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PSN (Vita/PSP/PS4/PS3) Downloads Thread Z | January 2014 | The Legendary Change

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How are they a pain in the ass though? Besides being overpriced.

The Vita has to be shut down to swap memory cards. Game cards can be swapped while it's on.

That and I'll never remember which memory card has which game on it, assuming I would ever have more than one and I don't want more than one with those prices.

If you are trying to use multiple PSN accounts it gets really hare-brained.


The Vita has to be shut down to swap memory cards. Game cards can be swapped while it's on.

That and I'll never remember which memory card has which game on it, assuming I would ever have more than one and I don't want more than one with those prices.

If you are trying to use multiple PSN accounts it gets really hare-brained.
I guess so, but I have a feeling a 64GB card is going to last me a pretty long time.

Import games I'd go physical for obvious reasons, but otherwise I'm sticking to digital. 64GB holds a tonne of games and to me it's much more desirable than switching game carts.


yup. there is not even bad basketball games on the thing.

NBA License is with EA who killed NBA Street and NBA live turned to turd fest. and 2K don't care about Vita.

EA should just re-release NBA Vol.2 on all systems and give Vita a port.

Oh sweet baby Jesus, yes! I played the crap out of that game back in the day and I would do so again. In fact, when I read the post about basketball games, the first thing that came to mind was NBA Street. I can't see it happening though, sadly.


Hey, to people in Europe...

Is Invizimals: The Alliance out? I mean, the site I usually use to import from Europe shows it up for pre-order. I thought it already released. Need to figure out when I'll import it the game this year. I have no faith it'll come to NA since SCEA hates SCEE content like that and hates Vita even more.

And if it IS out... I need to find a different site to use.

It's been out in Australia for a couple of months now.


Most expensive memory card I've ever purchased.
Heh, the 4GB SD card I got in 2005 was $350.
It's in a camera at the moment, but I should probably put it in my 3DS so I can tell people that memory cards for my Vita cost me way less than 3DS.

Are there any good basketball game for Vita? I looked around and there seems to be...none?
Don't worry, Vita is getting a basketball game in March!



I forgot how frustrating the bulls eye can be in Runner 2. Probably why I never got 100% triple perfect on Steam. Shame there is no plat for the game :(
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo jealous. Have to wait another 3 and a half months here >:l

You can do it! You gotta believe!

Final Fantasy
Released on December 17, 1987 in Japan.
Released on March 14, 2003 in the UK.
16 years.

Chrono Trigger
Released on March 11, 1995 in Japan.
Released on May 20, 2011 in the UK.
16 years.

Released on August 27, 1994 in Japan.
Released on July 18, 2013 in the UK.
19 years.




Platinumed Tearaway and started Runner 2.
The performance is great, native res visuals that look decent and of course the gameplay is a slick evolution of Runner.

I'm also thinking about getting back into Soul Sacrifice and was wondering if 99/1 Holy characters have changed since launch. I heard something about a Blood Sigil buff, but if it still takes me more than 20 minutes to kill late-game bosses (solo of course), I think I'll stick with 1/99 Chaos and focus on getting new offerings for that.


Hey, to people in Europe...

Is Invizimals: The Alliance out? I mean, the site I usually use to import from Europe shows it up for pre-order. I thought it already released. Need to figure out when I'll import it the game this year. I have no faith it'll come to NA since SCEA hates SCEE content like that and hates Vita even more.

And if it IS out... I need to find a different site to use.
Sort of. The game is finished and it released on time in Spain and a bunch of other EU/PAL countries, but for some reason the UK (and other) release was delayed until early next year. Think it was a similar tactical thing to Sly last year to give it soon to breathe/some marketing money.


Sort of. The game is finished and it released on time in Spain and a bunch of other EU/PAL countries, but for some reason the UK (and other) release was delayed until early next year. Think it was a similar tactical thing to Sly last year to give it soon to breathe/some marketing money.

