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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately


GPS satellites, unmanned drones, focking laser sights.

Thatcher is so much fun. Sliding an EMP grenade under a wall and hearing a million little things power off before the breach. Delicious.
So im having the same issue i had in the beta. The game is insanely choppy, a constant stuttering while aiming that makes the game really hard to enjoy. I scratching my head here, no one else seems to have the same problem? Im on ps4 and my ping is always around 40 so its not related to that.

The stuttering only occurs while looking around, never while just moving. Also while spectating others its buttery smooth.

I find it hard to belive this is how the game is supposed to play, not even digital foundry mentioned it.

Same as the above, I haven't played a smoother feeling FPS game in a long time, I can't recall a single framerate drop during my time with it, at least any that were noticeable and actually affected my gameplay.

Maybe you should redownload the game if you have it digitally? Or let it reinstall? Are you using the PS4's integrated hard drive or did you upgrade it?


So im having the same issue i had in the beta. The game is insanely choppy, a constant stuttering while aiming that makes the game really hard to enjoy. I scratching my head here, no one else seems to have the same problem? Im on ps4 and my ping is always around 40 so its not related to that.

The stuttering only occurs while looking around, never while just moving. Also while spectating others its buttery smooth.

I find it hard to belive this is how the game is supposed to play, not even digital foundry mentioned it.

Ive had this happen one time, on my first ever match
was really weird, not a feeling of lag or low framerate, but as if the data was having a hard time being read from the disk ? Got me affraid game would play like that forever but never had it again in dozens of matches.

Game is really fun an innovative ! love it so far, ever tho' I'm quite bad.


It does stop a couple of Fuze's cluster grenades, at least the first one. The second and third is usually not stopped since it's too quick for the trophy system to reload and shoot.
Try putting it on walls instead of floor so it's view isn't blocked by desk. Put it after a wall is barricaded, if not the action of barricading a wall will destroy the item that's already placed.

Every taser shot is 10 damage. It's pretty usefull to distract and enemy. It gives so much time for a friendly to flank and kill.

Having another one overlap can help with it but yeah, it won't stop the entire charge.
Thanks for the replies guys. I tried reinstalling the game but that didnt help. Also the game is playable instantly after i put the disc in (after a 400mb patch download). No white bar install that i have had with every othet game before this.


Thanks for the replies guys. I tried reinstalling the game but that didnt help. Also the game is playable instantly after i put the disc in (after a 400mb patch download). No white bar install that i have had with every othet game before this.

maybe a problem with your ps4 disk reader ? (i have no idea what im talking about btw)
After some more extensive testing the problem only occur when my right stick is pushed about 50%. If i push it all the way its buttery smooth. Same if i just push it slowly a little bit. No stuttering what so ever. Ive tried several controllers. This is driving me nuts!
I'm so bad at this game but at the same time I can't help but feel the netcode plays a large part in my deaths AND the kills I do manage to get. It's slightly unsatisfying.


I'm so bad at this game but at the same time I can't help but feel the netcode plays a large part in my deaths AND the kills I do manage to get. It's slightly unsatisfying.

Not discounting that the game has some wonky netcode and hit detection issues, have you spent some renown on basic weapons modifications?

I found that getting some kills and generally coming out favorable in firefights became so much easier after some red-dot and recoil dampening attachments.


So after playing it until level 11, I'm getting a little better. I routinely finish in the top half of my team, try to contribute in any way possible, and am playing more cautiously and aware. Having a terrific time.

Small victory for sure, but I just got my first kill my rappelling upside down outside of a window. Several fist pumps ensued.


After some more extensive testing the problem only occur when my right stick is pushed about 50%. If i push it all the way its buttery smooth. Same if i just push it slowly a little bit. No stuttering what so ever. Ive tried several controllers. This is driving me nuts!

Sounds to me there is interference with controller and PS4 link? Make sure there's absolutely nothing between them and maybe clean the dust off both devices.

I'm so bad at this game but at the same time I can't help but feel the netcode plays a large part in my deaths AND the kills I do manage to get. It's slightly unsatisfying.

Learning the maps is critical in this game. I'm like twice the player now that I know some of the maps well.
Don't know if you guys know but you can actually put your scouting drones inside Jagers trophy system. It makes them hard to see, and hard to shoot if they do see it, as the bullet will often destroy Jagers trophy system too.


Can’t stump the diablos
Each time I play this game I'm slowly regaining confidence in UBI. Here is hoping The Division continues this trend.
I'm on the fence with this game. I don't use the mic to coordinate with random and don't have friends that play this game.

