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Reddit troll apologizes for trump CNN gif/all those racist remarks


I feel for anyone who works for cnn in the coming days. I imagine 4chan is gonna dox everyone there down to the janitor if they haven't already


I feel for anyone who works for cnn in the coming days. I imagine 4chan is gonna dox everyone there down to the janitor if they haven't already

Already saw a tweet that had addresses and other information for a ton of CNN people. reported it but I doubt twitter will do anything


I feel for anyone who works for cnn in the coming days. I imagine 4chan is gonna dox everyone there down to the janitor if they haven't already


Also, don't make the mistake like I am currently by watching Mike Cernovich discuss this on a live-stream he recoreded a few hrs ago. It's so unbelievably dumb and intellectually dishonest.

The bigger question should be what stopped them from doing so before?

The alt-right wasn't wound up enough. Now they will have cover for doing abhorrent shit like doxxing CNN personnel because of all "this".


Trump is going to start stanning for this guy on Twitter. Just watch.

"Free American private citizen being treated so badly by fake news CNN"

Also, don't make the mistake like I am currently by watching Mike Cernovich discuss this on a live-stream he recoreded a few hrs ago. It's so unbelievably dumb and intellectually dishonest.

The alt-right wasn't wound up enough. Now they will have cover for doing abhorrent shit like doxxing CNN personnel because of all "this".

So like, then CNN can do the same in response? Or would we pity the Reddit shit bags?


Jesus that hastag that is trending right now. I won't repeat it here, but shit. I give CNN a hard time more often then not, but I'm on their side vs these internet troll scum bottom feeders.


If I had a dollar for everytime someone eagerly jumped into playing devil's advocate without knowing the first thing about their client or their actions, I'd be making bank.

At least he kinda acknowledged that he was being a tool? That's actually pretty impressive nowadays considering.


Jesus that hastag that is trending right now. I won't repeat it here, but shit. I give CNN a hard time more often then not, but I'm on there side vs these internet troll scum bottom feeders.

It appears that everyone using that hashtag is in a contest to make the least sense?


Jesus that hastag that is trending right now. I won't repeat it here, but shit. I give CNN a hard time more often then not, but I'm on there side vs these internet troll scum bottom feeders.

That hastag is awful.People are pretty much calling for CNN to be shut down on that hashtag.
CnnBlackmail trending


It's always great to end a holiday with a reminder that bottom dwellers can't be defeated because there's nowhere left for them to go


At least he kinda acknowledged that he was being a tool? That's actually pretty impressive nowadays considering.

He did nothing of the sort. He left because that picture too much for him to continue to try to defend.
He didn't acknowledge he was wrong and I am willing to bet he still thinks he is correct about CNN.


What a pussy, he was all macho behind the keyboard abusing and trollinf people disregarding other people's feelings and well beings yet when he sense a little of repercussion coming at him he throws a quick apology and goes begging for safety and hiding in the deepest hole hr finds. Why are all racists, alt-righters the same?

Fuck him.


Can't twitter delete hastags? Twitter has been useless this election and now.

I don't expect the hastag to survive that long anyway because the people and bots spamming that hashtag will eventually get tired if nothing else gets revealed about that guy.


CNN should be full on savage like the crazy Dutch in South Park. Hunt down and doxx all these trolls who say all this horrible shit online and destroy any safe havens for violent racism they have.


How is it doxing when nothing has been released.

The guy did not only make that gif but also indirectly threatened people at CNN by making that Jew-Picture.

CNN had every right to contact him.
Autocorrect is changing CNNBlackmail to CNNbackmail. Tons of people are hitting up that backmail, including MikeC.

Edit: The clowns are claiming that Twitter is purposefully doing this to shut down their hashtag :)


What a pussy, he was all macho behind the keyboard abusing and trollinf people disregarding other people's feelings and well beings yet when he sense a little of repercussion coming at him he throws a quick apology and goes begging for safety and hiding in the deepest hole hr finds. Why are all racists, alt-righters the same?

Fuck him.

These Trumpettes eh?


I love that a fifteen-year old shitposter and one of the largest media congolmerates in the world are having a fucking high-noon showdown over a gif and the giant mediacorp is the one that resorted to doxxing threats.

This is certainly an entertaining, if not enlightening year.
This really encapsulates why this 4th of July was such a fucking painful one for me. I fucking hate what America has become, we are so fucking lazy that people took the screenshot and just threw CNN and the writer at the wall without even asking for context. And it isn't even just Republicans, countless of my friends fell into this trap and it sickens me.


Twitter really needs to get its shit together on Bots etc. At this point half of twitter is probably bots

I love that a fifteen-year old shitposter and one of the largest media congolmerates in the world are having a fucking high-noon showdown over a gif and the giant mediacorp is the one that resorted to doxxing threats.

This is certainly an entertaining, if not enlightening year.

Well didn't take long. There has been no identification of who the person is. 4channers and reddit shitposters have started the whole he is just a 15 year old and you are here to spread it


When asked specifically about his other posts that consisted of racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic language and imagery, he answered, "I love people of all races, creeds and origins. One of my best friends is a homosexual and one of my best friends is Jewish and one of my best friends is Muslim."

I missed that he went with the best friends angle too.


This really encapsulates why this 4th of July was such a fucking painful one for me. I fucking hate what America has become, we are so fucking lazy that people took the screenshot and just threw CNN and the writer at the wall without even asking for context. And it isn't even just Republicans, countless of my friends fell into this trap and it sickens me.

My Fourth was great. Shrimp boil with friends and family, then we played horseshoes and drank beer. Watched some of the local goobs do fireworks in violation of local laws that nobody gives a fuck about afterwards.



"Because Trump supporters are incredibly reasonable human beings you see."

What would you say about the roughly half of the population of the US that are cool with whatever Trump represents?

Reasonable human beings are mostly tribal anyway, looking out for their own specific interests, direct or indirectly.
I love that a fifteen-year old shitposter and one of the largest media congolmerates in the world are having a fucking high-noon showdown over a gif and the giant mediacorp is the one that resorted to doxxing threats.

This is certainly an entertaining, if not enlightening year.

This is a 100% accurate read of the situation
I don't understand, who gives a shit about the who made the gif? The president was stupid to tweet it and that's it. Why the fuck is CNN going after the guy?
My Fourth was great. Shrimp boil with friends and family, then we played horseshoes and drank beer. Watched some of the local goobs do fireworks after in violation of local laws that nobody gives a fuck about.

Good for you! My 4th was kids throwing firecrackers at my car, watching my friends fall into an anticnn trap, and sitting around depressed knowing my president is trying to put me on a list for (vote fraud) and allow discrimination from any place of future employment. But this isn't really on topic so going back to reddit guy, fuck this guy.


I don't understand, who gives a shit about the who made the gif? The president was stupid to tweet it and that's it. Why the fuck is CNN going after the guy?

Because Maybe it is an interesting situation. The White House is taking Gifs from a person who spams Nigger non stop and talks about his hatred for Jews etc.

A journalist may just happen to be curious to who this person is the White House seems to favor.
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