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Reddit troll apologizes for trump CNN gif/all those racist remarks



CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.

You're fucking lying, and you're caping for a white supremacist who wants to murder minorities.

Take a look in the mirror.


What if the story becomes bigger and/or someone else reports his name? Should CNN say no we made HanAssholeSolo a promise? Fuck out of here with that.

This agreement was probably brought on by the troll himself. He apologized on his own hoping there would be mercy shown to him. CNN doesn't feel it was worth it to go further but that can change.

That's also possible. Dude might have begged CNN not to reveal his name because he has kids or what have you, and they had mercy on his poor soul. It's not much of a stretch to imagine given what the guy has been saying. But, CNN should have been as heartless as a reddit troll though apparently, that would have made the defenders happier.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.

How long did you spend searching for a definition that would fit your argument?

Also, any particular reason you did not bold:
"for the purpose of taking money, goods, property, services or some other thing of value from a victim against his/her will."



CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.

That's not how it actually is spelled out in law...

Legal definition of blackmail:

"Whoever, under a threat of informing, or as a consideration for not informing, against any violation of any law of the United States, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."
The guy got scared when his anonymity went away as CNN found him. It doesn't seem they threatened to expose him.

CNN has all the rights to see if they can find the person behind the hate against them.



CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.

if cnn wants to blackmail that guy how does it make sense to put that threat in the middle of their publicly available article?

That's also possible. Dude might have begged CNN not to reveal his name because he has kids or what have you, and they had mercy on his poor soul. It's not much of a stretch to imagine given what the guy has been saying. But, CNN should have been as heartless as a reddit troll though apparently, that would have made the defenders happier.

again is anyone even reading the cnn article?

On Monday, KFile attempted to contact the man by email and phone but he did not respond. On Tuesday, "HanA**holeSolo" posted his apology on the subreddit /The_Donald and deleted all of his other posts.

After posting his apology, "HanA**holeSolo" called CNN's KFile and confirmed his identity. In the interview, "HanA**holeSolo" sounded nervous about his identity being revealed and asked to not be named out of fear for his personal safety and for the public embarrassment it would bring to him and his family.


New page. Just in case anyone doesn't know how much of a shit this troll is.



Unconfirmed Member

CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.

Nope. I am not blackmailing anyone by not releasing their public information despite the fact that I could do so at any moment. It's really not hard to understand but you've already admitted you don't want to actually research the topic honestly so I will stop taking you seriously now.

It's very disappointing you can't even be bothered to read the OP of the thread before posting though
All that matters now is that dude realizes he just won the gold medal in the Ain't Shit Olympics

If he was anyone of actual note or importance, they would've posted his name anyway

Permanently A

Junior Member

CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.

How did CNN blackmail him? He apologized of his own accord before responding to CNN's request no?

CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.
But it is not blackmail for a news organization to assert that it has the right to publish factual information that it has uncovered.


The guy got scared when his anonymity went away as CNN found him. It doesn't seem they threatened to expose him.

CNN has all the rights to see if they can find the person behind the hate against them.

ehhh, only people that spew hate speech have such rights, at least I'm pretty sure. If I'm wrong I'm sure it will be a new Executive Order soon either way.


I don't accept apologies from people who want brown people dead. That's not a game to me, it's not a joke, fuck him now and fuck him forever.

He deserves whatever is coming to him, and I hope he gets the worst of it. "Meme kids" or not, (not, by the way, he's a racist piece of trash pushing racist narratives that get people fucking KILLED) people who live in the real world need to learn there are real consequences for their behavior.

I apologize if my wording made you feel as if I wasn't taking seriously. I absolutely agree that these people ARE pushing racist narratives that get people fucking killed.

However, I think you can do that AND simultaneously not understand the gravity of what you're doing. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the cancer of edgy internet racist trolls would not be widespread even close to the degree it is if it wasn't carried by, as I said, 4chan meme kids who like being edgy trolls and don't understand the gravity of their actions.

