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PSN (Vita/PSP/PS4/PS3) Downloads Thread Z | January 2014 | The Legendary Change

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- The framerate runs at 15-20 fps
- The focus is on stunts, not speed.
- The physics are wonky
- Allowing customization of your bike is bad game design. I ran into tracks that I couldn't complete probably because I had chosen to upgrade my bike the 'wrong way'.
- Holding forward brings your back wheel off the bike way too easily, making anything uphill a pain to ride up.Trials Evolution/HD isn't even comparable to Urban Trials.

If you say so.

But I personally didn't even like what I played of Trials on 360 during the Summer of Arcade that it launched and couldn't understand why anyone liked it, let alone would pay $15 for it. Then I tried Urban Trials on Vita and thought it wasn't bad at all and had some fun with it. I liked it enough that (1) I double dipped on Steam when someone was selling a key cheap and it actually made me (2) give the Trials Evolution game on Steam another shot.
I rage quit on the Cerebus boss at the end of I think chapter 4 or 5. Magusar fucking sucks and there is a downed sorcerer as well when you start the mission I forget his/her name but that person is even more useless than Magusar. Don't even bother reviving them because they suck so bad. I don't even know what the purpose of having Magusar with me or any other alies. They are so weak.

I'm not even going to attempt to go back to the main story until I am max leveled. I know I could beat him now if I changed my strategy a bit but so frustrating.
I would play Rogue Legacy on Vita... endlessly
bring Risk of Rain too but gah

(they need to be priced properly, hopefully)
What is the appropriate price? Maybe it's just me, but I seem to see a lot of people comparing vita indie price to steam sales, which is a bit unfair I think. Personally I expect these digital download game to be on $15 price range, which I think is what the price for most vita indie games.


I rage quit on the Cerebus boss at the end of I think chapter 4 or 5. Magusar fucking sucks and there is a downed sorcerer as well when you start the mission I forget his/her name but that person is even more useless than Magusar. Don't even bother reviving them because they suck so bad. I don't even know what the purpose of having Magusar with me or any other alies. They are so weak.

I'm not even going to attempt to go back to the main story until I am max leveled. I know I could beat him now if I changed my strategy a bit but so frustrating.

You know you can sacrifice the down guy right? And also bring a shield and a golem and Cerberus is easy.


Question for Vitagaf:

Broke my thumb over the weekend, and will probably be unable to do any dual-joystick gaming for a few weeks. What would be some of the best games to play on my Vita during this time? First answer is probably P4G, but I've been waiting on another $20.00 PSN sale. Besides my vita, I've never had a PS console or PSP, so nothing in the library is off limits.

I'm going to assume something slow paced would be best if your thumb is broken, so I'll only list turn based games.

If you want to stick to vita native turn based games:

Disgaea 3(Awesome mechanics, strange art style, silly plot, and a max level cap of 999), and the Ateliers(Think of it as Animal crossing with persona elements, except it's targeted at young girls and there is no imminent threat to the world, or anyone for that matter) off the top of my head.

Someone has a list of recommended PSP games somewhere, so there's that. If you broke your left thumb, you can assign the d-pad to the right thumb stick on psp games.

Before someone posts that list of psp games, however, a few games that are turned based on psp include:

Persona 1-3(Minus the 2nd installment of 2) portable(problem here is that these also often go on sale like P4G does)

Legend of Heroes: Trails in the sky

FF tactics: War of the Lions

Disgaea 1-2

There's more of course, but that's a sampling.

The fact that you haven't played any PS1 games disturbs me. The list of games possible from there is far too large for me to go into detail. However, I do have two things to say: Play at least one PS1 Final Fantasy(Try not to make VIII the first PS1 FF you play....).


I'm pretty sure you can't sacrifice Magusar in story missions.

You actually can Sac him. And finish the mission as well. However the mission would come up as failed and you can't go back to it till you undo his death.


What is the appropriate price? Maybe it's just me, but I seem to see a lot of people comparing vita indie price to steam sales, which is a bit unfair I think. Personally I expect these digital download game to be on $15 price range, which I think is what the price for most vita indie games.

hmm 9.99 after PS+ discount? something like that


This may be a dumb question but I'll ask. Can you transfer PSOne games and their saves? I just got a vita and since no stores around here had a 32gb mem card in stock I got the 4gb. However, I ordered a 32gb on amazon. Should be here any day now. Can I use the PS content manager to transfer PSOne games and their saves?


