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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length


Junior Member
Your premise that GAFers saw his playthrough and got scared so theydid the collectables. Yeah, it is. You don't know if they read the length comment first before playing or did their own plaything first then looked back to see how long it took.

psh everyone knows gaf gold membership comes with 2 free months of time travel
Why would you do that? Since when is reading news articles, or looking at weapons, objects, posters or whatever else, not considered as part of the gaming experience?
I'm not promoting doing that, just explaining what the other guy was saying. Although it does seem slightly hypocritical of some people to bash other games for padding and fetch quests, and then claim it to be an integral part of the game here. I, myself, will probably be able to beat the game in ten or so hours based on all I am hearing, which seems sufficient to me.

@letmego: nah, just that this new player is doing it in faster time than playmethrough all things considered equal.
I feel like if this was another game in another thread, this wouldn't even be up for debate, no one is saying GAFers are lying, it's just that we have a video on youtube clearly showing the game time, regardless of the style it which it was played.

Calling it a speedrun too is ridiculous.

That's the thing, we now have sources like YouTube and Twitch for all to see so there is no hiding any more. It also makes game developers nervous because of spoilers too. Look at how far we've come where we have those who would rather sit down and watch for hours instead of buying the game. I used to do this at the arcade when I was young but that was because I was mesmerized at how good they were with games like Virtua Fighter.
Seems kinda ridiculous that
there are chapters that are just 100% cutscene. Just seems like a way to inflate the number of chapters
Seems kinda ridiculous that
there are chapters that are just 100% cutscene. Just seems like a way to inflate the number of chapters
What's ridiculous exactly? Since when has the number of chapters ever meant anything in a game? You always have games where chapters are more action-filled, longer or whatever else than the others.


Why would you do that though? Since when is reading news articles, or looking at weapons, objects, posters or whatever else, not considered as part of the gaming experience?

This is why HLTB breaks up the times into separate categories. Different people will always have different ideas on what constitutes game-time.

I fall somewhere in the middle...if I come across a collectible I will always pick it up and listen, look at or whatever....but I rarely go actively seeking them out

So based on this....I think I would complete 1886 in about 6-7 hrs (also based on dying a fair bit more than the streamer)


I love the weird narative that if you're ignoring collectibles and you're not exploring every inches of all the levels you're suddenly speedrunning through the game.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Seems kinda ridiculous that
there are chapters that are just 100% cutscene. Just seems like a way to inflate the number of chapters

Eh, they've talked before how much they are focused on story and selling the game as a cinematic thing, don't really see the problem with it.
I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.
How many chapters is the game?

17, apparently, including the prologue. Using the chapter breakdowns dragonbane posted in the other thread I've calculated the 5.5 hour YouTuber's percentage of overall playtime per chapter (including both gameplay and cutscenes):

P 12.27 / 3.8% / 3.8%
1 29.22 / 8.9% / 12.7
2 16.32 / 5% / 17.7
3 46 / 14% / 31.7
4 24.25 / 7.4% / 39.1
5 34.11 / 10.4% / 49.5
6 7.32 / 2.2% / 51.7
7 6.41 / 2% / 53.7
8 21.37 / 6.5% / 60.2
9 43.07 / 13.2% / 73.4
10 4.07 / 1.2% / 74.6
11 44.15 / 13.5% / 88.1
12 5.36 / 1.6% / 89.7
13 5.11 / 1.6% / 91.3
14 5.36 / 1.6% / 92.9
15 10.48 / 3.2% / 96.1
16 9.23 / 2.8% / 98.9 (1.1% lost due to rounding errors etc)

Total: 326.50 minutes

So it looks like you can expect to be halfway done with the game around the end of chapter 5, and three-quarters of the way done around the end of chapter 9. If there are going to be significant variations in playtime it's quite likely that they'll show up in the early chapters simply because that's where the majority of the gameplay is.
OT: Why are some people in this thread so hell bent on trying to make the game seem as short as possible and actively arguing against the longer playthroughs. The average time for those that have played it is 10 hours. Why do some people here feel the need to argue this or downplay it?

