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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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Xbox 360 only owner for the entire generation, bought a PS3 nine months ago, PS4 last month, other than Telltale games and perhaps 360 Titanfall (will wait on reviews), I'm now firmly in the Sony camp.


Felium Defensor
Embrace the change baby, let them step they game up...she said. Feel like it applies here as well.
I just wanted a change. Got bored of the UI on the 360 and buying a new console with the same IP's and interface didn't interest me this time round.

The fact the PS4 is cheaper and more powerful is just a bonus.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Man, I couldn't imagine being in a world where I completely ignore an entire system because of the controller and possibly the games I've never played (because the controller).

Can someone tell me the difference between the online infrastructure between Sony and Microsoft. Last time I checked, BF4 runs like crap on both of them.

Tbh, I can't get behind the logic. I'm sorry, I just truthfully can't.

The controller is the most important part of playing a game, how do you not understand not having an interest in a system by not liking the input device? It's not like I woke up one day and said that I don't like the DS4 - I have used the PS1, PS2 and PS3 controllers, as well as the PSP.

Regardless of the controller, I also have no interest in the exclusives - I'm not going to discuss opinions since that's just a waste of time. For example, me having a love for Ninja Gaiden makes having God of War or Heavenly Sword obsolete because they don't appeal to me gameplay-wise, same as Halo/Gears vs. Killzone. Guess you'll have to just accept that.

If you're bringing up BF4, then you don't know what I mean with online infrastructure. I'm talking XBL vs PSN, namely party chats, invites, friend lists, messaging via Xbox.com, updates that are always on time at the same time, automatic patching that happens in a matter of seconds by just booting up the game for every game, etc. Battlefield 4 being garbage on every platform has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.


I haven't bought either of the new consoles.

Regardless of how much more powerful the PS4 is, it still retains why I don't care for the PS consoles anyways - I don't like controller, the online infrastructure or the exclusives. Since I'm not down with paying more for a weaker system, I'm waiting for a big price drop plus whenever a few of the big games I'm waiting for come out to pick up the Xbox One.

I'm sure that there are quite a few others in that boat as well.

Whats wrong with the DS4? The online infrastructure works like a charm. How can you say you dont like Sony exclusives? Why would you purchase an Xbone when MS basically says fuck you Netherlands.

Looking at what you posted above me and im baffled. Quite a lot of ignorance of how PS4 works. Online infrastructure seems better on ps4. Have you seen Infamous SS? Halo4 sucked balls, and I agree that killzone is no Halo, its still a lot of fun.

I LOVE ninja Gaiden but that doesnt mean god of war isnt a cool game lol...
I do not have many gamer friends, but one of my close pals bought an Xbox One and intended to use it as a media hub and watch TV through it.

Then he hooked it up and found that in the UK the output refresh rate doesn't match the input refresh rate causing godawful motion stutter when trying to watch TV. Which amongst the bare bone UK TV features, was the biggest issue for him.

So he put it on Ebay and he is now buying a PS4.



Naughty Dog
Studio Santa Monica
Team Ico
Sucker Punch
Media Molecule
Depends on your tastes, I would take a Remedy game over any of those studios.

Of course Remedy games always make their way to pc eventually and I don't care about other Microsoft Xbox One exclusives so I'm not bothering with an Xbox One (or a PS4 for that matter since I don't care about any of Sony's exclusives).


Skiloton I think you are going to be disappointed with the XB1 online experience if you are used to 360. It isn't really like it and is a couple steps back. Instead of being a cohesive experience it feels like a bunch of apps glued together. It is a little weird.

PS4 online is closer to 360 now.
I did try the DS4 and yes it is Sonys best ever controller, I have played on the PS1 and PS2 controllers in the past and just didn't like them. I hate all the d-pads on Sonys devices but i will give credit they improved them slightly with the Vita and DS4. I love that they added triggers to the DS4 and yes i wish they would move the sicks but that will never happen.

This will make me sound like a fanboy and insane but i still prefer the Xbox 360 D-pad and the overall controller in every way.

Nintendo have the best D-Pads around no questions. Be the Wii mote or the classic controller just beautiful D-Pads for me anyway its just MY preference.
Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

Not having a bunch of consoles around...

