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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls


Wow, they had no idea what to do with Dark Izanami and Rodin ults. Minor stat boosts. A couple more autoheal for Izanami, why not give her RCV instead. An extra row for Rodin doesn't really change anything. And he's unbindable, haha, can't think of anything that doesn't make that nearly worthless.


Rodin doesn't have the TPAs? Dammit. I get that Red already has its big stat TPA stick in Hino and giving them yet another option might be a bit much, but ROdin's attacker Subtype gives him quite a few more options than Hino to use those TPAs. As it stands, these Ults are pretty terrible upgrades.


Rodin was never going to get triple TPAs unless they nuked his ATK stat into the ground. And since his active is based purely around that stat...

Blodin got it because his ATK blows.

So how about them ultimate votes, right? Kind of feels like GungHo gave us the finger on all of them.


Rodin was never going to get triple TPAs unless they nuked his ATK stat into the ground. And since his active is based purely around that stat...

Blodin got it because his ATK blows.

I know, but imagine the possibilities. It'd be beautiful. I guess Awoken Shiva's getting that last slot on my Urd attacker team.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Triple TPA Robin with the same atk stats would have killed Katsuguchi xD Blodin was the first triple TPA water unit so it made sense.

Still sad that Rodin didn't get more TPA love.


Triple TPA Robin with the same atk stats would have killed Katsuguchi xD Blodin was the first triple TPA water unit so it made sense.

Still sad that Rodin didn't get more TPA love.

I want more TPA love in general. Right now, TPA teams are pretty dependent on very specific REM subs. To get those subs, you either have to be pretty lucky or put in a good chunk of cash, which is dumb since rolling for a specific monster is a fool's errand that never ends well. It feels a bit too F2P scummy to me. Spreading the TPAs around more REM subs would make those teams easier to make without really hurting the other REM TPA monsters that much. Would be more fair all around.


That extra row boost might be able to open up a slot on Krishna/Yamato/other red row teams and make some interesting teams there, but aside from that I don't see much use. Even on those teams, he's probably more of a situational or replacement filler sub than anything else.
Tripe tpa Rodin dream is dead :(



LKali is too OP. I could clear dungeons mostly effortlessly with her while I was struggling to do them with my Ronia.

In the last days I cleared sacred masks, beelzebub and noah. And I didn't have to stall for skills in these dungeons. I hate stalling with Ronia, its not fun.
I want more TPA love in general. Right now, TPA teams are pretty dependent on very specific REM subs. To get those subs, you either have to be pretty lucky or put in a good chunk of cash, which is dumb since rolling for a specific monster is a fool's errand that never ends well. It feels a bit too F2P scummy to me. Spreading the TPAs around more REM subs would make those teams easier to make without really hurting the other REM TPA monsters that much. Would be more fair all around.
I don't know, I think about half of the REM has at least one TPA. If anything, a few months ago they were handing out TPAs too often. It seemed like every ult/new monster came with two.

The game thrives on the variety in building teams. If every monster fit on one kind of team, the game would start to become kind of one-note, and wouldn't be as fun.


LKali is too OP. I could clear dungeons mostly effortlessly with her while I was struggling to do them with my Ronia.

In the last days I cleared sacred masks, beelzebub and noah. And I didn't have to stall for skills in these dungeons. I hate stalling with Ronia, its not fun.

The game has definitely made shifts over the last couple of years. For the longest time it was all about combo leads, Kirin and Horus were the cream of the crop for the early descendeds prior to Awakenings and Row Enhance. Enter Ronia and she dominated everything for a good period of time. Now it's shifting back to combo leaders again with the OP awakenings, strong active abilities and boosted leader skills. Vegito, L. Kali, Awoken Egypt are insanely strong and clearing content where Ronia now falls flat.
Player-voted ultimates seem to be underwhelming in general. And what makes it worse is that it also seems to delay a proper ultimate for that monster even longer if at all.


^I don't think that's a fair assessment.

In general ultimate's are not that far off from cards previous evolution to begin with.

D. Iza drops from a legendary dungeon no way her ultimate was going to be a game changer. Did you honestly expect something like beez, fagan, zaerog?

Kirin I guess people expected an Awoken card but we got an ultimate ultimate and again ultimate's don't really change the card that much and its not like she got nerfed, she is just a weaker L.Kali.

