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Reggie: Switch matchmaking and lobbies handled through phone app

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That's not how Nintendo operates at all... It's more likely the case the NCL has set a schedule of talking points that NOA and NOE aren't allowed to deviate from. I don't think this is the best approach, but it's what they've decided to go with...

In the past few years, how many times have those said talking points been great news?

Typically, a company whose head isn't up its ass would want to get good news to their consumers as soon as possible.
Also a ton of people who could give a rats ass about online play on Nintendo games.

True. But, this is central to the point that a lot of the Nintendo Defense Force is missing: That stupid decisions - like this one - are very likely going to limit the appeal of the Switch to just the die-hards. Again.

The goal - for Nintendo and all of us gamers - should be to expand the user base dramatically beyond the narrow appeal of the Wii U. But dumb ass shit like this is going to contribute to the Switch becoming Wii U 2.0 if Ninty doesn't pull their heads out.

So, while its true that this cell phone chat stupidity doesn't have an effect on a lot of Ninty fans who don't play online...it *WILL most definitely* limit the appeal of the console to a wider audience. Which, for Nintendo's part, is mind boggling...and incredibly frustrating to those of us who can see the writing on the wall and want the Switch to succeed.


True. But, this is central to the point that a lot of the Nintendo Defense Force is missing: That stupid decisions - like this one - are very likely going to limit the appeal of the Switch to just the die-hards. Again.

The goal - for Nintendo and all of us gamers - should be to expand the user base dramatically beyond the narrow appeal of the Wii U. But dumb ass shit like this is going to contribute to the Switch becoming Wii U 2.0 if Ninty doesn't pull their heads out.

So, while its true that this cell phone chat stupidity doesn't have an effect on a lot of Ninty fans who don't play online...it *WILL most definitely* limit the appeal of the console to a wider audience. Which is mind bogglingly r-tarded in the part of Nintendo and incredibly frustrating to those of us who can see the writing on the wall and want the Switch to succeed.

Good point.
We should use our ideas over the Nintendo PR photos... Come On guys...

To quote myself:

I would put more stock into the words coming straight from the president and COO of Nintendo's largest international branch overseeing Nintendo's largest market than I would the choice of headset in a promo shot done by an external marketing firm.

I highly doubt the marketing firm put much thought into that headset beyond it looking good in the shot. Meanwhile the words coming from Nintendo's mouthpiece for their largest market? Probably a lot more carefully considered.
Care to post the source so we can all rest at ease knowing that Nintendo is not THAT stupid?
In Splinter Cell Blacklist for Wii U you can use the build in Mic for voicechat, Also in every Call Of Duty game you can use the Headphones Mics..... Looks like is an devs decision.
I don't know anything about Monster Hunger 3 Ultimate and don't play a lot of online games in general. I mainly just mean "can I cite my experiences with Smash 4 and Mario Kart to say that it works?"

I have a WiiU and that's not the point

The point is that that guy seems certain the Switch can do voicechat without an app because there are promo shots showing people using headphones with mics when every message we received from Nintendo so far indicates the contrary

In Splinter Cell Blacklist for Wii U you can use the build in Mic for voicechat, Also in every Call Of Duty game you can use the Headphones Mics..... Looks like is an devs decision.

I'm not talking about WiiU, we don't care about the WiiU, not even Nintendo care about the WiiU anymore (if ever)

We are talking about voicechat on the Switch itself, using headsets and not an external app

You seem pretty certain that's the case, a lot of people here don't


I don't think anyone is denying it is a dumb idea if it is mandatory. If it isn't mandatory then there is no issue and people are complaining over nothing.

NOA website says this: If you sign up to the online subscription service for Nintendo Switch*, you can play with friends far away and players around the world. Subscribers can also sync up a dedicated smart device app to set play appointments, meet up in online lobbies to play and voice chat while playing

The words Can Also suggests to be that it is optional.

Having said that Nintendo PR on this as been poor and they need to address this sooner rather than later. Judging by the systems website also, it says check back after the system launch to hear more which isn't great.

