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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately


Very nice play by your cousin, though it does highlight some of the stupidity of the defenders. So many people don't realise that your ultimate job is to run the clock down - had the last guy just legged it down the stairs, it would have been an easy win for them, haha. People just want those kills sadly.

I was thinking the same thing. I figured the last guy would've just stayed downstairs and run the clock out, but when he came back up I knew he just wanted the kill. What also cost him is I think he went to melee instead of just switching to sidearm.
I'm playing mostly Terrorist Hunt, and while it's super awesome, i feel sad i have to choose one of the operators in T-Hunt too.
I rather select weapons and gear myself. There should be a mode for that imo.
And,.. i have no idea what to spend my credits on.
I don't feel i want to unlock more than a couple of operators and you can buy 3 weapon upgrades.

There is too little customisation.

And the skins.. you have to actually BUY skins?

Anyway. I do love the game.
And the skins.. you have to actually BUY skins?

Anyway. I do love the game.

There are skins you can buy with renown and there are skins you can buy with real money. Not a bad trade off for free maps and operators.

Had my first team killing moment last night. It was awful. Dude threw C4 on my face and blew it up late in the game. Next round starts I kill him then his buddy kills me. What a waste of time the game is when this shit happens.

Still the best shooter(for me) in quite some time.


Unconfirmed Member
Those skins are ugly as sin. I'm glad people who are into them are subsidizing real-ass content though. I like my guns to look like guns so I'm perfectly happy to ignore skins forever, even the Renown/Uplay ones.


Those skins are ugly as sin. I'm glad people who are into them are subsidizing real-ass content though. I like my guns to look like guns so I'm perfectly happy to ignore skins forever, even the Renown/Uplay ones.

I got the game for free and I love it so best thing I can do is buy skins to support the devs. There are some good skins though, the SAS Engraved skins are so good to look at.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Some of the pay-for skins are pretty cool. Bought stars and stripes for all Ash's weapons. And the great white shark skin on Twitch's F2 is pretty fun. I've always said if devs would keep their DLC to cosmetic stuff I had no issue with it. So, I put my money where my mouth has been.

GIGN have the best premium skin bundle. Some kind of faux leather texture with gold accents. Skins are priced too high, even for the better ones, but it doesn't damage the community in any way to have cosmetics like that. And this is the best MP I've played since Socom... honestly knowing what I do now, I would've paid $200 to own this game. Folks will scoff at that probably, whatever. I'd give Ubisoft an entire paycheck if they gave Ghost Recon this treatment. Oh well. At least there's a real Rainbow. Been waiting a long-ass time... spending a lot of money over the years on a lot of shitty shooters trying to scratch this itch.


I'm not sure if I will be playing online matches. I'm really bad and intimidated to play against other people and screwing my team up. How do you put your name on the Google list? I've never done that before.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Btw someone mentioned the other day that the flash hider (and even suppressor) has better recoil dampening than the compensator.

Yeah... no.

I know there are those little recoil charts you can reference, but just testing the weapons out in the wild, no. I feel it especially since I use single shot most of the time.
Definitely going to make time and add all you from the Google spreadsheet. Playing with randoms is just something I can't do anymore. I just cant.

Looking forward to playing more this evening. Haven't played in a few days due to a busy weekend and my enjoyment of the UC4 Multi-player Beta, but still have the itch for this, which is a good sign.


I feel like some of the skins in this game are miles better than in other shooters. The Belizna skin for Glaz's rifle is awsome for example


I'm not sure if I will be playing online matches. I'm really bad and intimidated to play against other people and screwing my team up.

This isn't the right attitude. I felt the same way about competitive multiplayer games for the longest time, and at the end of the day you're just robbing yourself of a really cool experience over unfounded fears of what a stranger on the internet might think about you.

If you have the self-awareness to worry about being a good teammate to others, you're already a more viable ally than a large portion of the player base who Dunning–Kruger 24/7.

Remember, you're playing this to have fun! It's a video game.


Sorry, little off topic but my uplay account got locked because I misspelled my password a few times. Now the account is locked, wtf.

I can't contact customer support because I need to log in to do that.

What now?

edit: it seems that if you fail to login too often, uplay automatically suspends your account for 1 hour. I see now why people hate uplay. However, there was no notification that I have to wait one hour. Can't believe how badly entering the wrong password is handled. Way to go Ubi.


Anyone else getting the problem from time to time when your character glitches and cannot move anywhere? It is incredibly frustrating when this happens. I was barricading a window, when I got "stuck" with the glitch and got murdered.

Yeah, hit prone to escape. It's a weird glitch. I get it a lot.


Would a neutral Bomb/VIP work here?
I just feel like most of the map isn't being used to its full potential
This would allow players start on opposite sides, use more of the map, pressure plays
Just an idea


Would a neutral Bomb/VIP work here?
I just feel like most of the map isn't being used to its full potential
This would allow players start on opposite sides, use more of the map, pressure plays
Just an idea

It would be cool but I feel like most of the maps aren't setup for it except for the larger ones or the defending operators would be at too much of a disadvantage over attackers.


