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PSP2 (Next Generation Portable) Announced, 2011, BC [Up3: Info In OP]

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damn thats a nice.... thing

it has alot of input features... damn

just a bit big, but im sure itd be great... doubt i can afford on my measly budget for a long time


brain_stew said:
Really, talk about a step backwards. Take it there's no DS3 support either?

Wait for the redesign. lol

But the PSP2 is definitely looking very awesome so far.
Do people seriously put handhelds in their pockets? The only thing small enough to carry around are my phone and maybe an iPod along with my keys.

Biggest handheld I'd ever consider taking around with me is a PSP Go. Would never consider having a DS on me.
Do you guys suppose all that Social and Community-goodness seen in the PSP2 UI screens will transfer over to the PS3 as well?

Perhaps we'll get a complete overhaul of the 'Friends' tab in the XMB later this year...
And it's about time as well!

If something like this would happen, and they STILL don't add cross-game voice chat, I swear I will fucking throw my PS3 out of the window.
Branduil said:
There have been a ton of complaints about the 3DS' ugly sandwich design.
I've on read about the first 10 pages or so when it was announced and I think there was more complaints on the PSP2 overall looks then the 3DS. I would like to be proven wrong though.
brotkasten said:


Since the PS2 I've always thought all things PlayStation should be black but oh my....

For those raving about 3G, do remember that coverage is an issue as well. If you move out of a 3G area, good luck trying to get an online game going!

And there's no way that you'll get a cheaper 3G subscription than anywhere else. Unless Sony start including it in some sort of PSN subscription...


Nothing can touch this in terms of controls (and portable performance).
It has everything and the sink. The ultimate portable hardware.

And just amazing software! LiveArea and the GPS Community thing are mindblowing.
....ultimate conclusion, I've seen enough to purchase one. Price point...I'll probably think it over for a minute at most and buy it regardless.


Any news on cross platform chat?

PSP2 looks kind of sexy. Interesting it just says PlayStation on it.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Vagabundo said:
You right of course. It is a shame that they have given up on the causal markets for the moment

They've possibly made the boldest move of any of the gaming companies in that respect.

They're going to where the casuals are, swallowing their pride and recognising that it's increasingly unlikely the casuals will come to them on a dedicated device.

thirty said:
So where's this gpu from and what's it comparable to?

It's a 4-core PowerVR SGX543. 4 of the GPUs in the iPhone4. But we don't know clockspeed.

I'm not sure there's anything comparable. For perspective, Apple is rumoured to be putting 2 of these in the iPhone5.



Kojima mentioned that ps3 tech demo was directly exported to PSP2, no downgrades to textures/geometry. But it also worked @ 20fps.
Man said:
Nothing can touch this in terms of controls (and portable performance).
It has everything and the sink. The ultimate portable hardware.
Now it just needs a decent price ($300) and bring on the games!
gofreak said:
Honestly, looking at the MGS4 demo... I had little feeling of 'compromise'. It looks good enough for me not to feel like I'm cheaping out by playing a game like that on it. If PS4 is a ways off I think it will help PSP2 a lot.
I don't think it will matter in the long run.

Games don't have much more to go before the current way of visual design breeds almost no improvements or the costs get so high that only a few multi-billion dollar companies can exploit said hardware.
Jea Song said:
I think many of us are overlooking the android part of this device. Was it clear on what that means exactly? Does this mean android marketplace and apps? I'm confused on the whole android connection.

It is actually an application called PlayStation Suite, which happens to also run on Android phones. There is no Android on the PSP2, just native support for the Suite.

brotkasten said:

That looks pretty boss, but i'd prefer Gorilla if it means keeping the price low.


Junior Member
i love how they just thought "fuck it, lets stuff everything in there".

now i think the lack of dual analogue on 3DS will become a real issue (and one that still baffles me)
Looks glorious!

Got everything we could have realistically expected and some really interesting features such as Near and Suite.
Also the talk from kojima about playing a game on your PS3 and then taking it on the go with the NGS is a feature that if used right could be huge, the amount of times I have thought “If only I could take this new game with me while im out” makes me hope a lot of effort is put into this idea so it could one day become common place.

Plus I never understand why people complain about the idea of console like games on a portable, of course it’s good to have smaller style games but surely there is a part of you that gets excited for taking your favourite console game with you wherever you go?

People thinking there would have been a price released considering this doesn’t come out until the end of the year were very delusional.

Of course we don’t know how much it will be yet but I am glad Sony have decided to keep going with as much power as they can in their systems, sure it may not be the wisest choice but for me the thought of the possibilities on this make me very excited.


Crakatak187 said:
Now it just needs a decent price ($300) and bring on the games!

Seriously. 3DS at $250 is a hard buy for me especially when the 3D thing is still gimmicky to me.

PSP2 at $300 would be an easy choice.


It is actually an application called PlayStation Suite, which happens to also run on Android phones. There is no Android on the PSP2, just native support for the Suite.

That looks pretty boss, but i'd prefer Gorilla if it means keeping the price low.
If this included android apps/games then things would get interesting.
They got the hardware bang on, can't complain at all
Now they just need to get more attention on the software, hopefully they release some direct feed stuff soon 'cos I can't wait until E3!


I'm in love Sony. Best move in ages. Return of the king blady, blady blah...

Seriously, Playstation Suite, GPS in the PSP2 etc.. Sounds fucking aweosme. I'm also warming up to the brick design.


Branduil said:
They really are pushing the definition of "portable." I can't imagine the PSP2 fitting in my pocket.

