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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls

Edit: Wait, what friend slot do non friends see when they see you as a partner option for the first time? I've been keeping my Durga in Team 2, since the majority of the time I'm running B. Sonia actively (so she is my Team 1). If potential new friends only see your Team 1 lead, maybe that's why I still don't have any Durga friends...
potential friends and strangers see your current leader
Flame Chaser is a workable lead as is uvo Phoenix, since you happen to have the rare mats for that too. Depending on where you are in the game and what your goals are they may be worthwhile to invest in.

It's true that the "cost" to uvo Jotunn is high, but
1) they're just sitting in your box otherwise
2) not much currently requires GK to evolve
3) the chase pulls that DO require GK (Kirin and... Kirin) can clear the GK dungeon themselves

Somebody back me up on this opinion.

As for box space there's totally nothing wrong with expanding as much as you did. Don't worry about it.

I'll second this. Those Keeper of Golds aren't doing any good lookin' pretty and unless there are some better attackers hidden in that box, Lilith can't lead after ulting. Ulting Jotunn would be the easiest way I can see to get a better attacking lead plus there are a few orb changers for fire and light in there, as well as a naga, hell even Gigas is in that box for more beef and fire orbs. So, time to buddy up with some Ares/Shiva/Freyr/Ame(?) people and go to town.

As for the box space, it's whatever. I'd stop for now and save up stones for some REM pulls but having a lot of space to hold EXP fodder, evo mats or collab/event monsters is nice.
As for the box space, it's whatever. I'd stop for now and save up stones for some REM pulls but having a lot of space to hold EXP fodder, evo mats or collab/event monsters is nice.
Having evo mats on hand is convenient but there's no need to carry 3 Nagas and an Echidna, especially at your stage.

I don't IAP either but it's not too hard to skimp on boxspace since event days are more common than non-event days now. Requires some advance planning and you have to run the 2x dailies somewhat regularly if there are things you need to evolve. Chances are, most of things you hoard won't be used for a while and may be never used at all.

But free stones are infinite, so just start saving for better REM stuff now.


I've been looking for a Durga friend ever since I pulled her on the first day of the last godfest. I haven't even evo'd mine yet, since I can't find anyone to use her with. I've been keeping her as my #2 lead, just hoping someone would eventually shoot me an invite so I could evo her, awaken her, and start using her.

Shoot me a friend invite for a Durga up 100% of the time: 347,606,314

Assuming you use your Durga a decent amount, I'll get mine evolved and awakened ASAP :)

Edit: Wait, what friend slot do non friends see when they see you as a partner option for the first time? I've been keeping my Durga in Team 2, since the majority of the time I'm running B. Sonia actively (so she is my Team 1). If potential new friends only see your Team 1 lead, maybe that's why I still don't have any Durga friends...

Invite sent. After Super metals today mine is 97 fully awoke with a few plus eggs. I had my first ever useful "Super" while feeding her a king and super king today, victory in itself.

You show two leaders to your friends, whoever is in the first slot and the last active leader you used. If you used team 1 last, that leader will show twice on the friend list. If you want a hero up 100% of the time put it in the first team slot.
After this ult evo, more people will be asking this question :lol.

Satan is farmable, not everyone has Ronia.

Ah. So Satan is Ronia lite for normals.

Anyway I hope Light Zhuge somehow gets a leader skill buff. I would like to see 4x at full attack, 3x when not at full. Or some such thing.

Oh and I hope Kirin remains relevant.

And when/if DQXQ gets an ult I wonder how insane it will be with all this power creep.
I wouldn't go so far as call Satan Ronia-lite. Satan is giving you much higher attack at the expense of healing. Ronia's biggest strength is arguably her resiliency but if you're farming, you probably aren't getting hit very much so the RCV advantage is a non-factor. The higher attack boost from Satan is more important to help you farm more quickly. And since you're not stalling, Ronia's superior active isn't likely to come into play either.
I wouldn't go so far as call Satan Ronia-lite. Satan is giving you much higher attack at the expense of healing. Ronia's biggest strength is arguably her resiliency but if you're farming, you probably aren't getting hit very much so the RCV advantage is a non-factor. The higher attack boost from Satan is more important to help you farm more quickly. And since you're not stalling, Ronia's superior active isn't likely to come into play either.