More like Sony's hoping the TV show lands some more broadcast partners.
Experienced my first "An error has occurred" on the vita while fighting one of Sin's spawn. Luckily I save often. Never had that happened before and hopefully it doesn't happen in future boss battles. >.>

If you're not a PS+ member, get it right away along with a big memory card. 16gb is good enough but it's really nothing. I already need to upgrade it.

I have about half a year PS+ Vita games stored and activated and the bundle waiting for me is in fact with a 16 GB card.

I'm all set!
The two gemini mission in the two last Avalon Pact is nigh impossible if you playing with AI. They just keep dying and couldn't properly keep the agro from me. If anybody want to hit that two particular mission, invite me please D:

I too frustated when challenging Cerberus for the first time. Then I discovered how all of his charge attack is blockable and will leave him stunned for quite delay. He become one of the easiest boss for me. So, bring shield, and prepare to curbstomped him.
I brought the shield. Still died. After a few times of blocking him with the shield, he doesn't stay down as long. He gets up almost instantly. I'm focusing too much on my alies though so I'll get it eventually. I'm not really that interested in the story to be honest. Having more fun playing online.


Sort of. The game is finished and it released on time in Spain and a bunch of other EU/PAL countries, but for some reason the UK (and other) release was delayed until early next year. Think it was a similar tactical thing to Sly last year to give it soon to breathe/some marketing money.
Ah, thanks. That explains it.


I brought the shield. Still died. After a few times of blocking him with the shield, he doesn't stay down as long. He gets up almost instantly. I'm focusing too much on my alies though so I'll get it eventually. I'm not really that interested in the story to be honest. Having more fun playing online.

Small shield wouldn't block as much, so you need to costantly recast it. After his hp down to half (maybe) he started stand up on two leg and throwing a bunch of wind blade right? Which is very hurt. Not even big shield could take the hit from that wind blade more than two hit, so at that point you should keep avoiding it. After two or three set of throws, he began quick charge which like you said, he recovered quickly when blocked. Although the time frame is sort, you should used that time to hit him as hard as you can, best by ranged attack like throwing or explosive offering since the animation frame isn't that long to prepare. Avoid, block, attack, rinse and repeat. When his HP went down further, he began to use homing attack from his spear that deal a ton of damage. If you see him draw his spear, best started running as far as you can. You don't really need you allies to finish him off, so if they die, don't bother saving or sacrifice them unless the Cerberus is far or aggroed by Magusar.

Oh, his weakness is Stone by the way. You can petrify him rather quickly with stone element weapon.


Sony has been marketing the shit out of invizimals here in Greece. Has anyone ever tried the series? I have no idea what the game is like and most reviews for it arent even in english...
I wouldnt mind a decent pokemon clone but I'm not even sure if it's that.

Also, regarding urban trial, game is shit for the reasons someone said before. Haven't played trials to compare though.


What is the appropriate price? Maybe it's just me, but I seem to see a lot of people comparing vita indie price to steam sales, which is a bit unfair I think. Personally I expect these digital download game to be on $15 price range, which I think is what the price for most vita indie games.

Well I boycotted Terraria. I wont pay 15€ for the Indie game. 9,99€ (10% discount with ps+) would be fair price.

I gladly paid ~18€ for P4G from 12d of Christmas sale, already played ~25h of P4G.
I admit its the best RPG in Vita.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I forgot how frustrating the bulls eye can be in Runner 2. Probably why I never got 100% triple perfect on Steam. Shame there is no plat for the game :(

Couldnt be bothered with the bulleye myself. The game is all about the rhythm platforming.


ADD New Gen Gamer
Sony has been marketing the shit out of invizimals here in Greece. Has anyone ever tried the series? I have no idea what the game is like and most reviews for it arent even in english...
I wouldnt mind a decent pokemon clone but I'm not even sure if it's that.

Also, regarding urban trial, game is shit for the reasons someone said before. Haven't played trials to compare though.

You can look up gadgetgirlkylie on youtube. She does lots of let's plays of vita games, including invisimals. It doesn't look like pokemon to me, but you can decide for yourself.


I just want Ni No Kuni on Vita. That is all.
That game being under 4GB...

