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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls

Has there ever been a case of a collab REM exclusive getting skillup monsters later? I feel like the DC collab would be the perfect opportunity for them to give us Batman skillups. Probably just wishful thinking though.
Screen caps of my monster box:

The rest is evo materials (plants, masks, spirits etc.). I have 250 spaces total.
wow you had a lot of Gold Keepers huh

Jotunn is probably currently your best leader. He pairs well with Shiva, a popular monster friends like to run, and you have a lot of key subs (Echidna, Titan, Homura, Verche, Gold Keeper) that can help make that team shine. Run extra Gold Keepers if you have trouble surviving certain dungeons since he has a big butt.

You've got a lot of good utility subs that'll find homes down the road for teams that want them. You may want to consider bustying Lilith if you ever happen across a second Angelit, as she'll give you another option for a leader.

edit: forget everything I said I thought Jotunn was bustied. You can still evolve him but you'll lose the Gold Keepers in the process.


Just max skilled my first Ronia, I had to feed 5 red trifruits today (1 at a time) to get that last skillup. Not looking forward to max skilling my other 3 Ronias. Wish I had blue and green Sonias to feed the other trifruits to.


Has there ever been a case of a collab REM exclusive getting skillup monsters later?

Tinnin is the only example that I am aware of. And it will probably never happen again. They want us to farm the nigh-unobtainable 100% skill up mobs now.

Also, I hate you fork cat. I don't have Baal and I wouldn't use you to skill him anyway. I wish I had taken a screen cap, but I had one run where he dropped on every non-boss floor.

I'm going to finish Shiva and they're totally going to drop his skill countdown once this collab ends, aren't they...
Just kidding about pc carnival being worth rolling in

The Carnival lasts an entire week, and features monsters at 3x Rates! All Rare Egg Machine Eggs are guaranteed +Egg status for the duration of the event, and monsters appear at Lv 30!

1516 Lively Maiden, Princess Valkyrie
1270 Burning Maiden, Princess Valkyrie

140 Yomi (1st Place)
753 Incarnation of Byakko, Haku (2nd Place)
1237 Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao (3rd Place)
638 Fallen Angel Lucifer (4th Place)
751 Incarnation of Kirin, Sakuya (5th Place)

557 Hatsume no Tsubone
555 Mochizuki Chiyome
382 Marine Rider

1502 Fire Dragon Swordsman
1504 Water Dragon Swordsman
1506 Shining Dragon Swordsman
1414 Snow White
1417 Thumbelina


Carnival, so no godfest exclusives. And it's not a bad top 5, even if DQXQ is a curious choice. It tickles me to no end that FA Lucifer is now so desirable as to be voted in to these lists.
Carnival, so no godfest exclusives. And it's not a bad top 5, even if DQXQ is a curious choice. It tickles me to no end that FA Lucifer is now so desirable as to be voted in to these lists.
It's an awesome selection for me since I only own one of those and I'd be okay with a dupe due to branching ult evos.

FA Luci is either my 2nd or 3rd most wanted since he fits so perfectly in a Byakko or Lu Bu team. But I'm going to hold off and see if godfest will overlap with this before rolling.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
So if i wanna get Yomi ....should i roll in the Carnival Event or should i still just wait for the next Godfest ?


Wait for now. Godfest may overlap, giving you better odds to pull something good besides Yomi. If it doesn't get announced until after the carnival, pull if you want on the last day. Just be wary that even if those select five have better rates, overall you have less chance of pulling a god compared to a Godfest.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Wait for now. Godfest may overlap, giving you better odds to pull something good besides Yomi. If it doesn't get announced until after the carnival, pull if you want on the last day. Just be wary that even if those select five have better rates, overall you have less chance of pulling a god compared to a Godfest.

Okay waiting till the last day makes sense, but to be fair i lost trust in God Festivals after i got straight up garbage the last time.

Did a Player Choice Carnival and Godfest overlap the past ?


Don't think so, but it'd be weird if the Godfest was pushed back too far. I guess it could be on the 17th? Sounds like you've had bad luck, but pulling on carnivals isn't the way to change that in my experience.

On the stream they've spent the last 10 minutes eating random food. What am I watching...

