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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately

Doc may be useless in PvP but he's a godsend in T-hunt.

I don't think he's useless in PVP :)

He's not the most useful, certainly, but if you can get the revives it does help. Even if they're not revives that you couldn't make without the medgun, they heal to 75, so it helps them take an extra bullet.

It's also really important to use him in combination with rook, and play defensively. No point in him being there if you're the first to die.
So the hit detection for me on PC is noticeably terrible. What you see on the killcam is often VERY different than what I experienced. I'm usually the player with the lowest ping as well. I love the game but it gets pretty frustrating due to these issues.


Can’t stump the diablos
So the hit detection for me on PC is noticeably terrible. What you see on the killcam is often VERY different than what I experienced. I'm usually the player with the lowest ping as well. I love the game but it gets pretty frustrating due to these issues.

There is a known bug with kill cams. It is mentioned on their forums.
So the hit detection for me on PC is noticeably terrible. What you see on the killcam is often VERY different than what I experienced. I'm usually the player with the lowest ping as well. I love the game but it gets pretty frustrating due to these issues.

I've had a few issues too. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it's very disappointing. I've had instances where I've shot the shielded attackers in the back unloading a whole clip, that I'll reload and then they'll turn around and kill me. Again, it doesn't happen all the time, but I fucking hate it when it does.
Yeah he's really quite useful I've found. I'm just not sure if his EMP grenades affect Kapkan's tripwires too.

It does. Jäger's ADS is a bit tricky though since it will destroy the EMP grenades if they're in the same room. But if you detonate an EMP grenade on the other side of the wall of the ADS, it'll kill it
So the hit detection for me on PC is noticeably terrible. What you see on the killcam is often VERY different than what I experienced. I'm usually the player with the lowest ping as well. I love the game but it gets pretty frustrating due to these issues.

Killcams don't represent anything remotely close to what actually happened. Only treat them as an opportunity to gain intelligence on your opposing teams position, don't think too hard about how they used the weapon etc, because it doesn't match up with what actually happened, most often than not.

This isn't just a netcode issue either, as when I played this game on a LAN at Eurogamer, the killcams were actually worse. Sometimes characters on the killcams would be floating and crap too.


Can’t stump the diablos
I figured it had already been mentioned before. The hit detection is almost COD bad for me. I'll unload on a guy and he'll just take it and kill me.

Some operators are more tanky than others. The other issue is body armor if they have Rook on their team.


It does. Jäger's ADS is a bit tricky though since it will destroy the EMP grenades if they're in the same room. But if you detonate an EMP grenade on the other side of the wall of the ADS, it'll kill it

Damn, that just makes me like Thatcher that much more! I just need more GAFfers to play with...tonight I played with randoms. I was blown away by how they were treating it like it was CoD (ie run-gun tactics that never worked).


They are two separate games but have you guys found a sweet spot for sensitivity / dead zone? I was just replicate that smooth feel on CoD best I could. Ps4


Can’t stump the diablos
They are two separate games but have you guys found a sweet spot for sensitivity / dead zone? I was just replicate that smooth feel on CoD best I could. Ps4

I just turned my sensitivity to around 20.
Not sure you will ever get this to feel like CoD. Way different mechanics since ADS and movement are slower.
What ports should I be forwarding for an Open NAT? I can't seem to get past moderate, and it's ticking me off. I forwarded all the ports most sites say I should be, but it's not working.


What ports should I be forwarding for an Open NAT? I can't seem to get past moderate, and it's ticking me off. I forwarded all the ports most sites say I should be, but it's not working.
Try posting this question on the rainbow 6 subreddit. The devs post there sometimes.


C tier
  • Twitch - Twitch is difficult to use effectively. Her drone can take out electronics, but only individually. It struggles to take out electronics in areas where taking out electronics would be important, as players are liable to kill the drone quite quickly around the objective area. Thatcher can do her job, with considerably greater efficacy.
Are you on console? Twitch is brutal in the hands of someone that can aim well. Her 417 rifle can 1-shot headshot kill people, and she has a drone that can zap people/electronics. She's like a more skill-based and useful version of Glaz.


