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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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Most of these converts would "swing" back when the next Gears and Halo are released.

I just hope they enjoy paying around $90 for being able to play online as multi-console owners or PS would lose quite a few subscribers down the line.

Not necessarily. Halo 4 and gears judgment were met with dulled enthusiasm. You can only release sequels for so long.


Neo Member
I went with xbox one since the exclusive games will be out sooner that are My taste before Sony release the games I like on PS4 like uncharted,the last of us and Ratchet&Clank series . They will most likely be out in a year or two from now . I will get a PS4 then ... I enjoy the xbox one system and I will enjoy the PS4 system too . Pick the games that you like ...if its PS4 or Xbox One then so be it .
Btw I played mainly on PS3 but Am a gamer and there is no borders even WiiU will get some loving too


I bought an Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 last gen. Bought the 360 at launch, the Wii pretty much at launch, and the PS3 when Metal Gear Solid 4 came out (got the bundle).

The 360 was my console of choice for much of the generation, even though I got the Red Ring of Death twice (once under warranty, once I had to replace it myself). I preferred the 360 controller and in the early going I was just more impressed with Microsoft's direction (XBLA, et cetera).

It was probably around the time the Kinect came out that this all changed. I bought a Kinect and wanted to be wowed. Nope. I held on to it for too long before giving up on it. By this point, the Xbox team's focus didn't seem to be on games I liked at all. Kinect crap and shoot shoot shoot were all they were dishing. Sure there was the occasional gem (Deadly Premonition), but it seemed like they got cocky. They had my money. They had me paying for Gold so I could play football online with my brother who lives in Hawaii. They were making all kinds of cash with ads plastered on my Xbox even though I was paying them for a "premium service". Just let it ride.

On the other side, Sony was offering PS+, which I tried to ignore. "I'm NOT paying for another monthly service that feels like a waste of money, where I'm getting the raw end of the deal," I says. But when I actually considered it (and probably found a sweet Black Friday deal or something), it seemed incredible -- and it was. Also, over on the ol' PS3, there seemed to be all kinds of interesting game coming out (The Last of Us, Beyond, et cetera). Sure, there was much shooting to be done, but these games seemed to have heart; they weren't just the same ol' first-person shooters that seemed to dominate the Xbox's lineup.

So I made the decision to let my Gold expire and jump on the PS+ wagon. Perhaps the Xbox team could win me back. "Oh? Games with Gold, you say? This could be great!" I said. "Here, have Fable 2 or Army Men 3 or Gears of War or some $5 XBLA game that wasn't critically acclaimed, but whatever" says Microsoft. :(

So more than anything for me, it's not even about the Xbox One (although I have more issues with the One than with the PS4); it's about the Xbox brand's last few years. It's been building up to this. They've pushed me away. I have a launch PS4. I have a launch Wii U. I do not have an Xbox One, nor do I want one in its current state. Will Microsoft ever be able to win me over and bring me back into the fold? Maybe. I do love video games. But first, they have to give me a reason. I don't want to feel like a consumer; I want to feel like a gamer. Ya know?

And that's what happens when I decide to post on NeoGAF while having my morning coffee.
I switched from 360 to PS4 as well. Lack of worthwhile exclusives in the last few years of the 360, could play multiplats better on PC, and value of XBL Gold was questionable at that point. All of that DRM, TV SPORTS crap on the Xbone was just more icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned and only further solidified my choice in the PS4.

At least with Sony, I know they'll deliver on their first-party output. Always have.


Nearly every generation has shown us that console loyalty is a myth aside from a few million early adopters. Its enthusiast forum echo chamber semantics, similar to the arguments regarding exclusives and system-sellers. Sony made the cheapest and best system for playing multiplats. The word got out thrpugh social media. The end.

It also didn't help that MS and Nintendo created boxes with features and visions that were neither asked for or received well by the public.

P.S. Off topic, but sort of relevant to my statement on multiplats: DS2 is amazing! I may triple dip - PS3, PC and even PS4 when that inevitable port hits. Game is much improved over its predecessor(s). (Even though I think the gothic ambiance of Demons Souls still has yet to be topped - don't miss the mechanics at all though.)


I still plan on owning both sony and microsoft consoles this gen, but right now i don't see the value in the xbox. I'll pick it up when there are is a ton of singleplayer exclusive content at a sub 300 price point.