Rodin I don't have him and cant really say what i wanted but like the other Odins he did not change much and he is what he is a utility card/stat stick sub.


Rodin's ult is so bad, if any elemental jewels are needed I won't evo him since the jewel is worth more than his improvements

Minor stat boost is pretty much it.

His new awakenings are useless. Seriously no TPA at all. I mean you don't need 3xTPA but none? What kind of team do you think you can fit a red attacker on if he doesn't have TPA?

Rows don't work well because of his typing so an additional row isn't much use considering his original 3 rows wasn't much use. Make him devil? Yeah he would have been awesome.

There's only 2 types of characters you want bind resist on. Leader base characters and characters that are used to cure binds. Rodin is neither.


Zeus Vulcan will be mine next time he comes around. I need Phoenix for a.Shiva and Zeus for Minerva. Looking at the dungeon info it doesn't seem impossible as long as I have a high HP team.


I am down, I run Beelz and Parvati typically. Similarly to you I have a bunch of other leaders that I can put up when needed.

Hey Hermit, how about

I add yami4ct, yami4ct add you, and you add me?

I have just done my part.

To yami4ct: restart the game you will see me as the best friend.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
The game has definitely made shifts over the last couple of years. For the longest time it was all about combo leads, Kirin and Horus were the cream of the crop for the early descendeds prior to Awakenings and Row Enhance. Enter Ronia and she dominated everything for a good period of time. Now it's shifting back to combo leaders again with the OP awakenings, strong active abilities and boosted leader skills. Vegito, L. Kali, Awoken Egypt are insanely strong and clearing content where Ronia now falls flat.

I thought one of the big draws of Ronia team is that she can clear much content with farmables - is that true for L.Kali and co. as well ? I have U&Y and LKali and they are great with the good REM subs but without them ?

Zeus Vulcan will be mine next time he comes around. I need Phoenix for a.Shiva and Zeus for Minerva. Looking at the dungeon info it doesn't seem impossible as long as I have a high HP team.

Yeah i cleared it for the stone...sucks that Phoenix didnt drop. The one time he dropped during the Zeus challenge i died on the stage afterwards lol.


I thought one of the big draws of Ronia team is that she can clear much content with farmables - is that true for L.Kali and co. as well ? I have U&Y and LKali and they are great with the good REM subs but without them ?

Ronia is still an amazing lead and clears the majority of descended content blindfolded. And yes, she can clear a lot of it with farmable subs (king baddie, lilith, vamp, drawn joker, etc.). She's only recently fallen short on the high end challenge content and Legend Plus dungeons. That's where the torch has been passed back to combo leads.
Ronia is still an amazing lead and clears the majority of descended content blindfolded. And yes, she can clear a lot of it with farmable subs (king baddie, lilith, vamp, drawn joker, etc.). She's only recently fallen short on the high end challenge content and Legend Plus dungeons. That's where the torch has been passed back to combo leads.
I think that's only true if you consider Ronia/Ronia pairings. Beelz/Ronia (and LuBu/Ronia before it) has always been superior and can still give you a good chance on clearing everything but C10 (which only a handful of leads can 0-stone anyway).
I thought one of the big draws of Ronia team is that she can clear much content with farmables - is that true for L.Kali and co. as well ? I have U&Y and LKali and they are great with the good REM subs but without them ?

Yeah i cleared it for the stone...sucks that Phoenix didnt drop. The one time he dropped during the Zeus challenge i died on the stage afterwards lol.

L.Kali has passable non iap teams.


Didn't think I was ready for zeus Vulcan on my alt account yet
So I was ready to stone my way to win lol
Ended up using 2 stones
But the stage wasn't as hard as I thought It'd be
Died cuz of heart troll on Artemis and Ares
No wonder drawn joker was in everyone's setup for Ronia
But there was no turning back once Phoenix dropped

Now I'm ready for both awoken Shiva and Minerva :D


Ronia is still an amazing lead and clears the majority of descended content blindfolded. And yes, she can clear a lot of it with farmable subs (king baddie, lilith, vamp, drawn joker, etc.). She's only recently fallen short on the high end challenge content and Legend Plus dungeons. That's where the torch has been passed back to combo leads.

Not non-IAP, but I have cleared all current 4 Legend Plus dungeons with this team though...(Beelz is the lead for Hera challenge)



Did someone just ask what attacker team you can make with rows?

