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Reddit troll apologizes for trump CNN gif/all those racist remarks


Just think if word of this got to Trump. We might get that media war that has been brewing ever since he took office.
That's pretty much gurantees this guys info is going to be revealed. HanAssholeSolo probably wishing the President doesn't tweet for the first time in his life. Your own God Emperor bout to ruin your life! You thought he was only going after Mexicans and Muslims.


Yeah I can't believe this is going to be the "stuff of legend" when Donald Trump is president and people forget the insane shit he does by week's end. Is there a story here? Oh I'm sure the alt-right rags will find one, sure.

That's a fair point, and there's a good chance I'm wrong, but I don't know, this could go places depending on what comes next.


And the result of that will be...?

The usual fake news, don't trust the media shit Trump spews is mostly contained in the festering pit of his die hard followers but having something like that can be construed as a threat gives that broader reach. It feeds into the narrative that the media is trying to shut down people and the election has already shown there is a sizable amount of people who will support and sympathize with vile awful people.
The media is supposed to report on this, yes. The media is not supposed to doxx and blackmail someone into doing something.
Again, that is not what happened. He was found and freaked out. A request for comment from CNN does not constitute a threat.

I mean geez, guys - is that going to be the new line at each press briefing? NYT asks a question and Sanders stonewalls because she feels threatened?


The usual fake news, don't trust the media shit Trump spews is mostly contained in the festering pit of his die hard followers but having something like that can be construed as a threat gives that broader reach. It feeds into the narrative that the media is trying to shut down people and the election has already shown there is a sizable amount of people who will support and sympathize with vile awful people.

Yeah, CNN finally gave those people a reason. This thing is really gonna tip the scales. L-O-L


That's a fair point, and there's a good chance I'm wrong, but I don't know, this could go places depending on what comes next.

Well you're not wrong that some will pick this up, we can already see the narrative developing in this thread, people not caring about hate speech and what it does to others but sure as hell care about what happens to the people the spew it, you know the real victims.

You're not wrong to think Trump would usually go after CNN about this, but, I'm guessing that he doesn't this time considering where his little meme came from, he's already in murky waters over this.

But then again, he's Trump, why make a story go away when you can just make it BIGGER
Well you're not wrong that some will pick this up, we can already see the narrative developing in this thread, people not caring about hate speech and what it does to others but sure as hell care about what happens to the people the spew it, you know the real victims.

You're not wrong to think Trump would usually go after CNN about this, but, I'm guessing that he doesn't this time considering where his little meme came from, he's already in murky waters over this.

But then again, he's Trump, why make a story go away when you can just make it BIGGER

Weighing Donald Trump's hatred for CNN against his complete unwillingness to go to bat for any of his supporters that he steps on makes me not sure where he'd land on this.
It's not a threat. People can report on the things you said in public. They can do it at any time and for any reason. If you don't want people to report the things you said in public, don't say them. There is no right to privacy on reddit

Good thing that's not what's happening or potentially happening

CNN is not publishing "HanA**solo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

No, no, not at all. It's not blackmail or doxxing at all.

He's not a private citizen. He is 100% an important part of American history now. You need to accept that. The media does not 'doxx' public figures. Reporting on important parts of American history couldn't be more normal for the media.

Trump made him a part of American history, you need to accept that. It can't be undone or taken away

CNN themselves called him a private citizen on their piece.

The person had already apologized before any threat. This "private citizen" has no legal basis for the maintenance of their anonymity online, and they lost any moral basis for it the moment they started talking about wanting to see people die by the hundreds of thousand and wanting to stab people.

In either case, I have little doubt that another "private citizen" will have released his name by the end of the week simply because it can be found using publicly available information.

Someone else releasing his info is irrelevant to how CNN doxxed this guy. Media is supposed to report stuff, not blackmail people. CNN should have just reported his name and whatever info they had and be done with it.

I hope you're just as concerned about the Muslims/Jews and others this racist targeted and how they might be affected by the President of The united States tweeting out a meme created by a White Supremacist. I'm sure you have expressed that concern somewhere I probably missed it though.

I have no idea what the guy did before, I don't care for him. If he is antisemitic or anti muslim then he's an asshole and a racist and his actions should be condemned. I haven't seen it, so I can't comment on it and just going by what you're saying. I am talking about being concerned about the tactic used by CNN here, which is the only thing I have seen on this.
No, no, not at all. It's not blackmail or doxxing at all.

CNN themselves called him a private citizen on their piece.

Someone else releasing his info is irrelevant to how CNN doxxed this guy. Media is supposed to report stuff, not blackmail people. CNN should have just reported his name and whatever info they had and be done with it.

