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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)

Goodness. This sounds like a massive step up doesn't it? ...can Uncharted look even better? Run at 60 FPS?

As long as PS4.0 is supported, I don't mind this. But I wonder if developers will bother optimizing for PS4.0, or even if the optimization for both will be balanced.

Can we please expect that? Will devs have to work a significant time to support two different PS4 versions?

I think the scariest thing is that with the generation cycle cut short, this will be Nintendo and MS's chance to show off why they should be the consoles people buy instead of Sony dominating for the next 5 years.

It will be far more competitive and there's a good chance that Sony will lose marketshare and goodwill to their other two competitors if they play it smartly.
Thanks for the info.

Are people really mad that the PS4k will run some new games better than the stock PS4? I thought that was the least we could expect once news got out.

What I find surprising: the price, at least the potential higher price, not sure how this is going to go over.

The Ummah

Oh shiiiiitttttt! Now I don't know how to feel. How can I say no to more power...



Is a GPU twice the power of the PS4's enough for 4K? As in, current PS4 fidelity games like Uncharted 4 etc.


Mother of god.....if deep down comes out looking like the initial screenshots and videos that would be incredible. I'm in day 1 on this thing as soon as it's announced. The PS4 looks night and day better than PS3 games but the leap wasn't that significant. Games struggling to hit 30 fps in 1080p is a joke. It's something my pc has been able to do for 10+ years, so having this more powerful system that takes advantage of locked parts sounds really incredible. I hope it's still fairly quiet.
I just spoke to my partner. I can get one as long as I get a 4K tv...

So I have to start saving.

It makes sense. This isn't the 32X/sega CD era this is actually a good idea. Last gen was so long and I am used to 6 year cycles.

I think this is a good way going forward and hope they release a white one at launch


Damn. I'm actually kind of hyped for a more powerful PS4, especially one that upgrades the CPU (and GPU? neat)

So Deep Down was waiting for that higher power.


I don't see how this is a beneficial move for Sony.
What are you doing other than segregating and confusing your market? This seems like it would make a lot more people upset rather than happy.
Why not just wait a couple more years and put out a PS5 instead? It's not like the PS4 is doing poorly.

We don't know what is coming down the pike from N and MS. This could have been a necessary move.

More likely it has something to do with VR I'm guessing. If the ps4 cannot run vr properly and they want to make a push into that market and leverage all that expertise, then they have to put out a new box.

I really think sony would have preferred a normal generation given how well it is working out for them so far.


Is this what they meant by GREATNESS AWAITS?

(sorry, couldn't resist - I really hope they clarify this situation soon)

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Horrible decision to release an upgraded PS4 in my opinion. Sony is going to completely halt all of their momentum and piss off the 40m consumers that already own a PS4 including me. Consoles are NOT PC's, nor should they become like that. It's funny, you would think that Sony, Microsoft, etc. would learn from previous mistakes but yet, they never ever do.

If Sony releases PS4.5, I hope their entire consumer base says "fuck you" to them because quite honestly, this is fucking bullshit.


Is this all it really comes down to? "The one I bought has to be the most powerful one"

Really...? Are you scared your friends will think less of you now that your console of choice is no longer the most powerful one?

This thread is embarrassing.

I thought I wasn't going to have to spend another $400 to get optimized games 3 years in to the PS4, yes.


guys - the games will just run on your PS4 as before. You have no proof that a PS4K will automatically be the lead platform and the PS4 version an afterthought. The install base is way too huge. It will be the other way around. Build your game for PS4 and run it at a higher frame rate or resolution on the 4K. As easy as that. Chill
Can I be the first to say, don't panic, OG PS4 owners. 2x the GPU power isn't nearly as much as you may think. It'll allow for more games to run at 60fps, but not much more.

Yeah, it seems more like most ps4 games would target potential 30/1080 or sub 1080 while a ot of ps4k games would then target 60/1080 much more often. 4k movie support and increase the visual look in VR up near PC standards.

If they can get PS4 down to 199, all the better for the market and games (ps3 still isnt 200 is it)?
This seems like it absolutely would divide the userbase.

You cannot honestly tell me devs would only use this for better FPS. Not a chance.

That's what it has to be at the base. If they want to upscale 1080p games to 4k, twice the resolution of 1080p, it makes sense that they would need, bare minimum, 2x the performance.



I think a lot of people want it. Vote with your wallet. They're aren't going to let exclusives happen just for the 4K, and if that's the case you have to basis to whine about this. MS is making it clear at this point that there iterative consoles don't mean exclusives for the future systems, Sony is smart enough to do the same.
I bought a ps4 last year to play naughty dog games, now I'm not sure that was a good idea, fuck. Better get rid if my ps4 as soon as possible. Might get a better model a year or two from now.

Yeah i feel fucked over with my purchase now. I have my pc for incremental Upgrades
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