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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length


I'm not about to dig back through all the vitriol that's been spewed throughout this thread, but off the top of my head how about the ones who keep discrediting playmethrough's walkthrough on Youtube, which, despite their arguments, didn't seem rushed or speed runned at all. It was just like how I'd play it on a first playthrough.
There seem to be two camps, the "game is 5.5 hours long, period." camp. And the "Average play through is 8-12 hours, but a fast point to point play through can be 5.5hrs." camp. The only people pushing #1 seem to be people who have not played the game and are not going to play it.

Reguardless, well know on Thurs.
This isn't all metaphor for like some sort of compensation or something, is it?

I've been thinking deeply on this for some time now.



I find it incredibly weird you're doing all this "game-math" and know length of times for individual chapters and such. Like, what the hell.
This is a thread about the length of the game. The game isn't out yet. There are playthroughs on YouTube. Math is fun.
Is he playing on hard or normal?

I'm not sure. Doesn't show the difficulty select screen and cant read the dutch comments.
Halo's multiplayer doesn't change the raw experience of the campaign though. Was Halo's campaign a waste of time, but everyone was OK with that because the multiplayer created a perceived extra value? If that's the case, why have the campaign at all. Just ship a purely multiplayer Halo and call it a day.
I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.
Aside from this being an insane comparison, and ignoring that Halo got flack for it's campaign length and padding, and ignoring that Halo also included modifiers to promote replay-ability, and ignoring that Halo included split screen co-op & local / LAN multiplayer…

At 5 hours of actual gameplay, Halo has
nearly 3x
the gameplay of The Order.

Listen the one thing that I feel we can conclude is The Order is a short game. Is it 5 hours? For some maybe. For other maybe 10. But it seems the average is somewhere under 10.

Thats a fairly short game all things considered.

THAT BEING SAID. Game length is not the end all be all on whether a game is quality. Maybe The Order is amazing, maybe it sucks. But we'll have to wait till we get our own hands on it to find out. Those that want a longer experience I understand but that doesn't mean the game is poor quality just because its short.


There seem to be two camps, the "game is 5.5 hours long, period." camp. And the "Average play through is 8-12 hours, but a fast point to point play through can be 5.5hrs." camp. The only people pushing #1 seem to be people who have not played the game and are not going to play it.

Reguardless, well know on Thurs.
How do you know we're not going to play it? I've had the game preordered since August. Plus, we have not said 5,5 hours period. What we have said is that the only hard evidence we got is a play through of 5,5 hours.
This is a thread about the length of the game. The game isn't out yet. There are playthroughs on YouTube. Math is fun.

I'm not sure. Doesn't show the difficulty select screen and cant read the dutch comments.

I'd imagine the hard difficulty has more of an effect on the length of the game then the collectibles and stuff.
I'm baffled that this is having to be explained
You stated a preference, not a normative reality based on some unwavering standard. There is no real reason that a dev can't release a quality multiplayer title without online functionality, except that you personally don't find value in it.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
How do you know we're not going play it? I've had the game preordered since August. Plus, we have not said 5,5 hours period. What we have said is that the only hard evidence we got is a play through of 5,5 hours.

There is also the dude with the platinum at 10 hours or something.
There seem to be two camps, the "game is 5.5 hours long, period." camp. And the "Average play through is 8-12 hours, but a fast point to point play through can be 5.5hrs." camp. The only people pushing #1 seem to be people who have not played the game and are not going to play it.

Reguardless, well know on Thurs.

I don't think anyone is saying it's 5.5 hours, period. I think a lot of people are saying that the fact that someone who isn't rushing can finish it in 5.5 hours just by not picking up useless trinkets with no gameplay value is a pretty big warning sign.

I had the game preordered until a few hours ago. One of these days I'll play it. But I'm not spending $60 for a game that will only take me 10 hours to beat if I rummage for trinkets in corners for its entire duration.


Halo's multiplayer doesn't change the raw experience of the campaign though. Was Halo's campaign a waste of time, but everyone was OK with that because the multiplayer created a perceived extra value? If that's the case, why have the campaign at all. Just ship a purely multiplayer Halo and call it a day.

This is one of the worst posts I've read in a long time. And I read OT.
What exactly are 2015 standards?


But they all had good gameplay.