I have no idea what the guy did before, I don't care for him. If he is antisemitic or anti muslim then he's an asshole and a racist and his actions should be condemned. I haven't seen it, so I can't comment on it and just going by what you're saying. I am talking about being concerned about the tactic used by CNN here, which is the only thing I have seen on this.

Maybe you should get more info then, I dunno


Someone else releasing his info is irrelevant to how CNN doxxed this guy. Media is supposed to report stuff, not blackmail people. CNN should have just reported his name and whatever info they had and be done with it.

So, here's the thing. You're complaining about CNN doxing this guy, but they didn't(that would require releasing personal details). And then you go on to say that CNN shoulda gone ahead and doxxed the guy. Would you make up your mind? You're kinda being contradictory.

Also, way to ignore the part of my post that addresses your reply. From the sound of it CNN was originally going to release the name, but the apology stayed their hand. If the poster goes back on that apology, then they'll reconsider. Blackmail implies one side tangibly profiting off of holding information over another's head, that's not what is happening here.

Maybe I am just commenting on the part where CNN is doxxing and blackmailing a private citizen.

Maybe you should learn what those words mean.


Honestly, it makes me livid how anyone could not be on CNN's side in this shit.

If you're going to advocate for murder like this, you should at the very least have the balls to declare who you are when doing it. It is so fucking cowardly and pathetic to be saying the things this guy is saying but then start crying about privacy and anonymity when faced with accountability. It is literally the lowest of the low in scumbag behavior.


No, no, not at all. It's not blackmail or doxxing at all.

CNN themselves called him a private citizen on their piece.

Someone else releasing his info is irrelevant to how CNN doxxed this guy. Media is supposed to report stuff, not blackmail people. CNN should have just reported his name and whatever info they had and be done with it.

I have no idea what the guy did before, I don't care for him. If he is antisemitic or anti muslim then he's an asshole and a racist and his actions should be condemned. I haven't seen it, so I can't comment on it and just going by what you're saying. I am talking about being concerned about the tactic used by CNN here, which is the only thing I have seen on this.

I don't know if this as the best strategy, I'll grant you. The Left always has to be the better side, Donald Trump can call CNN fake news, rile up his supporters so much they throw insults at them and send out death threats. Can send out a tweet about beating up reporters after a man just did that recently. Heaven forbid CNN tells a dude that they know he is the source of a piece of news (it is news because it came from Trump) and if he doesn't stop his hate speech they will source him which they have every right to do.

CNN was always going to be the bad guy here to some. Release the name and they ruined the guys life. Warn the guy they don't want to but they will if doesn't stop with the hate speech, they are bullies using Black Mail. I suppose those that think CNN should have just taken it and been the better party hold the same standard for the President of the United States. hehehe
After all that shit he posted online when he thought he was anonymous I don't see how anyone could take that apology seriously.


Unconfirmed Member
No, no, not at all. It's not blackmail or doxxing at all.

CNN themselves called him a private citizen on their piece.

Someone else releasing his info is irrelevant to how CNN doxxed this guy. Media is supposed to report stuff, not blackmail people. CNN should have just reported his name and whatever info they had and be done with it.

I have no idea what the guy did before, I don't care for him. If he is antisemitic or anti muslim then he's an asshole and a racist and his actions should be condemned. I haven't seen it, so I can't comment on it and just going by what you're saying. I am talking about being concerned about the tactic used by CNN here, which is the only thing I have seen on this.

It's no longer clear what you think you're trying to say.

Edit: It's very disappointing you've retreated to 'I don't even know what where talking about! I just comment without even reading the OP of the thread however.'
CNN should’ve just released the guy’s name. Hate speech, overt racism, and calls for fucking genocide shouldn’t be handwaved with a half-assed apology. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


Watch as he posts from his alt-account about how the mean SJWs forced him to delete his old account.

JarJarCuntBinks seems awfully stressed about this

also how do people think a news outlet contacting someone for comment on a story is blackmail? jesus
It wouldn't surprise me if they contacted him to get a comment, he called them back begging them not to publish his name, and they acquiesced because they couldn't be arsed but they will if he gets caught again

They gave him a lifeline
Honestly, it makes me livid how anyone could not be on CNN's side in this shit.

If you're going to advocate for murder, you should at the very least have the balls to declare who you are when doing it. It is so fucking cowardly and pathetic to be saying the things this guy is saying but then start crying about privacy and anonymity when faced with accountability. It is literally the lowest of the low in scumbag behavior.

This is typically what happens when these fuckers get exposed, though. There's a generation of people raised on the internet that honestly believe that what you do and say on the internet can't and shouldn't affect real life. This shitstain flew too close to the sun and now he could potentially pay the price by having his real identity tied to a deluge of shit that's come out of his mouth, and that's scaring the fuck out of people that buy into this "the internet isn't real" bullshit.

