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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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Junior Member
This whole post wreaks of fanboyism because the general consensus is that PS>Xbox for exclusives.

aside from his post. i do not think PS> Xbox in terms of exclusives. maybe Sony has better a first party studios, but in general. MS is securing big games left and right. and so far, MS got better exclusives that are out there compared to the PS4.

I will take KI, Titan Fall " Specially those 2 games", Forza, Ryse and Dead Rising 3 over Infamous,Resogun, Killzone and Knack any time any day. but then again, this is just my personal thinking and i am sure others might not agree on which is fine and i respect that.


To be fair for a long time the industry expectation was for the PS4 to have 4GB of fast RAM and MS must have figured their design with 8GB slower RAM plus eSRAM would be enough of a match (and it probably would have been).

Then Sony jumped to 8GB fast RAM late in the day and MS got caught out.

They should have delayed their launched and revised their hardware then. Sure it would have added to sunk costs but the fact is the box needs to last for at least 4-5 years.


23% of PS3 owners are picking Xbox One this gen vs 35% Xbox 360 owners picking PS4.

All this is for owners of both systems last gen. How many people had both last gen?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My perspective is that Microsoft should have prioritized a low price and backwards compatibility. I don't know if I buy the loyalty/conversion argument/strategy but there's really no network effect of 360 XBLG to Xbone that I can think of. My software doesn't carry over...so why would it matter?

I think the machine is just built for the wrong audience, and it is definitely built for the wrong audience at this stage of its lifecycle.

That said, PS4 is just a more appealing machine to the market in general and I think pointing at a few exclusives is sort of misguided.
And your proof is the fact that a handful of managers preferred the PS4 despite only allegedly having played the Xbox 360?

I'm sorry, did I come off like I was trying to prove something drastic? All I chimed in with was the fact that the gamers I worked with/know switched. Which is relative to the discussion.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I don't doubt it, but is a poll on Yahoo really a "report?"

From a site that considers Thief a "stellar addition" to the games coming out right now?

Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

Stronger line of developers? When Microsoft lets it's first party developers make the games they want to make call me.


I have been using it for over 5 years. I play Japanese shooting games, Side scrolling 2d platformer games and indie games with it. I know lots of people hate it but i have just got use to it.

Oh, I have no problem with the placement or the actual mold of the d-pad. My issues is that I can't reliably hit diagonals with it and I've owned one since November 2005. Hell, sometimes I can even hit left or right without the response being up or down. Taking apart the controller made it obvious why it was happening, it's a design flaw. I never tried the more recent 360 dpad that they made.


extra source of jiggaflops
I will take KI, Titan Fall " Specially those 2 games", Forza, Ryse and Dead Rising 3 over Infamous,Resogun, Killzone and Knack any time any day. but then again, this is just my personal thinking and i am sure others might not agree on which is fine and i respect that.
You can always group a few "exclusives" together and make any argument.

I'm sure I can find 5 PS4 "exclusives" that beat 4 Xbone "exclusives". It's meaningless and cherry picked.
I know a lot of people who decided before launch that they'll go with Playstation this time.
Not because of price or power but because of exclusives.
Especially the recent years were pretty lame in terms of exclusives on the 360 and pretty good on Ps3.

I think many customers aren't as short sighted as you might think. Microsoft had the better launch window exclusives, but the gen is going to last for several years and people just have more faith in Sonys 1st party department I think.


Must be the price point because I couldn't think of a real reason why someone would make the switch given Sony's upcoming lineup.


Junior Member
My perspective is that Microsoft should have prioritized a low price and backwards compatibility. I don't know if I buy the loyalty/conversion argument/strategy but there's really no network effect of 360 XBLG to Xbone that I can think of. My software doesn't carry over...so why would it matter?

your Gamer Tag and your friends carry over. so maybe that what it matters ?

i do agree with you that Backwards compatibility kills the whole purpose of loyaly. and i think that is a stupid move by both MS and Sony.

there is a reason why many people buy Android and IOS games. even if they upgrade their Phone / Tablet or whatever, their games will still play. same goes for PC.

Tommy DJ

Must be the price point because I couldn't think of a real reason why someone would make the switch given Sony's upcoming lineup.

How many people really own multiple consoles? If you were going to buy one, many would pick the PS4 because its cheaper and it plays most third party games quantifiable better.


Must be the price point because I couldn't think of a real reason why someone would make the switch given Sony's upcoming lineup.

The lineups op the Xbone and PS4 are largely identical to the average consumer. It's the third-party multiplats that sell and those look and run better on the cheaper platform.

And please enlighten us all about the stready flow of exclusive blockbusters Microsoft will be providing in the coming months.


My perspective is that Microsoft should have prioritized a low price and backwards compatibility. I don't know if I buy the loyalty/conversion argument/strategy but there's really no network effect of 360 XBLG to Xbone that I can think of. My software doesn't carry over...so why would it matter?

For me, from all the MS reveals, no backwards compatibility for XB One was the most suprising for me. With Cell, no BC for PS4 was pretty clear.