Ultimate survey winners: Ronia, Dark Tron, Satan (why).


anket survey results.
don't quote me... 😜

3.Satan -hp boost, i believe and red subtype?
2.Dark Metatron - adds god type attack 4x (under 80%)
1.Red sonia. - over 6 combos activates something but i couldn't catch it. According to pdx over 6 activates an attack boost


Dark Tron looks like she switches to dark/blue? And active skill changing? Hmm. God type on leader skill is okay, I guess.


These JP streams are so weird to watch lol. Watching a large crowd of people cheer for Max Murai doing a challenge on a giant laggy screen is surreal.


That game over right when Ronia was going down. Wow.

Not surprised by the ranks. After 300 grind is too tough for most casual players.


Balance. Healer Ra is interesting.

Echidna, Sun Quan, Kushi, Yomi is even stronger now.

They stole Parvati's auto heal? Boo.
I'm happy about Zeus and Hera's awakenings, and Satan's uvo should be cool. Nothing else really affects me right now.

Still on the fence about this carnival. I'm definitely waiting to see if it overlaps with a GF, and even then I may pass. I'd love Haku, Yomi or FA Luci, but Gungho's choices are just awful.


So pretty much every card has at least one TPA now lol. Green Zhuge Liang gets enemy defense halved added to active skill, weird but not bad.
Did they seriously take Izanagi's ATK boost, give him blind resist and call it done? I have no words.
He's a god slime so he gets treated like the other slimes I guess.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
What are those changes listed for the slimes and bearded deity?

There are no words. Would he really break the game that much if Gungho didn't make him suck?

Ronia Ultimate looks neat, And another Extend time is nice (put the Devil Ronia Team I have at +1.5 seconds with 2 uvo ronias) 6x combos isn't hard. I can Bastet pretty well now and she requires 7 for 4x.


What are those changes listed for the slimes and bearded deity?
The slimes just have a small nuke added to their skill so they can overwrite other attack buffs. Green Guan Yu's leader skill will affect dragon types in addition to physical types.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
The slimes just have a small nuke added to their skill so they can overwrite other attack buffs. Green Guan Yu's leader skill will affect dragon types in addition to physical types.

Oh hey maybe I can finally use this beard dude now, thanks!

(What do you mean overwrite?)


There are a lot of good updates in the content posting. Basically two pronged attacks for everyone. Susano gets much better with 2 dual prong attack awakenings.

The biggest thing I noticed is how ridiculously strong Durga seems now. Is she the best leader in game after this update? 2x attack skill for god types, plus double two pronged attack awakenings. Use Lucifer, Echidna and whoever for green and you can boost twice within Echidna's delay without even having to heal.

What is driving me crazy is that I still have zero durga friends? Someone else must have pulled her... somewhere!!!


Oh hey maybe I can finally use this beard dude now, thanks!

(What do you mean overwrite?)
You can only have one attack buff active at a time. So if you use something like Loki (1.5x ATK for dark attribute for 3 turns) to kill a sub-boss, you wouldn't be able to use a King Baddie's skill to overwrite the 1.5x buff with a 3x for the final boss. The new slime skills will do a small amount of damage and allow you to overwrite other attack buffs now.
What is driving me crazy is that I still have zero durga friends? Someone else must have pulled her... somewhere!!!
I have one, just haven't sunk time into leveling and evolving her. Also I forgot to pick up another dark keeper for her earlier in the week.

And slot 1 is dedicated to the vain hopes somebody else out there runs attacker FA luci, but no luck so far.

You'd also think they'd fix their engine so buffs could be overwritten instead of this halfway solution.
wow you had a lot of Gold Keepers huh

Jotunn is probably currently your best leader. He pairs well with Shiva, a popular monster friends like to run, and you have a lot of key subs (Echidna, Titan, Homura, Verche, Gold Keeper) that can help make that team shine. Run extra Gold Keepers if you have trouble surviving certain dungeons since he has a big butt.