It's precisely why these people are screaming at the top of their lungs about "BLACKMAIL" and "DOXXING" but could give two shits less that the human garbage brags about carrying a knife so he can murder minorities. Threatening to kill the darkies on the internet shouldn't have any consequences but being exposed for doing it is absolutely crossing the line.
Post a GIF of the President beating up a CNN logo: not a big deal. Not a threat to the free press. Totally satire. Just a meme, bro.

Call up the maker of said gif and ask him a question: blackmail. Doxxing. How dare they!


It wouldn't surprise me if they contacted him to get a comment, he called them back begging them not to publish his name, and they acquiesced because they couldn't be arsed but they will if he gets caught again

They gave him a lifeline

that's literally what happened if anyone bothered to read the article.


Also, way to ignore the part of my post that addresses your reply. From the sound of it CNN was originally going to release the name, but the apology stayed their hand. If the poster goes back on that apology, then they'll reconsider. Blackmail implies one side tangibly profiting off of holding information over another's head, that's not what is happening here.

That's extortion. What CNN is doing (even though the guy is a disgusting human being from the looks of it) is blackmail.
Dude is an asshole, but doxxing is over the line no matter what, and the "CNN reserves the right to publish his personal info" line is absolutely a doxxing threat against a private citizen. Which is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do if you're trying to refute Trump's narrative that the press is the enemy of the American people.
So, here's the thing. You're complaining about CNN doxing this guy, but they didn't(that would require releasing personal details). And then you go on to say that CNN shoulda gone ahead and doxxed the guy. Would you make up your mind? You're kinda being contradictory.

Also, way to ignore the part of my post that addresses your reply. From the sound of it CNN was originally going to release the name, but the apology stayed their hand. If the poster goes back on that apology, then they'll reconsider. Blackmail implies one side tangibly profiting off of holding information over another's head, that's not what is happening here.

Maybe you should learn what those words mean.

Blackmail doesn't necessarily imply one side profiting.


a : extortion or coercion by threats especially of public exposure or criminal prosecution

slang : to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge

Sounds like blackmailing and doxing to me. CNN coerced to public expose the guy if he didn't do exactly what they wanted. Just releasing the information would have been fine and part of journalism IMO, blackmailing the guy like they did, is not fine with me.

It's no longer clear what you think you're trying to say.

Edit: It's very disappointing you've retreated to 'I don't even know what where talking about! I just comment without even reading the OP of the thread however.'

I haven't retreated to anything. I don't know what the guy did or didn't do, but even assuming the guy is a low life POS racist asshole, blackmailing the guy is not right. Especially coming from someone like CNN.


I'm more disturbed that asshole has a family. Wonder if they know what he does in his spare time.

Many, (maybe most?), that troll online are not kids, but adults. Adults tend to have families. I agree, it's messed up how somebody can potentially have children of their own but fantasize about stabbing Muslims with weapons they carry. I'm not sure how you don't worry about people around them after reading that kind of shit. And he knows it too, hence why he was so quick to apologize. Not because he has regret of course, but he is worried about the consequences of being caught.
Dude is an asshole, but doxxing is over the line no matter what, and the "CNN reserves the right to publish his personal info" line is absolutely a doxxing threat against a private citizen. Which is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do if you're trying to refute Trump's narrative that the press is the enemy of the American people.

I'm sorry but you're wrong.


Blackmail doesn't necessarily imply one side profiting.


Sounds like blackmailing and doxing to me. CNN coerced to public expose the guy if he didn't do exactly what they wanted. Just releasing the information would have been fine and part of journalism IMO, blackmailing the guy like they did, is not fine with me.

I haven't retreated to anything. I don't know what the guy did or didn't do, but even assuming the guy is a low life POS racist asshole, blackmailing the guy is not right. Especially coming from someone like CNN.

The legal definition of blackmail is extortion. Additionally, you're again saying that CNN has doxxed him by... Not releasing his information?

That's extortion. What CNN is doing (even though the guy is a disgusting human being from the looks of it) is blackmail.

The legal definition of blackmail is extortion.
Dude is an asshole, but doxxing is over the line no matter what, and the "CNN reserves the right to publish his personal info" line is absolutely a doxxing threat against a private citizen. Which is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do if you're trying to refute Trump's narrative that the press is the enemy of the American people.

I'm going to guess that CNN might have some people around to tell them whether they'd be in trouble

Blackmail doesn't necessarily imply one side profiting.


Sounds like blackmailing and doxing to me. CNN coerced to public expose the guy if he didn't do exactly what they wanted. Just releasing the information would have been fine and part of journalism IMO, blackmailing the guy like they did, is not fine with me.