There is nothing more fun than using Fuze's grenades from above the objective and hearing the terrified screams of the enemy below. :D


Hey guys, I thought I'd try my hand at an operator tier list. I think it's somewhat delusional to suggest that this game is perfectly balanced, while I think everyone is perfectly lethal, I think in terms of abilities, there are certainly some characters that have more overall utility than others. Let's discuss this.

S tier
  • Thatcher - Thatcher might not always prove essential, but when faced with the possibility of jammers, shockwire, anti-projectile and reinforced doors completely locking you out of a room, being able to instantly destroy all of that has tremendous utility, and immediate synergy with anyone on your team using aggressive electronics (e.g. Ash, Thermite, Fuze, Twtich). His assault rifles are also very capable firearms, downing targets fast at mid to long range.
  • Thermite - Thermite's ability can change the shape of a match within seconds, hugely influential, providing multiple avenues of attack where there would otherwise be none, allowing your team to spread risk across multiple entry points.
  • Fuze - Fuze's ability can be unpredictable, and fatal. Often thinning the encamped enemies from the objective room. Meanwhile he is also equipped with a shield, capable of drawing enemy fire, or if you prefer a more offensive playstyle, an assault rifle, or LMG, the later of which capable of shredding through walls and laying down surpressive fire.
A tier
  • Pulse - I initially dismissed Pulse's heart beat sensor as relatively useless, the sensor doesn't track enemies as precisely as in some games, but when used correctly it can provide incredibly valuable intelligence to your and your team. You can know how many enemies are approaching the other side of a wall, if they've changed their approach and decided to retreat, which window they're approaching from a rappel. It's very handy and syngerises well with all classes you communicate with.
  • Blitz - Blitz has a shield, and that makes him remarkably useful in drawing enemy fire, and pushing with a team. Additionally, as he pushes into a room he can flash enemies, which gives him the edge in close encounters.
  • Castle - The reinforced barricades he provides halt enemy progress, forcing the use of a breach. This means no quick shots through a doorway, having a door locked down with castle, means that you will get ample opportunity to react to the breach.
  • Bandit - With similar utility to mute, bandit can lock down corridors with electrified razer wire, or prevent breaches on metal walls. He's especially useful when preventing the enemy drones scouting the objective.
  • Montagne - His ability doesn't have that much of an influence on the game. Being able to stand up with your shield isn't as useful as one might think, as you can't fire in this position, and you obstruct allied shots. Still, Montagne has a shield, and that gives him considerable utility in drawing enemy fire and enabling allies to push into dangerous areas of the map when collaborating with other teammates.
  • Sledge - Can be very useful in opening up an absurd number of additional avenues of attack. Very good for running distraction, while being equipped with a good arsenal of weapons and medium armour.
  • Rook - Rooks armour can be a life saver, allowing you to take a little extra damage, and increasing the ability of the DBNO status. Meanwhile he himself, is very well armoured and equipped with decent weapons for close quarters. Has high synergy with Doc, who can revive players that benefit from the increased DBNO odds.
B tier
  • Jager - His anti-projectile devices help you reinforce the objective area, and prevent you being cleared out by frags and flashes. This can be very helpful in some of the smaller, more confined objective locatons. Still, you will experience many games where Jagers ability has no substantial impact on the match.
  • Doc - Doc can be useful from time to time, but in most cases, players that go down, die almost immediately. Therefore the revival ability doesn't come in handy all that often.
  • Ash - While being able to breach from a distance is helpful, this isn't something other characters can't do with firearms or grenades where required. It's rare that players need something breached at a distance, yet can't do it themselves via other means, and therefore.
  • Kapkan - Entry denial devices serve as a good deterrent, and can earn kills against bad players, but it's rare that they are influential on the outcome of a match.
C tier
  • Twitch - Twitch is difficult to use effectively. Her drone can take out electronics, but only individually. It struggles to take out electronics in areas where taking out electronics would be important, as players are liable to kill the drone quite quickly around the objective area. Thatcher can do her job, with considerably greater efficacy.
  • Glaz - Glaz can get some nice long ranged kills, but there are simply too few scenarios that this is viable. Once indoors, he isn't capable of doing anything that every other operative, already is. Additionally, due to the OHK capability of every weapon on headshots, most ACOG equipped assault rifles can match Glaz at even mid-long ranges.
  • Smoke - In most cases if you were to place a remote gas grenade as a deterrent, if you had placed a nitrocell you could have landed the kill. Gas grenades do not typically kill anyone and more universal devices (nitro) can serve as an equally effective deterrent.
  • IQ - Her ability allows her to see electronics, but any drone or player can do the same. Usually when an electronic presents a problem, it's quite evident and IQ just isn't required. The low armour doesn't help her survivability either.
  • Tachanka - His deployable LMG packs a punch, but as does everything else in this game. It's difficult to get good utility out of the weapon and due to the frequent desire to stay on the emplacement it can render you very vulnerable to attacks when enemies expect you, frags or fuze's ability.

