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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately

Decision time. I have money for one game right now and it's between this and Squad. I want to get this since I did enjoy the beta despite the matchmaking issues, but I worry about its playerbase on PC whereas Squad will probably have one no matter what since Project Reality was so popular.

I never thought I'd have two tactical games to choose from at the same time although Siege is definitely a compromise between tactical and pleasing modern gamers with horrible attention spans. :p

I feel like this game has gone under the radar so I just feel concerned about the player-count come a few months from now. I'm just glad there's no fucking TDM mode that takes 90% of the playerbase away from any sort of objective-based mode which kills the community even quicker. :p
I've been adding some really solid players to my friendlist with every session, so the playerbase is fine.

I can't speak for the other game but Siege brought over a lot of people from past Rainbow 6's and they're extremely competent. You can feel good knowing that your teammates will actually play as intended.


I've been adding some really solid players to my friendlist with every session, so the playerbase is fine.

I can't speak for the other game but Siege brought over a lot of people from past Rainbow 6's and they're extremely competent. You can feel good knowing that your teammates will actually play as intended.

Yea I am really amazed how skilled the playerbase is in this game. It is rare we have an easy win and our team is not bad by any means.


Hard to justify buying a game with ping hovering around 125 and no campaign for $80ish CAD. Funny thing is Ubi MTL is less than 3 hours away and it seems that does not matter, online is still garbage from what I've been told. Not sure if the servers are in NA or US though, but still awful nonetheless.


Hard to justify buying a game with ping hovering around 125 and no campaign for $80ish CAD. Funny thing is Ubi MTL is less than 3 hours away and it seems that does not matter, online is still garbage from what I've been told. Not sure if the servers are in NA or US though, but still awful nonetheless.

I guess we are playing different games. I get 25ms ping and never dropped/crashed from a game ever.
Had some great ranked games with Gaz and co today. We lost an early match due to some connectivity issues, but then won 8 in a row.

Great fun, teamwork and patience prevails.
I love this game, but I'm doing TERRIBLY tonight. I can usually hold my own, but tonight I've played four or five games and haven't even gotten a single kill.

Thanks for carrying me, fellow Gaffers!
I feel your pain. Saturday night I could do no wrong. However last night everything I did ended in my death.

dr guildo

Wish list :

1/ While you are bleeding on the floor, they should let you use your handgun. And make it harder to aim a target properly in that context, (hand shaking effect).

2/ They should add the use of thermal googles (night, thermal googles ala RainbowSix 3) to exploit or to counteract smoke grenade.
There should be an operator capable of using smoke grenades and thermal googles, in an exclusive manner.
Another operator capable of using night googles and to turn off the light temporary (5 sec) by pirating the electrical box.
Lack of any sort of vision modifiers is really weird. Not sure how much I'm liking the breach and clear gameplay. It's good, but Vegas is still above this.
Wish list :

1/ While you are bleeding on the floor, they should let you use your handgun. And make it harder to aim a target properly in that context, (hand shaking effect).

2/ They should add the use of thermal googles (night, thermal googles ala RainbowSix 3) to exploit or to counteract smoke grenade.
They should be an operator capable of using smoke grenades and thermal googles.
Another operator capable of using night googles and to turn off the light temporary (5 sec) by pirating the electrical box.

I agree.


Here's a video (which I didn't edit at all) of a very, very strange bug. Video will still be in processing when I post this.

If you don't want to watch, after I was killed (because I did a dumb), my teammate killed the final Defender as Glaz. It counted as a kill from my gun, and I got the credit. Checking the scoreboard the next round, it was indeed counted as my kill, not Glaz's.
Just before you were killed, you downed one enemy and no one finished him. Your teammate killed last standing enemy (not the downed one). If that happens, round is over and you get a kill.
Just before you were killed, you downed one enemy and no one finished him. Your teammate killed last standing enemy (not the downed one). If that happens, round is over and you get a kill.

You are 100% correct. I didn't notice that, even on repeat viewings. Guess I didn't know what to look for.


You gotta be kidding me. Two rounds in a row someone kills the hostage with Fuze

We had a match this weekend where my buddy killed the hostage three times! We lost 2-3 because of that....

Everytime we entered the room it was like only one or two defenders left while we were still the whole team. Then he saw the hostage on the ground and thought it was an enemy...


Hey guys, I thought I'd try my hand at an operator tier list. I think it's somewhat delusional to suggest that this game is perfectly balanced, while I think everyone is perfectly lethal, I think in terms of abilities, there are certainly some characters that have more overall utility than others. Let's discuss this.

