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PSP2 (Next Generation Portable) Announced, 2011, BC [Up3: Info In OP]

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Not an asshole.
You guys are crazy, that design is a beauty. Looks like it will feel great in the hand with the metal bits and brushed plastic.


Vagabundo said:
The kind of design panders to the hardcore fetist - like my fellow neoGAFers - but not so much to the casuals.

Having such a confusing array of control methods and buttons will put people off. This also suffers from not being portable enough, like the previous PSP.

The differences between this and the PSP1 are minimal from that standpoint.

I do think it will do better than the PSP1, but not 3DS levels of better.

It depends who has must-have software first. Sony announced some good stuff, but much of it is a long way out. I doubt we'll see an MGS on PSP2 before 2013.

Nintendo announced less good stuff in my opinion, but there's already some indication of the launch window. But I think Nintendo needs their Wii Sports / Nintendogs moment early to have the biggest impact.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Kibbles said:
Why the hell do they still use convex thumbsticks? Ugh, I absolutely hate that on every Playstation device. Convex thumbsticks with grips like the Microsoft 360 controller are so much bettter.

Its the only thing I don't really like about it so far. I'll be getting some slip on convex covers as soon as they are available. Hell, might even make them myself and sell them.


What a weird ass place to put the front camera. Having it not centered is just a bizzare design choice and would force you to hold it weird (or be constantly off-center) if you were doing video chat.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Kodiak said:
You guys are crazy, that design is a beauty. Looks like it will feel great in the hand with the metal bits and brushed plastic.

Yeah, it looks gorgeous to me. I don't know what everyone else is talking about.

LevityNYC said:
I do... along with my iPhone and PSP Go...

What?! Have you not discovered messenger bags yet?


Kodiak said:
You guys are crazy, that design is a beauty. Looks like it will feel great in the hand with the metal bits and brushed plastic.
Will it survive drop tests well?

My PSP-1000 is built like a tank and has survived many drops. It's also a reason why I choose not to upgrade to the later revisions.

Yes, it is inevitable that you will drop your device at least once.


Luigiv said:
Not really. Gap is considerably smaller this time. Half a generation gap more like it.

Well maybe I spoke too soon. It's hard to tell since all we have so far are tech demos. That MGS4 clip was impressive, though.
I think Sony realizes that casual gamers are flocking to smartphones for their gaming fixes, and are not likely to buy a secondary device solely for gaming.

Might as well make a device for the core gamer.


GAF's Bob Woodward
theBishop said:
Nintendo announced less good stuff in my opinion, but there's already some indication of the launch window.

Nintendo's launching in a couple of months... In terms of 'introductory announcements', comparing this to Nintendo's at E3 would seem more appropriate.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
claviertekky said:
Will it survive drop tests well?

My PSP-1000 is built like a tank and has survived many drops. It's also a reason why I choose not to upgrade to the later revisions.

Yes, it is inevitable that you will drop your device at least once.

I've actually never dropped my DS or my PSP.


Eh Not really portable. Power is cool, but the PSP was powerful at the time but that didnt mean shit in the end. Did they mention if 3G would have a monthly fee? If it does then its pretty much a wasted feature for people with iphones, android, or some other device where they pay for 3G already.

Features are impressive though, there is no doubt about that. Stacked every damn thing inside it. Dont know what they plan to do with the reverse touch pad, but I guess you cant complain.
shagg_187 said:
Indeed it is. Sadly (or cautiously), Sony has 2 or so years to catch the market because handheld phones will surpass the specs real soon with Tegra planning to own.
That GPU is more than 4x as fast as the gpu in Teg2. The iPhone5 will get apple half of the way there though (literally).

Jea Song

Did the right thing
I wouldnt wanna put this beauty in my pocket anyhow.At least without some protection. It's likely to be pricey, and has a beautiful oled screen, with it's iphone 4 like aluminum look and brushed plastic. First thing im gonna do it put a protective screen over both touch screens(if possible) and slap a case on this monster. I'm loving this thing.