Sony has been marketing the shit out of invizimals here in Greece. Has anyone ever tried the series? I have no idea what the game is like and most reviews for it arent even in english...
I wouldnt mind a decent pokemon clone but I'm not even sure if it's that.

Also, regarding urban trial, game is shit for the reasons someone said before. Haven't played trials to compare though.
Here's what that other guy was talking about if you're lazy. :p
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDikj1x9bbc - (game starts at 3:00, you can see the battle system at 15:00)

It's different from Pokemon enough that it might not appeal to you.


Ugh, I wish I hadn't started Urban Trials Freestyle. It's definitely not my type of game and now I've got it sitting on my trophy list.


No amount of X-2 will prepare you for the craziness that's going on in that thread. You really should beat X-2 before you go to that thread though

Man, there is some crazy stuff going on in that thread. I mean, how is posible that someone
killed fucking Tidus like two days after he is reborned? Seriously, there must be some people translating thing the wrong way or something.

I am thinking of starting P4G during the coming days/months.
I played P3P on Normal and it was kinda ok difficulty-wise. Is P4G just as challenging or is it easier? What's the suggested difficulty for people that are into jRPGs?

Basically every single turn based JRPG would be good for you.

How do I not suck at Soul Sacrifice? Tips plox

What build do you have, Flandy? Chaos or Order? Maybe you aren't playing and leveling in a way that fits your strengths. I'm not a pro, but I think you should take into account:

- Elemental weaknesses are important. Try to remember which element an archfiend is weak too. If you hit enough an enemy, they'll get stunned for a short amount of time (it's like 20s, I think). Elemental weaknesses go this way: Fire, Wood, Stone, Lightning, Ice, Fire
- Chainned attacks are useful for dealing a big amount of damage to enemies afflicted by X Hell. It's hard to explain, but it works this way: A enemy is weak to fire. So you attack him with fire until he is in Burning Hell. Then you use a Ice skill and attack him. The Hell state will disapear, but he'll suffer an insane amount of damage.
- Learn which skills are better for you. I love melee combat and I like dealing a big amount of damage will paying attention to dodge attacks. I loved being a melee DPS at WoW (Ret paladin, Rogue, Enhancement Shaman) so it was a given i'll go for a chaos build. Maybe you fit Order, or Chaos, or maybe Neutral. Find what makes you feel comfortable. I think the game is pretty well balanced
- Use mind eye to find the cursed parts from the archfiends. Destroying cursed parts give you points and locks some enemies skills. When you destroy the Harpy's throat it'll stop using that sucking skill, for example.
- Learn patterns! There are animations before archfiends use a attack. Learn which one means what and how to answer to that skill (block? dodge? run away?)
- Play with me! :)

Once it gets it's hooks into, yeah it's got a killer gameplay loop that easily destroys Monster Hunter's (coming from a devout MoHun vet) in sheer immediacy and reward.

I'm loving the game. I hated MH, I thought GE was good, but imo Soul Sacrifice gameplay destroys both of them. Everything is customizable, the fast paced combat is amazing, there are a lot of archfiends and killing them feel awesome and gives a lot of satisfaction.

Add to that an amazing setting, designs and lore. Reading those tales that are in the book feel like a Grimm tale, but a little more depressive. It's one of the few games I'd actually want to see adapted to a book (tale compilation or novel, I won't care).

They reached the post limit.


I gladly paid ~18€ for P4G from 12d of Christmas sale, already played ~25h of P4G.
I admit its the best RPG in Vita.

It's probably one of the 10 best JRPGs ever so... yep, those 18€ were well expend.
I just want Ni No Kuni on Vita. That is all.

It's a beautiful game, but I didn't love the combat system. I would prefer being turn-based combat

Last I heard they were waiting for pricedrops to upgrade their system memory.
Well I boycotted Terraria. I wont pay 15€ for the Indie game. 9,99€ (10% discount with ps+) would be fair price.