S tier
  • Thatcher - Thatcher might not always prove essential, but when faced with the possibility of jammers, shockwire, anti-projectile and reinforced doors completely locking you out of a room, being able to instantly destroy all of that has tremendous utility, and immediate synergy with anyone on your team using aggressive electronics (e.g. Ash, Thermite, Fuze, Twtich). His assault rifles are also very capable firearms, downing targets fast at mid to long range.
  • Thermite - Thermite's ability can change the shape of a match within seconds, hugely influential, providing multiple avenues of attack where there would otherwise be none, allowing your team to spread risk across multiple entry points.
  • Fuze - Fuze's ability can be unpredictable, and fatal. Often thinning the encamped enemies from the objective room. Meanwhile he is also equipped with a shield, capable of drawing enemy fire, or if you prefer a more offensive playstyle, an assault rifle, or LMG, the later of which capable of shredding through walls and laying down surpressive fire.
A tier
  • Pulse - I initially dismissed Pulse's heart beat sensor as relatively useless, the sensor doesn't track enemies as precisely as in some games, but when used correctly it can provide incredibly valuable intelligence to your and your team. You can know how many enemies are approaching the other side of a wall, if they've changed their approach and decided to retreat, which window they're approaching from a rappel. It's very handy and syngerises well with all classes you communicate with.
  • Blitz - Blitz has a shield, and that makes him remarkably useful in drawing enemy fire, and pushing with a team. Additionally, as he pushes into a room he can flash enemies, which gives him the edge in close encounters.
  • Castle - The reinforced barricades he provides halt enemy progress, forcing the use of a breach. This means no quick shots through a doorway, having a door locked down with castle, means that you will get ample opportunity to react to the breach.
  • Bandit - With similar utility to mute, bandit can lock down corridors with electrified razer wire, or prevent breaches on metal walls. He's especially useful when preventing the enemy drones scouting the objective.
  • Montagne - His ability doesn't have that much of an influence on the game. Being able to stand up with your shield isn't as useful as one might think, as you can't fire in this position, and you obstruct allied shots. Still, Montagne has a shield, and that gives him considerable utility in drawing enemy fire and enabling allies to push into dangerous areas of the map when collaborating with other teammates.
  • Sledge - Can be very useful in opening up an absurd number of additional avenues of attack. Very good for running distraction, while being equipped with a good arsenal of weapons and medium armour.
  • Rook - Rooks armour can be a life saver, allowing you to take a little extra damage, and increasing the ability of the DBNO status. Meanwhile he himself, is very well armoured and equipped with decent weapons for close quarters. Has high synergy with Doc, who can revive players that benefit from the increased DBNO odds.
B tier
  • Jager - His anti-projectile devices help you reinforce the objective area, and prevent you being cleared out by frags and flashes. This can be very helpful in some of the smaller, more confined objective locatons. Still, you will experience many games where Jagers ability has no substantial impact on the match.
  • Doc - Doc can be useful from time to time, but in most cases, players that go down, die almost immediately. Therefore the revival ability doesn't come in handy all that often.
  • Ash - While being able to breach from a distance is helpful, this isn't something other characters can't do with firearms or grenades where required. It's rare that players need something breached at a distance, yet can't do it themselves via other means, and therefore.
  • Kapkan - Entry denial devices serve as a good deterrent, and can earn kills against bad players, but it's rare that they are influential on the outcome of a match.
C tier
  • Twitch - Twitch is difficult to use effectively. Her drone can take out electronics, but only individually. It struggles to take out electronics in areas where taking out electronics would be important, as players are liable to kill the drone quite quickly around the objective area. Thatcher can do her job, with considerably greater efficacy.
  • Glaz - Glaz can get some nice long ranged kills, but there are simply too few scenarios that this is viable. Once indoors, he isn't capable of doing anything that every other operative, already is. Additionally, due to the OHK capability of every weapon on headshots, most ACOG equipped assault rifles can match Glaz at even mid-long ranges.
  • Smoke - In most cases if you were to place a remote gas grenade as a deterrent, if you had placed a nitrocell you could have landed the kill. Gas grenades do not typically kill anyone and more universal devices (nitro) can serve as an equally effective deterrent.
  • IQ - Her ability allows her to see electronics, but any drone or player can do the same. Usually when an electronic presents a problem, it's quite evident and IQ just isn't required. The low armour doesn't help her survivability either.
  • Tachanka - His deployable LMG packs a punch, but as does everything else in this game. It's difficult to get good utility out of the weapon and due to the frequent desire to stay on the emplacement it can render you very vulnerable to attacks when enemies expect you, frags or fuze's ability.