Ah gotcha.


Neo Member
Been about 3 months since i last posted lol

I am rank 81 right now. I was wondering if anyone can take a peek at my PAD herder and recommend what I should focus on. I am currently undecided on where I want to go in the direction for my team. I added all the EVO mats i have in my box currently so you all can accurately assess my box.

Thank you! :D

I just wish i didnt need two freaking mystic masks to evolve Berserker lol


Epic Drop

Invite sent. After Super metals today mine is 97 fully awoke with a few plus eggs. I had my first ever useful "Super" while feeding her a king and super king today, victory in itself.

You show two leaders to your friends, whoever is in the first slot and the last active leader you used. If you used team 1 last, that leader will show twice on the friend list. If you want a hero up 100% of the time put it in the first team slot.

For some reason I'm not seeing the invite... mind sharing your code and I'll try to friend you?

Been about 3 months since i last posted lol

I am rank 81 right now. I was wondering if anyone can take a peek at my PAD herder and recommend what I should focus on. I am currently undecided on where I want to go in the direction for my team. I added all the EVO mats i have in my box currently so you all can accurately assess my box.

Thank you! :D

I just wish i didnt need two freaking mystic masks to evolve Berserker lol


In my opinion, the best leaders that you have in your box are Pandora and Archangel Metatron. I would definitely focus on building teams around the two of them.
Ah gotcha.
Do you regret dumping your Dark Metatron account now that her sub pool becomes more versatile with the ult evo?

Been about 3 months since i last posted lol

I am rank 81 right now. I was wondering if anyone can take a peek at my PAD herder and recommend what I should focus on. I am currently undecided on where I want to go in the direction for my team. I added all the EVO mats i have in my box currently so you all can accurately assess my box.

Thank you! :D

I just wish i didnt need two freaking mystic masks to evolve Berserker lol

Suzaku and Light Metatron are probably the best leads to focus on in the short/med term. Pandora is great too but she will be a drag to play until you get better subs for her.

Focus on healers for Light Metatron (Echidna, Siren, Ceres when evolved). Suzaku could use some combination of Echidna, Dino Rider, Light Metatron, and Ceres. Keeper of Gold can also work in a pinch if team cost isn't an issue. Phoenix Knight and Rowdy Red Samurai give you more red orbs if you can fit them in.
Do you regret dumping your Dark Metatron account now that her sub pool becomes more versatile with the ult evo?.

Hmm... not really. On one hand I am unlikely to ever get D.meta again and now her sub pool is stupidly large. She is going to be God tier instead of Goyim. On the other hand I would have probably quit the game long before now at the rate my old account was going at. I will only truly regret it is they somehow make Kirin completely unviable for every future descend, but even then maybe DQ will get a boost with her inevitable ult.

Surprised you remember that.


Those new ult.s. Man I wish I had a Ronia. Oh well, maybe someday. That Satan Ult means I probably should start turning the Satan and Hadar ult I got into a real Devil team. Overall, pretty happy with all these. As long as GungHo doesn't kill Kirin, we're still friends.


Wow, so many power ups!

I might have to use the DMetatron on my iPad account more (I mainly use Ronia, LMeta and RHorus). It's too bad she doesn't get any extra awakenings. Her active skill will also change...I wonder what it'll be?
If she's going to dark/water now, will it change to dark/water orb enhance?

Rodin also gets a boost. 1.5xHP for gods and fire types, in addition to the 2.5x attack. Will be much better for my fire team, using Cao Cao as a friend. I can also put my LHorus on the team too with the new attacker sub!

Durga gets slightly better, but I'd rather not use her as a sub. On my two accounts I have her, I also have Izanagi. He does the 2x god attack and now the 30x attack on one character, but doesn't come with the penalty of going down to 1hp.
I guess that would be good for a DMeta team, but my DMeta account doesn't have Durga...


