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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)


Golden Boy
Is it just games that are targeted for 4k? If so wouldn't care that much.

Just the same look as ps4? but added 60 frames or increased resolution?
I want to know this too.
Are we only expecting 4k, but at the same graphics level? I doubt 4k/60 is possible, so most likely 4k/30. but what about 1080/60

Bloodborne at 4k/30 is unnecessary, but at 1080/60 however...


This is such a FU. I think its a bad idea. I mean I was think a PS4 was starting to be worth it but not at this price and am not buying the obsolete.

Not smart to do whilst shutting studios. Less first party outfit to ensure they look after the userbase on both.

Not to mention this is just going to increase dev costs too. Clusterfuck IMO and I won't be buying either product.


the outrage at this is bizarre to say this least. double the gpu and better cpu for the same price sounds pretty incredible to me.

On paper it sounds great but for those who currently own a PS4 it's a bit worrying. Iterative hardware almost always comes down to 'you have the first version? well, you can play X game but it won't run well because we built it for the second version!' and this isn't something that is very common in console gaming. If they kept it to where a game runs fine on the PS4 but maybe can fit more stuff on screen or be more stable on the PS4K? Sounds awesome, but I'm worried that won't happen.


Devs will code for 2 spec ranges now.

I would consider getting this.

Thia will be much easier to work with as you will have 2 boxes with set specs.

I'm intrigued.
So they've got time to code for 2 specs now? 4 if you belive the XBO1.5 rumours? Fuck me, they can sometimes barely hit release schedules now without chucking another two specs into the mix.


Yes, there is no difference between buying something you knew was less powerful than something else on the market and buying something you thought was going to be the most powerful console on the market for 6-7 years but instead a more powerful one comes out 3 years later. No difference.

Is this all it really comes down to? "The one I bought has to be the most powerful one"

Really...? Are you scared your friends will think less of you now that your console of choice is no longer the most powerful one?

This thread is embarrassing.


Gold Member
This is bad news. It will alienate loyal PS4 owners. And I am sure all new games moving forward will REQUIRE the PS4k to run.

This sucks.

Doubt it, PC is very capable of giving choice in terms of graphics and performance. Why wouldn't a console based on PC hardware be able to do the same?


Its actually more than ok. Its the best thing to happen to this industry.

Say goodbye to holding onto old ass technology for 6 or more years.

Such a great move for this industry

Yes alienating 30+ million users is the best thing that's ever happened to this industry, what great times we're living in.


I'll probably buy one, but I feel like I'll be missing out without a 4k monitor to go with it. I was planning on upgrading my GPU too though soon so maybe I'll just go all out and get a new monitor too.


I mean these boxes were underpowered when they came out.

But for this, Sony made intentionally customizations to the gpu for gpgpu. I would like to hear from devs whether that took off and what will happen to that, now that there will be better hardware available.


The only way I'm okay with this if new games released on the old PS4 also are optimized and supported after launch. I bought a PS4 in December, I don't own a 4K TV so I wasn't interested in this, but I don't want to play 600p powerpoint presentations from now on

The meltDOWNS HA!

Stay PRESSed lol!

These meltdowns I LIVE FOR!

Promising thread ngl


what language is this


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
I just want to know:

Are current PS4 users getting the shaft?

Current PS4 users aren't going to be given poorer treatment are they? I worry that devs wont optimize games for us the same way anymore
Sure...I mean it's not like any publisher is currently releasing games that are not 1080p or running on anything less than a locked 60fps or 30fps RIGHT NOW at this very moment.

That would be atrocious since they are currently giving us the proper treatment.
Can I be the first to say, don't panic, OG PS4 owners. 2x the GPU power isn't nearly as much as you may think. It'll allow for more games to run at 60fps, but not much more.
Just think about how awesome it could be (im doubtful on this part)

If you were a launch ps4 buyer an buy this late next year while being able to play the games from late this year with nice increase. You can wait to buy those games, buy them now and still play them now and they are future proof. If it ends up this way , its nothing but a benefit long term. That's all we ask for in our games, future proof and increase in performance down the road (pc games always have this benefit possibility)



I want no part of this, we just started this gen!

If sony are already doing this with the massive arse whipping that the ps4 has handed out. Then it it has gotta be a direct response tothe NX and what ever Microsoft has saved for E3.


I honestly believe it's their 3rd parties pushing this stuff. Sony and MS are very 3rd party centric. Last generation was a bit hard on them and iterative consoles helps mitigate risk.

I mean, hey if they are willing to bite the pillow and take the heat from consumers to try to establish mid-cycle hardware upgrades as the new normal for consoles then more power to them but I just think this is going to do nothing but generate massive ill-will towards Sony.

I especially feel bad for people who bought a PS4 within the last 6 months. Like that has to really sting especially for them.
I can see a "60 fps only possible on PS4K" :( shit

not shadows of mordor ps3/xbox 360 port bad but still a jip for first year buyers of Ps4

they back


Halfway? We're 2.5 years in!

How long were you expecting the generation to last? The PS3 released in 2006 and the PS4 came out in 2013, which was 7 years later.

Most publishers wanted the generation shorter by about a year, so it would have presumably been a 6 year generation under normal circumstances. The generation will be 3 years old by the time this launches.


Neo Member
Honestly, I buy consoles because I don't want to worry about hardware upgrades. If they launch a significantly more powerful PS4, basically it's better to jump ship and play on PC. At least on PC I wouldn't have to replace the entire thing, just a GPU and/or CPU and would be good to go.

I also think that in the next generation people would be more cautious before buying consoles at launch. Anyway, I think what we will probably see is a PS4 slim with minor upgrades.


Games run better on more powerful hardware?


lol, your meltdowns are adorable GAF.

The outrage isn't because of your first fact, it is because they are putting out more powerful hardware and driving a wedge between their userbase. Not to mention making Ps4 buyers feel like shit. It's a dumbass move and I don't know what they are thinking.
Oh god, the messaging on this, I am worried about the messaging. Gamestop hopefully will provide some trade-in for current owners, like $250? Maybe?

Oh god.


Of course there isn't going to be an upgrade plan barring trade-ins offered by Gamestop. It's amazing to see people think this.
This is bad news. It will alienate loyal PS4 owners. And I am sure all new games moving forward will REQUIRE the PS4k to run.

This sucks.

This isn't going to happen.

Current PS4 owners will just be playing the "shitty" version. but they'll still get to play!



Well, I fear this is it for my PSVR pre-order. Not that this news makes the launch PS4 any less capable, it's just that devs will target the superior model and I fear non PS4K builds will get a "good enough" approach. If there was one spec for all games it would ensure a less fragmented approach to development.

I really don't want to by a new PS4 along with the headset. Maybe one or the other, but not both.

Luckily I preordered from a physical store so I have 3 days after launch of PSVR to make up my mind.
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