S super additions to your team, almost feel essential in regards to their utility.
A great characters, providing a substancial asset to your team
B modest utility, these characters are either 'okay' all around, or their utility only comes into play in specific scenarios
C these characters are typically selected less, as its often difficult to find a significant use for their abilities

How is this in comparison to your views?

Phenomenal post, but I'd just like to add that every one of the C-tier operators are SUPER useful in co-op.

> In Terrorist Hunt Classic we've won matches because IQ can see Bombers through walls
> in Protect Hostage matches we've only wonbecause of Smoke breaking line of sight and damaging tangos
> Tach's LMG being propped in a corner has won us a Protect Hostage round or two
> in Classic you often encounter rooms full of 10+ Nitro bombs, so Twitch's drone is actually super useful for making areas safe

Obviously in PVP they are far harder to justify.
Phenomenal post, but I'd just like to add that every one of the C-tier operators are SUPER useful in co-op.

> In Terrorist Hunt Classic we've won matches because IQ can see Bombers through walls
> in Protect Hostage matches we've only wonbecause of Smoke breaking line of sight and damaging tangos
> Tach's LMG being propped in a corner has won us a Protect Hostage round or two
> in Classic you often encounter rooms full of 10+ Nitro bombs, so Twitch's drone is actually super useful for making areas safe

Obviously in PVP they are far harder to justify.

Agree with you. They all can be put to great use even in PvP but only if you have great comm as in everyone is using a headset and you can tell the other players about discoveries.
IQ can then tell about electronic devices, traps, etc. Glaz can scout enemies/rooms from a distance or be directed to take aim at specific rooms/windows.

The problem is that communication is crap at the moment, mostly because the feature is buggy.


Stupid question:

Just beginning the game and my brother and I were playing terrorist hunt coop hostage defending and we get to round 4 each time but end up dying because we can't figure out a way to heal. Is that by game design or are we missing the "heal" function or operator?
Doc is the only operator that can heal himself or teammates that are not yet downed.
Everyone can heal downed/injured teammates though (not to full health).


Doc is the only operator that can heal himself or teammates that are not yet downed.
Everyone can heal downed/injured teammates though.

Thank you. Also we noticed if you get downed and then revived you end up with more health than if you have a sliver. Is it smart to kill each other between rounds to get that little boost?! Or one of us just needs to be Doc! Lol
Hey guys, I thought I'd try my hand at an operator tier list. I think it's somewhat delusional to suggest that this game is perfectly balanced, while I think everyone is perfectly lethal, I think in terms of abilities, there are certainly some characters that have more overall utility than others. Let's discuss this.


How is this in comparison to your views?

A strong defense is always complemented by Castle. Castle's ability to slow an assault is invaluable, especially against an enemy that isn't packing Ash or Sledge (who act as a counter to Castle). Pairing him up with Mute means one of those two is required to breach his walls, making him a very dangerous opponent.

Similarly, Rook's ability to drop armor isn't so much amazing for the Operator himself, but rather, the team as a whole. Having Rook on your team means you're having one Operator whose ability (should everyone actually take them) will have a lasting effect on the entire match. Just make sure to shoot the vests once the enemy has reached your line of defense, or else they might take one (and phooey to the moron on your team who chose not to; their loss).

I'd put these both squarely in S-tier. The only S-tier Operatives you listed are Offensive, which I feel is a bit unfortunate; the importance of Castle and Rook should not be overlooked.


Agree with you. They all can be put to great use even in PvP but only if you have great comm as in everyone is using a headset and you can tell the other players about discoveries.
IQ can then tell about electronic devices, traps, etc. Glaz can scout enemies/rooms from a distance or be directed to take aim at specific rooms/windows.

The problem is that communication is crap at the moment, mostly because the feature is buggy.

IQ's ability can show enemies that carry electronics too in PvP, my only problem with her, is that you don know wich are enemies and wich are friendly electronics, making it hard to tell when something is just a drone or a friendly.


Doc is the only operator that can heal himself or teammates that are not yet downed.
Everyone can heal downed/injured teammates though (not to full health).

Are you sure that's correct? I thought Doc's "heal pistol" only works on downed players. I have noticed the health for revived players is a lot higher (75 versus 25 if I recall) if you use his heal pistol, but I'm pretty sure you can't use it on players who aren't downed.
Hard to justify buying a game with ping hovering around 125 and no campaign for $80ish CAD. Funny thing is Ubi MTL is less than 3 hours away and it seems that does not matter, online is still garbage from what I've been told. Not sure if the servers are in NA or US though, but still awful nonetheless.