Not lining ms policy or company as a whole...

Don't have time to play 50 new games a year, one good console and a PC is more than enough for many


Im not talking about the people who cant afford it. Im talking about the people who can yet they dont. And im not talking about multiplats games, im obviously talking about exclusives. I mean, sticking yourself with xbox wont let you experience a beautiful game like TLOU. Sticking yourself with playstation wont let you experience a beautiful game like Halo. Not to forget Nintendo's amazing platform games.

This is true, but if you are buying a console JUST for exclusives, it makes a ton more sense to wait until the end of the console cycle and get it then, by which point it will have hopefully amassed a library of said exclusives that are worth buying a console for. Absolutely no reason to adopt early for the sake of 1 or 2 exclusives and "future potential" because all you are doing is paying more for a console you will use infinitely less.

That's my plan anyway. Buy an xbone in 4 or 5 years time when it's like £250 with a free game, and all those past exclusives can be found for 3 quid on ebay.


No, I haven't tried it.

Even at a glance, I still won't like the symmetrical sticks, the way the "triggers" are even though they are changed, and the d-pad. I would have to hold the stick to see if it still feels too light, and doesn't fit well in my hand, or still cramps my thumb after a few minutes of using the d-pad.

And this is your problem. It is completely different from the DS3 but it seems you are far past listening.


The controller is the most important part of playing a game, how do you not understand not having an interest in a system by not liking the input device? It's not like I woke up one day and said that I don't like the DS4 - I have used the PS1, PS2 and PS3 controllers, as well as the PSP.

Regardless of the controller, I also have no interest in the exclusives - I'm not going to discuss opinions since that's just a waste of time. For example, me having a love for Ninja Gaiden makes having God of War or Heavenly Sword obsolete because they don't appeal to me gameplay-wise, same as Halo/Gears vs. Killzone. Guess you'll have to just accept that.

If you're bringing up BF4, then you don't know what I mean with online infrastructure. I'm talking XBL vs PSN, namely party chats, invites, friend lists, messaging via Xbox.com, updates that are always on time at the same time, automatic patching that happens in a matter of seconds by just booting up the game for every game, etc. Battlefield 4 being garbage on every platform has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Right now PSN is currently superior to the XB1 in nearly all of those things, the most prominent being Party chat (there's been a lot of discussion on XB1 parties) and regarding the patching, it seems to be vastly superior on PS4 right now too. Most of your reasoning is regarding PS3 vs. 360 and it's simply not like that anymore.


I did try the DS4 and yes it is Sonys best ever controller, I have played on the PS1 and PS2 controllers in the past and just didn't like them. I hate all the d-pads on Sonys devices but i will give credit they improved them slightly with the Vita and DS4. I love that they added triggers to the DS4 and yes i wish they would move the sicks but that will never happen.

This will make me sound like a fanboy and insane but i still prefer the Xbox 360 D-pad and the overall controller in every way.

Nintendo have the best D-Pads around no questions. Be the Wii mote or the classic controller just beautiful D-Pads for me anyway its just MY preference.

There are PS4 pads with the 360 stick layout though.


The tag didn't come from loving Xbox unconditionally, it came from pointing out to a mod how childish it was to be fighting wars for electronic toys with the Xbot/Sonybot bullshit. At least some of GAF has grown up a bit since 2005, keyword being some.

No, I haven't tried it.

Even at a glance, I still won't like the symmetrical sticks, the way the "triggers" are even though they are changed, and the d-pad. I would have to hold the stick to see if it still feels too light, and doesn't fit well in my hand, or still cramps my thumb after a few minutes of using the d-pad.

I've had a similar opinion as you regarding the dualshock controllers but the DS4 really is comfortable. It doesn't feel cheap, it's bigger so it feels better for those with bigger hands like me, the d-pad isn't uncomfortable to travel between directions, the triggers feel like actual triggers, and the sticks are further apart and feel better as well. Honestly, I have few complaints with the DS4, with the battery life really being the only major one.

As for your other concerns about the Playstation, PSN is much improved over what we had on the PS3. Party chat works great and I haven't had any issues playing with my friends. I'm not really sure how you can have an issue with exclusives when we don't know what they are yet. Sure we'll have new Uncharted, GT, and possibly GoW games, but both MS and Sony introduce new IP every generation. So there may be something that fits your taste coming from Sony yet. Plus wasn't there that Famitsu article about a surge of exclusive development for the PS4? That's sure to produce some good games.