From alle the Systems, the XB One would have benefitted the most (really strong community/ lot of friends etc) of BC.


I switched from 360 to PS4 this gen. Everything about what Sony did just felt so right. MS wasn't doing enough to warrant paying $100 for their console, so I switched sides. Loving my PS4.


My friends (casuals) are soon to take the plunge on PS4 after having 360's. There's been no talk on the bone though.


Neo Member
That describes me too. :)

I would be more than happy to own an Xbox One if I wasn't forced to pay an extra hundred bucks for a device that I really don't want. I don't care whether it is actually a neat piece of tech or not, even game developers don't have any interest in it.

My friends from Xbox Live are all split now which sucks... Half came to PlayStation and half either haven't bought a next-gen console yet or they bought an Xbox One.

As soon as MS remove the Kinect and reduce the price appropriately, I'll probably pick one up.
When you have the entire GameStop manager's conference chanting "SONY', what would you call it?

If what you say is true, I'd call it smart business. Why wouldn't they side with Sony when between them and Microsoft, they were still in favor of trading physical discs? Do you expect them to treat a company who's policies would hurt Gamestop's business objectively? Come on, son. That's not moneyhatting, that's surviving.


Maybe because people know that most games (ie. Multiplats) will almost always run better?
I don't think the masses know or care about that but the 399 has to be a big factor imo. I just bought a second ps4 for my living room because the price is great for what you're getting.
The lineups op the Xbone and PS4 are largely identical to the average consumer. It's the third-party multiplats that sell and those look and run better on the cheaper platform.

And please enlighten us all about the stready flow of exclusive blockbusters Microsoft will be providing in the coming months.

Why even entertain his arguments. He's a fly by poster with tries to be unbiased but dude is clearly biased.
I don't get this argument. Microsoft have spent millions on Call of duty marketing, and timed exclusive DLC and it still ends up getting almost sales on PlayStation.

If you take that into a consideration, neither Sony have that much amount of money for marketing and neither they have any sort of timed exclusive DLC. And don't forget most of the Bungie fans should be on Xbox.

Bottom line, Destiny will just be a slightly higher on PS4 and mostly due to performance advantage.
hmmm call of duty sold more on 360 most of this generation.. The timed exclusives first dlc and marketing played a role in that. That situation is reversed for this gen from the makers of halo. Beta comes first on ps4, dlc comes first, game will be marketing with sony ps4, might even have the superior version, don't see why you're downplaying the advantages, it could very well sell significantly better on ps4...


MS poisoned the well with the Kinect.

They showed they don't care about catering a specific audience, and would abandon 'the core' the second they saw an opportunity elsewhere. It planted the seed that they couldn't be trusted to provide a consistent focus for an audience, then all the anti-consumer DRM crap gave further evidence to support that stance, and ironically the final nail in the coffin is when they caved. It showed not only did they have justification for their policies, but that they are still willing to abandon all ground work for an audience in an instant.

A lot of people vilify MS for this stuff, but Sony is doing the same thing, they all just want our undivided gaming budget, they're no 'nicer' than MS. They're just doing a better job at asking for it, and have a better history of sticking to an audience.

I don't think the price is the big thing, Sony cleaned up in Europe last generation with a much bigger price, and shipping eighteen months after MS. People are fully willing to pay more, if they believe it's supporting a better ecosystem I think.


That was me till Friday. Had 360, ps3, and wii last gen and ps4 and wii u this time around. I sold all my consoles and games except for the ps4 and got enough that the xbox one was free. Only reason I bought one now. Otherwise I would of waited for a price drop.


I don't think the masses know or care about that but the 399 has to be a big factor imo. I just bought a second ps4 for my living room because the price is great for what you're getting.

Yeah alot of my friends that are casual gamers have mentioned the price point as a reason they aren't getting an Xbox One. But at the same time, I know more people IRL that have Xbones rather than PS4. It's really early in the gen though, I'm sure that will change.
aside from his post. i do not think PS> Xbox in terms of exclusives. maybe Sony has better a first party studios, but in general. MS is securing big games left and right. and so far, MS got better exclusives that are out there compared to the PS4.

I will take KI, Titan Fall " Specially those 2 games", Forza, Ryse and Dead Rising 3 over Infamous,Resogun, Killzone and Knack any time any day. but then again, this is just my personal thinking and i am sure others might not agree on which is fine and i respect that.

If KI, Forza and Ryse represent your idea of a good direction for MS this gen then I die a little inside.

It's not just a simple question of quantity. It's the types of games that MS funds for Xbox now and historically. There's no risk taking or originality in their portfolio.

Recently from Sony we have had Puppeteer, Rain, TLOU, Beyond. Ok, not all of those are great games. But at least they are funding originality, or more accurately, appearing to foster some kind of creativity in the industry.

With MS you know what you are going to get - a rather soulless array of shooters, racing games and action games.

Tommy DJ

Of course they know about the performance difference. Shit, even my mum knows. She doesn't understand it but she just knows that the PS4 is a better performing gaming machine.

