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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length

Hyun Sai

Street date is the obligation of retailers and press members who make agreements to get early access to a title. My understanding is that he's neither.

And yeah, people saying that a video showing the entire playthrough of a game isn't an accurate measure of its length are pretty off-base.

Do we have any YouTube videos of a playthrough of 10-12 hours to compare anyway ?
I want to make it clear that no game can do everything games are capable of all at once.

I agree with this fully. I just wonder how many of us games are searching for this type of game experience. I can't imagine how The Order will do honestly. RAD is a great studio and I do wish them luck!


This is the kind of gross negativity they are talking about. Is telling the the devs to "shut the fuck up" and calling them "butt hurt losers" really necessary?
The negativity is on their side. So 20 posts in someone may make a negative comment? That means there were 18 positive (not counting OP) or at the very least indifferent comments before hand.

Anytime you release something for public consumption there will be critics. To gracefully assuage people's fears and criticisms is how I'd say you should handle things. And if you can't win them over then so be it. People judge movies based on trailers all the time. Directors rarely comment on overall negative reception pre-release. So yeah they come across as losers. When the game comes out if its successful then that should be your response to the "haterade."


Just watched the two points/fights that are mentioned earlier. They're not EXACTLY the same, there are a few changes (due to the environment), but a good 75% of the moves/attacks are the exact same ones repeated from earlier. In fact, it follows the same pattern even in the environmental changes as far as button taps to get out of a similar situation.

It's certainly obvious, I would think, and a worthy complaint. I wouldn't watch it if you want to avoid spoilers though.
I expect The Order to sell well but it's still the type of game that enthusiasts aren't fans of; much like how Ryse is bashed compared to Bayonetta. It's shaping up to be a classic case of focusing on style over substance; even though everyone's favorite PS4 launch title was arguably a modern version of an arcade classic in Resogun

I agree and it will be interesting to see how the market responds

Where is this enthusiast consensus you keep referring to? Was there some survey I missed out on?

Every game is the result of "cuts and sacrifices;" I'm not trying to pick on The Order in particular here.

My point, again, is that no game can do everything at once. Making a choice to do X means you can't do Y; choosing to make a competitive multiplayer game, for instance, may increase the skill cap of your game significantly but also limit the potential story telling options.

I want to make it clear that no game can do everything games are capable of all at once.

I disagree somewhat. Maybe it's not that RAD can't but rather that they just didn't want to. Just because the game focuses on a tightly controlled, cinematic experiance, does not mean RAD had to cut things and make sacrifices. It just means they followed their artistic vision and created what they set out to build.

I get your point, but I don't think it applies here. I'd RAD had an infinite budget, I feel they'd still put out the same type of game. It wouldn't suddenly turn into an open work title or anything like that because it's not what they want to do.


All of the "this game is really short" impressions make me happy I do GCU at BB. Buy it, beat it, trade it for 8-10 dollars less than what I paid for it. I get to enjoy it fully and I don't sacrifice much.


wait.....I don't mind a 5 hour gameplay experience but is it true the game only has 1.5/2 hours of true real gameplay? GAF please tell me now b/c if so, I'm cancelling PO.
It seems like what you define as actual gameplay.

The 1.5 estimate from the one streamer seems to count stuff like walking during conversations and pushing carts (I guess times when you are not doing action-y parts) as QTE/cutscenes. mlp90's estimate counted those as gameplay and it switches things to where there's more time spent playing the game.


not me
The negativity is on their side. So 20 posts in someone may make a negative comment? That means there were 18 positive (not counting OP) or at the very least indifferent comments before hand.

Anytime you release something for public consumption there will be critics. To gracefully assuage people's fears and criticisms is how I'd say you should handle things. And if you can't win them over then so be it. People judge movies based on trailers all the time. Directors rarely comment on overall negative reception pre-release. So yeah they come across as losers. When the game comes out if its successful then that should be your response to the "haterade."

They made it pretty clear what type of negative post they are talking about. It's not "criticism" that's for sure.


Chû Totoro;152599808 said:
Wait for reviews on your trusted sites and other walkthrough on Youtube... GAF is just a mess regarding The Order for now :/
Ah why would I trust random sites over several gaf members?
The negativity is on their side. So 20 posts in someone may make a negative comment? That means there were 18 positive (not counting OP) or at the very least indifferent comments before hand.

Anytime you release something for public consumption there will be critics. To gracefully assuage people's fears and criticisms is how I'd say you should handle things. And if you can't win them over then so be it. People judge movies based on trailers all the time. Directors rarely comment on overall negative reception pre-release. So yeah they come across as losers. When the game comes out if its successful then that should be your response to the "haterade."

It only takes one post to detail and so far not a single order thread has been had where the people actually discussing it could continue to do so in peace. I can only hope that mods will be more strict when it comes to the OT because it's gotten out of hand. I don't mind legit criticism, but a lot of it is just drive by BS by people who probably never would have bought it anyways


All of the "this game is really short" impressions make me happy I do GCU at BB. Buy it, beat it, trade it for 8-10 dollars less than what I paid for it. I get to enjoy it fully and I don't sacrifice much.

Yeah, that's kind of my plan too. Try to get the platinum trophy and trade it in 2 weeks after I get it. Basically what I did with infamous.



yay. A friend got it. Will be playing this on the 21st. :D
It seems like what you define as actual gameplay.

The 1.5 estimate from the one streamer seems to count stuff like walking during conversations and pushing carts (I guess times when you are not doing action-y parts) as QTE/cutscenes. mlp90's estimate counted those as gameplay and it switches things to where there's more time spent playing the game.
So basically the 1.5 estimate was semantics? SMH


Where is this enthusiast consensus you keep referring to? Was there some survey I missed out on?