I haven't retreated to anything. I don't know what the guy did or didn't do, but even assuming the guy is a low life POS racist asshole, blackmailing the guy is not right. Especially coming from someone like CNN.

Serious question: do you expect your contributions to a discussion to be taken seriously when you refuse/fail to grasp the context around that conversation?


Unconfirmed Member
Blackmail doesn't necessarily imply one side profiting.


Sounds like blackmailing and doxing to me. CNN coerced to public expose the guy if he didn't do exactly what they wanted. Just releasing the information would have been fine and part of journalism IMO, blackmailing the guy like they did, is not fine with me.

I haven't retreated to anything. I don't know what the guy did or didn't do, but even assuming the guy is a low life POS racist asshole, blackmailing the guy is not right. Especially coming from someone like CNN.

haha right. 'I can't be bothered looking up the details of the story, please everyone take me seriously.'


There's no blackmail here. Read a history book. They can name him or not only because of the things he did and said in public himself. Yes, they can do that. In fact, anyone can.


Blackmail doesn't necessarily imply one side profiting.


Sounds like blackmailing and doxing to me. CNN coerced to public expose the guy if he didn't do exactly what they wanted. Just releasing the information would have been fine and part of journalism IMO, blackmailing the guy like they did, is not fine with me.

I haven't retreated to anything. I don't know what the guy did or didn't do, but even assuming the guy is a low life POS racist asshole, blackmailing the guy is not right. Especially coming from someone like CNN.

they said "CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change." it sounds more like "if the guy beats up a reporter tomorrow we want to be able to report on his identity" rather than "hey fuck this guy lets hold this over his head for the rest of his life cause we're fucking CNN"


Dude is an asshole, but doxxing is over the line no matter what, and the "CNN reserves the right to publish his personal info" line is absolutely a doxxing threat against a private citizen. Which is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do if you're trying to refute Trump's narrative that the press is the enemy of the American people.

Revealing someone's identity isn't the same thing as Doxxing really, it's not like they're going to post his address and phone number.


Hey guys. I'm not going to look up what happened or who this guy is, but I'm outraged that this fake news network is attacking this innocent white supremist.

I don't know if he's innocent, I guess. I would look into the matter or whether or not CNN is doing anything wrong, but it's been a long day and I ate a bunch of hotdogs for America's birthday.



Hey guys. I'm not going to look up what happened or who this guy is, but I'm outraged that this fake news network is attacking this innocent white supremist.

I don't know if he's innocent, I guess. I would look into the matter or whether or not CNN is doing anything wrong, but it's been a long day and I ate a bunch of hotdogs for America's birthday.


Dude, CNN totally blackdoxxed this poor racist piece of shit!


they said "CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change." it sounds more like "if the guy beats up a reporter tomorrow we want to be able to report on his identity" rather than "hey fuck this guy lets hold this over his head for the rest of his life cause we're fucking CNN"

this is the actual intent but people want to cape for a white supremacist as usual


Dude is an asshole, but doxxing is over the line no matter what, and the "CNN reserves the right to publish his personal info" line is absolutely a doxxing threat against a private citizen. Which is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do if you're trying to refute Trump's narrative that the press is the enemy of the American people.

I figured the enemy of the American people would be the ones trying to rally up their goons to murder liberals and Muslims.

Do you want to go ahead and just tell the entire class what your actual feelings are and drop this fucking ruse that isn't fooling anyone?


Dude is an asshole, but doxxing is over the line no matter what, and the "CNN reserves the right to publish his personal info" line is absolutely a doxxing threat against a private citizen. Which is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do if you're trying to refute Trump's narrative that the press is the enemy of the American people.
What if the story becomes bigger and/or someone else reports his name? Should CNN say no we made HanAssholeSolo a promise? Fuck out of here with that.

This agreement was probably brought on by the troll himself. He apologized on his own hoping there would be mercy shown to him. CNN doesn't feel it was worth it to go further but that can change.
The legal definition of blackmail is extortion. Additionally, you're again saying that CNN has doxxed him by... Not releasing his information?

The legal definition of blackmail is extortion.


The terms extortion and blackmail are often used interchangeably, although there are differences. Extortion is the illegal and intentional use of threats to one’s person or property, coercion, or fraudulent claims of right of public duty (such as impersonating a police officer) for the purpose of taking money, goods, property, services or some other thing of value from a victim against his/her will. These threats can be those of violence, physical harm, criminal prosecution, or public exposure of harmful or secret information that would damage a person’s reputation and/or standing in the community. When the threat is to reveal embarrassing, harmful, and/or shameful information about the victim to his/her friends, co-workers, associates, family members or to the public in general, this is generally defined as blackmail, and is usually considered a type of extortion.

CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.
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