I gladly paid ~18€ for P4G from 12d of Christmas sale, already played ~25h of P4G.
I admit its the best RPG in Vita.
I paid 30£ and never regretted it for a second. Such an amazing game


What build do you have, Flandy? Chaos or Order? Maybe you aren't playing and leveling in a way that fits your strengths. I'm not a pro, but I think you should take into account:

- Elemental weaknesses are important. Try to remember which element an archfiend is weak too. If you hit enough an enemy, they'll get stunned for a short amount of time (it's like 20s, I think). Elemental weaknesses go this way: Fire, Wood, Stone, Lightning, Ice, Fire
- Chainned attacks are useful for dealing a big amount of damage to enemies afflicted by X Hell. It's hard to explain, but it works this way: A enemy is weak to fire. So you attack him with fire until he is in Burning Hell. Then you use a Ice skill and attack him. The Hell state will disapear, but he'll suffer an insane amount of damage.
- Learn which skills are better for you. I love melee combat and I like dealing a big amount of damage will paying attention to dodge attacks. I loved being a melee DPS at WoW (Ret paladin, Rogue, Enhancement Shaman) so it was a given i'll go for a chaos build. Maybe you fit Order, or Chaos, or maybe Neutral. Find what makes you feel comfortable. I think the game is pretty well balanced
- Use mind eye to find the cursed parts from the archfiends. Destroying cursed parts give you points and locks some enemies skills. When you destroy the Harpy's throat it'll stop using that sucking skill, for example.
- Learn patterns! There are animations before archfiends use a attack. Learn which one means what and how to answer to that skill (block? dodge? run away?)
- Play with me! :)

Are melee attacks better for Chaos builds? I'm currently using an Order build and am using a mix of ranged and melee attacks. Should I just focus on ranged?

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

Spelunky did this to my thumb
I just finished this about a week ago. Such a great fucking game.

I'm playing it to 100% at the moment. I'm currently playing at Inferno but damn are these guys easy when you are on NG+. Beat Nightmare yesterday and the only boss that gave me trouble was the last boss because PONG.


Are melee attacks better for Chaos builds? I'm currently using an Order build and am using a mix of ranged and melee attacks. Should I just focus on ranged?

Well, I dunno. I'm relatively early into the game (I'm 3/16, harder battles I've played are 3*) so I don't know what happens at the harder levels, but I suppose Chaos is for DPS and Divine for Tank / Support.

I'm using a mix too, but I haven't played online. I'm only gessing, but I think maybe the purest building are for ranged (1/99) and the melee building may have some Divine levels (like 15/85 or something like that) so they can at least endure 2 hits in the hardest pacts. I'm using logic, so I'm not 100% sure.

How far are you in the game?

Sony has been marketing the shit out of invizimals here in Greece. Has anyone ever tried the series? I have no idea what the game is like and most reviews for it arent even in english...
I wouldnt mind a decent pokemon clone but I'm not even sure if it's that.

Also, regarding urban trial, game is shit for the reasons someone said before. Haven't played trials to compare though.

It's a AR game. You use the Vita camera as an special len and look for those Invizimals, a kind of creature from another world that are invisible to naked eye. There are some minigames to capture them and you can use the creatures you've catched to fight (it's an easy 4 button fighting game).

There is a PS3 game which has some synergies with the Vita title. But I think it's a mediocre product (not bad, but doesn't do anything brilliantly).

Keep in mind that it's a game that makes you wander around with your Vita to look for the Invizimals.


Started playing FFIX on my Vita, keep switching between aspect ratios though, trying to find the one I prefer best. Think i'll stick with "original", how do other people play their PSX classics?

I remember playing a bit of this title when I borrowed it from a friend, and I remember one early cutscene in particular that made me sad, but never played furtehr than that, so this will be mostly all new to me :)


Well, I dunno. I'm relatively early into the game (I'm 3/16, harder battles I've played are 3*) so I don't know what happens at the harder levels, but I suppose Chaos is for DPS and Divine for Tank / Support.

I'm using a mix too, but I haven't played online. I'm only gessing, but I think maybe the purest building are for ranged (1/99) and the melee building may have some Divine levels (like 15/85 or something like that) so they can at least endure 2 hits in the hardest pacts. I'm using logic, so I'm not 100% sure.

How far are you in the game?