You see it throughout the forum, and I quoted a post that agreed with how The Order is basically a caricature of AAA gaming. There's also that youtube meme that is growing in popularity explaining such.

Do you not remember the bashing another cinematic experience in Ryse had? Or how Resogun was the PS4 launch title favorite because of its gameplay? Etc, etc. Enthusiasts want replayability and gameplay for not only free/launch games but especially $50 AAA titles. But to each their own of course.
GAF shoutout LOL
"we have a joke where someone will post on the website NeoGAF something like "Sony released new screenshots of The Order" and we place bets on what post number we think is going to be the first one where someone says something unfoundedly negative. Like 'oh looks like it's going to be failboat' or something like that, and we'll guess 'maybe it's going to be post 20' and we'll see how close we are."

GAF often plays the same game in reverse; see how long it takes a game heading for a critical mauling for the damage control to start blaming entitled gamers.


From all the talk about the game being 5 hours I was expecting it to be over last night. I'm six hours in and still have some ways to go. Other gaffers have clocked in an average of 10 hours and I feel like I'll be around there by the end of it. I'm not rushing through the game but I'm not taking my time either. I plan on finishing it tonight and writing more detailed impressions, both specific and non-specific.
You see it throughout the forum, and I quoted a post that agreed with how The Order is basically a caricature of AAA gaming. There's also that youtube meme that is growing in popularity explaining such.

Do you not remember the bashing another cinematic experience in Ryse had? Or how Resogun was the PS4 launch title favorite because of its gameplay? Etc, etc. Enthusiasts want replayability and gameplay for not only free/launch games but especially $50 AAA titles. But to each their own of course.

I also see plenty of posts defending the game and some praising it. There is no genealogy consensus as to what the enthusiast gaming community wants or likes.

Ryse was bashed because it was a incredibly repetive with a bad story. I'll wait to play the Order myself before I decide whether the story was any good and my stance on its gameplay. However, from what I've seen it doesn't look nearly as repetive.


Game developers have a similar siege mentality as the game fans. The haters! They're gonna hate hate hate! Shake em off, game devs.
Yes, but it's not unreasonable for somebody to not count segments where you follow somebody while they talk at you as gameplay and instead considers it an interactive cutscene.

The only game that ever felt like it took me out the game was MGS4. The cutscenes were just straight up cutscenes. If I'm moving around and I can move the camera or press a button, I consider that gameplay at the least. It's all silly imo.


Fuck 'em! If they're gonna embargo reviews until release date, then they deserve every single non-contextualized early impression they get.
The embargo is set 16 hours before release. That's a small time window. Don't want any nasty rumours being spread? Set your embargo a few days earlier.

Yeah but if you set your embargo a few days earlier then there's a chance of more people discovering your game may not be all that. Better set the embargo literally 16 hours before release.

Hyun Sai

"we-needed exactly 10 hours and 48 minutes on the normal difficulty setting."

wow these guys must be terrible... my time was about 7hours and that's with stopping to read and look at 90% of the collectibles and interacting with everything I could find

How can playthroughs vary in completion time so greatly?

It's simple :

- People can't count.

- People are lying.

That's why it would be cool to have some ~ 10h YouTube playthrough to compare with the 5H30 one.
How can playthroughs vary in completion time so greatly?

it is quite strange, especially in such a cutscene heavy game when parts of the playtime literally would be exactly the same person to person. i would really really like to see the playing habits of someone taking 10+ hours. imagine prolonged stretches of them just standing in a corner while they respond to texts


The embargo is set 16 hours before release. That's a small time window. Don't want any nasty rumours being spread? Set your embargo a few days earlier.

Or just not be an impatient customer. If you weren't buying the game day one then reviews coming out 16 hours before release shouldn't affect you.


it is quite strange, especially in such a cutscene heavy game when parts of the playtime literally would be exactly the same person to person. i would really really like to see the playing habits of someone taking 10+ hours. imagine prolonged stretches of them just standing in a corner while they respond to texts

Now that you mention it I really would like to see where the disparity comes from.


Reviews are before release. Coming tomorrow. Game is out Friday.
Reviews are not embargoed until release, they will be up a full day before.
Embargo is lifted tomorrow.
Whatever, close enough, same difference. Are you seriously suggesting they're still not trying to impact pre-orders with their embargo just because it's up the day before? Give me a fucking break!

If someone can post a walkthrough almost a week before, they can lift the embargo as well. My point stands. They need to stop their whining, and let the game speak for itself.


Whatever, close enough, same difference. Are you seriously suggesting they're still not trying to impact pre-orders with their embargo just because it's up the day before? Give me a fucking break!

If someone can post a walkthrough almost a week before, they can lift the embargo as well. My point stands.

They probably are trying to protect their pre-order sales. I was just pointing out that it wasn't a release day embargo. I agree that its crappy.


I dunno, PS4 seems to be picking up a lot of the good indie games on Steam that are controller friendly. And I don't think anyone wants to see an iOS floodgate situation on consoles... sometimes having a gate keeper or barrier to entry is a good thing.

We are kinda already seeing that, with an endless stream of PS4 indie ports that no one asked for. I'm sure Fez/Dust/Spelunky/etc are greatly improved by bumping the resolution up to 1080p and whatnot but......it distracts attention from actual new indie games. Sony seems to be allowing anyone with a PS3 title to port it to PS4 - bad!
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