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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length


Wasn't GAF recently angry about Polygon reporting The Witness speed run as the actual length of the game? This doesn't seem any different yet y'all are raising the pitchforks. This is so hypocritical
Wasn't GAF recently angry about Polygon reporting The Witness speed run as the actual length of the game? This doesn't seem any different yet y'all are raising the pitchforks. This is so hypocritical

the youtube account that originally posted the 5h30min playthrough said it wasn't a speed run:



the youtube account that originally posted the 5h30min playthrough said it wasn't a speed run:


There was another playthrough, where the player did stop at times to look at collectables, and that wrapped up at about 6 hours and 30 minutes according to someone else's count.

'RighteousProgress' was the player, I believe.

3 hours of cutscenes with 1.5 hour of gameplay? That can't be real right...?!

The runner is incorrect about those times. That isn't to say that he didn't feel like those lengths of time were correct, but analysis(lol) of his video has shown that the actual amounts are closer to
2 hours of cutscenes, 10 minutes of QTEs, and the rest of the time in his 5.5 hour run being gameplay)


3 hours of cutscenes with 1.5 hour of gameplay? That can't be real right...?!
Here is a fantastic analysis:

In case you're interested, I did an analysis of the 5:30 walkthrough. Notes:

Gameplay include walking sessions, prompts for actions that aren't inserted in mere cutscene sessions (like pushing a carriage)
QTE include prompts for actions insterted in mere cutscene sessions
Cutscenes include mere videos
This isn't 100% accurate, but it should give you a decent idea.

So, here it is

Prologue - Total | 12:28 --> Gameplay | 3:39 - QTE | 1:58 - Cutscenes | 6:50
Chapter 1 - Total | 29:23 --> Gameplay | 20:20 - Cutscenes | 9:03
Chapter 2 - Total | 16:33 --> Gameplay | 6:43 - Cutscenes | 9:49
Chapter 3 - Total | 46:00 --> Gameplay | 32:36 - QTE | 0:54 - Cutscenes | 12:30
Chapter 4 - Total | 24:25 ---> Gameplay | 12:20 - QTE | 2:21 - Cutscenes | 9:46
Chapter 5 - Total | 32:41 --> Gameplay | 24:17 - QTE | 0:32 - Cutscenes | 7:52
Chapter 6 - Total | 7:32 --> Gameplay | 1:42 - QTE | 0.18 - Cutscenes | 5:32
Chapter 7 - Total | 6:41 ---> Cutscenes | 6:41
Chapter 8 - Total | 21:37 --> Gameplay | 9:30 - QTE | 0:07 - Cutscenes | 12:00
Chapter 9 - Total | 43:07 --> Gameplay | 31:13 - QTE | 1:13 - Cutscenes | 10:41
Chapter 10 - Total | 4:07 --> Cutscenes | 4:07
Chapter 11 - Total | 44:15 --> Gameplay | 33:13 - QTE | 1:07 - Cutscenes | 9:55
Chapter 12 - Total | 5:37 --> Cutscenes | 5:37
Chapter 13 - Total | 5:17 --> Gameplay | 0:04 - Cutscenes | 5:13
Chapter 14 - Total | 5:31 --> Gameplay | 1:47 - Cutscenes | 3:44
Chapter 15 - Total | 10:48 --> Gameplay | 9:24 - Cutscenes | 1:24
Chapter 16 - Total | 9:23 --> QTE | 2:33 - Cutscenes | 6:50

Walkthrough - Total | 325:17 --> Gameplay | 186:48 - QTE | 11:03 - Cutscenes | 127:26

Gameplay | 57,43%
QTE | 3.4%
Cutscenes | 39.17%


Just cancelled my order after getting mordor and Killzone on sony store sale for less than this game.
I'll play it from a rental. Sorry but 6 hours just isn't enough, something went wrong with the development of this game.


Unskippable cutscenes? Nope. I'm out. Last straw.
This game had all sorts of the warning signs all the way back to its first gameplay unveil that it would be a "cinematic experience, short on gameplay"
No game should make you watch the cutscenes again. No game.


Unskippable cutscenes? Nope. I'm out. Last straw.
This game had all sorts of the warning signs all the way back to its first gameplay unveil that it would be a "cinematic experience, short on gameplay"
No game should make you watch the cutscenes again. No game.

[EDIT: you can pause, I was relying on someone else's info]
Plus you can't pause them..... totally unacceptable. I have kids, wife, life (and sometimes I just need another beer).

Every cutscene should be:
- Pauseable
- Skippable
- Replayable
Why do I get the feeling this game is going to be the Lair of the PS4 ?

I really doubt based on any of the gameplay impressions that this game will get in the realm of the 4s and 5s given out to LAIR. I'm guessing 7's to 8's, with most of the criticism focused on length, variety, and replayability. Gives a lot of room for sequel improvement.


I'd be in the dick
You can pause the cutscenes. Multiple people with the game in the impressions thread have said so.

You can pause the cutscenes. In fact I've done it a number of times because to adjust the gamma, since some scenes are too dark, while others are fine, and would look washed out if I raised the gamma any more. So I was playing around with the gamma throughout the game.
the youtube account that originally posted the 5h30min playthrough said it wasn't a speed run:


Hmm. I'm inclined to believe him. It is very easy to overestimate the time you've spent playing a game.