Not very far. I've beaten The Sorcerer's Ordeal, but I can't seem to get any further. Can't get past those Slime Archfiends. My build is currently 10/4.

Started playing FFIX on my Vita, keep switching between aspect ratios though, trying to find the one I prefer best. Think i'll stick with "original", how do other people play their PSX classics?

I remember playing a bit of this title when I borrowed it from a friend, and I remember one early cutscene in particular that made me sad, but never played furtehr than that, so this will be mostly all new to me :)

I use original as well. I'm playing through FFV and if I set it to any other setting the image just looks stretched. Hate having the black bars on the side but I prefer having the image in its original aspect ratio.


Started playing FFIX on my Vita, keep switching between aspect ratios though, trying to find the one I prefer best. Think i'll stick with "original", how do other people play their PSX classics?

I remember playing a bit of this title when I borrowed it from a friend, and I remember one early cutscene in particular that made me sad, but never played furtehr than that, so this will be mostly all new to me :)

I use custom , and calibrate the screen so the height is the maximum height.

Guys, does anyone knows about where can i import to Argentina the Amazing spiderman ?, i prefer this title to have it physical rather than digital (its like 3g).
Rouge galaxy seems good enough for me as well as some of you. cant wait to bite this one.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
finally copped Trails in the Sky last night

got some free time this weekend, maybe i'll lounge aroud with my doge and dig into it

Started playing FFIX on my Vita, keep switching between aspect ratios though, trying to find the one I prefer best. Think i'll stick with "original", how do other people play their PSX classics?

I remember playing a bit of this title when I borrowed it from a friend, and I remember one early cutscene in particular that made me sad, but never played furtehr than that, so this will be mostly all new to me :)

custom view, fast loading and analog stick mapping are musts

enjoy a wonderful adventure!


I started Gravity Rush yesterday and played for 1-2 hours. Does it get more interesting along the way? It feels like it will just be a game full of missions without giving you the sense that you are making some kind of progress. Then maybe I am mistaken but that's the first impression that I got.


Not very far. I've beaten The Sorcerer's Ordeal, but I can't seem to get any further. Can't get past those Slime Archfiends. My build is currently 10/4.

I use original as well. I'm playing through FFV and if I set it to any other setting the image just looks stretched. Hate having the black bars on the side but I prefer having the image in its original aspect ratio.

Slims are rather hard at first. I use mostly ranged attacks to kill them. Since I've only fought them with AI partners / alone I used a short weapon, 2 explosive eggs, 2 throwing knives and a healing skill. Use mind eye to learn where weak parts are placed and try to hit there with ranged attacks. If you have a Golem spell use it too.

Do you want to pair with me for some quests? We are around the same level :)


Slims are rather hard at first. I use mostly ranged attacks to kill them. Since I've only fought them with AI partners / alone I used a short weapon, 2 explosive eggs, 2 throwing knives and a healing skill. Use mind eye to learn where weak parts are placed and try to hit there with ranged attacks. If you have a Golem spell use it too.

Do you want to pair with me for some quests? We are around the same level :)

Ya sure. I see your PSN in the VitaGAF ID doc so I'll add you now :D.


I started Gravity Rush yesterday and played for 1-2 hours. Does it get more interesting along the way? It feels like it will just be a game full of missions without giving you the sense that you are making some kind of progress. Then maybe I am mistaken but that's the first impression that I got.

The game is composed of missions. There is a main storyline (the red icons on the map), but all of them are missions. They start to have a purpose some time later.
Yesterday the mail man brought me Dragon's Crown, Muramasa, and Ys. *gaming bliss*
That is an awesome triple combo =D.
This happened last night :\ and it was to slime.

Hahahaha just gotta share that 50 minute slime battle XD. Really shouldn't have broken my golem like 5 minutes in...

Not very far. I've beaten The Sorcerer's Ordeal, but I can't seem to get any further. Can't get past those Slime Archfiends. My build is currently 10/4.

Beginning Slimes are pretty easy if you throw down a golem and hack at its legs. (Or throw explosives, if melee isn't your thing)
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