125ping: That's your problem. I am getting nowhere near that high.
$80 Canadian: You need to take a look at Amazon/Best Buy E3 deals. They are the best part of being a Canadian. Hell, they even had a 30% sale this weekend. You're missing out.
Are you sure that's correct? I thought Doc's "heal pistol" only works on downed players. I have noticed the health for revived players is a lot higher (75 versus 25 if I recall) if you use his heal pistol, but I'm pretty sure you can't use it on players who aren't downed.

I assume you are correct. The fault is on my part. My bad.


Doc is the only operator that can heal himself or teammates that are not yet downed.
Everyone can heal downed/injured teammates though (not to full health).

Doc can't heal, we tested that already. He can only remote revive downed persons with heal pistol. It's quite useful when there is crossfire between downed person and other teammates. Of course he can revive also himself.


I'm ready for multiplayer guys. I won't delay it anymore, and I have been missing quite some invitations so far, and I'm sorry about that. Invite ahead, and I'll join if I'm at the computer.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm looking for some people to play with on PC right now, my uplay is ultrajari. Can do casual or ranked.
[*]Smoke - In most cases if you were to place a remote gas grenade as a deterrent, if you had placed a nitrocell you could have landed the kill. Gas grenades do not typically kill anyone and more universal devices (nitro) can serve as an equally effective deterrent.

Gas grenade can completely derail a well planned offensive attack. The enemy coordinates breaches at multiple points and pushes in simultaneously, gas grenade can basically neutralize one avenue completely and force the enemy to either push through and take damage and not be able to see just to back up their teammates, or have to pull back and find another breach while all the chaos happens.

A nitro cell can be baited or shot and then the plan proceeds as normal, where as there is nothing to get rid of a gas grenade and you simply have to wait it out.

It's also useful for incoming shields, if you hit it right on they will either have to turn and run where you can shoot them in the back or persist through the smoke and take a lot of damage.


I sometimes like to use Smoke on doorway to stop someone coming in and then rush through to kill them when they are regrouping behind it. Smoke is the only operator who can go through gas without taking damage. Most of the time people don't expect Smoke to attack through gas.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
On xbox I literally have nobody to play this game with :(

Sucks, game seems awesome, what a waste having it sitting there on my dashboard with no use.
On xbox I literally have nobody to play this game with :(

Sucks, game seems awesome, what a waste having it sitting there on my dashboard with no use.

Randoms aren't that bad. I have it on Xbox and that's what I am usually playing. You can generally find people on mic who are playing in random games. It's not an issue.

I am worried about the longevity of the user base on Xbox. With this game selling poorly it may not be there in the long run. I will probably hop on to a cheap PS4 copy in the future if I find this to be the case.
Went through the spreadsheet and added everyone on the PS4 side. I'm in the UK but a bit of a night owl so usually on for early EST games as well.


I'm getting really annoyed with the Voice Chat bug on PC. I was playing with my friend and talking to him through Skype and if he is leader of a party in the game my Mic is open to all in game... even if I disable it through the game and Uplay... The only way for me to fix is restart the game and start as party leader. Such a freaking annoying bug, for a game that focuses on teamwork and communication you would think the voice chat would function properly. Other then that the game is fun.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I think an operator wth a thermal drone/scope/scanner or some other gadget is a given.

Weird request, a defender who has a tool to quickly punch murder holes into permeables. I know a shotgun does this, but then you need to have a shotgun. Probably way better options for operators, but I love my murder holes. The animation would have to be super fast though. Like 1/4 Sledge's speed.


I'm getting really annoyed with the Voice Chat bug on PC. I was playing with my friend and talking to him through Skype and if he is leader of a party in the game my Mic is open to all in game... even if I disable it through the game and Uplay... The only way for me to fix is restart the game and start as party leader. Such a freaking annoying bug, for a game that focuses on teamwork and communication you would think the voice chat would function properly. Other then that the game is fun.

Turn down threshold level or what was the name of that option to 0 and put to disable as you already did. Now noone will hear you. That' s what i do when playing with friends and using TS.


I pre ordered this since I'm a huge Rainbow Six fan, even read the books and everything. I was always on a trip and couldn't play until yesterday.

So, I formed a group of 5 and we went into matchmaking.

The graphics are competent. Playing on XBO, everything seems kind of blurry. Don't know if the PS4 is better. Maps are well designed, the destruction is amazing and adds a new level of tension.

This is a game that definitely requires you to play a lot of it, to have a formed team and to have constant and very good communication between members. If you go into matchmaking solo, you're gonna be VERY frustrated. Even playing as a team who knew the basics, we were constantly frustrated when playing with teams who were MUCH better than us.