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Rolled once and got a shitty monster again, but screw it. Got to Rank 50 today and finally captured Naga - now its time to level her up


Been about 3 months since i last posted lol

I am rank 81 right now. I was wondering if anyone can take a peek at my PAD herder and recommend what I should focus on. I am currently undecided on where I want to go in the direction for my team. I added all the EVO mats i have in my box currently so you all can accurately assess my box.

Thank you! :D

I just wish i didnt need two freaking mystic masks to evolve Berserker lol


You have the making of a decent healer team - I've mentioned before I like using Lmeta + SunQuan on the same team - you can put together a very powerful farming team - Depending on the hp boost to lmeta I would probably work on this initially.

Lmeta/SunQuan/Enc/Shynee/orb changer (blue or yellow)

dual delay and dual spike can be really helpful early on.

although lacking an orb changer would make it difficult initially - picking up a Valk or farlio could help a lot.

friend leaders could be blue/yellow healer types (Lmeta/bikinitron/Sun Quan/Valk(b/y)/I&I)

This team would not work well with decends because of the multiple colors/dilution of spikes

I think pandora is your best bet for end game team, although still pretty heavy REM dependent.
Hmm... not really. On one hand I am unlikely to ever get D.meta again and now her sub pool is stupidly large. She is going to be God tier instead of Goyim. On the other hand I would have probably quit the game long before now at the rate my old account was going at. I will only truly regret it is they somehow make Kirin completely unviable for every future descend, but even then maybe DQ will get a boost with her inevitable ult.

Surprised you remember that.
Because that was crazy
dumb IMO
. Byakko lead could've carried you far enough until you got better Dmeta subs. Dmeta isn't a bad Byakko sub herself. And now Byakko is a great Dmeta sub lol.

Glad you have no regrets though. I don't think Gungho ever nerfs anything directly and Kirin is still one of the top leads so it'll be a while before the power creep surpasses her.
Heh. And I was just complaining about Zeus and Hera's awakenings. Nice that they gave them better awakenings, but I'd still like if they gave them more than 3 each. It's not like there aren't other farmable monsters with more awakenings. Maybe it's because they're too good for how easy it is to obtain them nowadays.

Looking forward to ultimate Ronia. Making the additional ATK boost at 6x combos means you need to rely on skyfalls to trigger it if you maximize row boosts after her active. I'm okay with that. And time extend is always a welcome awakening.

Never used mine, but Indra is looking more interesting as a sub member, especially if you manage to skill it up. It's getting double skill-bind resist. And its active can be used as a sort of alternative to Echidna against shielded bosses.

It looks like GH is effectively replacing a lot of +ATK awakenings with TPA. TPA completely outclasses +100 ATK since they added the 50% boost effect.


Anyway I hope Light Zhuge somehow gets a leader skill buff. I would like to see 4x at full attack, 3x when not at full. Or some such thing.
Light Zhuge is getting HP recovery (4x RCV) added to his active skill. That should make him more viable now.
Because that was crazy
dumb IMO
. Byakko lead could've carried you far enough until you got better Dmeta subs. Dmeta isn't a bad Byakko sub herself. And now Byakko is a great Dmeta sub lol.

Glad you have no regrets though. I don't think Gungho ever nerfs anything directly and Kirin is still one of the top leads so it'll be a while before the power creep surpasses her.

What Byakko?

I literally had nothing but Dmeta and valk.
The +stat awakenings always seemed like stubs for other awakenings down the road, especially as other ones got buffed.

Speaking of which, what are the resist awakenings at now? They keep increasing the percent damage they prevent.
What Byakko?

I literally had nothing but Dmeta and valk.
Was this a re-roll after you already deleted the Dmeta account? I thought you had both Byakko and Dmeta on the same file for some reason.

EDIT: yeah, reading further along, you said you had Dmeta as a possible sub and you hadn't decided on re-rolling for Kirin yet
Was this a re-roll after you already deleted the Dmeta account? I thought you had both Byakko and Dmeta on the same file for some reason.

EDIT: yeah, reading further along, you said you had Dmeta as a possible sub and you hadn't decided on re-rolling for Kirin yet

Yeah Byakko was a reroll attempt, not on the same account as Dmeta.

Tho lol at old me thinking Haku sucked.


But why no use Ronia?