Good points though, ms will ways have some loyal customers because of those games, it just might get a bit smaller. Seriously though destiny really looks pretty much like halo. The movement the shooting the art style it might seriously eat into that demographic is the marketing and awareness of who made it is.

I don't get this argument. Microsoft have spent millions on Call of duty marketing, and timed exclusive DLC and it still ends up getting almost sales on PlayStation.

If you take that into a consideration, neither Sony have that much amount of money for marketing and neither they have any sort of timed exclusive DLC. And don't forget most of the Bungie fans should be on Xbox.

Bottom line, Destiny will just be a slightly higher on PS4 and mostly due to performance advantage.


No, I haven't tried it.

Even at a glance, I still won't like the symmetrical sticks, the way the "triggers" are even though they are changed, and the d-pad. I would have to hold the stick to see if it still feels too light, and doesn't fit well in my hand, or still cramps my thumb after a few minutes of using the d-pad.
Thats what I thought originally. But once I tried it, I was in Heaven. There's just some kind of ergonomic magic going on with it.
Btw I played mainly on PS3 but Am a gamer and there is no borders even WiiU will get some loving too
It's always great to let companies know you'll purchase whatever they put out, regardless of quality. Do you own a 3D0? How about a Virtual Boy? Maybe you do have "borders".
But yet a lot of people can't play its biggest selling game online which is first party because of lag. This seems to be glossed over constantly.

Killzone? No lag there. If you meant BF4, which is a third party game, it has problems across consoles. Are you going to reiterate or just pretend this comment never happened out of embarrassment?
The 360 D-pad? Like, for playing games?

On topic: I owned all consoles last Gen (and the Gen before) and the 360 was my main console but I switched to PS4 for obvious reasons. I'll pick up an XO this year but it's only for exclusives, basically a complete role reversal from last time.

I have been using it for over 5 years. I play Japanese shooting games, Side scrolling 2d platformer games and indie games with it. I know lots of people hate it but i have just got use to it.
I have owned all consoles except Wii U. But the most memorable times in last gen was playing Halo, Gears with my buddies. I have spent countless hours playing campaign, multiplayer again and again. Nothing can replace Microsoft exclusives at least for me.

I bought PS3 for Uncharted, Heavy Rain, TLOU and Infamous series. Have played all those games and its collecting dust since then. Will buy Infamous for PS4 but again after 15-20hr it will be a history. No doubt it will be a great game like other Sony IP but replay value is just isn't there for me when it comes to Sony first party games. Even today I can boot up Halo 3 and enjoy the crap out of it. Now looking at Titanfall exclusivity, Halo, Gears coming. I think it will be same for me this gen as well. 1000s of hours on Xbox will be spent. Already played 14hrs of Titanfall in a week lol

So I don't know how Sony will satisfy people who bought Xbox for Halo, Gears and Forza and now switched to PS4.

Sony does not have to satisfy everyone that is impossible to begin with .
People that like those games will still buy a X1 while some others that move over will just play UC , GT , Destiny instead .
What Sony has to do is get the majority of the market to like them which they seem to have done so far .


Formerly Gizmowned
Well I'm not deserting. I will get a PS4 eventually but only for exclusives. Most 3rd part games will be on XB1 so I can play with friends. It happened last gen I kept the 360 for basically everything and the PS3 for exclusives.

I was kinda surprised how it went because I was a massive Playstation fan before that but I suppose my preference changed.

If I'm worried about the PS4 having better resolution and frame rate over the XB1 on 3rd party games I would just get that game on PC.


I always buy both Playstation and Xbox consoles but i will be buying PS4 first when i manage to find a new job. I am more of an Xbox fan though but the constant negativity on here and other forums towards Microsoft and the X1 has made me decide on PS4 for my first buy and i'll get X1 further down the line.
The constant negativity surrounding X1 is depressing to be honest.


Just imagine if Sony drops an OS that can multitask like the XB1 can. That would pretty much prevent me from ever getting both consoles.


I can afford both current generation consoles and a stack of games, but because there is such a small upgrade from the current gen I don't see that there is any reason to.