So I was planning on buying a new Vita today (My first one was a second hand one that I'm planning on reselling) since EB were doing a deal for Vita + Tearaway for $199. Apparently that ended already and it's back up to $269 with Killzone, thankfully I had already confirmed with a staff member on their Facebook that it was still going the day before, and even though they couldn't honour that deal for me they said they'd send me 3 free games to make up for the misinformation. So I'm getting copies of LittleBigPlanet, Soul Sacrifice and Gravity Rush for free which is nice.


I hope La Maluna and Fez arrive on Vita soon. Probably my two most anticipated titles this year since I haven't played them yet.
You actually can Sac him. And finish the mission as well. However the mission would come up as failed and you can't go back to it till you undo his death.
I found this out the hard way once lol
You know you can sacrifice the down guy right? And also bring a shield and a golem and Cerberus is easy.
What does sacrificing that guy give me? I heard the shield stuns him for a few seconds so I may do that.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I'm pretty sure you can't sacrifice Magusar in story missions.
But the extra guy in the field you can sacrifice. Sacrificing of course does damage to the boss and stuns him a but while you attack.

Magusar is good for reviving you when you are down.

Anyway, easy way to beat Cerberus is to have a shield when he charges, and a lot of tri ice attacks plus a powerful golem. Equip sigils to boost the freeze rate and damage. Run up to him, spam the ice attacks, he will freeze, cast golem and continue attacking him after that. Use a shield when he charges at you.


my 64GB from Play-Asia finally shipped!
looking forward to it now :D
Mine was delivered today, but I missed the courier by seconds... :/ Guess I'll go pick it up from the post office tomorrow. Most expensive memory card I've ever purchased.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
This may be a dumb question but I'll ask. Can you transfer PSOne games and their saves? I just got a vita and since no stores around here had a 32gb mem card in stock I got the 4gb. However, I ordered a 32gb on amazon. Should be here any day now. Can I use the PS content manager to transfer PSOne games and their saves?

Yes, you can.


I rage quit on the Cerebus boss at the end of I think chapter 4 or 5. Magusar fucking sucks and there is a downed sorcerer as well when you start the mission I forget his/her name but that person is even more useless than Magusar. Don't even bother reviving them because they suck so bad. I don't even know what the purpose of having Magusar with me or any other alies. They are so weak.

I'm not even going to attempt to go back to the main story until I am max leveled. I know I could beat him now if I changed my strategy a bit but so frustrating.

I beat the game (main story) today. I was level 25/65. Most of the story bosses are really easy when you know the trick to beat them. All of the bosses like Cerberus, Werewolf and the like can be knocked out by using a shield when they charge you. Make sure you spam Stone spells to get him into a petrified hell state then use venom to get a skillful attack and knock him down. When he's knocked down use a golem to inflict huge damage on him. Just run when he uses his lance. If you have a low life level it might kill you in one hit if you are not using an armor spell.

If you cleared all the Avalon Pacts and the Companions chapters up to this point you should be good enough to beat it. The AI allies in the game are all really weak, and it's even worse when they are Dark Arm users since it means they have a low life level. Only sacrifice allies when the boss life is in the red or else you are pretty much making the fight harder by having one less person that can raise you if you make a mistake.

On another note, the Avalon Pact VIII-IX-X are annoying as hell. They are pretty much spell sponges. Had a battle that lasted over 20 minutes and we were all level 90+. Online for this title is a bit clunky as it seems you often get network errors.

And the community is kind of bad. What's up with level 10-15 people joining high level games. They make it worse for everyone else on the team since the battles are more difficult with more people but they are also a burden on team since they die constantly and dish little to no damage,


Mine was delivered today, but I missed the courier by seconds... :/ Guess I'll go pick it up from the post office tomorrow. Most expensive memory card I've ever purchased.

come to think of it, it would be nice if Platinum made a game with the Flame of Recca (anime/manga) universe - it kinda fits in whatever they have done thus far (Okami, MGR, W101) - with all the drawing of the flame dragons
I wonder what genre Infamous Vita will be.