And that's really the crux of the whole thing, isn't it? RAD have decided to, nay, informed consumers that they've foregone traditional "gameplay" to focus on crafting a more mature and compelling narrative in The Order. If that story is only 5-7 hours long, is that enough for people to spend their hard earned $60 on? Maybe, but for me, it'd have to be a pretty compelling story to warrant that pricetag.


How do you know we're not going play it? I've had the game preordered since August. Plus, we have not said 5,5 hours period. What we have said is that the only hard evidence we got is a play through of 5,5 hours.

Why would anyone interested in a cinematic story game watch a play through before playing?
Imru’ al-Qays;152373398 said:
I don't think anyone is saying it's 5.5 hours, period. I think a lot of people are saying that the fact that someone who isn't rushing can finish it in 5.5 hours just by not picking up useless trinkets with no gameplay value is a pretty big warning sign.

I had the game preordered until a few hours ago. One of these days I'll play it. But I'm not spending $60 for a game that will only take me 10 hours to beat if I rummage for trinkets in corners for its entire duration.

Maybe those trinkets aren't useless to a lot of people, if it adds to the lore and story they are far from useless. Stop imposing what you feel onto everyone.

I'm happy for you that you made a decision to stop your pre-order but just because others value things such as collectible differently than you doesn't mean they're wrong and you're right. You're both right.
Why would anyone interested in a cinematic story game watch a play through before playing?
How does that change the time elapsed in any way? Some people have reported the time it took to beat the game in the video--and have broken it down with excruciating detail--which has been substantiated by others.


I still don't know why people are uppity about the 5 hour Youtube playthrough when the guy who did it liked the game. You have the haters who are using it to paint the game in a negative light, even though the Youtuber didn't see the game's length as a negative, though he acknowledged that other's would disagree with him, and you have the defence force who are throwing someone who liked the game under the bus, in order to paint the game in a good light, it's fucking weird to see.

The Order is making people crazy.


This is nothing new. Some years ago (obviously let's plays were not a thing back then) some people enjoyed meeting with friends and watching them playing some SP games (especially when they were too frightened to play horror games :p). With Youtube it only became easier, but this is nothing new or strange. Why can't people simply accept that this is a thing for some folks?

Exactly plenty of people would watch YouTube videos but few really want to go through the actual process of playing the game. Also obviously there is a human factor being able to choose who narrates the actual gameplay.

Multiplayer shooters are expected to have online functionality in this day and age, rather than being limited to local-only multilpayer. This is a mystery to no one.

That's not true there is people for every niche, but what needed is to get your game over to a larger audience. Youtube has made gaming accessible for people who don't even play the games they watch being played.
Trying to place everything in a game is not always the best option sometimes a focused effort can be much better.

However I personally think the pricing for such games should be different they shouldn't cost as much. If they are able to reach a wider audience the game could have been priced accordingly. Personally I think such games end up being discounted very quickly because it's very front ended.


Imru’ al-Qays;152373677 said:
You don't have to watch a playthrough to know how long it is.

You do if you know you play like the guy, the guy wasn't rushing, and there are no edits; otherwise how do they know these things
Maybe those trinkets aren't useless to a lot of people, if it adds to the lore and story they are far from useless. Stop imposing what you feel onto everyone.

I'm happy for you that you made a decision to stop your pre-order but just because others value things such as collectible differently than you doesn't mean they're wrong and you're right. You're both right.

I don't think I ever said everyone else was wrong. If you like collecting trinkets that's fine. But I don't, and the arguments against the validity of the 5.5 hour playthrough seem to turn inevitably to "well it would have taken him longer if he'd spent more time rummaging for trinkets." And yeah, it probably would have, but I don't like rummaging for trinkets and so this means nothing to me or presumably to any of the other people who don't like the idea of paying $60 for a 5.5-6.5-hour game with additional trinket-based content.
That's not true there is people for every niche, but what needed is to get your game over to a larger audience. Youtube has made gaming accessible for people who don't even play the games they watch being played.
Trying to place everything in a game is not always the best option sometimes a focused effort can be much better.
That was in the context of Halo, though, to which the comparison was being drawn. I would like to see the alternate reality where Halo 5 could possibly be released without online multiplayer. That also doesn't change the fact that that is the de facto standard; it is the norm, not the exception.


I was hoping 10+ hours, seems like I will probably get about 8 out of it, give or take. That's okay with me.

I don't understand how people are shocked by the amount of cutscenes, it's been pretty clear what this game is for a long time.