Awoken Leilan, Misato, Rodin, Caocao, and the red slime knight. Fooking rekt worthy team, yamato is shit.


Most of the best Beelzebub/Ronia crews use only one Ronia, two at max, which is easily achieved with your own and a friend leader.

Did someone just ask what attacker team you can make with rows?

Can make red row teams all day, but enjoy playing with that RCV.


Welp, damn 3DS game got me wanting to play the mobile game again. So, I'm back after two years, I think my last post in OT1 was in June of 2013. Trying to wrap my head around the changes, and it's a lot of changes.

I'm trying to work on these goals from the late game guide over on PADX.

Goals for the late game

You’ve got 6 medium goals for the late-game, in no particular order:

1. Finish the T5 normal dungeons up to and including Ocean of Heaven
2. Finish the Legendary Dragon, Sky Dragon Dungeons, Hera Descended, and Heroes
3. Finish all of the technical dungeons up to and including the first conditional (no leader skills allowed) dungeon
4. Build an everyday farming team if you haven’t already (see late game teams)
5. Build out a team for Hera Descended (see “Hera Descended” under late game teams) and get 4 Heras for dedicated use in your teams
6. Build out a team for Heroes Descended (see “Heroes Descended” under late game teams) and get one of both Berserk and Highlander
7. Optionally building a team to get Satan from the Satan Descended dungeon

So far, I just have the Legendary Dragon dungeon to finish in the first three steps. The problem I'm running into is just not enough friends on my friends list anymore. If anyone can add me or give me any sort of pointers feel free. Thanks.

ID: 393,030,292
PADherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Kosh...2047,268435455,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0


Welp, damn 3DS game got me wanting to play the mobile game again. So, I'm back after two years, I think my last post in OT1 was in June of 2013. Trying to wrap my head around the changes, and it's a lot of changes.

I'm trying to work on these goals from the late game guide over on PADX.

Goals for the late game

You’ve got 6 medium goals for the late-game, in no particular order:

1. Finish the T5 normal dungeons up to and including Ocean of Heaven
2. Finish the Legendary Dragon, Sky Dragon Dungeons, Hera Descended, and Heroes
3. Finish all of the technical dungeons up to and including the first conditional (no leader skills allowed) dungeon
4. Build an everyday farming team if you haven’t already (see late game teams)
5. Build out a team for Hera Descended (see “Hera Descended” under late game teams) and get 4 Heras for dedicated use in your teams
6. Build out a team for Heroes Descended (see “Heroes Descended” under late game teams) and get one of both Berserk and Highlander
7. Optionally building a team to get Satan from the Satan Descended dungeon

So far, I just have the Legendary Dragon dungeon to finish in the first three steps. The problem I'm running into is just not enough friends on my friends list anymore. If anyone can add me or give me any sort of pointers feel free. Thanks.

ID: 393,030,292
PADherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Kosh...2047,268435455,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0

I don't think any of these goals are relevant.


Those goals look like mid game stuff, what article is that because that info looks old. Hera and Heroes are not descends anymore, the game has changed a lot since 2013.


I feel like this Skill Up 2.5x chance is bullshit. Been feeding to my berry dragons and Apple Drawn all day with nothing. :(
That box looks circa 2013 as heck lol

I think your new goal is to get your box up to date with the current meta. A lot of old monsters (Minerva, Kagu, Lax, Parvati stand out in particular) have new awoken evolutions that are superb leaders/subs to that end, and you have some other leaders (Isis stands out the most) that can kill the descended dungeons that give you the material to perform those evolutions.

Building teams to deal with mythical evo material dungeons will also be a priority, which means you need a team that can get you a Zeus.


Those goals look like mid game stuff, what article is that because that info looks old. Hera and Heroes are not descends anymore, the game has changed a lot since 2013.

It's this guide.


It probably is old, I was just trying to find a goal to set for myself. At this time, I'm very lost on what I should be doing. I'm thinking I'll work on leveling and evolving some leaders as Cosmo Clock suggests.


That box looks circa 2013 as heck lol

Building teams to deal with mythical evo material dungeons will also be a priority, which means you need a team that can get you a Zeus.

I have an Awoken Zeus. I'm thinking I need to use a Zeus team to get the two Angelits and evolve Isis to B/L?