I agree with you regarding the stupid wars over electronics. IMO too many people let the box decide their opinion about the games. I care about the games, the box is mostly irrelevant to me, which is why I had no issue switching from the 360 last gen to the PS4 this gen. It's also a bonus that I won't have to worry whether or not my version of a multi-platform title will turn out worse than the others. That's one of the main reasons I couldn't use the PS3 last gen as a main console and can't do the same with the Xbox one this gen. Why settle for the lesser version when I plan to own both consoles.


I did try the DS4 and yes it is Sonys best ever controller, I have played on the PS1 and PS2 controllers in the past and just didn't like them. I hate all the d-pads on Sonys devices but i will give credit they improved them slightly with the Vita and DS4. I love that they added triggers to the DS4 and yes i wish they would move the sicks but that will never happen.

This will make me sound like a fanboy and insane but i still prefer the Xbox 360 D-pad and the overall controller in every way.

Nintendo have the best D-Pads around no questions. Be the Wii mote or the classic controller just beautiful D-Pads for me anyway its just MY preference.

The 360 D-pad? Like, for playing games?

On topic: I owned all consoles last Gen (and the Gen before) and the 360 was my main console but I switched to PS4 for obvious reasons. I'll pick up an XO this year but it's only for exclusives, basically a complete role reversal from last time.


My reports show thanks to the janky performance of bf4 I have not turned on my ps4 since I beat tomb raider. Garden Warfare and Titianfall get all my time...
I do not have many gamer friends, but one of my close pals bought an Xbox One and intended to use it as a media hub and watch TV through it.

Then he hooked it up and found that in the UK the output refresh rate doesn't match the input refresh rate causing godawful motion stutter when trying to watch TV. Which amongst the bare bone UK TV features, was the biggest issue for him.

So he put it on Ebay and he is now buying a PS4.

Has he sold it yet? Tv issue is totally fixed http://www.itproportal.com/2014/03/...-for-the-xbox-one-introduces-50hz-judder-fix/

and support for uk tv guide is coming


I personally think that if MS don't hit a specific number of consoles sold by a certain date they will sell the brand or axe it.
The whole system reminds me of a company that have no idea what I want or need.
The iPad changed everything to the detriment of the home console, I don't know who I hate the most, Apple or Microsoft.
Whats wrong with the DS4? The online infrastructure works like a charm. How can you say you dont like Sony exclusives? Why would you purchase an Xbone when MS basically says fuck you Netherlands

Shhh it's still 2007, psn is laggy, sixaxis has no vibrations, no gamez, no in-game xm... oh shit.
I own both next gen consoles and so far all the multi platform titles I've bought are for the PS4 while last gen 95% of my multi titles were bought for the Xbox 360. Only have Ryse and Dead Rising 3 for Xbox One so far.

At the end of the day I buy games for the system that looks and plays the smoothest. Only problem I have is the controller. I love the DS4 but I got used to playing so much with the 360 controller that I'm having issues adjusting to DS4 for multiplayer FPS games. Now if I could play my Xbox controller on the PS4 than I would get the best of both worlds.
Skiloton I think you are going to be disappointed with the XB1 online experience if you are used to 360. It isn't really like it and is a couple steps back. Instead of being a cohesive experience it feels like a bunch of apps glued together. It is a little weird.

PS4 online is closer to 360 now.
I think Thuway has said they are thankfully reverting the xbo system to more like the 360 i.e. part of the OS. Crazy that they didn't do it that way to start with IMO.


My friends who just had 360s last gen just have refused to buy either. xbox is too expensive (and they still think there are used game problems) and ps4 they want cheaper too because they are still paying for live and don't want to pay for two subs.
The controller is the most important part of playing a game, how do you not understand not having an interest in a system by not liking the input device? It's not like I woke up one day and said that I don't like the DS4 - I have used the PS1, PS2 and PS3 controllers, as well as the PSP.