Devil's advocate: doesn't it seem like the exact opposite is also true to a degree, that a lot of people just don't seem to want to believe that the game can be between 5-6 hours long?

I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.

Because Halo doesn't put all its eggs in the "Story" basket.


Most of the gaffers here finished the game and posted impressions before that video came out so no.

OT: Why are some people in this thread so hell bent on trying to make the game seem as short as possible and actively arguing against the longer playthroughs. The average time for those that have played it is 10 hours. Why do some people here feel the need to argue this or downplay it?

They are concerned.


I beat the original Resident Evil in less than 7 hours when it came out. I bought it again at full price on the Gamecube and then I bought it a 3rd time on the PS4 a few weeks ago.

I beat Vanquish in less than 7 hours. I would kill for a sequel.

Regardless of the length of 1886, if the quality is there, if the story pushes the right buttons, it's less important if it's 5 hours or 15 hours. Most 20+ hour games these days resort to the mechanics of retracing existing levels to completely a goal far too much, so if 1886 just puts you on a path and tells you a story, I think that's fine, regardless of the time it takes to get there.
Guys if you take out the time from cutscenes, the time spent viewing collectibles, the time loading, the time reloading the gun, the time jumping over cover, the time not spent actively firing the gun, the time not spent getting a kill, and the time spent standing still, The Order is only 2 and a half minutes long! Everyone make sure to use this as the new standard play through time when debating!
I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.

I played Halo multiplayer for years
Even if you don't take it away the difference as of chapter 4 is only about 29 minutes. I think it's safe to say that by the end of the game it will be around 1 hour and 30 minutes for a playthrough of 6:30.

I find it incredibly weird you're doing all this "game-math" and know length of times for individual chapters and such. Like, what the hell.


I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.
It had multiplayer?
Devil's advocate: doesn't it seem like the exact opposite is also true to a degree, that a lot of people just don't seem to want to believe that the game can be between 5-6 hours long?
I dont think people dont believe it cant be done, there is proof it can be. I just don't believe that will be the average persons playtime, if it is I will be disappointed but forgiving if the experience is good.


I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.

The Halo campaign got shat on for a lot of things. The length of the campaign was one of them. The Library was bloated as fuck and the amount of backtracking was constantly brought up.


I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.

Better enemy ai, co-op, multi; and as mentioned above, the halo campaign does take it knocks where deserved. Ain't nobody defending Library.
I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.

Is Order going to have one of the best console multiplayer experiences of its time? Or any multiplayer? There you go.


This is why HLTB breaks up the times into separate categories. Different people will always have different ideas on what constitutes game-time.

I fall somewhere in the middle...if I come across a collectible I will always pick it up and listen, look at or whatever....but I rarely go actively seeking them out

So based on this....I think I would complete 1886 in about 6-7 hrs (also based on dying a fair bit more than the streamer)

I think that's a pretty sensible prediction based on your play style and what we know. Well provided you play on Normal anyway, and depending on skill level.

In earlier leaked videos I saw players spending tonnes of time stuck in certain segments of the game lol. Dying over and over and over again, or not knowing how to proceed and instead wasting a lot of time trying to figure it out lol.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Devil's advocate: doesn't it seem like the exact opposite is also true to a degree, that a lot of people just don't seem to want to believe that the game can be between 5-6 hours long?

Because Halo doesn't put all its eggs in the "Story" basket.

It's not that people don't believe, it's that some think it's ridiculous that the gaffers claiming 9 and 10 hours are playing insanely slowly.


I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.

Same reason people to whine much about COD's short campaigns - people are really buying them for the multiplayer. People like me with no interest in COD multiplayer rent COD games, beat them in a day or two and then return them.


Devil's advocate: doesn't it seem like the exact opposite is also true to a degree, that a lot of people just don't seem to want to believe that the game can be between 5-6 hours long?.

