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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)

Sounds cool and all but WHY?

Nobody asked or wanted this?

Seems pointless

They see Apple sell 75 million phones a quarter and people willing to trade up for better hardware.

edit: This thread is why I dislike leaks. People freaking out without possibly having the whole picture. Calm down.


Microsoft can save the day here. Just have Phil come out on stage at E3 and announce that the Xbox One you bought at launch will be the same Xbox One you buy in 3 years.

Hopefully there's a 50% path to upgrade otherwise this is crap. I love my PS4 and changing it out now seems like one of those out of touch market leader decisions company's end up regretting.


Wording is everything.

considerable sacrifices made to performance.

Could just as easily be expressed with:

Considerable improvements for PS4K.

This is why this leak could damage Sony. It's not a 'downgrade' for the PS4 games, they'll be at the level they've always been, it's an 'upgrade' for PS4K owners.

Yes, could. We don't know yet but saying they will stay at the same level speaks more hope then knowledge.
No need to get defensive already.


It's for VR mostly and the bullet point 4K marketing. What else comes with it is pretty meaningless is my guess, nicer looking, better performing games but the same stuff in the end.


I wanna post a reaction pic too


Nyoro SF

Fuck... now that I know the deets, I'm pushed into a tough corner. Stick with my current PS4 as the price deteriorates, content gets walled off and games play worse is not a fun proposition.

I thought the whole point of the console market was so that these sorts of things wouldn't happen. :(


Generation is a term that will likely cease to exist.

Given the way they named this console, I think they expect to take on Apple's naming scheme of having an iPhone 4, then a 4S, then a 5, etc. I'm fully expecting a PlayStation 5 in 2019, followed by a PS5Something in 2022.

Cross-gen games get to work on less of a legacy basis, but yes, it will be a more fluid generation concept.



its great, the normal PS4 will play the same games just less graphics. the new one plays better graphics for the people that wanted better looking games. nobody is forcing you to upgrade as you can get the same game for your vanilla PS4. its a win win.

With how they worded it, I really doubt that.


IM so pissed off at Sony right now, honestly other than one or two games what really are the Advantages of console gaming. If I wanted a short upgrade cycle we would all be PC gamers for the most part.


It was also stated that these games will in fact work for the PS4 but with considerable sacrifices made to performance.

Not gonna take it as fact cause it's a rumor and I don't know if OP is credible but.... there it is, if it's true.

I'm soooooooooooo done if this is true. So fucking done. We'll see.

Don't know what everyone is moaning about. The quote below:

"these games will in fact work for the PS4 but with considerable sacrifices made to performance"

To me means that the old PS4 will play games with equal performance to how they are now, e.g. 1080p 30fps, which obviously would be a downgrade from the games that take advantage of the PS4k. E.g. 1080p 60fps or 4K 30fps (Hint, it has a better GPU and CPU).

Honestly re read it and think it through properly.

You are asuming every PS4K game will e 60 fps and this is so wrong. People said the same shit with PS4. At the end, devs will want to push the hardware, and that means 30 fps on PS4K... and probably 20 on PS4.

Also lol at 4k... native for sure it won't happen, even with double the power on GPU.
Well all of you people not wanting a big gap between console generations and want to see the latest tech come to you...you got your wish.

Thank the gods I bought my PS4/for $250 brand new over more than a year ago. Will do the same for PS4K.


Darkness no more
I am interested, but mostly because I also want a 4k blu-ray player. This seems like a bad idea if the old system doesn't run things as well though.
Microsoft can save the day here. Just have Phil come out on stage at E3 and announce that the Xbox One you bought at launch will be the same Xbox One you buy in 3 years.

Hopefully there's a 50% path to upgrade otherwise this is crap. I love my PS4 and changing it out now seems like one of those out of touch market leader decisions company's end up regretting.
Hell no. I want the options. Give consumers a choice.


hide your water-based mammals
Devs will code for 2 spec ranges now.

I would consider getting this.

Thia will be much easier to work with as you will have 2 boxes with set specs.

I'm intrigued.


Why is it a fuck you? Your (vastly inferior) PS4 will not stop working. And you'll continue to be able to play future PS4 games (at subHD and sub 20fps).

Seriously though, nothing's stopping you from selling your current PS4 to get some money for the upgrade.
Are you a Sony employee? If not...dear lord


Is it really that different?

It's basically the DSi/N3DS idea of having an update halfway through the generation.

Yea and look at where people stand on N3DS? DSi still played the same games with very little hardware change outside of a camera.

Having twice the GPU power is going to persuade developers to make games that utilize that, and alienate people who don't own the upgraded hardware.

IT takes one high profile title to split the user base.

It's a bad road to go down. Unless SOny make a clear statement that this is solely for just output resolution and 4k bluray playback, they are in for a world of hurt from backlash.


I bought a GTX 970 instead of a 980ti.

I had to make sacrifices when running my games.

I'm outraged with Nvidia, outraged I tell you. How dare they sell something better than the GPU I chose?

Yes, there is no difference between buying something you knew was less powerful than something else on the market and buying something you thought was going to be the most powerful console on the market for 6-7 years but instead a more powerful one comes out 3 years later. No difference.


Donald Trump will stop the PS4K. He will build a wall around it and stop it from invading our country with its doubled GPU goodness.
So many PS4 games already have some terrible sub-par performance. If this takes off, i foresee a very shitty future for the original PS4 owners.
Same. I'll be done with consoles and just stick to PC, which I already have to upgrade frequently.

Utter nonsense. Some devs struggle to hit 900p/30fps on these machines and now they'll have to optimise for TWO specs, one significantly higher? Lmao. Looking forward to 720p/30fps down ports.


The future is scary if the market accepts this.

The gadget market has already accepted this shit. Years ago. People upgrade their phones every year, or every two years. People saying this isn't going to work out for Sony aren't paying attention.


Will probably cancel my PSVR preorder for this if true.

I guess Sony really isn't serious about VR taking off quite yet if they're going to sabotage the launch with a more powerful PS4.


This is bad news. It will alienate loyal PS4 owners. And I am sure all new games moving forward will REQUIRE the PS4k to run.

This sucks.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
OK ya know what.

i'm in.

$500 for PS VR this fall, hopefully $200 upgrade cost to PS4K in spring '17.

that doesn't sound too bad.


Is it really that different?

It's basically the DSi/N3DS idea of having an update halfway through the generation.

With both of those there was no real difference in the games available though, that was the key point. In order for their not to be major backlash it would have to be similar case where the PS4K gets very little exclusive or noticeable support. This is much more tricky territory because of the amount of people you can potentially piss off on both of the sides with a much higher hardware cost to regret. I don't see any outcome of this where Sony doesn't lose mindshare one or the other.

Oh and by the way, buy a $400 VR unit for the FULL PS experience. This holiday is going to be fun to watch.


Well then.

$500 is gonna be disappointing if true, even with the increased power. VR takes priority if this thing comes out this year (which would be stupid, IMO).

The "considerable sacrifices made to performance" is exactly what I feared and what I declared loudly in the other threads. I bought a PS4 last summer. I will be frustrated if my future library is already getting cut short.

interesting that they are thinking both $399 and $499... I think they might go for $399 config in the end.

As to the "considerable sacrifices made to performance", it just a statement looked at from wrong direction - base PS4 games will be able to be upgraded 2x in term of graphics to run on PS4k. It does not mean that PS4k games will run ok and then suddenly PS4 games will be 15fps games.
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