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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I do think it's kinda shitty that Ubisoft got a character before Square. They are the last big Japanese company that needed representation in Smash.


I don't think a Direct has ever been announced on a Sunday... if a Direct was on Tuesday they'd announce it on a Monday.

But I don't think there's a Direct, Nintendo's Investor Meeting is on Tuesday.

I see. I just hope that any potential announcement won't be only about Rayman but generally Smash DLC.



I don't know, that Pac-Man looks shopped.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
but i dont want rayman

i want solid snake and ice climbers
Well, sounds like things are getting interesting, at least.

Have to admit, now I'm awfully curious to see Sakurai's take on Rayman. I have a feeling that, if it's real, I'll warm up to him a good deal after seeing the care put into his appearance.
Wouldn't people feel ripped off buying characters that were just in the last version? Also I really doubt snake is coming back.

No, I want them to add old characters as DLC. I understand that game development time is limited and Smash 4's default roster is perfectly fine, so I know they didn't hold back anyone as DLC.

In my ideal scenario, we'd ONLY get vet DLC, and it would bring back basically everyone, including Pichu (with Plusle/Minun as alt character skins as a nod to them being Pichu's replacement in Brawl, but cut last minute)

I think new character ideas should be held for Smash 5. Although, Rayman is an exception because he's a guest character.


Ubisoft waiting until Tuesday to comment sounds strange to me. Why not Monday? Also if it is true, can they even comment on it without Nintendo's permission? It seems like something they would run by them. I highly doubt we get Direct on Monday since we just got a general one a few weeks ago. I was thinking we would have a Direct that focuses on Smash/MK DLC and summer titles around April.
Ubisoft waiting until Tuesday to comment sounds strange to me. Why not Monday? Also if it is true, can they even comment on it without Nintendo's permission? It seems like something they would run by them. I highly doubt we get Direct on Monday since we just got a general one a few weeks ago. I was thinking we would have a Direct that focuses on Smash/MK DLC and summer titles around April.

Probably tuesday because he was going to be announced on tuesday anyway because of the investor's meeting


Ubisoft waiting until Tuesday to comment sounds strange to me. Why not Monday? Also if it is true, can they even comment on it without Nintendo's permission? It seems like something they would run by them. I highly doubt we get Direct on Monday since we just got a general one a few weeks ago. I was thinking we would have a Direct that focuses on Smash/MK DLC and summer titles around April.
The investor meeting is on Tuesday. I don't know, could be a coincidence. I don't think there'll be another Direct until March.


Great idea to improve 3rd party relations. Every publisher gets a 1 smash character DLC

SEGA: Sonic
Capcom: Megaman
Namco: Pac-man
Ubisoft: Rayman
Konami: Simon Belmont (shut up, snake fans. we need to complete Captain N team. And if konami ever gets a second chance, that would be Bomberman, not Snake again)
Square: Chrono (best of both worlds)
Activision: Pitfall Harry
Tecmo: Ryu Hayabusa
EA: Unprecedented Relationship the Character


but i dont want rayman

i want solid snake and ice climbers

Don't worry EatChildren. You will get Naruto some day.

Ubisoft waiting until Tuesday to comment sounds strange to me. Why not Monday? Also if it is true, can they even comment on it without Nintendo's permission? It seems like something they would run by them. I highly doubt we get Direct on Monday since we just got a general one a few weeks ago. I was thinking we would have a Direct that focuses on Smash/MK DLC and summer titles around April.

I kind of doubt we'll get a trailer but since it is a fiscal meeting it's pretty likely that they're going to go through their financial plan for the future, which DLC ought to be a part of. Maybe including Rayman is their way of "trying to reach out to third parties" yet again.

Son Of D

I'm gonna be pissed if Ray man makes it in.
Not because I don't like him but because I NEED snake back. At this point I see every third party charcter on the roster as taking his spot.

Yes the Namco, Sega, Capcom and Ubisoft characters are taking the spot of the Konami character, all of which Nintendo have no control over. Look I want Snake back myself but it's fucking stupid to say that characters unrelated to Konami are stopping Snake from getting in. If it were Simon Belmont or Bomberman that were in this leak then you'd have a little more of a point. But it's still a stupid one.

I do think it's kinda shitty that Ubisoft got a character before Square. They are the last big Japanese company that needed representation in Smash.

Third party characters are always a tough subject for these games. Either that third party didn't want anything to do with the game or they said that they'd only allow use of their IP if it were a specific character.

Or maybe Sakurai didn't even bother asking Square.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Third party characters are always a tough subject for these games. Either that third party didn't want anything to do with the game or they said that they'd only allow use of their IP if it were a specific character.