If his figures truly are generally representative of the average play-through, then I'm of the opinion that the game does indeed deserve to cop proportionate flak, if only for having a AAA price tag attached.

Power to you if you're not bothered, but man, can't say that it sits well with me.


Hmm. I'm inclined to believe him. It is very easy to overestimate the time you've spent playing a game.

If his figures truly are generally representative of the average play-through, then I'm of the opinion that the game does indeed deserve to cop proportionate flak, if only for having a AAA price tag attached.

Power to you if you're not bothered, but man, can't say that it sits well with me.

I'm all for them getting flak for the game being short, but what is an AAA price tag?
Isn't it the same price as regular games?


You can pause the cutscenes. Multiple people with the game in the impressions thread have said so.

I have the preview Demo on my PS4.. None of the cutscenes can be paused there. They even keep playing when I go to the PS4 menu screen.. it´s the airship section.. I have the full game in my mailbox, but I haven´t tried it yet (at work)..
But maybe they changed it so that you can pause them now..??


I have the preview Demo on my PS4.. None of the cutscenes can be paused there. They even keep playing when I go to the PS4 menu screen.. it´s the airship section.. I have the full game in my mailbox, but I haven´t tried it yet (at work)..
But maybe they changed it so that you can pause them now..??

There was a 'day one' patch.

I'm not familiar with preview copies, but do those utilize patches? Perhaps the disparity comes from that?


I'd be in the dick
I have the preview Demo on my PS4.. None of the cutscenes can be paused there. They even keep playing when I go to the PS4 menu screen.. it´s the airship section.. I have the full game in my mailbox, but I haven´t tried it yet (at work)..
But maybe they changed it so that you can pause them now..??
If you have a preview build you should know that things can change before release.
First it was a short campaign with no extras, now I find out that you can't skip or even pause cutscenes?

COME ON! The Order, why are you making it so hard for me to love you?! I want to love you, but....ugh.

EDIT: Oh, apparently you can pause the cutscenes. : )

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The people who watched his playthrough said he was breezing through the game ignoring side content
The only "side content" is reading or examining collectibles or listening to audio logs. They don't suddenly add an extra five hours of playtime. He wasn't breezing through and he actually did stop at some points to look around or examine objects, he just didn't examine every single one, which shouldn't be a requirement for measuring game length. Hence the "soak in the atmosphere" meme. You can pause cutscenes though. You can't skip them. Where did people get that you can't?


I'd be in the dick
First it was a short campaign with no extras, now I find out that you can't skip or even pause cutscenes?

COME ON! The Order, why are you making it so hard for me to love you?! I want to love you, but....ugh.
You can pause but not skip.

The only "side content" is reading or examining collectibles or listening to audio logs. They don't add an extra five hours of playtime. Hence the "soak in the atmosphere" meme. You can pause cutscenes though. You can't skip them. Where did people get that you can't?
I know some people's phrasing about the atmosphere stuff was kind of ridiculous but I often find myself taking some games with great art and a great setting slower in order to appreciate them and it can add a decent amount of playtime with some games. Meaningful playtime is debateable but I'm surprised so many people are laughing off enjoying atmosphere.


If you have a preview build you should know that things can change before release.

I know.. but the way the cutscenes are "made" makes me think that some of the cutscenes can´t be paused.

I would really like to see someone pause the cutscenes I couldn´t pause..
First it was a short campaign with no extras, now I find out that you can't skip or even pause cutscenes?

COME ON! The Order, why are you making it so hard for me to love you?! I want to love you, but....ugh.

EDIT: Oh, aparently you can pause the cutscenes. : )
You can at least pause the cutscenes now.


The people who watched his playthrough said he was breezing through the game ignoring side content

Incorrect. I watched his play through and he was not breezing. He died many times and stayed in cover for extended amount of time. He was playing it like how most people would.

Most people do not give a shit about collectibles and trophies, so yeah he was not collecting those. In fact, in all GAF threads about trophies/collectibles, the consensus was "who gives a shit about those."
I'm all for them getting flak for the game being short, but what is an AAA price tag?
Isn't it the same price as regular games?


It totally is. Sorry.

I was more trying to denote that, usually, games of this ilk have a bit more to them. And I really don't think that such a statement is generalising.


The people who watched his playthrough said he was breezing through the game ignoring side content

You make it sound as if there were massive sidequests he was ignoring.

From what I read he just didn't pay much attention to collectables


The only "side content" is reading or examining collectibles or listening to audio logs. They don't suddenly add an extra five hours of playtime. He wasn't breezing through and he actually did stop at some points to look around or examine objects, he just didn't examine every single one, which shouldn't be a requirement for measuring game length. Hence the "soak in the atmosphere" meme. You can pause cutscenes though. You can't skip them. Where did people get that you can't?

I think games should be a minimum of 12 hours but I've always thought it was weird that people prefer that a game's length be padded out with potential filler to make it 12 hours even if the story doesn't demand it
The cutscenes can definitely be paused, the youtuber did it often to make breaks in his videos. The real problem is they can't be skipped and they make up so much of the product.
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