It makes me laugh when I see all the console warz bullshit on here because rather than join hands and condemn the both manufacturers for giving us crappy half arsed upgrades, you are validating their decisions to offer us a halfway house.
I have a Gaming PC and PS4. That makes the Xbone completely redundant to me.

I have the money to buy one right now, but why would I? I have more great games to play than I have free time as is.
I am in the same boat. I have a ps4 and thinking about getting a decent PC to play titanfall instead of putting $500 on the bone.


Nothing! I said nothing!
There are adapters to do this on PS360 and the teams working on them have it working internally on PS4/XB1 too. So it will be possible in the not too distant future.

I don't know what your talking about but if it's KZ:SF it seems fine to me...care to elaborate?

There was a thread on here about lag in KZ.


Well I'm not deserting. I will get a PS4 eventually but only for exclusives. Most 3rd part games will be on XB1 so I can play with friends. It happened last gen I kept the 360 for basically everything and the PS3 for exclusives.

I was kinda surprised how it went because I was a massive Playstation fan before that but I suppose my preference changed.

If I'm worried about the PS4 having better resolution and frame rate over the XB1 on 3rd party games I would just get that game on PC.

Not all multiplat games come out on PC.


Gold Member
Loyalty switching is always highest at the start of a new console generation, IMO.

Most of these converts would "swing" back when the next Gears and Halo are released.

I don't know if that's necessarily true. I was an admitted Halo fanboy and had every Halo release available. When 343 Industries took the reins, I was cautiously optimistic. Halo 4 was, in every regard, inferior to everything Bungie had done. Even Reach, which most people seemed to have a love-hate relationship with, was leaps better than Halo 4.

I liked Gears but nowhere near as much as Halo. Gears: Judgement made a lot of ridiculous changes and was a polarizing entry into the franchise, much like Halo: Reach. Now Epic Games has completely bowed out and turned Gears over to Black Tusk Studios.

Sure, Black Tusk Studios is being headed by Rod Fergusson, who had worked on all of the Gears titles before going to Irrational Studios to work on Bioshock Infinite, but that means little. People argued that Halo 4 was going to be a return to the series' prime because 343 Industries was headed by Frank O'Connor, who had worked on every Halo title.

Halo and Gears are series who have passed their primes and I'm not sure they hold enough power to pull a substantial number of people over a year or more after console release, especially in this era where each company is trying to lock you into their own proprietary ecosystems.
If the Xbox One was as powerful as the PS4 and launched at the same price without Kinect then the mass exodus would not be happening.

It'd prevent the mass exodus but its still not competitive pricing I think. The hardware difference is too large to be launched at the same pricepoint.


extra source of jiggaflops
Nearly every generation has shown us that console loyalty is a myth aside from a few million early adopters. Its enthusiast forum echo chamber semantics, similar to the arguments regarding exclusives and system-sellers. Sony made the cheapest and best system for playing multiplats. The word got out thrpugh social media. The end.
The argument this time was that you are signed up for XBL (mandatory if you want to play multiplayer) or PS+ (optionally up to PS4 if you were into multiplayer) that this created an environment where you were are more likely to pick the console up with the eco system you already put money in.

I think that's still valid. In this thread a guy said that his XBLG is running until 2016. At this point in time in his scenario (selling 360, not having bought Xbone) that's a sunk cost.
It's definitely the attractive price and a lack of negativity more than anything, because I have a hard time believing people do it for the current slate of games there. Dropping X1 to the same pricepoint would significantly close the sale rate gap, at least in NA. MS certainly is fortunate to have so many current Gold subscriptions as that helps to keep many inside of the X-side of things.
In the GameStop district I worked in, nearly all of the Store Managers had decided on the PS4 to be their preferred system. Money hatting plays a big role, all of them only ever played the 360.


Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

Sony always starts off slow with exclusives then goes into beast mode for the whole gen. I expect the same with PS4. Unlike MS, they support systems with lots of great content (both existing and new IPs) for the entire gen. Microsoft comes on stronger at the beginning of a gen in order to get people to adopt their consoles quickly, then they promptly stop caring and go into sequelitis mode with their top selling IPs.

As for stronger exclusive developers, even though I don't think Remedy is better than the best Sony developer, they are definitely up there. Insomniac, lol, incredibly inconsistent developer. Neither of these companies are owned by MS either, so there's no guarantee of future exclusive support from them either. When I buy a PS4 I know to expect ND, SSM, SP, etc content.