I think that's only true if you consider Ronia/Ronia pairings. Beelz/Ronia (and LuBu/Ronia before it) has always been superior and can still give you a good chance on clearing everything but C10 (which only a handful of leads can 0-stone anyway).

I was referencing Beelz/Ronia with my thinking, I dont think anyone really runs 2x Ronia leads much anymore, could be wrong there. I seem to hit a brick wall during the challenge dungeons after 8, 9 and 10 just aren't doable with Ronia because I run out of burst.

Not non-IAP, but I have cleared all current 4 Legend Plus dungeons with this team though...(Beelz is the lead for Hera challenge)

I'll take back my Legend plus comments and cry some more about the game refuses to give me Ronia so I can sub her. lol

My point overall with the discussion was more about the subtle shifts the game has made, and to Gungho's credit... they've done a very nice job keeping the game pretty well balanced.
I was referencing Beelz/Ronia with my thinking, I dont think anyone really runs 2x Ronia leads much anymore, could be wrong there. I seem to hit a brick wall during the challenge dungeons after 8, 9 and 10 just aren't doable with Ronia because I run out of burst.
I'll give you C10 but I was able to Beelz/Ronia C9 the last two sets without too much trouble (2-3 attempts?). The next set's C9 looks challenging though.

I don't bother using Beelz/Ronia on C8 since "no RCV" takes away one of that team's biggest strengths. I imagine it's doable if you bring a heartmaker.


Tried a few more descends like Hera Ur and Beelzebub a few times, but still no sign of the new Angel/Devil invade.
Haven't been going full bore trying to pick up plus eggs before the 3x normal dungeon event ends, but at least I got my Liu Bei over 100 plus eggs. Next time it comes around I'll try harder.

At least I got the Angel on my iPad.
I tried Vulcan again and messed up on the boss. I waited too long to try my final attack. (LKali -> CTW) with my Ra/LKali team. Didn't heal enough on the previous turn and didn't survive his attack...My mistake...
Still haven't finished my Cell as I've been running the Survey Dungeon to try and max skill my Cao Cao.

edit: Somewhat disappointed with the Rodin uevo. Was hoping he would have something more useful like an extra skill boost and two TPAs. He isn't really in need of the bind resist. I rarely use mine as leader.
LKali is too OP. I could clear dungeons mostly effortlessly with her while I was struggling to do them with my Ronia.

In the last days I cleared sacred masks, beelzebub and noah. And I didn't have to stall for skills in these dungeons. I hate stalling with Ronia, its not fun.
She's very strong, but not OP. Her main weakness is bind, which is why I always have to keep LMeta on my LKali team. That's why on Mephisto I usually run it with my Vegito team as it is easier to survive the binds using that team instead of my LKali team.

Awoken Ra is harder to activate (needing the extra color), but he has the double bind resist and he can output more power when using a skill. I'm still working on trying to get better with my Awoken Ra team. Using LKali as a sub on that team is great.


Thats fine. I added you

Thanks. Let's just wait for yami4ct to see this.

I'll take back my Legend plus comments and cry some more about the game refuses to give me Ronia so I can sub her. lol

My point overall with the discussion was more about the subtle shifts the game has made, and to Gungho's credit... they've done a very nice job keeping the game pretty well balanced.

Somehow I don't think Ronia(s) shall be the most ideal leader or sub for a devil 2/6.25/2.5 team to tackle some of the most difficult challenge.
The idea team in my mind would be Beelz x D/R Lucifer, with fast orb changers, unbinders, a burst, and/or a delayer.

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34lqfaNRhGY
Challenge Lv10 starts from 10:20 or so.


Somehow I don't think Ronia(s) shall be the most ideal leader or sub for a devil 2/6.25/2.5 team to tackle some of the most difficult challenge.
The idea team in my mind would be Beelz x D/R Lucifer, with fast orb changers, unbinders, a burst, and/or a delayer.

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34l...ad in the near future. (Or as a farming lead)
Ronia is still good. She was pretty much the best and/or most popular lead not even a few months ago. Even if somehow every new bit of content they released was flat out impossible for a Ronia team to do, she still has all the strengths she did in the past. Namely being able to clear everything but perhaps the newest content.
How do you guys "clean" your friend list?
I've just removed people who haven't played in 40+ days.

But, after that, how do you choose who to delete?

The friend list is somewhat difficult to sort/manage, when you're at the "Friend List" menu, it doesn't show you their 2nd/3rd leader.
And, when you're at Friend Select screen, it doesn't allow you to delete.