Only time I've put my DS, PSP (1000 and 2000) in my pocket was heading to the shitter. I have never left the house and thought "right I have my wallet and phone... damn I need to take my portable games device, sorry wallet looks like you loose out." I don't believe these devices are played anywhere other than the plane and the house as much as people believe.

It's different in Japan but in most western countries (Europe, US and Australia) it's on the couch or in bed. Of course there are some people who, do but it's rare to see someone busting out their DS or PSP in public. Be it stigma or lack of short gaming experiences. Most 'in public' gaming is on the phone or iPod.

Once the initial early adopters have set up a base of sales there will be a cheaper, smaller PSP2 with broader appeal. Just like the Gameboy, GBA, DS, PSP, and every other handheld gaming device there has ever been.


outunderthestars said:
I wasn't exactly going to throw it in my pocket anyhow.
Me neither, since the backpack it is usually where I keep the PSP2000 when on the move. However, I like to sit on the couch with a 13" laptop over a 15" one for sure, and the next is likely to be a 11.6".

I'm sure that it was not possible to make it any smaller in any reasonable way, but the slider would have at least bring down its size to DSi level. Anyway, de gustibus non disputandum est, but I'll be happier after the diet :)
It is actually an application called PlayStation Suite, which happens to also run on Android phones. There is no Android on the PSP2, just native support for the Suite.

It's far more likely the NGP just runs a customized version of Android and Playstation Suite is just Sony's proprietary App Store (which are not uncommon on Android). Sony can exert more stringent controls over the technical requirements for anything sold through Playstation Suite, but also get defacto support from every hot touch game or app that comes along.


DieH@rd said:

Kojima mentioned that ps3 tech demo was directly exported to PSP2, no downgrades to textures/geometry. But it also worked @ 20fps.
That is pretty freaking impressive.
Kind of interesting that EA hasn´t signed up to this one yet. Guess they are still negotiating the terms. They are tough mother fuckers, remember how long it took until they started supporting the Xbox.


Not an asshole.
You want buttons? We got buttons.

You want an analog stick? Fuck, how about two? Whatever.

You say you like twistin your system around like a dumbass? Boom we put a gyroscope inside this bitch.

Need to touch shit? We got you covered. Fuck, you can even touch the back too. That's some crazy shit. Why did we even put that there? I don't know.

You want 3G for downloading games and such? No problem. Just pay us some money or something, that shit ain't free.

You need graphics like you have at home you needy bitch? Sure, take 'em. We'll throw in a high res screen, too. Why not?


Jea Song

Did the right thing
Future said:
If this included android apps/games then things would get interesting.

If true, playstation suite, along with phones like the xperia play, apple may be in big trouble here.
Kodiak said:
You want buttons? We got buttons.

You want an analog stick? Fuck, how about two? Whatever.

You say you like twistin your system around like a dumbass? Boom we put a gyroscope inside this bitch.

Need to touch shit? We got you covered. Fuck, you can even touch the back too. That's some crazy shit. Why did we even put that there? I don't know.

You want 3G for downloading games and such? No problem. Just pay us some money or something, that shit ain't free.

You need graphics like you have at home you needy bitch? Sure, take 'em. We'll throw in a high res screen, too. Why not?


You want to empty your bank account for us? Don't worry, we're already on it.

You want to us drive our gaming divison further down the dumpter? We're halfway there!


GAF's Bob Woodward
They did show off one Android game during the conference but I think it was just a one-off port.

PlayStation Suite will be your window on Android. Curated Android content.

Hopefully Sony will allow some general apps in there too for PSP2.

Looking at the pics, it makes me kind of wish they just called it 'PlayStation'. The logo on its own on the bottom looks really nice.


Neo Member
I'm impressed with the sheer number of features and methods of input.

I will be sad if this is >$300. And if there aren't any good games made with the inputs in mind. RTS would be awesome, as someone said. Starcraft and Diablo portable!


They did show off one Android game during the conference but I think it was just a one-off port.
For iPhone/iOS addicts like myself, Android compatability would be a big reason to purchase since it would give me access to that library of apps. Even without ps games, it would be an extremely powerful android media tablet
Price will be the most important factor for this, if it's closer to 300 then it be a very alluring prospect.

As an announcement though, it was probably the most unexciting I remember in years.

The raw power does little for the portable market and neither do the extremely inconvenient dimensions. I'll keep being a skeptic for now but I see no incentive in owning another portable home console.


Kodiak said:
You want buttons? We got buttons.

You want an analog stick? Fuck, how about two? Whatever.

You say you like twistin your system around like a dumbass? Boom we put a gyroscope inside this bitch.

Need to touch shit? We got you covered. Fuck, you can even touch the back too. That's some crazy shit. Why did we even put that there? I don't know.

You want 3G for downloading games and such? No problem. Just pay us some money or something, that shit ain't free.

You need graphics like you have at home you needy bitch? Sure, take 'em. We'll throw in a high res screen, too. Why not?


damn right. Sony got this one covered in all front, now just make sure they got the security right this time


Touchstone said:
I'm impressed with the sheer number of features and methods of input.

I will be sad if this is >$300. And if there aren't any good games made with the inputs in mind. RTS would be awesome, as someone said. Starcraft and Diablo portable!
starcraft would be pretty amazing if the touch inputs work well!

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
How the fuck are you supposed to hold that hideous thing for touch-screen games?
It amazes me how they did so much wrong with the design, they even backpedaled from GO's slide which should have been a given if they wanted to just build on PSP's design.


SCEE president Andrew House on the EU Blog:

We have learnt a great deal from our previous experiences and as such will be distributing games both at retail and via the PlayStation Network. We want to give consumers the choice as to how they access the great content available on NGP.
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