DAY 1.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Jea Song said:
I wouldnt wanna put this beauty in my pocket anyhow. It's likely to be pricey, and has a beautiful oled screen, with it's iphone 4 like aluminum look and brushed plastic. First thing im gonna do it put a protective screen over both touch screens(if possible) and slap a case on this monster. I'm loving this thing.

DAY 1.

Or you could...put it in your bag? How do you guys go anywhere without a bag?
Kodiak said:
You guys are crazy, that design is a beauty. Looks like it will feel great in the hand with the metal bits and brushed plastic.
Well with all the waiting people have really high standards. I love the look of the PSP2. Everything I've expected came through: Dual analogs, OLED, Close to PS3 graphics kind of, back touchpad, PSN support, PSN game support, and the overall look.

I always found the original PSP sexy when it came out and PSP2 looks a lot sleeker. The curvature will probably make it easier to hold as well.

I'm surprised there wasn't this amount of complaints on the looks on the 3DS which looks exactly like the DS.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
thetrin said:
Or you could...put it in your bag? How do you guys go anywhere without a bag?

Even in a bag, id like a case. A nice big scratch on the oled screen gives me shivers even thinking about it.


Crakatak187 said:
Well with all the waiting people have really high standards. I love the look of the PSP2. Everything I've expected came through: Dual analogs, OLED, Close to PS3 graphics kind of, back touchpad, PSN support, PSN game support, and the overall look.

I always found the original PSP sexy when it came out and PSP2 looks a lot sleeker. The curvature will probably make it easier to hold as well.

I'm surprised there wasn't this amount of complaints on the looks on the 3DS which looks exactly like the DS.
There have been a ton of complaints about the 3DS' ugly sandwich design.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Thunder Monkey said:
Sorry Gravi I think I'll skip the PS3 and just get a PSP2.

Handhelds yeah!

Honestly, looking at the MGS4 demo... I had little feeling of 'compromise'. It looks good enough for me not to feel like I'm cheaping out by playing a game like that on it. If PS4 is a ways off I think it will help PSP2 a lot.


gofreak said:
Hardcore-ers also like to play 'lighter' content, though. Having this level of capacity for all these kinds of content is very appealing IMO. PSP2 is undoubtedly a machine for core gamers - unapologetically so. They're targeting casual-gaming-only people in a very different (and clever) way.

You right of course. It is a shame that they have given up on the causal markets for the moment, but they have made a handheld that is too big and fragile for me to use as a real life handheld.

As a gadget i'm interested in it, but I think I'd prefer to go the whole hog and get an ipad. That seems to be the competitor for this device.
Given that the first PSP was pretty slick looking, this bulky device is a bit of a surprise. At the same time though, it's not, given the power of the thing.

I like the sticks, they look much better than the PSP's nub, however, they should have designed the thing to protect them. You're going to need to carry that thing in a hardshell case if you don't want the sticks getting fucked up quick.

The 3G is cool but I don't see a bunch of people paying a monthly fee for it.

This thing will cost a lot. Given that I will already be shelling out way to much for the 3DS, if I get this, it will be down the line with a cheaper/better revision. I'm impressed with what's being offered, just not so much with the presentation.


I would prefer a smaller system to a larger screen and resolution, although it's quite possible they couldn't fit the hardware into a smaller form factor even if they had gone with a smaller screen. Also, the launch lineup looks weak. So does the 3DS lineup, but the 3DS can afford to coast on the DS brand and 3D novelty until better software is ready, whereas Sony doesn't have that luxury. The next PSP doesn't look like a threat to Nintendo's portable dominance, but from a gamer's POV, so what? They didn't cut and run on the PSP or PS3, so if the system gets great games for 5+ years I couldn't care less if it's the number two system.


with playstation suit i hope they let devs bring out games to it like on the android market and price them either free or below 2 bucks

Jea Song

Did the right thing
I think many of us are overlooking the android part of this device. Was it clear on what that means exactly? Does this mean android marketplace and apps? I'm confused on the whole android connection.
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