Would anyone recommend the game based of that info?

Also, there's no split screen/Sp terrorist hunt, correct?
I'm on the fence with this game. I don't use the mic to coordinate with random and don't have friends that play this game.

Would anyone recommend the game based of that info?

Also, there's no split screen/Sp terrorist hunt, correct?
At first it will be tricky without communication, but after a while you will know what's required of your operator. It's more fun with friends but I still enjoy playing with random and rarely speak.


I'm on the fence with this game. I don't use the mic to coordinate with random and don't have friends that play this game.

Would anyone recommend the game based of that info?

Also, there's no split screen/Sp terrorist hunt, correct?

I'm playing no mic with random stuff and having a great time. Just beware of a pretty significant learning curve.
I'm on the fence with this game. I don't use the mic to coordinate with random and don't have friends that play this game.

Would anyone recommend the game based of that info?

Also, there's no split screen/Sp terrorist hunt, correct?
Hit up some gaffers on the spreadsheet, we're always looking for people to play with.

Also you don't really need the mic in T-hunt. When playing with randoms I've never used my mic and my team still manages to complete it with minimal deaths.
I'm on the fence with this game. I don't use the mic to coordinate with random and don't have friends that play this game.

Would anyone recommend the game based of that info?

Also, there's no split screen/Sp terrorist hunt, correct?

Which platform would you be on?

There's plenty of us across all three that would be able to play with you and introduce you to the game.
I'm on the fence with this game. I don't use the mic to coordinate with random and don't have friends that play this game.

Would anyone recommend the game based of that info?

Also, there's no split screen/Sp terrorist hunt, correct?

At full price? No. I've been playing with and without a group of players I know and while both are perfectly acceptable, I personally feel that coordinating on mic is the full experience. For the full experience you should pay full price.

If you can find it cheaper then I'd definitely pick it up, or if you're on PC which I've seen it go for as low as $30.
Do you guys have a PS4 community set up for this or are you just adding each other off the spreadsheet?
I'm sorely tempted to pick it up but I have so many others games on my plate and so little time that I really shouldn't.
Do you guys have a PS4 community set up for this or are you just adding each other off the spreadsheet?
I'm sorely tempted to pick it up but I have so many others games on my plate and so little time that I really shouldn't.

So far off of the spreadsheet lol
We should tell Gaz to create a community on it


Ranked is such a fun mode to play. Met a bunch of nice people and won two matches in a row. I also ran into a clutch god winning a 1v3 without taking damage.


Is there a list up for ps4 gaffers for the game? Received a friends request and can only assume its from here. Just curious!

Edit: see its on the op


Yeah, the game is great but the servers or tick rate, or whatever are miserable. Last night I was repeatedly emptying half a clip into someone and doing 0 damage while they 1-2 shot me. I about spiked my controller it was beyond frustrating.
I'm willing to deal with the low tick rate. I hope that ubi are serious about supporting this game for years and they make improvements as time goes on.
This was an example of the server taking a shit. If ranked matches have issues like this it might be a deal breaker.


I'm willing to deal with the low tick rate. I hope that ubi are serious about supporting this game for years and they make improvements as time goes on.
This was an example of the server taking a shit. If ranked matches have issues like this it might be a deal breaker.
If they are server issues why ranked mm would fix it?


Completing some Situations on Normal now. The AI is dumb, but it's not that easy anyway. I'm enjoying it, and have unlocked two operators. Can't wait to play with the rest of you online!


Okay the network issues are starting to get on my nerves. Just when I find a decent team to play with I either get a connection error or the matchmaking freezes somehow. Happened 3 fucking times today. Somehow my ping is quite high as well even though it's good in most other games.


I just bought and downloaded the game on Xbox One. Every time I start the game it gives me a server error code. Is this normal? I shut down the console and restarted but still got the message.
I'm on WiFi not hard wired. I don't know if that is making a difference. Any idea's or help would be much appreciated.


Neo Member
UGH. I'm way too tempted to snag this but I don't know what platform should I get it on. I've heard some horror stories about the community on PC, is it REALLY that bad? Or would I be totally fine picking it up?

PC is certainly my platform of choice for shooters, but man, I'd hate to snag it just to regret it due to the players.
I finally uploaded a clip with "god mode"-ish glitch we had the other day playing. Pretty hilarioust stuff.


This is dirty! Haha! This actually happened to me once with a drone on multiplayer, but the drone fell through the skybox after a short amount of time and destroyed itself.

This is caused by jumping onto a certain obstacle and glitching the climb mechanic, where did you do it?
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