People learn these things from osmosis. If they know a nerd, they would have heard about 720P-gate or something similar.


If what you say is true, I'd call it smart business. Why wouldn't they side with Sony when between them and Microsoft, they were still in favor of trading physical discs? Do you expect them to treat a company who's policies would hurt Gamestop's business objectively? Come on, son. That's not moneyhatting, that's surviving.
This is true. Why side with someone who's systems sole design was to destroy your business?


Neo Member
I'm deserting my 360 for a PS4 because I never trusted their initial plan and fear they may revert to that option eventually. I don't care about the perceived "power" and odds are the general populace don't either.

This is what made me switch my main platform (I still own both though). The recent outage on TitanFall's launch day when I was locked out of using my box I've had for months hammered home the point and solidified the XBone as my 'secondary' machine.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't think the masses know or care about that but the 399 has to be a big factor imo. I just bought a second ps4 for my living room because the price is great for what you're getting.

I dunno, I think this assumes "the masses" are really uninformed and I think that strategy usually blows up in people's faces.


Good. The Xbox one is by far the worst console I ever had the displeasure of owning and I owned a jaguar.

I just hope it suffers the same fate.


That's good.

I picked up shadowfall last week, saw the steelbook version really cheap so thought why not, and it's working fine now, it might have been a problem nearer launch but I wouldn't know.

I don't think the masses know or care about that but the 399 has to be a big factor imo. I just bought a second ps4 for my living room because the price is great for what you're getting.

In my anecdotal experience "the masses" know, they don't know the differences between the games, they couldn't tell you that NBA2k14 has a better AA solution on PS4 or that Tomb Raider has a higher framerate and better Cutscene resolution, but the general Idea that PS4 multiplats are better is certainly out there.


I don't think the masses know or care about that but the 399 has to be a big factor imo. I just bought a second ps4 for my living room because the price is great for what you're getting.

Many of the casuals I know are fully aware that the ps4 is more powerful and runs the games they like better. Price is obviously hugely important, but not the only factor.
Too late he got £400 for it iirc.

But this is the problem - at release, and now still, the TV features are poor unless you live in the US. No excuse for releasing the Xbone in such a way in the UK.

The only thing I can think is that the xbox os really did come in as hot and late as CBOAT/Thuway were suggesting, which meant no time at all to test with EU tv channel listings and so on. Still can't believe it's taken so long myself :(
A survey of 1,727 readers revealed that 35% of gamers who owned both the Xbox 360 and PS3 have opted to purchase a PlayStation 4 while only 23% bought an Xbox One.

So you take 1,727 and strip out the single console owners or those who do not own one and keep only those who own both the PS3 and X360. That most likely takes the sample size to between 170-340 people.

Of that remaining sample, 35% went PS4 (somewhere around 60-120 respondents) and 23% Xone (39-78 respondents).

Which means that the range of error in the survey shows that there really is no statistically significant difference between the two, especially not enough of one to have that thread title.

Sure has brought out the confirmation bias though.

Not saying it couldn't be true, but I don't think this data set allows for such blanket statements.

23% of PS3 owners are picking Xbox One this gen vs 35% Xbox 360 owners picking PS4.

All this is for owners of both systems last gen. How many people had both last gen?

Right, anyone who has taken Stats 101 should be able to see through this for what it really is.


Sounds like me as well. Only owned a 360 last gen but after E3 last year I was only gonna go for PS4. I doubt I'll pick up a bone this gen.
For the sake of full disclosure, yes, Sony has a good track record of exclusives for my general taste. Off the top of my head, I can't recall a MS exclusive I've been interested in between Gears 1 and Killer Instinct. Edit: Ah yeah, I remember. I needed a 360 for some JRPGs and Mass Effect 1.

But in general, I buy pretty much any console with games on it I like. There's plenty to bitch about in regards to all consoles and the companies behind them, but games are games.

Even though I didn't plan on it at all initially, we ended up buying an XB1 in late December to play Killer Instinct and DR3, since those were pretty much the best 8th gen launch games not called Resogun. Costco had a 90 day return policy. Returned it in late February, got a PS4 in time for inFamous.

Whenever a price drop hits and there are more exclusives I'd actually be interested in, we'll get another Xbox. Miss KI already :p

I'm buying all the consoles when its all said and done.

Pretty much. The only true barrier is the real one - income :p
Good. The Xbox one is by far the worst console I ever had the displeasure of owning and I owned a jaguar.

I just hope it suffers the same fate.

I bought a Jag at launch, and I have a hard time seeing how any other console has done it worse than Atari did that machine and its owners and I've owned practically every home console that has released in the last twenty-five years. Comparing X1 to that is ridiculous.


Bgr news cracks me up. I read yahoo daily and bgr is their game division or something because a bgr story is usually on the front page. I knew the Xbox was in serious trouble because yahoo us pretty mainstream and bgr takes a big shit on Microsoft all the time. May as we'll be sdf.com.
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