I can't imagine Sony devoting the resources to making a full-fledged adaptation of the open-world gameplay, but I'd almost prefer a side-scroller anyway. With power-ups and crazy boss fights :-3


Soul Sacrifice is ridiculously addictive. I keep playing the demo over and over again even though I've reached the level cap.
Soul Sacrifice is ridiculously addictive. I keep playing the demo over and over again even though I've reached the level cap.

Once it gets it's hooks into, yeah it's got a killer gameplay loop that easily destroys Monster Hunter's (coming from a devout MoHun vet) in sheer immediacy and reward.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Mine was delivered today, but I missed the courier by seconds... :/ Guess I'll go pick it up from the post office tomorrow. Most expensive memory card I've ever purchased.

Everything about Vita seems like it's truly a product delivered with love towards its buyer, the gamers.... except for the memory card, because fuck the price of Vita's MC. It's a slap to the face.

....having said that, however, I owned 8, 32, and 64.... hahaha.


I'll be buying a Vita later today for my wife mainly for Netflix as she likes the OLED screen so much. I am a PS+ subscriber so there will be plenty of games for me to play.

What I want to know is does Netflix for Vita support profiles?

I don't believe so, but I'm not a current Netflix subscriber to check.


Once it gets it's hooks into, yeah it's got a killer gameplay loop that easily destroys Monster Hunter's (coming from a devout MoHun vet) in sheer immediacy and reward.
Yeah I can definitely see it being that way. Although it's missing what I enjoy most about Monster Hunter which is the crafting system. It's so rewarding to craft new weapons and armour from bits of monsters you've carved.
Everything about Vita seems like it's truly a product delivered with love towards its buyer, the gamers.... except for the memory card, because fuck the price of Vita's MC. It's a slap to the face.

....having said that, however, I owned 8, 32, and 64.... hahaha.
Haha yeah... A while ago I would have scoffed at the price for the 64GB card, but after seeing how convenient PSN is and that the prices are comparable and sometimes even cheaper than retail I was sold on the idea of going digital. My 3DS is another story because the prices in the eShop tend to be anywhere between 10-20$ higher than retail stores here, can't justify going digital on that.


I'll be buying a Vita later today for my wife mainly for Netflix as she likes the OLED screen so much. I am a PS+ subscriber so there will be plenty of games for me to play.

What I want to know is does Netflix for Vita support profiles?

It doesn't. It's also still using the old UI.


Unconfirmed Member
Everything about Vita seems like it's truly a product delivered with love towards its buyer, the gamers.... except for the memory card, because fuck the price of Vita's MC. It's a slap to the face.

....having said that, however, I owned 8, 32, and 64.... hahaha.
All could've been avoided if it wasn't proprietary. I remember a friend of mine bought a 1GB memory card pro duo for his PSP for $100 within a year of its launch. I ended up paying the same price for a 4GB the year after. The way it is now we probably won't see another memory card price drop for the next 2 years.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Haha yeah... A while ago I would have scoffed at the price for the 64GB card, but after seeing how convenient PSN is and that the prices are comparable and sometimes even cheaper than retail I was sold on the idea of going digital. My 3DS is another story because the prices in the eShop tend to be anywhere between 10-20$ higher than retail stores here, can't justify going digital on that.

Yeap. The lack of proper account system in eShop scared me.

For 3DS I owned 20 retail while for Vita I only have 5.

But for Vita I owned so many digital games while for 3DS the exact opposite.

Still though, 3DS' memory card system is so bloody convenient.

Which makes me angry for some reason.

One is excellent digital system marred by slap-to-the-face MCs prices.
One is excellent memory card system marred by slap-to-the-face digital system.

Why can't we have excellent memory card system paired with excellent digital system? Bahhhh.

All could've been avoided if it wasn't proprietary. I remember a friend of mine bought a 1GB memory card pro duo for his PSP for $100 within a year of its launch. I ended up paying the same price for a 4GB the year after. The way it is now we probably won't see another memory card price drop for the next 2 years.

Sony loves its proprietary stuff.

And I don't entirely buy the "prevent piracy" reasoning too. But oh well....


Yeap. The lack of proper account system in eShop scared me.

For 3DS I owned 20 retail while for Vita I only have 5.

But for Vita I owned so many digital games while for 3DS the exact opposite.

Still though, 3DS' memory card system is so bloody convenient.

Which makes me angry for some reason.