The setting, lore, and visuals sold me on this game a long time ago. It's not going to be for everybody, but it will have it's fans. I'm sure I will be one of them.


Imru’ al-Qays;152374070 said:
I don't think I ever said everyone else was wrong. If you like collecting trinkets that's fine. But I don't, and the arguments against the validity of the 5.5 hour playthrough seem to turn inevitably to "well it would have taken him longer if he'd spent more time rummaging for trinkets." And yeah, it probably would have, but I don't like rummaging for trinkets and so this means nothing to me or presumably to any of the other people who don't like the idea of paying $60 for a 5.5-6.5-hour game with additional trinket-based content.

Actually, they turn to the 5 or 6 gaffers who've played it and some rad guy's comments.


You do if you know you play like the guy, the guy wasn't rushing, and there are no edits; otherwise how do they know these things

One of his videos had the cutscenes removed because it was copyright flagged (but he put an annotation on the vide when it happened)

There may have been more content removed for all we know which he didn't let on about. He played with in-game music off (which I believe he did to avoid flags), but we don't really know if there was more content flagged


Halo's multiplayer doesn't change the raw experience of the campaign though. Was Halo's campaign a waste of time, but everyone was OK with that because the multiplayer created a perceived extra value? If that's the case, why have the campaign at all. Just ship a purely multiplayer Halo and call it a day.

Your comparison is shit. let it go.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
One of his videos had the cutscenes removed because it was copyright flagged (but he put an annotation on the vide when it happened)

There may have been more content removed for all we know which he didn't let on about. He played with in-game music off (which I believe he did to avoid flags), but we don't really know if there was more content flagged

As in the whole vid was removed or just the cutscene?
So not only is this game a corridor shooter QTE-fest but now it's a trinket rummager too? That's it I'm out.

Well yeah, the core gameplay is cutscene-watching and corridor-shooting with QTEs and the optional content is trinket-rummaging. That is what this game is. I just wish it had more cutscenes and shooting.
I was hoping 10+ hours, seems like I will probably get about 8 out of it, give or take. That's okay with me.

I don't understand how people are shocked by the amount of cutscenes, it's been pretty clear what this game is for a long time.

The setting, lore, and visuals sold me on this game a long time ago. It's not going to be for everybody, but it will have it's fans. I'm sure I will be one of them.

The percentage of cutscenes to gameplay is pretty disconcerting to me. I realize not for everyone, but almost all environments we've seen have been pretty small, we know a large chunk of the game is cutscenes, and from impressions I've read there are a LOT of quick time events. That description I'll be honest sounds pretty off putting to me.

But I'm not going to judge it yet. I'll have the game day 1 and make that decision for myself, but this info is a little worrisome. I kept hoping the dev's were holding back on preview builds but this doesn't seem to be the case at all.


I think the fervor over this game's length is stupid, in that its lead to an endless stream of silly, poorly reasoned arguments over what the "proper" amount of length/content is for a single player experience.

As many people have (accurately) pointed out, there are countless classic games that could be completed in an afternoon. The vast bulk of 8/16-bit games were incredibly short. I remember my original playthroughs of A Link to the Past (in 1992) and Super Metroid (in 1994) only taking about 4 hrs a piece.

But in referencing those games, you get to the heart of what DOES irk me about The Order, what to me is a far greater failing on its part. We tend not to remember those myriad classics as being so brief because they were so damn fun to PLAY, and in everything I've read about The Order, positive and negative, the main takeaway is that the real point of the game is the "experience". The actual play is almost just there to be there, to justify its existence as "Video Game". It's like the gutter in a comic strip, an inconsequential blank space intended to convey the passage of time between the moments of import.

I hate it when games are designed with that attitude. I hate it when games treat the player, who should at very least be an equal partner in the proceedings, as an inconvenience, an ornery child to be corralled, disciplined and silenced when the adults are speaking. I fully appreciate diversity, and that different people enjoy different things and experiences, but I very deeply believe that if you create a video game, it should be judged first and foremost on its merits and imagination as an interactive experience. I mean, I love the Metal Gear Solid series, which are also dense with narrative, but the moments between the talking are elegantly designed and highly replayable, true games with malleable, reactive worlds and a respect for the player's agency.


A "5 hour" game for me usually ends up lasting me a lot longer. I like taking my time and enjoying it. Especially since I don't get a ton time to game.

Im actually stressed out because Im about to try dragon age and I know its got some length to it.
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