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PSN (Vita/PSP/PS4/PS3) Downloads Thread Z | January 2014 | The Legendary Change

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This is one of the point that scares VitaGAF at the moment. The Vita-thread is a place the small VitaGAF-community can come together and talk about there device. It isn't a rare site when an older game comes up that generates a little discussion. If the discussion move to different small threads like the OT and mixed in this thread than it is very likely it becomes a burden to plunge through whole NeoGAF just to keep up with VitaGAF. Not only that but the small talk about Vita-games in itself will be almost impossible because of the sheer size of NeoGAF. The old Vita-related thread was already hard to keep up with, I can't imagine how it will be when the other two communities will also join this thread.

So we're merging into a big Sony-Gaf?

No, it's because this thread is now about everything PlayStation, not just the Vita.

Because why have four megathreads for four consoles when you can have one megathread for four consoles?

I see.

I don't know what to feel about this. I get what smoky Dave is saying about us not just having a tiny corner to talk about stuff, but tbh a big thread like that would move way to fast for any real conversations to take pleace imo.
This is one of the point that scares VitaGAF at the moment. The Vita-thread is a place the small VitaGAF-community can come together and talk about there device. It isn't a rare site when an older game comes up that generates a little discussion. If the discussion move to different small threads like the OT and mixed in this thread than it is very likely it becomes a burden to plunge through whole NeoGAF just to keep up with VitaGAF. Not only that but the small talk about Vita-games in itself will be almost impossible because of the sheer size of NeoGAF. The old Vita-related thread was already hard to keep up with, I can't imagine how it will be when the other two communities will also join this thread.

I think it'll be good to mingle. Perhaps people who wouldn't normally enter a Vita topic might find interest here in this thread as Vita-specific things pop up.

I felt negatively about the change initially but I'm starting to think it'll end up being positive for everyone. It's not good being insular IMO.


Think I need to get a new JRPG on my Vita. I'm enjoying Soul Sacrifice, but I can't play it for a long time straight for some reason.

Might see how the original Persona grabs me. That isometric control scheme kinda threw me off on my first interrupted play of it.


I've been waiting for a good deal on a retail copy of Ys: Celceta.

I've got $20 in my PSN wallet, but I would really prefer a retail copy...after playing Ys Origins on steam I cant help myself, I've got an Ys addiction.



Exciting new game from Compile Hearts got a website now


It's for PS

Idea Factory also put out an English description of the game on their site. Posted about it last night but I guess it got buried under the commotion.

So Idea Factory just posted an English description of Moero Chronicles (that new Compile Heart game with the boobies). http://ideafintl.com/games/psv_moero.php

Does this mean the game could be coming to NA? I know the nature of the game makes it seem unlikely.

Edit: Tweeted out by IF as well: https://twitter.com/IdeaFactoryIntl/status/420359899671842816

I second this.
But I've never heard of that game before. Is it similar to the Neptunia games?

I'm wondering that as well, considetring Neptunia and Mugen Souls both use similar combat systems.

Yep, we have to stay strong!

I've had some matches with poodude (I don't remember your GAF ID D:) . That Wyvern almost kicked our asses, but in the end we won. It was fun, hope some more people join us next time!

My GAF ID is Tapejara :). I hope more people join next time as well. So if any of you guys ever want to play just add up poodude.
Idea Factory also put out an English description of the game on their site. Posted about it last night but I guess it got buried under the commotion.

Idea Factory International is kinda odd, since they put up English language coverage of the stuff where they haven't landed a western publishing deal.

tbh, I'm surprised that they haven't started publishing their own games internationally themselves. They definitely have enough games to at least have a go at it.


Idea Factory International is kinda odd, since they put up English language coverage of the stuff where they haven't landed a western publishing deal.

tbh, I'm surprised that they haven't started publishing their own games internationally themselves. They definitely have enough games to at least have a go at it.

I really want that Hakuoki SSL spin off. AKSYS pls?


Idea Factory International is kinda odd, since they put up English language coverage of the stuff where they haven't landed a western publishing deal.

tbh, I'm surprised that they haven't started publishing their own games internationally themselves. They definitely have enough games to at least have a go at it.