One is excellent digital system marred by slap-to-the-face MCs prices.
One is excellent memory card system marred by slap-to-the-face digital system.

Why can't we have excellent memory card system paired with excellent digital system? Bahhhh.
Yeah indeed, hopefully this 64GB card lasts me awhile though. I guess it is always possible to delete games that are complete and redownload them later if necessary. Love that the PSN is so convenient, the account system really is a must.
Reading about SS now reminds me of reading about Dark Souls the first time: overwhelming. Excited to play it, though.
To be fair it actually sounds more complicated than it actually is when put in writing. Once you get into the swing of it it's loads of fun.
Has any NA localization of God Eater 2 actually been mentioned officially? I've heard a few people talking about it coming over but I can't find any real confirmation. It looks awesome and I don't have time to learn Japanese right now. :|


The two gemini mission in the two last Avalon Pact is nigh impossible if you playing with AI. They just keep dying and couldn't properly keep the agro from me. If anybody want to hit that two particular mission, invite me please D:

I rage quit on the Cerebus boss at the end of I think chapter 4 or 5. Magusar fucking sucks and there is a downed sorcerer as well when you start the mission I forget his/her name but that person is even more useless than Magusar. Don't even bother reviving them because they suck so bad. I don't even know what the purpose of having Magusar with me or any other alies. They are so weak.

I'm not even going to attempt to go back to the main story until I am max leveled. I know I could beat him now if I changed my strategy a bit but so frustrating.

I too frustated when challenging Cerberus for the first time. Then I discovered how all of his charge attack is blockable and will leave him stunned for quite delay. He become one of the easiest boss for me. So, bring shield, and prepare to curbstomped him.
I'm glad that you can still buy physical games from places like Amazon. I still prefer having the physical game, especially since the Vita memory cards are so annoying to deal with.


Random, but I think a lot of people will come to appreciate Shahid's dedication to getting indies on Vita more this year. I hope so, and that he's refined his hype techniques :p


An blind dancing ho
I wonder what genre Infamous Vita will be.

I can't imagine Sony devoting the resources to making a full-fledged adaptation of the open-world gameplay, but I'd almost prefer a side-scroller anyway. With power-ups and crazy boss fights :-3

my money on a port just like The Amazing Spiderman or Ratchet.

dat Tin Giant. such port jobs. such quality.


Yeap. The lack of proper account system in eShop scared me.

For 3DS I owned 20 retail while for Vita I only have 5.

But for Vita I owned so many digital games while for 3DS the exact opposite.

Still though, 3DS' memory card system is so bloody convenient.

Which makes me angry for some reason.

One is excellent digital system marred by slap-to-the-face MCs prices.
One is excellent memory card system marred by slap-to-the-face digital system.

Why can't we have excellent memory card system paired with excellent digital system? Bahhhh.

Sony loves its proprietary stuff.

And I don't entirely buy the "prevent piracy" reasoning too. But oh well....

3DS is strictly retail for me... unless eShop exclusives
Vita is as much as possible digital unless CE/LE goodies


Hey, to people in Europe...

Is Invizimals: The Alliance out? I mean, the site I usually use to import from Europe shows it up for pre-order. I thought it already released. Need to figure out when I'll import it the game this year. I have no faith it'll come to NA since SCEA hates SCEE content like that and hates Vita even more.

And if it IS out... I need to find a different site to use.
3DS is strictly retail for me... unless eShop exclusives
Vita is as much as possible digital unless CE/LE goodies

Oddly enough, I prefer physical on Vita because of the memory cards being such a pain in the ass. If the price is the same or similar, and the physical game doesn't use up the memory card which is being clogged up by the free games from PS+ Instant Backlog, I'll go physical just to save space on the memory card.


An blind dancing ho
Are there any good basketball game for Vita? I looked around and there seems to be...none?

yup. there is not even bad basketball games on the thing.

NBA License is with EA who killed NBA Street and NBA live turned to turd fest. and 2K don't care about Vita.

EA should just re-release NBA Vol.2 on all systems and give Vita a port.


Oddly enough, I prefer physical on Vita because of the memory cards being such a pain in the ass. If the price is the same or similar, and the physical game doesn't use up the memory card which is being clogged up by the free games from PS+ Instant Backlog, I'll go physical just to save space on the memory card.
How are they a pain in the ass though? Besides being overpriced.
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