You've got a lot of good utility subs that'll find homes down the road for teams that want them. You may want to consider bustying Lilith if you ever happen across a second Angelit, as she'll give you another option for a leader.

edit: forget everything I said I thought Jotunn was bustied. You can still evolve him but you'll lose the Gold Keepers in the process.
I was using Jotunn as a leader before and considered the ultievo once I got that third gold keeper, but it seems like a very "expensive" change to make. And, I've been crossing my fingers for a second Angelit during rare evo PEMs but none so far, and I don't have a hope of getting one legit right now.

Is there anything else in there that could make a viable leader soon, or am I better off switching back to meat shield Jotunn?

I'm over twice your rank and you still have more box space than me.
I was going to say I'm over 100 ranks above him with 100 fewer box spaces. He really should scale back on the boxes and save stones for REMing.
The 250 box spaces is a more recent thing, and it probably(?) won't get much higher than that; even now though, it's mostly full because of Evo materials. The poor BAO collab showing frankly made me a little gunshy about saving stones solely for REM anymore, and after more poor results during the next godfests I just said "f*ck it" and added box space every time stockpiling put me in the red. It needed to grow, and one of the non-IAP guides I used says to let it over pulling for REM.


There are a lot of good updates in the content posting. Basically two pronged attacks for everyone. Susano gets much better with 2 dual prong attack awakenings.

The biggest thing I noticed is how ridiculously strong Durga seems now. Is she the best leader in game after this update? 2x attack skill for god types, plus double two pronged attack awakenings. Use Haku, Lucifer, Echidna and whoever for green and you can boost twice within Echidna's delay without even having to heal.

What is driving me crazy is that I still have zero durga friends? Someone else must have pulled her... somewhere!!!

I'm a dummy, Haku doesn't provide green damage. Still really freaking strong with the right orb changers on this team.

Epic Drop

There are a lot of good updates in the content posting. Basically two pronged attacks for everyone. Susano gets much better with 2 dual prong attack awakenings.

The biggest thing I noticed is how ridiculously strong Durga seems now. Is she the best leader in game after this update? 2x attack skill for god types, plus double two pronged attack awakenings. Use Lucifer, Echidna and whoever for green and you can boost twice within Echidna's delay without even having to heal.

What is driving me crazy is that I still have zero durga friends? Someone else must have pulled her... somewhere!!!

I've been looking for a Durga friend ever since I pulled her on the first day of the last godfest. I haven't even evo'd mine yet, since I can't find anyone to use her with. I've been keeping her as my #2 lead, just hoping someone would eventually shoot me an invite so I could evo her, awaken her, and start using her.

Shoot me a friend invite for a Durga up 100% of the time: 347,606,314

Assuming you use your Durga a decent amount, I'll get mine evolved and awakened ASAP :)

Edit: Wait, what friend slot do non friends see when they see you as a partner option for the first time? I've been keeping my Durga in Team 2, since the majority of the time I'm running B. Sonia actively (so she is my Team 1). If potential new friends only see your Team 1 lead, maybe that's why I still don't have any Durga friends...
I was using Jotunn as a leader before and considered the ultievo once I got that third gold keeper, but it seems like a very "expensive" change to make. And, I've been crossing my fingers for a second Angelit during rare evo PEMs but none so far, and I don't have a hope of getting one legit right now.

Is there anything else in there that could make a viable leader soon, or am I better off switching back to meat shield Jotunn?

The 250 box spaces is a more recent thing, and it probably(?) won't get much higher than that; even now though, it's mostly full because of Evo materials. The poor BAO collab showing frankly made me a little gunshy about saving stones solely for REM anymore, and after more poor results during the next godfests I just said "f*ck it" and added box space every time stockpiling put me in the red. It needed to grow, and one of the non-IAP guides I used says to let it over pulling for REM.
Flame Chaser is a workable lead as is uvo Phoenix, since you happen to have the rare mats for that too. Depending on where you are in the game and what your goals are they may be worthwhile to invest in.

It's true that the "cost" to uvo Jotunn is high, but
1) they're just sitting in your box otherwise
2) not much currently requires GK to evolve
3) the chase pulls that DO require GK (Kirin and... Kirin) can clear the GK dungeon themselves

Somebody back me up on this opinion.

As for box space there's totally nothing wrong with expanding as much as you did. Don't worry about it.
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