I'm wondering if it's just to guage interest, even in really niche games like Moero Chronicle. I'd rather they don't publish the games though; I need my NISA Neptunia Collectors Editions :p.


Will download Don't Starve, but gotta plough through my Vita backlog before even thinking about touching it.

Plus I have the PC version and it runs well on my laptop.


You run around and blow up gigantic ants and robots in huge numbers, that's the appeal.
And that's what drew me in. I looked past the hideous visuals because it seemed like fun, but it's not. It's janky (hate that word, but I can't think of anything else that fits) in virtually every way imaginable.


Gold Member
Ah, damnit. You made me think it was Wednesday :(

I wish they updated all the stores on the same day.

i think that is PSN's greatest weakness right now, and should be one of their priorities in the coming year or two. to unify all of it. between releases ( which may be more difficult) to atleast having the same release day.


Unconfirmed Member
Being someone who owns a Vita, PS3 and PS4 I'm happy with their being a thread like this as long as folk don't start getting snippy with each other and start a lot of fighting.

The only problem with having such a small community initially is that it could become insular with other people being afraid to join in the conversation. We'll see how it works in reality but if the mods are at least open to changing things if it doesn't work (and it looks like they are) let's give it a shot first :)
Since PSP is getting some official recognition here and I'm not picking sides between Vita, PS3 or PS4. I think its a good time to start talking about some of my favourite PSP games.

Jeanne D'arc is amazing and is a true gem. Why couldn't Level 5 make a spiritual successor?


Wow thanks for this. Watched some videos on it and it looks like a game I was searching for on the Vita. Been playing Fire Emblem Awakening and it is my first real dive into a Strategy RPG and I love it. Looks like I would love this as well.


Wow thanks for this. Watched some videos on it and it looks like a game I was searching for on the Vita. Been playing Fire Emblem Awakening and it is my first real dive into a Strategy RPG and I love it. Looks like I would love this as well.

I wish VC2 was a better game, the skirmishes and the gameplay are great, but everything else is a boring cringeworthy slog.

Why cant there be a Valkiriya HD collection with all 3 for the vita?
I wish VC2 was a better game, the skirmishes and the gameplay are great, but everything else is a boring cringeworthy slog.

Why cant there be a Valkiriya HD collection with all 3 for the vita?

Ah that is a shame. That game was showing up on my radar after looking up PSP titles.

The vita is great for me right now. I never had a PSP and with me just starting to really get into JRPGs there seem to be soooo man good ones.

I am really gonna need that 64gig card at some point this year lol.


Since PSP is getting some official recognition here and I'm not picking sides between Vita, PS3 or PS4. I think its a good time to start talking about some of my favourite PSP games.

Jeanne D'arc is amazing and is a true gem. Why couldn't Level 5 make a spiritual successor?

I have tried this game twice and have always ended up quitting it. I think my problem with it is that it requires SO much micromanagement. Like, you equip individual skills, spells, stat boosts, and equipment. And you get a sizeable party pretty quickly. I also try to use most of the characters, and having to unequip and re-equip between battles got pretty tiring. Maybe I should have just stuck with the best, but I feel like eventually it's going to force me to give up some good characters for at least a few battles and I would hate to be stuck with a massively underleveled cast.

The load times also seemed pretty lengthy on both psp and vita, but I am not sure if that is just normal for a game like this.

The lack of subtitles in the impressive cutscenes really sucks too. On a portable system, subtitles are an absolute must.

In the zeitgeist for this game there's also the impression this game is a cake walk. So when I got stuck on a level (the one where you meet the elf archer, and there ar emultiple waves of reenforcements) it made me think I must be doing something really wrong and that also contributed to my desire to quit. When I tried youtubing to see what others did, the videos I found were of people like 20 levels higher than me, lol.

How difficult it is for me to enjoy this game actually makes me worried about other srpg's. It seems like a genre I should love, but this is the only one I've tried. I've purchased fe:a and fft (on ios in the recent sale), I should really try them to see if it's just this game or the entire genre. Oh, and devil survivor overclocked.
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