It looks like I was mistaken last page. according to pdx Satan now becomes fire/dark, not dark/fire. I don't know how I feel about that now. It's not Satan anymore.

But as others have said. he is a glass cannon.Get in and get out.
It looks like I was mistaken last page. according to pdx Satan now becomes fire/dark, not dark/fire. I don't know how I feel about that now. It's not Satan anymore.

But as others have said. he is a glass cannon.Get in and get out.

Wow that's fucking dumb.

Also is Light Zhuges heal enough for him to deal with Descend preemptives?
So I ran Hera for the stone and fed the drop to Hera-Is. I got the skill up! A good start to what is sure to be a very long process.

On another note I evolved my Lilith today. I almost have the materials to give her the D/D uvo, so I think I'll go ahead and do that. I'm still a ways off from Twinlets I think, but once I can, I'll reverse and go with the D/L version.


Wow that's fucking dumb.

Also is Light Zhuges heal enough for him to deal with Descend preemptives?

If you have two +297 leaders they will heal 8000hp. For some yes, for most no. Add in a +297 Light Metatron and you get an extra 7000.


Almost thought Ronia was going R/L at first by the colors.

Wow that's fucking dumb.

Also is Light Zhuges heal enough for him to deal with Descend preemptives?

Agreed on Satan. Hope that's a mistake, but if not, he can join Orochi, Parvati, and Izanagi in being kinda screwed by this update.

Anything that hits preemptively isn't throwing a status shield up, so you should probably use delay and heal tactics. Of course this doesn't always work when you have multiple preemptive floors, but then no leader is suited for every dungeon anyway.


Decided to do a YOLO pull and got DQXQ. I already have a U&Y, but I might use DQXQ for some type of healer team.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
I am addicted to pulling this REM. I need them to announce the godfest soon, this carnival isn't good for me.


I am beginning to suspect that the game does look at what you need in your box and doesn't give it to you.

Ran Friday dungeon 9 times and 0 dub-topalit.

Similar results last time there was a 2x, except that I got 1 from invade. At that time I needed a dub-emelit too and funny enough, I didn't get one either.
Wonder how many HP/ATK eggs I can stockpile before I get the final 18 RCV eggs to finish my first 297. Six and counting…

Should my second 297 be Bastet, Horus, Dmeta, Blonia, or Lu Bu? I use each of those at roughly the same frequency except for Blonia since I don't have a team for her yet.


Too chicken shit to do Valkyrie on mythical
Did legend 4x for the drop
First try was a loss cuz of a stupid stupid STUPID noobie mistake
50 stamina...the pain... ; ;
Decided to take my Ganesha out for a spin on the coin dungeon. Even without a catwoman or another Ganesha I still ended up with a half million coins in one 25 stam run.

I think I'm going to like the coin dungeons


JP Players Choice rolls:

Siren (gold)

Long way off from making use of Minerva, but she did cheer me up after the crummy first two.
Wonder how many HP/ATK eggs I can stockpile before I get the final 18 RCV eggs to finish my first 297. Six and counting…

Should my second 297 be Bastet, Horus, Dmeta, Blonia, or Lu Bu? I use each of those at roughly the same frequency except for Blonia since I don't have a team for her yet.
My vote is for Lu Bu since he also works as a utility sub. He's second or third on my list at the moment.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
So i pulled again for Yomi, didn't get her of course. Still got a God monster buy it's Persephone, never even heard of her before and stats don't look too hot.... Sigh...
Did 20 rolls on my JP account:

Anubis x 2
Homura x 2
Minerva x 2
Dino Rider
Earth Dragon
Fire Magician x 2
Light Magician
Curse Dragon

Good enough. I'll switch to this since DQXQ was literally the only thing outside of Ronia that was making me hang on to my US account. I really wish I could have rolled a Persephone though. All of the Durga teams I see without her don't look so hot.
So i pulled again for Yomi, didn't get her of course. Still got a God monster buy it's Persephone, never even heard of her before and stats don't look too hot.... Sigh...
What leaders do you have? Persophone is a great sub for devil teams (Ronia, Lu Bu, Satan, etc). Definitely a good pull, even if she doesn't fit on your current team.
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