I thought that I should get some more variety with my friend list (I have next to no Isis/Skull/Andromeda friends, or very few of them).
I know I rarely use some of them, but I don't need to see my list filled completely with the same common leaders. (whom I do use a lot, but there's just too many L.Kali, Athena, Horus, Sakuya, Ra, Ronia, etc)

I'm most likely gonna start deleting ppl using Sakuya (since I don't really use my Kirin).

But, it's really difficult choosing who to delete (I wanna keep everyone, haha)
Especially with new Awoken Ulti being announced every now and then, the trend could change quite quickly.


How do you guys "clean" your friend list?
I've just removed people who haven't played in 40+ days.

But, after that, how do you choose who to delete?

The friend list is somewhat difficult to sort/manage, when you're at the "Friend List" menu, it doesn't show you their 2nd/3rd leader.
And, when you're at Friend Select screen, it doesn't allow you to delete.

I'm most likely gonna start deleting ppl using Sakuya (since I don't really use my Kirin).

But, it's really difficult choosing who to delete (I wanna keep everyone, haha)
Especially with new Awoken Ulti being announced every now and then, the trend could change quite quickly.

Base it off the teams that you are using. I have a bunch of Ronia friends still because I have Beelz. I used to have a lot of friends that used Blue Sonia but as I moved away from that I added Urd and verd friends.

On another note I am hating light sprite at the moment. Looking for dqxq skills and not a single one has dropped. Spent about 300 stamina already on expert.


Hey, hermit. I just tried to add you for our BFF triangle and your list is full. Let me know when you get a space or add me. My ID is 371,242,226


How do you guys "clean" your friend list?
I've just removed people who haven't played in 40+ days.

But, after that, how do you choose who to delete?

The friend list is somewhat difficult to sort/manage, when you're at the "Friend List" menu, it doesn't show you their 2nd/3rd leader.
And, when you're at Friend Select screen, it doesn't allow you to delete.

I thought that I should get some more variety with my friend list (I have next to no Isis/Skull/Andromeda friends, or very few of them).
I know I rarely use some of them, but I don't need to see my list filled completely with the same common leaders. (whom I do use a lot, but there's just too many L.Kali, Athena, Horus, Sakuya, Ra, Ronia, etc)

I'm most likely gonna start deleting ppl using Sakuya (since I don't really use my Kirin).

But, it's really difficult choosing who to delete (I wanna keep everyone, haha)
Especially with new Awoken Ulti being announced every now and then, the trend could change quite quickly.
I buy more friend space as I have difficulty deleting folks from my list. I may not offer the best advice.


I was referencing Beelz/Ronia with my thinking, I dont think anyone really runs 2x Ronia leads much anymore, could be wrong there. I seem to hit a brick wall during the challenge dungeons after 8, 9 and 10 just aren't doable with Ronia because I run out of burst.

Since you're running Beelzebub, Haku+CDD is arguably a better combo even though they take 2 slots. I very seldom use row attack running this team. They have shorter cooldowns and you can use them together or separately depending on the board, giving you much more flexibility.


How do you guys "clean" your friend list?
I've just removed people who haven't played in 40+ days.

But, after that, how do you choose who to delete?

The friend list is somewhat difficult to sort/manage, when you're at the "Friend List" menu, it doesn't show you their 2nd/3rd leader.
And, when you're at Friend Select screen, it doesn't allow you to delete.

I thought that I should get some more variety with my friend list (I have next to no Isis/Skull/Andromeda friends, or very few of them).
I know I rarely use some of them, but I don't need to see my list filled completely with the same common leaders. (whom I do use a lot, but there's just too many L.Kali, Athena, Horus, Sakuya, Ra, Ronia, etc)

I'm most likely gonna start deleting ppl using Sakuya (since I don't really use my Kirin).

But, it's really difficult choosing who to delete (I wanna keep everyone, haha)
Especially with new Awoken Ulti being announced every now and then, the trend could change quite quickly.

Initially I increased my friends list to over 200 - but still run into issues. I generally clean my list once a week and remove players that haven't played more than 3 days. I have an open door policy though so most come right back if they need one of my hypermax'd leads.

interestingly after doing this for some time I have a list of over 210 people that never go a day without playing - amazing how addictive this game can be.
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