This is specially true since the game doesn't seem to take skill into consideration when forming a game. It just puts random people together.

Poor matchmaking.. Which takes me to my biggest issue with the game: LAG. I don't knwo what the hell the matchmaking algorithm is doing, but I was constantly getting into matches were my adversaries had 300ms+ ping. With this sort of delay, a game like this, who relies on timing and precision, will NEVER be good.

Ubi had a good template, but it's a very, very niche product, difficult to pick up and with a big share of issues.

Unfortunately, I see the R6 gaming franchise dying again, like it did after Vegas 2.


slept with Malkin
On xbox I literally have nobody to play this game with :(

Sucks, game seems awesome, what a waste having it sitting there on my dashboard with no use.

Randoms aren't that bad. I have it on Xbox and that's what I am usually playing. You can generally find people on mic who are playing in random games. It's not an issue.

I am worried about the longevity of the user base on Xbox. With this game selling poorly it may not be there in the long run. I will probably hop on to a cheap PS4 copy in the future if I find this to be the case.

I picked it up for Xbox one over the weekend if you guys want to add me. GT is same as my user name. I prefer T-hunt, but I'm down for PvP
Hey guys, I'm really into this game, I rented it from Redbox to give it a shot and it left me with fantastic impressions. Decided to buy it but I'm having a hard time making the decision on what platform to play on, maybe someone can help me?

I have a kind of old gaming PC, AMD FX-4170 at the standard 4.2 clock speed and an AMD graphics card with 2gb of GDDR5 VRAM, can't remember the exact name of it and I'm at work right now so I can't easily check... I checked with the minimum required hardware to play the game and I at least meet that. Is this game well-optimized enough to play on a lower-mid end gaming PC like mine? I need a fluid 60fps at 1080p in multiplayer shooters but everything else can be on super low I don't mind.

I'd prefer to get it on PC but if it won't run at like a locked 60fps then I'll just pick it up on PS4.
I'm getting really annoyed with the Voice Chat bug on PC. I was playing with my friend and talking to him through Skype and if he is leader of a party in the game my Mic is open to all in game... even if I disable it through the game and Uplay... The only way for me to fix is restart the game and start as party leader. Such a freaking annoying bug, for a game that focuses on teamwork and communication you would think the voice chat would function properly. Other then that the game is fun.

It's a bad bug, but the solution for my group has been to keep push to talk mode on in game and simply tap your PTT key as soon as you load into a new map. This 'resets' it and it will stay off from then on. Hope they fix it soon.


Unconfirmed Member
It's a bad bug, but the solution for my group has been to keep push to talk mode on in game and simply tap your PTT key as soon as you load into a new map. This 'resets' it and it will stay off from then on. Hope they fix it soon.

That's good to know, will keep that in mind. I had a mini-freakout today when I was talking to myself (Yeah I do that sometimes) and someone responded, I was like "shit, what else have people heard me say?"


Unconfirmed Member
Almost up to level 20 but wondering how ranked is compared to casual. Not in terms of skill level but more like communication and teamwork.

It's been a little more serious in my experience but still a lot of people not using mics.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
I picked it up for Xbox one over the weekend if you guys want to add me. GT is same as my user name. I prefer T-hunt, but I'm down for PvP

I'll definitely add you!
My Xbox Live GT is dashkap

Randoms aren't that bad. I have it on Xbox and that's what I am usually playing. You can generally find people on mic who are playing in random games. It's not an issue.

I am worried about the longevity of the user base on Xbox. With this game selling poorly it may not be there in the long run. I will probably hop on to a cheap PS4 copy in the future if I find this to be the case.

I don't really like playing a gams like this with randoms but even then the only people I met so far with an open mic weren't even properly interacting, just background noises via Kinect (ugh!) or talking with their families.

I should've gone PS4 where a few gaffers on my friends list are actually playing it versus none on my Xbox FL, but my Gold Sub won't expire anytime soon compared to my PS+ sub, also I vastly prefer the Xbox controller and besides 900p vs 1080pthe performance differences seemed negligible for once.

Game is selling like shit unfortunately, yes. I hate to say it but this game was always going to struggle as a dull price release, they should've gone $29.99 at the most and skins/cosmetic microtransactions. And lots of free mp weekends.

Playing on XBO, everything seems kind of blurry. Don't know if the PS4 is better. Maps are well designed, the destruction is amazing and adds a new level of tension.

Yeah, it's 900p on Xbox One but 1080p on PS4, IQ is definitely better on PS4
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