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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length

Holy shit at the reading comprehension problem in this thread. I'm not saying that nobody's entitled to think VGs are art, though I would greatly disagree with it. My hyperbole comment was a jab at using the word 'art' as a flame shield; i.e. "It's an artistic vision so it's beyond criticism, how dare you!"

Regardless, even if it IS art, this game would pretty much compare to a 7 year old's reproduction of the Mona Lisa, considering the amount of content, quality of writing and the *facepalm* cliche ending.


You miss the point, no-one is saying that games should be short. We are just arguing about the fact that the perceived value for a short game could very well satisfy someone at 60$. If a game is just too short for you and that the type of experience does not compensate, then by all mean don't buy it.

I haven't missed a thing.
I'm perfectly aware of "different strokes for different folks". People vary on so many levels that it's obvious a "short" $60us game could appeal and satisfy.
I'm merely curious as to the cut off points, if any, for people who have presented themselves as not caring about a $60us (or less) cost of a game regardless of length; as long as it's a great experience. I could have posed further hypotheticals such as a "great" $120us 5hr low replay value game, game costs with inflation in mind, etc. but what's the point in even attempting to out all possible scenarios which is impossible, when responses to one is enough for me to gauge a persons mind set.

Any spoilers?

Nah, no spoilers unless you really don't want to know any character history before playing. It's just a bit of background about the cast, showing Sebastian as the old-school elder knight, Galahad as the younger stylish dude with a killer moustache, Igraine as a kick-ass woman and Galahad's long-term accomplice and Lafayette as the slightly brash newly-indoctrinated knight.


It is possible the threads will be longer than the game? Also possible the threads will be better than the game at this rate, perhaps both.


Holy shit at the reading comprehension problem in this thread. I'm not saying that nobody's entitled to think VGs are art, though I would greatly disagree with it. My hyperbole comment was a jab at using the word 'art' as a flame shield; i.e. "It's an artistic vision so it's beyond criticism, how dare you!"

Regardless, even if it IS art, this game would pretty much compare to a 7 year old's reproduction of the Mona Lisa, considering the amount of content, quality of writing and the *facepalm* cliche ending.
Great point. You see this come up pretty often.


I haven't missed a thing.
I'm perfectly aware of "different strokes for different folks". People vary on so many levels that it's obvious a "short" $60us game could appeal and satisfy.
I'm merely curious as to the cut off points, if any, for people who have presented themselves as not caring about a $60us (or less) cost of a game regardless of length; as long as it's a great experience. I could have posed further hypotheticals such as a "great" $120us 5hr low replay value game, game costs with inflation in mind, etc. but what's the point in even attempting to out all possible scenarios which is impossible, when responses to one is enough for me to gauge a persons mind set.

"Missing" was not the right word, I did not mean any offense in my reply really. It was moee to highlight that you might have had an impractical approach to address your question. It's not about "where do I draw a line" (which you can't precisely do) but more about "is it still satisfactory at that price point" regardless of the game's length
hopefully some of you will get a laugh out of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV-u5tvQC34

Having a narrative is not art and neither is reading a book. A good book is a piece of literature, not art. A Picasso is a piece of art, while 98% of games are not
I don't understand this games are art argument in some attempt to make a game appear better.

A game that contains music, artwork, and level design created by artists is art, it's almost absurd to argue otherwise. A game with motion captured performances, animation, and voice acting is art as well. Whether it is good art is the only thing that can be subjectively judged.

Your local community theater performing Shakespeare may be shoddy as hell, but it's still an expression of an art form. Denying that classification to games is shallow cultural elitism, there is no logical way that you can say comic books and Uwe Boll movies and your kids' dance group and your church choir and the downtown mime and that one time you took a painting class to do a still life of a beach ball are art, and then argue that something like Final Fantasy is not.

An argument of authority "this old thing is better than this new thing" is as illogical as the "F2P aren't games" crowd.


Oh gawd, I'm in pain from laughing so hard at that video! That video NEEDS to go viral. lol "The human eye can only see 5 hours" ROTFLMAO!!!!
Holy shit at the reading comprehension problem in this thread. I'm not saying that nobody's entitled to think VGs are art, though I would greatly disagree with it. My hyperbole comment was a jab at using the word 'art' as a flame shield; i.e. "It's an artistic vision so it's beyond criticism, how dare you!"

Regardless, even if it IS art, this game would pretty much compare to a 7 year old's reproduction of the Mona Lisa, considering the amount of content, quality of writing and the *facepalm* cliche ending.
How do you know the ending? You play it or watch videos on it?



How can anyone look at this and say it's not art? Every single game is some kind of art in my opinion, I mean, it takes artistic skills to draw something like this.

That and the game being short shouldn't be really up to debate anymore :p


Is there are collectibles guide out there? I'm starting now, but I've heard there's no in game collectibles tracker, so if there's no guide, then I'll have to take notes on how many I've picked up on each of the chapters. Thanks!


How can anyone look at this and say it's not art? Every single game is some kind of art in my opinion, I mean, it takes artistic skills to draw something like this.

That and the game being short shouldn't be really up to debate anymore :p

Yeah, that's art, concept art.


Game is not my cup of tea but great response from the developer IMO. It's their game and arguing over/trying to manage reviews and opinions is a lost cause.


The art debate? We've reached rock bottom. Who cares if its art or not? (Its obviously art, regardless if it is good or bad, debate all you want until eternity ends). That is why I don't miss art school, nothing is getting accomplished by arguing what is and what isn't art.

If the game is too short, it is too short, if it is good it is good, it being art or not is irrelevant.
Holy shit at the reading comprehension problem in this thread. I'm not saying that nobody's entitled to think VGs are art, though I would greatly disagree with it. My hyperbole comment was a jab at using the word 'art' as a flame shield; i.e. "It's an artistic vision so it's beyond criticism, how dare you!"

Regardless, even if it IS art, this game would pretty much compare to a 7 year old's reproduction of the Mona Lisa, considering the amount of content, quality of writing and the *facepalm* cliche ending.

Such a narrow and generic conception of what is art...I have seen the Mona Lisa and it is an impressive painting, nothing more to me. The content didn't resonate with me even as I appreciated the technical skill. Nothing worse in discussions of art than opinions like you just expressed, where people parrot the same inane cliches...

I think art can be applied to all sorts of mediums. For instance, I was in Krabi in Thailand recently and all I could think of was: holy shit at the reverence given to something like the Mona Lisa, produced from the mind of one (all be it highly talented human). You have got this incredible natural art created from millions of interactions and you 'compliment it' with some pretty shitting development.

Long story short, yes I think the Order certainly has its Art, and it looks pretty incredible to me given I have been gaming for nigh on 25 years.
U$ 60 single player game needs to be 10 hours long. Minimal.
Then wait. I think this thread shows me how well the industry has trained gamers into needing to buy games on day one. It's so easy to get the game at the price you want. You don't have to wait years, you wait weeks or months. I'd understand it if it was $60 for two years but it's not.

Plus it's funny to see the same arguments used against ICO 14 years ago
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