Regardless of the controller, I also have no interest in the exclusives - I'm not going to discuss opinions since that's just a waste of time. For example, me having a love for Ninja Gaiden makes having God of War or Heavenly Sword obsolete because they don't appeal to me gameplay-wise, same as Halo/Gears vs. Killzone. Guess you'll have to just accept that.

If you're bringing up BF4, then you don't know what I mean with online infrastructure. I'm talking XBL vs PSN, namely party chats, invites, friend lists, messaging via Xbox.com, updates that are always on time at the same time, automatic patching that happens in a matter of seconds by just booting up the game for every game, etc. Battlefield 4 being garbage on every platform has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Oh please. So you'd ignore the game because there's an alternate that isn't that much better. Wtf!? Ninja Gaiden isn't exclusive to Xbox either. And God of War, Heavenly Sword and Killzone aren't the only Sony exclusives but seeing what you compared them to, I see where your head is at. Typical...

Patching seems to work fine on PS4, in fact faster and better than the XB1. Party Chat works perfectly fine on PS4, so does Invites and all the 2007 BS your still on when it comes to "online infrastructure". So stop. This is 2014 not 2007. We are far passed the BS arguments about what the PS3 couldn't do technically because of the way it was built. The online portion of it was always fine.

And besides, you DONT have to play with a PS controller as there are alternative out there that you can play with the system. The controller is a damn excuse and so is picking an choosing the games that you haven't tried just because of the couple you didn't like. What kind of logic is that? I would understand if you played ALL of them but if you didn't.. I mean how can you even have an opinion on what you haven't touched.


Nothing! I said nothing!
Right now PSN is currently superior to the XB1 in nearly all of those things, the most prominent being Party chat (there's been a lot of discussion on XB1 parties) and regarding the patching, it seems to be vastly superior on PS4 right now too. Most of your reasoning is regarding PS3 vs. 360 and it's simply not like that anymore.

But yet a lot of people can't play its biggest selling game online which is first party because of lag. This seems to be glossed over constantly.
My friends who just had 360s last gen just have refused to buy either. xbox is too expensive (and they still think there are used game problems) and ps4 they want cheaper too because they are still paying for live and don't want to pay for two subs.

uk or other? Does the titanfall bundle help, they can keep live and price is much more acceptable now imo
The 360 was never my primary console, but I did go from owning both an Xbox and Playstation to likely only owning one for this generation.

But yet a lot of people can't play its biggest selling game online which is first party because of lag. This seems to be glossed over constantly.
What's happening with Killzone?


I own both next gen consoles and so far all the multi platform titles I've bought are for the PS4 while last gen 95% of my multi titles were bought for the Xbox 360. Only have Ryse and Dead Rising 3 for Xbox One so far.

At the end of the day I buy games for the system that looks and plays the smoothest. Only problem I have is the controller. I love the DS4 but I got used to playing so much with the 360 controller that I'm having issues adjusting to DS4 for multiplayer FPS games. Now if I could play my Xbox controller on the PS4 than I would get the best of both worlds.

There are adapters to do this on PS360 and the teams working on them have it working internally on PS4/XB1 too. So it will be possible in the not too distant future.

But yet a lot of people can't play its biggest selling game online which is first party because of lag. This seems to be glossed over constantly.

I don't know what your talking about but if it's KZ:SF it seems fine to me...care to elaborate?


I have owned all consoles except Wii U. But the most memorable times in last gen was playing Halo, Gears with my buddies. I have spent countless hours playing campaign, multiplayer again and again. Nothing can replace Microsoft exclusives at least for me.

I bought PS3 for Uncharted, Heavy Rain, TLOU and Infamous series. Have played all those games and its collecting dust since then. Will buy Infamous for PS4 but again after 15-20hr it will be a history. No doubt it will be a great game like other Sony IP but replay value is just isn't there for me when it comes to Sony first party games. Even today I can boot up Halo 3 and enjoy the crap out of it. Now looking at Titanfall exclusivity, Halo, Gears coming. I think it will be same for me this gen as well. 1000s of hours on Xbox will be spent. Already played 14hrs of Titanfall in a week lol

So I don't know how Sony will satisfy people who bought Xbox for Halo, Gears and Forza and now switched to PS4.
Im not talking about the people who cant afford it. Im talking about the people who can yet they dont. And im not talking about multiplats games, im obviously talking about exclusives. I mean, sticking yourself with xbox wont let you experience a beautiful game like TLOU. Sticking yourself with playstation wont let you experience a beautiful game like Halo. Not to forget Nintendo's amazing platform games.
Did you buy a PS3 for $600? I sure as hell didn't.

