but suspend resume if it works is going to be extremely useful

That's great. Even better would be friend "categories' like Google+ circles, but the XB1 feature is very good.


this is silly. they only did this because of the changes in hardware/processor/architecture. hypothetically, if a ps5 comes out in 4 years and has an x86 and similar hardware, you'd better believe the OS will be a new version of whatever is on ps4 at the time and will be much more feature complete

No, it's not silly. Feature Creep is a deadline killer. The potential ease of transition from PS4 to PS5 has nothing to do with the transition from PS3 to PS4 so I don't even know why you bring that up - it's apples and oranges given the PS4 firmware was 'from scratch'. So yes, it's perfectly understandable (and wise) that they'd prioritize the feature set and we wouldn't get every feature on the PS4 at launch that the PS3 had at the end of its lifecycle.

Anyone who has ever worked on a tech project before should understand that we wouldn't get 'all ps3 features + more!' at launch. But don't worry, we'll get most/all of them, plus extras, through patches during the systems lifetime. As it should be.

Do you have a vita? Works perfectly every single time. I swear I've had it hold on to my game even when the battery died.

Gives some hope that they will make it work that well for PS4.

The Vita will save your state even if your battery dies while playing. And if you're in suspend state, not only will the battery last ridiculously long, it'll also protect your state. It's amazing. Not sure how the ps4 will fare in that regard since battery power outage is predictable whereas your power going out isn't... but perhaps it'll save your state to the drive and reload it if there is a power outage? I guess we'll know soon enough.

That's great and all, but when your new console is missing basic features that your old console had then those should be a priority over than new improvements. Taking away features to give us new ones is lame.

Features don't get priority status simply because they existed previously on older systems. I mean, heck, there's a better than fair chance the people working on 'complex' features like suspend/resume and remote play optimization aren't the same people working on the UI. There's also a chance they've determined something like friend notification has other dependencies to make it work well (for example, adding functionality to allow you to group friends, then mark which groups should give you notifications) that would make the project bigger and thus take longer.
That's great and all, but when your new console is missing basic features that your old console had then those should be a priority over than new improvements. Taking away features to give us new ones is lame.

It's not "taking away" features.

PS4 was built from scratch and every feature had to be recreated as well. It's not like there's an option to just click an "import features" button and magically have all PS3 functionality.

Additionally, the PS3 motto was "It only does everything" and was designed as an all in one entertainment device, much like XB1 was initially conceived.

PS4 was built 100% focused on gaming which means many other non-essential features like DLNA etc got left out.


Unconfirmed Member
Not sure that will happen t be honest as they keep making a point of Spotify being their exclusive partner for music.

True but I don't want to listen to ads while playing music and I don't want another subscription either.


I wish I could wait for "impressions" before updating, in case the update breaks everything. Then again, I need to get my Bloodborne and GTA Heists on, and afaik, the non-0.01 updates are mandatory for online
I'm baffled as to why the notification thing was base with the Vita but not the PS4 lol I mean are the logistics really so difficult? Does it have to do with the fact that real names can be used?
Will Spotify and the subsequent removal of Music Unlimited be another system update? I'd imagine it would be to remove MU, but maybe Spotify is just an app instead of built in like MU.

if it requires a FW update then they would be looking at a few more months before the next one arrives. the Blog said it would be arriving around now so I'm going to bet on it being an easy swap from MusicUnlimited to Spotify.
- Back-Up and Restore HDD to USB — Back-up and restore your hard disc drive data associated with users on your PS4, including settings, saved data, screenshots and video clips as well as games, patches and download data, to and from an external USB drive.

Awesome! I can finally replace my hard drive.
I have a question: Will suspend/resume work if the console is completely turned off? I know it will work when the PS4 is put into rest mode, but I am not sure if it will work if power is down.


I have a question: Will suspend/resume work if the console is completely turned off? I know it will work when the PS4 is put into rest mode, but I am not sure if it will work if power is down.

Put console into Rest mode while a game is running : It will suspend and resume
Put console into Rest mode while no game running: Works as it does now


I'm baffled as to why the notification thing was base with the Vita but not the PS4 lol I mean are the logistics really so difficult? Does it have to do with the fact that real names can be used?
What's even better is that while I'm using remote play on my Vita I get friend alerts. So I can have friend alerts overlap my ps4 games via the Vita, but not native on PS4? Makes no damn sense.
I don't understand why people want this w/ the size of friend lists these days it would be extremely annoying, and left out of the Xbox One and PS4 UI's for a reason. Just message your friend when you're online if you're meeting up to play a game, literally no hassle?
I just make a party whenever I sign in and my friends join when they get on.
Anyone who has ever worked on a tech project before should understand that we wouldn't get 'all ps3 features + more!' at launch. But don't worry, we'll get most/all of them, plus extras, through patches during the systems lifetime. As it should be.

I don't know about that. PS4 did less out of the box at launch than PS3 did.
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