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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)


Hopefully these early-mid generation upgrades are only happening because of 4K and will not be the norm.

But personally I don't mind buying a new PlayStation every 3-4 years, but every year like an iPhone would be horrible. Also considering I always have two consoles for my "main" console (Living Room & Bedroom), this could get rough.

I basically quit PC gaming because I was sick of being OCD about the upgrades.

You think they are going to hose PS4K buyers by going to an entirely new generation in a couple years? Nah, this generation is the last generation and everything will be muddled in the future. At some point devs will stop targeting the PS4.


I'm extremely skeptical they can get 4k games at even 30 FPS. And games being developed for PS4K being significantly downgraded on PS4 is horrifying, but not unexpected.

Edit: PS4 trade-in value about to plummet, better make your decision fast!


Man. This doesn't sound very incremental to me.

In what sense?

The PS4's GPU is nearly 8 times the FLOP count of the Xbox 360 by comparison.

This sounds like it's somewhere between 2-4 times depending on how much the clock speed has changed. It's about a half-step.


2X GPU upgrade in power? Not sure if interested.....now if they go for the beefier CPU maybe.....$399 is better but I could probably stomach $499 if I had to. $399 is the sweet spot.
Is it really that different?

It's basically the DSi/N3DS idea of having an update halfway through the generation.

I don't think handheld users are under illusions that they have "top-tier" hardware and graphic fidelity.

Considering the key selling point of PS4 is that it has the "best tech" in consoles, telling the existing userbase that "lol you don't have the best tech anymore unless you pay $400-$500 more" is a kick in the nuts for folks that are invested into their platforms financially and emotionally.
I'm not dropping $400 every couple of years on a new console, gravitating more towards PC every day honestly.

That is what I said once too. Now I spend way more money on PC and I still drop it on consoles.

First it's 1440. Then its 1440 with 60fps. Then it's gsync/free sync. Then it's ultrawide. Then it's 4k. Soon it will be 4k 60fps.

My biggest question is do I try selling my launchPS4 now. I still have my 20th anniversary sealed... hmmm.


Unconfirmed Member
Glad I didn't get a Ps4 yet, do we know anything involving Deep Down? Is it going to be Ps4 exclusive?

I'll probably pick this up day 1, or wait for a bundle.

My only hope is that Sony and Microsoft (if they do this as well) do the right thing and say "If you have the previous model, send it to us with X amount of dollars and within a certain amount of time you will get the updated model."




I just want to know:

Are current PS4 users getting the shaft?

Current PS4 users aren't going to be given poorer treatment are they? I worry that devs wont optimize games for us the same way anymore

No way that happens. It'll likely be an increased graphical upgrade for ps4k people don't see them just giving up on the old audience especially since I think in the grand scheme there will be more ps4 vanilla owners for a long time to come.
Still waiting for official info to drop from Sony and/or Microsoft for this sort of thing, but haven't heard anything as earth shattering as people let on about. I am on board.

Highly skeptical of the 4k for games part of all this. I'd be perfectly happy with 1080p60 across the board, which seems much more likely.
It's not bad at all but the psychology of people wanting to be pissed will be the real scary situation.

I dont think its a big deal at all and makes sense to keep your system in check with the increase in pc players and upgrades.


they could've kept it in check with the OG PS4 if they didn't go so cheap on the machine by including a dusty GPU and a netbook CPU

so maybe we shouldn't have to pay for their choice to release an underpowered machine in the first place.


OP why would existing games not utilize into that cool 2x GPU power unless devs make an "unlikely" patch to utilize the new power?

Why would a system with such an increase in GPU power be offered at the same price as the existing PS4?

Why would a very slight CPU upgrade be debated that would supposedly be the sole reason for upping the cost an extra $100? If they were just getting a better CPU to utilize the GPU more efficiently, why have a "slight" upgrade?

Sounds fake as all hell dude.

its great, the normal PS4 will play the same games just less graphics. the new one plays better graphics for the people that wanted better looking games. nobody is forcing you to upgrade as you can get the same game for your vanilla PS4. its a win win.

This is my view too. We already have a situation where PS4 games won't play as well as a different machine. PC's. All they're doing is giving us a choice other than a PC.
No one needs to upgrade, and anyone that starts complaining that it's unfair that some players have better graphics are just showing sour grapes.

Before PS4K existed, they were content to play games on it, and now they aren't? Makes no sense to me.


Sounds like a giant "fuck you" to me. I mean the WiiU situation was pretty clear: the system is dead in the water, they need a new system sooner rather than later, but do we really need the PS4K? I'm not sure I want any part of this.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Shove that right now

Barely anyone buys new flagship phones unsubsidised.

You're right, but even on new 2 year contracts a new iPhone is what, $200-$400?

Point is, tech changes fast, why should we be stuck with hardware for 7 years like last gen when we could upgrade sooner?
So for a good VR experience you will have to pay 400 for PSVR and 400 again for the console that works well?!? That's Vita memory Cards on another level.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
This is bad news. It will alienate loyal PS4 owners. And I am sure all new games moving forward will REQUIRE the PS4k to run.

This sucks.

The hysteria in this thread is fucking insane. No one is going to bail on 50 million PS4s sold, not Sony, not 3rd parties. Even if this was twice as powerful as the original PS4 the list of exclusive nPS4 games would be about as long as the list of exclusive n3DS games.


I hope Sony gets out and says something soon, if this is real, I feel like I should sell my PS4 asap, and wait to play Uncharted on the PS4k, maybe an over reaction but that's where I'm at right now...

maybe this will turn out to be great, but my initial feeling is:


Microsoft can save the day here. Just have Phil come out on stage at E3 and announce that the Xbox One you bought at launch will be the same Xbox One you buy in 3 years.

Hopefully there's a 50% path to upgrade otherwise this is crap. I love my PS4 and changing it out now seems like one of those out of touch market leader decisions company's end up regretting.

Sounds like Phil Spencer is already in the same boat but perhaps they got caught with their pants down since PS4 was so sucessful, Sony doing the PS4K this year wasn't even a thought in Redmond. Microsoft is screwed either way, they should wait it out until next year.
I truly truly believe this is a huuuuuge mistake for Sony. Why do this now? PS4 is killin it and has great momentum. At least wait until sales plateau before doing something like this.

I just don't understand why this is happening when it is.


I will be buying this instantly btw. Day freaking 1 and I'm so happy the industry is going this way. Can't wait to see what the next version of the Xbox One looks like.

Also, OP you have some serious balls putting this out there

Same here. 7 year cycles are just too long. And as long as they play the same games (iOS style) it's great. Will definetly get one. Just hope that it's not only 4k but also 1080p/60fps or downsampling from 4k to 1080p (Don't have 4k). And I hope they use better fans/coolers this time (they won't).
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