Better multi plats on XB1? What?
I was an Xbox 360 launch day supporter, and an Xbox Live subscriber for 8 years. I have no interest in purchasing an Xbox One but I do own a PS4 and a Vita. Honestly, it's not the Xbox One that has turned me away from Microsoft but instead it's how Microsoft handled the Xbox 360 from 2010 onward coupled with the value proposition of PS Plus. Thanks for the memories Microsoft!
Not surprising:

- PS4 is objectively more powerful, while being $100 cheaper. The kinect, going back to the original, has yet to prove itself as a necessary 'gaming' accessory, and so it adding $100 to the cost of the One is probably not sitting too well with many consumers.

- If reading various forums is any indication, alot of gamers are opting to go PC+ one dedicated console as opposed to shelling out for all systems this time around.

- The last two generations of PS vs Xbox have shown me one thing..... Sony, home console wise, supports their consoles much better than MS does. Even with 360 being far more successful than the original xbox, MS exclusive dried up some time ago( amazingly Titanfall is getting a 360 port, but then its getting a PC one as well so its not like you NEED a One to play the game). Ps3 is still getting some really good games in spite of its successor being out. That tells me at least that a PS console is probably a better long term investment in terms of support.

- I wonder if MS has fully recovered from its disastrous reveal of the One last year, with the 180 months later due to consumer backlash. Is there a segment of people that believe over time, that MS will 180 on their 180 and slowly reintroduce the policies that so many spoke out about initially? There could be a trust factor here.

Overall, unless you are compelled to want access to every exclusive, with the majority of games being multi-platform nowadays its becoming less necessary to buy every console.
I have owned almost every console since I was about 13 years old. I had a ps3 and a Xbox last gen but gamed mostly on my 360 because of Halo and it's ease of use party and chat system for for my casual gaming buddies. I will get an Xbox one (maybe) once the price comes down. PS4 for now. With gaming on the PC taking over I feel like I only need one console.

Although I do own a WiiU, 3ds and a Vita.


I got the Xbox first the last two generations but the later years of 360, Xbox Live and Xbox One have killed my interest at the moment. Playstation exclusives and the controller have always made it second tier to me but the PS4 is starting to look more appealing.

I'll just stick to finishing off some 360 games, PC once I upgrade and get a PS4 first later and see how Xbox is going in a few years with a slim console, exclusive games and policy changes. Gaming time goes down by the year which makes jumping in a long slow game.


Microsoft have still got me... For now.
Killer Instict, Forza 5, Titanfall are the golden trio of launch window games for me. Best software out at the moment, shame about the hardware.

The moment Sony get their shit together and release a decent game or two I'll def make the switch.


a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

What? Remedy is the Quantic Dream of Microsoft that released one game last generation that was a MESS, and Insomniac is a third-party with more PS exclusives than Sunset Overdrive can shake a stick at.

This whole post wreaks of fanboyism because the general consensus is that PS>Xbox for exclusives.


Guilty as charged.

Xbox and 360 were my primary non-Nintendo consoles for years, only got into PS2 and PS3 late in their lifespan. Yet over the last few years something changed - Microsoft's predictable first party rotation year in and year out, the disappointment of Kinect 1.0 and the hard push surrounding it, a price hike for Gold which got me to cancel it outright, tone deaf PR, a UI that got more ad soaked with each update. The indie boom that was such an integral part of early era 360 had moved over to PC and neat initiatives like Game Room and XBLIG became afterthoughts swept under the rug.

Meanwhile Sony was proving the value of the PS+ system over time, investing in original GOTY contenders like Journey and TLOU late in the game, cutting back on the weird ads and hubris and making smart internal hires with a focus on winning back independent developers. After improving the controller (never been a Dualshock fan) and designing a sleek box with more powerful guts for less, not to mention the distasteful first few months of the Xbox One unveiling, the choice was pretty clear. I can afford an Xbox One and may own one someday, but the tables have most certainly turned for now.


If the Xbox One was as powerful as the PS4 and launched at the same price without Kinect then the mass exodus would not be happening.

I'm deserting my 360 for a PS4 because I never trusted their initial plan and fear they may revert to that option eventually. I don't care about the perceived "power" and odds are the general populace don't either.
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