S super additions to your team, almost feel essential in regards to their utility.
A great characters, providing a substancial asset to your team
B modest utility, these characters are either 'okay' all around, or their utility only comes into play in specific scenarios
C these characters are typically selected less, as its often difficult to find a significant use for their abilities

How is this in comparison to your views?
Man, you are on bloody point with this post. I'd say my only disagreement in placement is with smoke. I feel like his ability to have a nitro and a smoke at any time is pretty god damn useful.

Edit: I've heard that you can even run through your own toxic gas unscathed, which is pretty big in itself. I haven't tested this myself yet tho.


How is this in comparison to your views?

I think Jäger's best quality is actually his weapon. Other defenders have to play mostly close quarter because of their weaponry but Jager with his AR can fight them long range as well. This changes his positional playstyle compared to other defenders and is what makes him imo the best defensive roamer.

Also every match now seems to have a Fuze player, he is a good counter to him.


Are you on console? Twitch is brutal in the hands of someone that can aim well. Her 417 rifle can 1-shot headshot kill people, and she has a drone that can zap people/electronics. She's like a more skill-based and useful version of Glaz.
I love using Twitch simply because the 417 is so effective. The shock drone can be great for cleaning out electronics near the obj. One way I think she can be more valuable is by nerfing Thacther so that his EMP grenades only temporary disable enemy electronics. This would make Twitch the only OP that can destroy electronics from the other side.

I think Jäger's best quality is actually his weapon. Other defenders have to play mostly close quarter because of their weaponry but Jager with his AR can fight them long range as well. This changes his positional playstyle compared to other defenders and is what makes him imo the best defensive roamer.

Also every match now seems to have a Fuze player, he is a good counter to him.
I love going offensive with Jager because his AR is effective from every range. He's my second most played defensively OP behind bandit.

Man, you are on bloody point with this post. I'd say my only disagreement in placement is with smoke. I feel like his ability to have a nitro and a smoke at any time is pretty god damn useful.

Edit: I've heard that you can even run through your own toxic gas unscathed, which is pretty big in itself. I haven't tested this myself yet tho.

Yes you can walk threw your own gas, which is great for using as a way to get out of encounters. I always throw it through a door way or hall I want to go through to provide visual cover.


I have only been able to play this game about 8 hours or so. Only playing casual MP. I have to say I am pleasantly surprised by the community on PC. Way more people use mics than I expected and they are actually nice. I have yet to hear anyone putting a teammate down. Normally when the last person on the team dies at least on person say "Nice Try". I honestly didn't expect to be able to join a game w/ randoms and have a fun, pleasant game that had also had teamwork.

I am honestly and pleasantly surprised.
I think Jäger's best quality is actually his weapon. Other defenders have to play mostly close quarter because of their weaponry but Jager with his AR can fight them long range as well. This changes his positional playstyle compared to other defenders and is what makes him imo the best defensive roamer.