I DON'T THINK THIS PERSON WAS THAT, EITHER. I think his history shows that he's a real racist and that he's covering his ass. But... if he's been scared into quitting spreading his bullshit, then I'm OK with what's been accomplished nonetheless.

By letting this apology stand (as CNN has), the message you are sending to someone who truly is in the position that the apology purports to be from is that they can change. That we will let them change.

If we don't let people repent for their abhorrent behavior, we give those people no reason to stop.

We need to encourage people to change their behavior. This apology is a good example of what someone changing their behavior should look like. I'm not going to piss all over it because of some moral high ground argument that this is a Bad Person who doesn't deserve any Good Things. It's not about HanPenisSolo or whatever his name is getting away with anything. It's not about that person at all. It's about what CNN's acceptance of his apology (on condition that he keeps his promises) stands for.

CNN blackmailed the guy no matter how you try to twist it. I will give it to you that doxx actually means releasing the information as opposed to threatening to release the information, which is what I thought it meant. I would be okay with doxxing without the blackmailing.

Pure bullshit. Letting someone off the hook instead of ruining their lives is not how blackmail works.


Well, that's gross. I'm out.

Honestly, there are people that are just so nasty that even if you don't agree with what happens to them in principle, you shouldn't defend them because they aren't worth it. Let the lawyers do that if it comes to that.

But seriously good on you. I wish more people would recognize that some people are so low it brings you low if you defend them. "Like you see "kill all the Muslims and see all the N***** and think, oh shit, CNN shouldn't have done that but I think I'll just stay out of this one the piece of shit ain't worth it.

Sadly I think that doesn't happen more often because the people that do it, not saying you so forgive me, tend to relate to the offender.
Honestly, there are people that are just so nasty that even if you don't agree with what happens to them in principle, you shouldn't defend them because they aren't worth it. Let the lawyers do that if it comes to that.

But seriously good on you. I wish more people would recognize that some people are so low it brings you low if you defend them. "Like you see "kill all the Muslims and see all the N***** and think, oh shit, CNN shouldn't have done that but I think I'll just stay out of that one the piece of shit ain't worth it.

This is pretty much where I'm at. If people want to come to the defense of a hardcore racist with murderous fantasies to prove a broader point, that's cool but I sure won't bother.

Trump/Russian Bots are out in full attack mode on Twitter.

Nothing would be more incredible than if Fox and the WH take up this guy's plight.
Dude is an asshole, but doxxing is over the line no matter what, and the "CNN reserves the right to publish his personal info" line is absolutely a doxxing threat against a private citizen.

Let's say for the sake of argument that you're right (though you are not).

Literally all he has to do to prevent CNN from revealing his identity is to not post racist shit or advocate for genocide on Reddit. That's it. If his apology is sincere (not that I believe it), then surely following that condition is the easiest thing in the world.

If someone tried to blackmail me by telling me that I couldn't do something that everyone in our society at least pretends is abhorrent, I would be relieved.


The way Donald fans are changing the story into a "blackmail" is truly mental gymastics at its finest. This guy wanted to inject himself into the story by taking credit for the meme. It reminds me of when Joe the Plumber was a thing back in 08'. If you inject yourself into the story, you're fair game. If anything, CNN showed restraint not posting his name--saves him from ridicule from people on the left but more important saves him from even MORE ridicule from people on his own side who would absolutely destroy them for "apologizing" and "pussing out".


The way Donald fans are changing the story into a "blackmail" is truly mental gymastics at its finest. This guy wanted to inject himself into the story by taking credit for the meme. It reminds me of when Joe the Plumber was a thing back in 08'. If you inject yourself into the story, you're fair game. If anything, CNN showed restraint not posting his name--saves him from ridicule from people on the left but more important saves him from even MORE ridicule from people on his own side who would absolutely destroy them for "apologizing" and "pussing out".

And it's all because he's white and wants to murder black people. Replace white with any other race and black people with white people, they'd be screaming about him being a terrorist who needs to be deported.