Microsoft decided to put emphasis on Kinect (which many gamers gave a shot on 360, but were usually disappointed) and TV (which is neat but auxilliary to gaming), which drove up the cost. Sony went for the jugular. They put together a more technically able box at a significantly lower price and a significantly better subscription service—PS4 owners with PS+ have received 5 free games by now, with several others hugely discounted, Xbox One owners still can't watch Netflix or even chat with a group of friends without Gold.

I was a big 360 fan, mostly because of Bungie and Halo. I purchased 7 new Xbox 360 consoles from 2006 thru 2012. Then Bungie emancipated themselves in 2007, divorcing from the Halo franchise at the end of Q1 2011. Microsoft sent a handful of people to start fucking with Halo: Reach. They played at "updating" the game, and then just abandoned it, leaving it a mess, moving on to the supposedly bigger and brighter Halo 4 future. Then Halo 4 sent the franchise into a nosedive. Then I read about "the exciting future of Xbox" on Microsoft's own website, which insultingly made it sound like it was a priviledge to play the games I've purchased. It was there I decided I was done, and no quick fix would ever get me back. Sony worked really hard to get the PS3 in a state where I would want it, Microsoft is just going to have to do the same now.

Certainly describes me and my friends.
7 of my close friends made the same decision. The irony is that this planning took place on the Xbox 360's party chat.
Seems like the survey should have asked gamers who only owned 1 console last generation. If a gamer owned both last generation, I think more than likely at some point they would do that this gen. According to the survey 42% still haven't made the jump yet. Pretty decent number.
I have owned all consoles except Wii U. But the most memorable times in last gen was playing Halo, Gears with my buddies. I have spent countless hours playing campaign, multiplayer again and again. Nothing can replace Microsoft exclusives at least for me.

I bought PS3 for Uncharted, Heavy Rain, TLOU and Infamous series. Have played all those games and its collecting dust since then. Will buy Infamous for PS4 but again after 15-20hr it will be a history. No doubt it will be a great game like other Sony IP but replay value is just isn't there for me when it comes to Sony first party games. Even today I can boot up Halo 3 and enjoy the crap out of it. Now looking at Titanfall exclusivity, Halo, Gears coming. I think it will be same for me this gen as well. 1000s of hours on Xbox will be spent. Already played 14hrs of Titanfall in a week lol

So I don't know how Sony will satisfy people who bought Xbox for Halo, Gears and Forza and now switched to PS4.

Good points though, ms will ways have some loyal customers because of those games, it just might get a bit smaller. Seriously though destiny really looks pretty much like halo. The movement the shooting the art style it might seriously eat into that demographic is the marketing and awareness of who made it is.


The 360 was never my primary console, but I did go from owning both an Xbox and Playstation to likely only owning one for this generation.

What's happening with Killzone?

Nothing. It did have problems for a weekend, but it's been long fixed and the online runs really well.

Party chat and joining friends also works perfectly. ;)


PS+ and commitment to first-party games paid off big time for Sony.

$399 and more powerful hardware just makes it a no-brainer.


Sounds about right. My primary console of last gen was the Xbox 360. Loved it. All my buddies were there, party chat was awesome, multiplat games were mostly always better, etc.

But after the horrible reveal the Xbox One had, and then the following horrible months,it was too easy to make the decision.

And right now I have zero desire to own an Xbox One. Price, maybe only one game I want, hate Kinect, multiplats are in favor for PS4, usually in resolution, etc.


Most of these converts would "swing" back when the next Gears and Halo are released.

I just hope they enjoy paying around $90 for being able to play online as multi-console owners or PS would lose quite a few subscribers down the line.
Yeah, I switched this gen. I actually switched in 2011 or so when it became obvious that the focus was drifting to kinect and TV and sports.


I have a Gaming PC and PS4. That makes the Xbone completely redundant to me.

I have the money to buy one right now, but why would I? I have more great games to play than I have free time as is.
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