Playing this with friends and some of us are getting disconnected at random, it's frustrating. Also, a few times I have not been able to move at all and have to exit the game altogether. The game itself is amazing but the connection here seems rough!
Would a neutral Bomb/VIP work here?
I just feel like most of the map isn't being used to its full potential
This would allow players start on opposite sides, use more of the map, pressure plays
Just an idea

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some sort of center objective mode added. We know new modes are coming.


war of titties grampa
Just to remind ps4 users, you can join the community to group up with people and play!

The easiest way to join the community is to send me a friend invite and ask but you can also try this process detailed below to find the community yourself. It does not require direct invites so hopefully you can find it.


For the new page! JOIN US!!


This isn't the right attitude. I felt the same way about competitive multiplayer games for the longest time, and at the end of the day you're just robbing yourself of a really cool experience over unfounded fears of what a stranger on the internet might think about you.

If you have the self-awareness to worry about being a good teammate to others, you're already a more viable ally than a large portion of the player base who Dunning–Kruger 24/7.

Remember, you're playing this to have fun! It's a video game.

Thanks for the support. I'll jump on and give it a try. I don't know how to add my name on the spreadsheet but my GT is
DblTap on XB1. I would love to play with everyone here.


Just picked this up on PS4, i'll definitely be looking to play with some folks in the US. Anyone planning to be on tonight around 11 central? If so shoot me a friend request: Moneyman232


I really like the FBI operators. They suit my playstyle more, which is either to blow things up when attacking or really fortify when playing defense. Ash was my favourite, but I've started playing as Thermite more often and I think he's starting to edge her out. I also really like Castle on defense.
Network errors are fucking ruining this game for me. Every night it's blind luck as to whether the game will work right or not, absolutely ridiculous shit.


It is encouraging to see how many people are watching this game on twitch. Over 20,000 viewers this afternoon and it isn't focused on 1 big streamer, but spread out among a few smaller streamers.


Network errors are fucking ruining this game for me. Every night it's blind luck as to whether the game will work right or not, absolutely ridiculous shit.

Yeah i'm avoiding ranked for now as the games last longer, and thus there is more chance to DC and not get any renown/ xp


I rented this game and have played a few hours of it and I am just god awful. I cannot understand getting killed as fast as I am sometimes.


Network errors are fucking ruining this game for me. Every night it's blind luck as to whether the game will work right or not, absolutely ridiculous shit.

A patch is on the way this week (mid-December patch). They have promised a lot with this patch, but I'm sure it wont fix everything. A lot of people are using this patch as a gauge for how Ubisoft is going to treat this game going forward. I'm not sure if this is fair, but hoping they can do enough to get the game stable soon.
If anyone is looking for someone to play with on PSN add me. James_b0ndjr Just mention you are from gaf. Always have a few people on and you can join in. Just have a mic.


Network errors are fucking ruining this game for me. Every night it's blind luck as to whether the game will work right or not, absolutely ridiculous shit.

Are you in PC? I want to go PC due to having a good machine, but I'm concerned it will be too finicky and prone to cheating.


Are you in PC? I want to go PC due to having a good machine, but I'm concerned it will be too finicky and prone to cheating.

It's really unstable. Still feels like a beta. Very rarely you'll play 5vs5 because everybody is constantly crashing or loosing connection.
And so many bugs.

When it works, it's so damn good. But tonight I've experienced these problems 8 out of 10 matches.... really frustrating.
Does anyone that's seen both think the visuals on PC justify going that platform?
I have a 980Ti so obviously my results are going to be biased but it's nice to be able to play at upwards of 60 fps at 1440P with MSAA in all game modes. Think the console versions are locked to 30 for a few of them. Depends on your hardware of course.

Finally bought the full game, hopefully I didn't do so too late that everyone is going to be destroying me :p


This is an impossibly addictive game for me. The "just one more game" thing is strong with this one. And the tension? You can cut it with a knife. Amazing.


I'm not big on shooters usually, and I suck at them, but this is my favorite shooter this year by far.

Sad to see so many people, including the gaming press, dismissing the game because it has Microtransaction and lacks a single player mode.

I mean, for fuck's sake, Austin Walker never even noticed that weapons can be modded, and dinged the game for having nothing but characters and skins to spend renown on. (During their QL)


I'm not big on shooters usually, and I suck at them, but this is my favorite shooter this year by far.

Sad to see so many people, including the gaming press, dismissing the game because it has Microtransaction and lacks a single player mode.

I mean, for fuck's sake, Austin Walker never even noticed that weapons can be modded, and dinged the game for having nothing but characters and skins to spend renown on. (During their QL)

he also said situation only featured recruits, so I guess he didn't play more than an hour.
the same gang also said on multiple occasion that the "shared bonus" feature of the season pass was creating pressure for people to buy it, which is the most ridiculous criticism of a nice feature Ive heard in a looong time.


I could use some more GAF R6 players.

PSN: kurruptt

Just note that you're from GAF if possible.

I'll add you.

Last night I realized how OP shotguns and shields can be. First, I got sniped by a shotgun. I'm finding some of the shotguns have insane range. I'm not kidding when I say "sniped", the defender was up on a roof way off in the distance and managed to kill me. The replay was insane. Shields should be modified too....if you take a shotty at point blank range, you shouldn't be able to just walk through it unharmed.
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