Im guessing alot of people posting in these 1886 threads have preordered the game or invested a fair amount of hype levels towards it. They obviously don't want to be disappointed

Hell, I looked forward to HL2 since its initial reveal....read up and watched nearly everything which was released for it prior to release. I would have been devastated if it turned out to be a turkey....lucky for me, it didnt :)

I'm not about to dig back through all the vitriol that's been spewed throughout this thread, but off the top of my head how about the ones who keep discrediting playmethrough's walkthrough on Youtube, which, despite their arguments, didn't seem rushed or speed runned at all. It was just like how I'd play it on a first playthrough. To experience the story and pick up any collectibles I happen to run into along the way
Halo 1 only had split screen and lan multiplayer. Compared to today's online offerings it was pretty darn sparse.

If 1886 had split screen multiplayer only, I don't think anyone would suddenly change their tune.
Holding an almost 14 year old game to the same standard as one coming out today seems ridiculous. LAN/local multiplayer was the standard at the time. The comparison falls short even further since I don't recall Halo being cutscene-heavy. I don't understand the comparison at all.


That's the thing, we now have sources like YouTube and Twitch for all to see so there is no hiding any more. It also makes game developers nervous because of spoilers too. Look at how far we've come where we have those who would rather sit down and watch for hours instead of buying the game. I used to do this at the arcade when I was young but that was because I was mesmerized at how good they were with games like Virtua Fighter.

This is nothing new. Some years ago (obviously let's plays were not a thing back then) some people enjoyed meeting with friends and watching them playing some SP games (especially when they were too frightened to play horror games :p). With Youtube it only became easier, but this is nothing new or strange. Why can't people simply accept that this is a thing for some folks?


Halo 1 only had split screen and lan multiplayer. Compared to today's online offerings it was pretty darn sparse.

If 1886 had split screen multiplayer only, I don't think anyone would suddenly change their tune.
Well today isn't 2001. People spent 100+ hours in Halo's multiplayer.

I think the tune would change because the replay value would've been much better.
Halo 1 only had split screen and lan multiplayer. Compared to today's online offerings it was pretty darn sparse.

If 1886 had split screen multiplayer only, I don't think anyone would suddenly change their tune.

Halo: Combat Evolved released in 2001 and is considered one of the best multiplayer games ever. The Order is releasing in 2015 and is held to 2015 standards, not 2001
How I feel about GAF after this whole thread:


I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.

Because what a lot of people are saying here is not "short game = bad game", it's "short game = not enough value for $60".

Halo 1 might have a short story but it gained tremendous value because most people spent dozens if not hundreds of hours on the multiplayer mode.

The Order does just have a story mode, it has no co-op mode and no online mode. And from what people that own it are saying, the only thing it has in terms of replay value or some collectables


Why is game length always such a huge issue for some people? Some of the most enjoyable game experiences I've had have fallen under 8 hours.

I don't know how much I'll enjoy the order, but I'd rather have a compact, distinct experience rather than something that just feels like it's being stretched to hit some imaginary minimum length to charge $60 goal.

It's pretty simple, isn't it?

If the game is amazing to the degree that I feel like playing it over and over then I have no problem with 3 hours, 5 hours, whatever.

If it doesn't inspire me to play through it again (a lot of cutscenes and/or a high ratio of cutscenes to gameplay certainly doesn't help) then I'll feel cheated having paid full price for it.

I have encountered both situations many times. Primarily with shooters.

I posted this in the other thread, but its probably more appropriate here...

Why didn't anyone complain about Halo 1 and its 5 hour campaign with 45 minutes of cut scenes?

I'd honestly like to know why it got a free pass yet 1886 is held to some different standard.

How do you know that they didn't? Totally different time for shooters to boot and perhaps people forgave it for being short because of the way it revolutionized console shooters in regards to controls (along with Goldeneye), AI and more open areas that offered numerous approaches.


Why would you do that though? Since when is reading news articles, or looking at weapons, objects, posters or whatever else, not considered as part of the gaming experience?

Ah I'm the type of person that consumes that sort of thing. Now- I wont go out of my way to search for them but I will examine anything I come across. So for me, it sounds like the game would last me a good 9-11 hours.

Thanks gaf this information has been very helpful honestly.

Now, if I were the type to blaze through the game I would lean towards shorter time completions
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