It's thinly veiled bullshit that they're standing up for his "rights" or whatever. Makes me sick.


Welp several hosts of CNN shows (Don Lemon and Wolf Blitzer to name a few) have been "doxxed". Their home addresses and phone numbers are making the rounds around the chans and Twitter.

Someone is going to die.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
CNN using those investigative journalist skills to track down a shitposter. They must have better things to do.
Exposing the scum of the earth is the right way to handle it. They did it with style 'hello real person care to comment further on your numerous comments?'

Actions have consequences and getting reporters interested in you is a real consequence of taunting journalists while being a racist homophobic cunt who gets a racist homophobic cunt president to use his lame gifs.

He did volunteer work for Trump's propaganda and was proud of it, let him enjoy the publicity of his fine work. CNN should have shown up with 5 news trucks at his house.
Can we please have at least some of the new german rules about hate speech on social media?

A society is either ok with this or isn't.

Right now it seems its ok to distribute almost anything to any number of people - except threaten the president - if you drag out your keyboard and create a twitter/facebook/reddit account.


The legal definition of blackmail is extortion.

Well that's true, but the federal definition requires the profiting element. Extortion/blackmail laws vary from state to state. Florida, for example, doesn't require the profit element; it simply requires compelling someone to do (or refrain from doing) something.

But I'm not trying to say CNN committed a crime here. I'd be the last person to accuse CNN of a crime. I just think....they kinda went a little too far here. Release the guy's name or don't....but don't condition it.


The way Donald fans are changing the story into a "blackmail" is truly mental gymastics at its finest. This guy wanted to inject himself into the story by taking credit for the meme. It reminds me of when Joe the Plumber was a thing back in 08'. If you inject yourself into the story, you're fair game. If anything, CNN showed restraint not posting his name--saves him from ridicule from people on the left but more important saves him from even MORE ridicule from people on his own side who would absolutely destroy them for "apologizing" and "pussing out".

The dude was quite happy when it first happened, talking about getting excited over his morning coffee about what his god emperor Trump did. It was nice behind all of that anonymity.
I apologize if my wording made you feel as if I wasn't taking seriously. I absolutely agree that these people ARE pushing racist narratives that get people fucking killed.

However, I think you can do that AND simultaneously not understand the gravity of what you're doing. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the cancer of edgy internet racist trolls would not be widespread even close to the degree it is if it wasn't carried by, as I said, 4chan meme kids who like being edgy trolls and don't understand the gravity of their actions.

I DON'T THINK THIS PERSON WAS THAT, EITHER. I think his history shows that he's a real racist and that he's covering his ass. But... if he's been scared into quitting spreading his bullshit, then I'm OK with what's been accomplished nonetheless.

By letting this apology stand (as CNN has), the message you are sending to someone who truly is in the position that the apology purports to be from is that they can change. That we will let them change.

If we don't let people repent for their abhorrent behavior, we give those people no reason to stop.

We need to encourage people to change their behavior. This apology is a good example of what someone changing their behavior should look like. I'm not going to piss all over it because of some moral high ground argument that this is a Bad Person who doesn't deserve any Good Things. It's not about HanPenisSolo or whatever his name is getting away with anything. It's not about that person at all. It's about what CNN's acceptance of his apology (on condition that he keeps his promises) stands for.

I think that just lets 'em think we'll pussy out and let them skate on consequences, as they are used to. These people don't really think like you and me. They see things like mercy, pity, intellectual honesty or attempts at fairness as the weaknesses of cucks, something to exploit.

It would better serve the public good to out him, to make it clear that playing at racism on Reddit can have real-life consequences.


Can we please have at least some of the new german rules about hate speech on social media?

A society is either ok with this or isn't.

Right now it seems its ok to distribute almost anything to any number of people - except threaten the president - if you drag out your keyboard and create a twitter/facebook/reddit account.

No! I wouldn't even want to live in this country anymore if I couldn't say I hate people that look different from me. Hell I'd argue it wouldn't even be America anymore, might as well move to North Korea.
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