Sounds more like the things the app enables are the optional features...





How are people gonna play online then?

They'll play the same way they play on the Wii U. The features of the app haven't been communicated well, seemingly because they haven't finalized it yet. It doesn't release until Summer. From what I gather, it seems you can play online with randoms on the Switch by signing in with your MyNintendo Account, but you can't do custom matchmaking or voice chat without the companion app.


How are people gonna play online then?
I don't know for sure but I think you will be able to play online with randos at the very least. I believe the app will be used to chat with friends and create lobbies, join friends, etc.

Nintendo should step in front of this and clarify.
So you can play online then, but what does the app do that you can't do on console?

They haven't said a peep about what you can do on the console. Just that the online service:

- Starts a free trial in March
- Has an app that's coming in summer
- Becomes a "paid" service in the fall

We know almost nothing about the OS and functionality besides playing games on day one. My guess is they wanted to save that for a Direct of some kind to keep the conversation going.
The same woman is featured on the official Nintendo Switch specifications page:


I honestly don't think that this is really proof of anything. I'm sure that not a lot of thought went into that image. Further, just because you have a headset that has a mic, that doesn't mean that it can't just be used as normal headphones with no voice-chat capability. I mean, it's a still image. It doesn't demonstrate that she's actively chatting over Switch just because her headset has a mic on it.
I honestly don't think that this is really proof of anything. I'm sure that not a lot of thought went into that image. Further, just because you have a headset that has a mic, that doesn't mean that it can't just be used as normal headphones with no voice-chat capability. I mean, it's a still image. It doesn't demonstrate that she's actively chatting over Switch just because her headset has a mic on it.

They also sell headphones that just have volume control built in. They look identical to versions with a mic in my experience.


What are the chances of them doing an "OS Direct" before launch? Did they go over that with Wii U before it was released? I can't remember...it was all so blurry back then too...


What are the chances of them doing an "OS Direct" before launch? Did they go over that with Wii U before it was released? I can't remember...it was all so blurry back then too...

It wouldn't cover this aspect anyway as the app won't be ready until summer at the earliest.

So no voice chat in Mario Kart 8.
Iwata had his share of successes (Wii, DS, 3DS) and failures (Wii U, and maybe even the Gamecube), but he always struck me as a leader that learned from his mistakes and tried new things. While he was the handpicked successor to Yamauchi-san, I felt Iwata was constantly at odds with the old guard culture at Nintendo who is now represented by his replacement Kimishima.

While there's no arguing that the Switch is Iwata's brainchild and the hardware/online controversies plaguing Nintendo have pre-dated the Switch, I also have my suspicions about the recent business policies of the system and that a lot of the recent baggage wouldn't have happened had he been alive and well.
What are the chances of them doing an "OS Direct" before launch? Did they go over that with Wii U before it was released? I can't remember...it was all so blurry back then too...

That seems like it's almost guaranteed. They've said there will be more information in the weeks to come and we know nothing about the OS, eShop, sharing, friends list, or Virtual Console to name a few things.
This doesn't bother me 1 bit. I've always thought this to be a great idea.

The times that I'll be playing a game that requires me to use voice chat, I'll be at home or in a private room that will have an outlet for me to plug my phone in if need be.

Games that I'll be playing on the go will either be SP games or use of your phone just to get matchmade and that's it. It is inconvenient if you're on public transportation and you want to do matchmaking but not impossible.

When I'm playing either Xbox or PS4 and someone messages me, I reply back on my phone because that's way more convenient.


It wouldn't cover this aspect anyway as the app won't be ready until summer at the earliest.

You're probably right - but I mean if this sort of thing was already baked into the UI they might at least glaze over it to give SOME clarity.

"Here's the online section of the UI, where you can manage party options, friends list, all of which will be available with better function on our new smart phone app coming later this year" - it would at least give some clarity.


Has it been confirmed or denied that the Switch might connect to your phone via Bluetooth?

Then you could just have one headset plugged into the Switch.
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