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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]


It's not a complete confirmation. We're still missing the most crucial evidence which is game play footage. But put it this way - for it to be a fake, whoever did this would have to:

Be able to provide an incredibly high quality render of Rayman that reflects accurately on his trophy design while simultaneously paying homage to the original box art (it's possible, Smash fans have shown the capacity, including Project M's Dev Team)
Be able to replicate Mewtwo's design and produce a believable render of him as well. (see above)
Be able to hack the game and implement the character into the CSS, which I don't think tools exist for yet.

And the third one, while being the most improbable scenario, is the only easy solution for this leak to be a hoax, because if you assume that it isn't implemented in the game, whoever made this would have also needed the ability to animate the background of the CSS icons, animate the actual UI of Rayman popping into the screen, getting the correct font, using the absolute correct spacing and size, align everything perfectly and even do the unlock splash screen. The close ups even get some minor details right such as tiny graphical glitches on the CSS. There's no clear evidence against this leak so far and the only thing lacking is game play to seal the deal. But the amount of sheer talent and effort that has gone into producing this is so staggering that you have to ask whether or not anyone would, seriously, go through with all of that effort just for Rayman, which is far from a character most people would expect based on previous rumors. This isn't really just a matter of producing a fake render.

On the other hand, leaks have been convincing before and the game's been two months since the game came out. While I will acknowledge that the attention to detail is incredible (and I do think this is real), it doesn't automatically mean it's 100% confirmed either. Leakers probably WOULD go greatly into detail in an effort to make it believable, plus with so many people (especially here) saying the DLC is needed for Smash 4 (because...), they could have easily been taking advantage of that. I do think it's real though, just that "too much detail" isn't really an automatic confirmation.

I'm...meh on this. Maybe it's because of personal preferences (have a friend who thinks Rayman is the greatest thing evar and is very annoying about it), but I think there are better people to be in Smash. I still won't mind it as a whole though, I just won't play as him.

EDIT: ...it appears I was too late AND was right to still be skeptical


Neo Member
Couldn't help but think, with all the 3rd-party-Mans:


"Kept you waiting, huh?"


CriterionDog, are you OK? Pls message me if you're ok.

Am I doing this right? This is what we do when something like this happens on Neogaf, right? Sorry if I messed up.



B-but...why are Ubisoft waiting till tuesday to comment? Can't they just say there and then "Nope" or "We don't comment on rumours and speculation"
Just when I was starting to think it was real...

So what about the ubisoft statement then

Because it's all a double lie, and it's actually completely real now due to it being indisputably fake now!



Wouldnt it be funny if Ubisoft ended up announcing Rayman was coming to SSB anyway and it was just a coincidence the fake leak was true...
Watching the video on the making of the render, and jeez. This is a new baseline for the amount of quality work that can go into a fake leak, the detail is insane. People will probably be bringing this up when a leak shows for years to come, lol.

Guess any Nintendo folks reading the thread had a good laugh.


I admit I'm a Rayman fan, but I've only played Rayman 2 and Origins and I have to say I'm pretty surprised at how many people DON'T want him in the game. Yes, I think someone like Simon Belmont should have been in before him, but that doesn't mean Rayman shouldn't be in.

Rayman's move set will be so cool.

Also, #TeamReal

Edit: Omg, it's fake?!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Watching the video on the making of the render, and jeez. This is a new baseline for the amount of quality work that can go into a fake leak, the detail is insane. People will probably be bringing this up when a leak shows for years to come, lol.

Guess any Nintendo folks reading the thread had a good laugh.

I wish Iwata visits SmashGAF
I admit I'm a Rayman fan, but I've only played Rayman 2 and Origins and I have to say I'm pretty surprised at how many people DON'T want him in the game. Yes, I think someone like Simon Belmont should have been in before him, but that doesn't mean Rayman shouldn't be in.

Rayman's move set will be so cool.

Also, #TeamReal

A little late to the party here.


Seriously, it's talented as fuck. Everything I said in my previous post is an incredible level of dedication to have to go through.

But fuck that guy.

L Thammy

Has anything happened since the original CSS video was removed and Lum became a meme?

EDIT: Wait, just saw the link to the deconfirmation video. Good job Don King, you honestly had me fooled.


I watched the video and wow. The amount of detail is astonishing. This is really a top notch fake. Well done. I'm still wondering what Ubisoft is intending to say...
Ah, so it's one of those fake leaks which took a lot of technical work where the leaker reveals how he did it so he can get the attention for his skills. Much like that Nintendo On leak. Meh.
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