Or maybe Sakurai didn't even bother asking Square.
The way I see it, Square just doesn't care and I think it's really their loss.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Great idea to improve 3rd party relations. Every publisher gets a 1 smash character DLC

SEGA: Sonic
Capcom: Megaman
Namco: Pac-man
Ubisoft: Rayman
Konami: Simon Belmont (shut up, snake fans. we need to complete Captain N team. And if konami ever gets a second chance, that would be Bomberman, not Snake again)
Square: Chrono (best of both worlds)
Activision: Pitfall Harry
Tecmo: Ryu Hayabusa
EA: Unprecedented Relationship the Character
Maybe in return those third parties will make one game for Wii U each.
Investor: Mr. Iwata, although the stock price has been healthy this past financial quarter, it is still far from satisfactory. What methods are you utilizing to ensur-

Well sort of. Announcing DLC support for Smash would certainly be something to touch on.

The way I see it, Square just doesn't care and I think it's really their loss.

Slime, Black Mage or Geno would have worked great and fit in the world of Smash perfectly...

Their loss I guess.


Great idea to improve 3rd party relations. Every publisher gets a 1 smash character DLC

SEGA: Sonic
Capcom: Megaman
Namco: Pac-man
Ubisoft: Rayman
Konami:Snake, because he's fucking snake
Square: The warrior of light from final fantasy one, because who cares about chrono
EA: Cancel franchise the Character

Best compromise for a Square character.

I think Slime is. To me, Dragon Quest is more iconic as a Nintendo-Square franchise than Final Fantasy. FF is more Sony focused in the last 20 years, while Dragon Quest came back to Nintendo and has pretty consistently stayed Nintendo, even Nintendo themselves publishing a game or two.


Ubisoft waiting until Tuesday to comment sounds strange to me. Why not Monday? Also if it is true, can they even comment on it without Nintendo's permission? It seems like something they would run by them. I highly doubt we get Direct on Monday since we just got a general one a few weeks ago. I was thinking we would have a Direct that focuses on Smash/MK DLC and summer titles around April.

Wait, Ubisoft actually said they'd comment Tuesday? Did I miss something?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I think Slime is. To me, Dragon Quest is more iconic as a Nintendo-Square franchise than Final Fantasy. FF is more Sony focused in the last 20 years, while Dragon Quest came back to Nintendo and has pretty consistently stayed Nintendo, even Nintendo themselves publishing a game or two.
Problem with slime is that it's a literal ball of goo. And slimes are only really known for lurching themselves against the enemy. Any other character would offer more move variety.
Thanks for the replies guys. I never knew there was such a positive consensus on the original games. I think I'm going to go on a Rayman marathon for the next few weeks. Playing old platformers for the first time is such a treat.

What consoles do you have?
Personally I'd recommend:
Rayman- PS1/PSN.
Raman Revolution- PS2 (the PS2 remake of Rayman 2). I enjoyed the PS1 version, which is available on PSN too, but the DC version was the best of the originals I think. Revolution has a sort of Mario 64 type hub world, the PS1 version has a map screen, no idea about the other versions.
Rayman 3 HD- PSN or XBLA. Been a while since I played it but I don't remember it being much different from the PS2 version, other than being in HD.
Rayman Origins- Any HD console just to get the most out of the art.
Rayman Legends- Wii U for touch screen Murphy levels, anything else for non-touchscreen stuff.

Basically, if you have a PS3 you can get all the games on it, and I'm not sure if Origins/Legends are in PSN, though I guess they will be, you can get them all digitally.


Problem with slime is that it's a literal ball of goo. And slimes are only really known for lurching themselves against the enemy. Any other character would offer more move variety.

Maybe the special moves could have him turn into different slimes like Slime Knight or Metal Slime. They made a moveset for the DUCK HUNT DOG I think they can make one for slime.










I know nothing about the Rayman series, what would his Final Smash be?

I can think of a few.

From Rayman Origins: Moskito. It'd probably work something similar to Yoshi's Final Smash but with rapid fire knockback.

From Rayman Raving Rabbids: Rave Party similar to Donkey Kong's final Smash perhaps.

From Rayman 3: Armaguiddon which is used in the game's final boss segment. Refer to the first Final Smash to how it could work since it's basically also a flying contraption.

Another one from Rayman 3 could be his Heavy Metal Fist, which could probably work similar to something like Lucario's and Little Mac's Final Smash and give him a huge power amplifier.

From Rayman 2: Shells are commonly used as explosive riding contraptions and are applied to the game in a plethora of ways. You could just use a barrage of them, or make it work like a mix of Pit's Final Smash in Brawl and Sudden Death Bob-Ombs.

Of all the aforementioned, I see the first one being the most likely assuming Rayman is based solely on his Origins incarnation.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Fuck aesthetics.

NSMBU gave me great level design. Origins made me regret its purchase (Steam Christmas sale) due to GAF hype.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'm just going to throw out two salient points that I think a lot of people are forgetting:
  • Rayman Origins and Legends are both by far better than any 2D platformer Nintendo has released in the last 10 years.
  • Fucking Mega Man got in.

I dunno, when I played the first stage of NSMBU I didn't regret buying the game.

You know what? I didn't even regret LBP because I got it for free!
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