Also every match now seems to have a Fuze player, he is a good counter to him.

Hm, every time I have seen Fuze vs Jagers drones, Fuze's ability still goes through and blows everything up, including Jagers anti projectile devices.

Has that been different in your matches?
So im having the same issue i had in the beta. The game is insanely choppy, a constant stuttering while aiming that makes the game really hard to enjoy. I scratching my head here, no one else seems to have the same problem? Im on ps4 and my ping is always around 40 so its not related to that.

The stuttering only occurs while looking around, never while just moving. Also while spectating others its buttery smooth.

I find it hard to belive this is how the game is supposed to play, not even digital foundry mentioned it.


Hm, every time I have seen Fuze vs Jagers drones, Fuze's ability still goes through and blows everything up, including Jagers anti projectile devices.

Has that been different in your matches?

Sounds like either there wasn't enough Jagerthingies planted or they were planted badly. The device should be planted so that it has a good view of the area. Also one is not enough in a room to stop Fuze's ability.


Hm, every time I have seen Fuze vs Jagers drones, Fuze's ability still goes through and blows everything up, including Jagers anti projectile devices.

Has that been different in your matches?

Never happened to me. Usually its best having some overlap to take out cluster charges if one ADS can't hit some.
So im having the same issue i had in the beta. The game is insanely choppy, a constant stuttering while aiming that makes the game really hard to enjoy. I scratching my head here, no one else seems to have the same problem? Im on ps4 and my ping is always around 40 so its not related to that.

The stuttering only occurs while looking around, never while just moving. Also while spectating others its buttery smooth.

I find it hard to belive this is how the game is supposed to play, not even digital foundry mentioned it.
Hmn, no. I did have some lag last night but otherwise it's pretty good


Has anyone figured out how much damage each Twitch taze does to an enemy?

Do we need 5 tazes to kill? 10? Not that I do it to kill, but rather to be a little shit and distract the enemy. Hehe.
Hm, every time I have seen Fuze vs Jagers drones, Fuze's ability still goes through and blows everything up, including Jagers anti projectile devices.

Has that been different in your matches?

Never happened to me. Usually its best having some overlap to take out cluster charges if one ADS can't hit some.

It does stop a couple of Fuze's cluster grenades, at least the first one. The second and third is usually not stopped since it's too quick for the trophy system to reload and shoot.
Try putting it on walls instead of floor so it's view isn't blocked by desk. Put it after a wall is barricaded, if not the action of barricading a wall will destroy the item that's already placed.

Has anyone figured out how much damage each Twitch taze does to an enemy?

Do we need 5 tazes to kill? 10? Not that I do it to kill, but rather to be a little shit and distract the enemy. Hehe.

Every taser shot is 10 damage. It's pretty usefull to distract and enemy. It gives so much time for a friendly to flank and kill.
Every taser shot is 10 damage. It's pretty usefull to distract and enemy. It gives so much time for a friendly to flank and kill.

While it's a great distraction I've also had times where the enemy will accidentally friendly fire while trying to kill my little taser drone. It's pretty funny to watch them get pissed at each other.
While it's a great distraction I've also had times where the enemy will accidentally friendly fire while trying to kill my little taser drone. It's pretty funny to watch them get pissed at each other.

Driving the drone around the hostage during the prep phase is another funny thing too. lol you see them track the drone waiting for the precise moment, while I'm jumping on the lap of the hostage or going inbetween their lap hahaha
So im having the same issue i had in the beta. The game is insanely choppy, a constant stuttering while aiming that makes the game really hard to enjoy. I scratching my head here, no one else seems to have the same problem? Im on ps4 and my ping is always around 40 so its not related to that.

The stuttering only occurs while looking around, never while just moving. Also while spectating others its buttery smooth.

I find it hard to belive this is how the game is supposed to play, not even digital foundry mentioned it.

Definitely not how it's intended to play. Siege is one of the smoothest controlling AAA FPSs I've played in a long time.
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