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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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If what you say is true, I'd call it smart business. Why wouldn't they side with Sony when between them and Microsoft, they were still in favor of trading physical discs? Do you expect them to treat a company who's policies would hurt Gamestop's business objectively? Come on, son. That's not moneyhatting, that's surviving.

This is true. Why side with someone who's systems sole design was to destroy your business?

Well of course that had to do with it but the conference was long after MS backpedaled and it helps getting a free system and 6 games. (The employees didn't know about their free One until the meeting itself)


Junior Member
You can always group a few "exclusives" together and make any argument.

I'm sure I can find 5 PS4 "exclusives" that beat 4 Xbone "exclusives". It's meaningless and cherry picked.

If KI, Forza and Ryse represent your idea of a good direction for MS this gen then I die a little inside.

It's not just a simple question of quantity. It's the types of games that MS funds for Xbox now and historically. There's no risk taking or originality in their portfolio.

Recently from Sony we have had Puppeteer, Rain, TLOU, Beyond. Ok, not all of those are great games. But at least they are funding originality, or more accurately, appearing to foster some kind of creativity in the industry.

With MS you know what you are going to get - a rather soulless array of shooters, racing games and action games.

i wasn't picking exclusives or starting a list war or anything. i was just agreeing with the person i quoted about what he said lol.

and yeah i agree with both of you too


I don't doubt it, but is a poll on Yahoo really a "report?"

From a site that considers Thief a "stellar addition" to the games coming out right now?

Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).


Joke post?

I mean, comparing a B-tier developer like Insomniac to anything Sony has under their 1st party is just... lol
And then there's remedy... lol
The lineups op the Xbone and PS4 are largely identical to the average consumer. It's the third-party multiplats that sell and those look and run better on the cheaper platform.

And please enlighten us all about the stready flow of exclusive blockbusters Microsoft will be providing in the coming months.

The average consumer only cares about price. Not which version runs at what frame-rate, not sure if they even know what that is.


Yup, former 360 owner who really did plan on an xbone until a friend talked sense into me. Glad I switched too. I'm agnostic and fickle but loyal ;) Microsoft really should have came out with the xbone last gen or even just a few years sooner. Back then I had cable now I'm streaming online so what, 50-60% of the xbone features are meaningless to me. Kinect would be cool if it did anything besides voice garbage I will never use. I liked the first Kinect but I got a free one late in its life. Sony doesn't have much for its camera but Playroom is a neat distraction. So at the end of the day, features like HDMI passthrough, DVR, NFL, and Kinect voice are all a waste of my money. Sorry Microsoft but Sony is more in tune with my gaming needs. Oh and they reward me with games in return for my Plus money. Was a paying Live customer for over half a decade and got two free games that were old, thanks it shows you care.


Its only a strong launch line up if you consider 4 of the 5 launchgames were slated to be released on 360.


In my anecdotal experience "the masses" know, they don't know the differences between the games, they couldn't tell you that NBA2k14 has a better AA solution on PS4 or that Tomb Raider has a higher framerate and better Cutscene resolution, but the general Idea that PS4 multiplats are better is certainly out there.

Yeah, I don't think they understand any details, but many of them get a general idea.


It's always great to let companies know you'll purchase whatever they put out, regardless of quality. Do you own a 3D0? How about a Virtual Boy? Maybe you do have "borders".
What's wrong with owning a Virtual Boy? I'd love to own a Virtual Boy! It seems like an interesting conversation piece. Like taxidermy of a cow's butt.
Must be the price point because I couldn't think of a real reason why someone would make the switch given Sony's upcoming lineup.
I think the tarnished reputation - and not simply from the X1 reveal - plays a significant role here. It's not so much "Sony can do no wrong!" as it is "Ewwww, Xbox One? No thanks. I guess I'll get PS4 since I want muh Black Ops 3". And in the same way, it's not so much "Infamous Second Son?!??! OMG! Gotta buy right now!" as it is "Um, Forza? Another gritty shooter? Kinect? Zombies? Eh, this is what they've spoon-fed me for the last half-decade. Can't I have something new?"

When people buy a new console, they look back and say "how did this company treat me last time around?". That's part of why the Wii-U failed to gain any traction (people looked back and noticed that Nintendo completely abandoned the Wii Sports/Mario Kart crowd mid-2010.)


King Snowflake
I bought a PS4 first, but that is because it launched a week early. I would have done PS4 only if I wasn't such a moron who needed to own every console.


I was 98% Xbox 360 last gen. Tons of retail and Live Arcade games. Now I'm all in on PS4 with no plans to buy an xb1 until they come out with something new. Titanfall being significantly better on PC really cemented that.

I can't imagine paying over $300 for an xb1. Outside of Dead Rising the exclusives don't really pull me in.


I think the tarnished reputation - and not simply from the X1 reveal - plays a significant role here. It's not so much "Sony can do no wrong!" as it is "Ewwww, Xbox One? No thanks. I guess I'll get PS4 since I want muh Black Ops 3". And in the same way, it's not so much "Infamous Second Son?!??! OMG! Gotta buy right now!" as it is "Um, Forza? Another gritty shooter? Kinect? Zombies? Eh, this is what they've spoon-fed me for the last half-decade. Can't I have something new?"

When people buy a new console, they look back and say "how did this company treat me last time around?". That's part of why the Wii-U failed to gain any traction (people looked back and noticed that Nintendo completely abandoned the Wii Sports/Mario Kart crowd mid-2010.)
This was actually a well thought out post and I can actually see this happening.


The average consumer only cares about price. Not which version runs at what frame-rate, not sure if they even know what that is.

Word spreads fast about what's the "console to get".
Even if specific technical details go over the heads of the non-techie customer, he probably has caught wind of the drama and negativity surrounding the Bone ever since it's first reveal.

And if his gaming friends, who do know, pick up PS4's, he's certainly not going to buck the trend and be the one sticking with the Xbox One.
Price is just one of the factors at play. The mindshare and surrounding negativity surrounding the Xbox One weigh in a lot heavier than you'd imagine.


I agree Microsoft screwed up their message to gamers but the console has some fun exclusives right now. Specs dont mean everything . If your main factor is to go where the games are then the xbox one is the place to go right now. I was a die hard 360 owner who had the ps3 for exclusives but this gen i purchased the ps4 to have it die on me 2 times. I didnt get the xbx1 mainly due to i was waiting for titan fall .which is changing this week. but in anycase my 4 yr old pc >ps4>xbx1


Gold Member
If KI, Forza and Ryse represent your idea of a good direction for MS this gen then I die a little inside.

It's not just a simple question of quantity. It's the types of games that MS funds for Xbox now and historically. There's no risk taking or originality in their portfolio.

Recently from Sony we have had Puppeteer, Rain, TLOU, Beyond. Ok, not all of those are great games. But at least they are funding originality, or more accurately, appearing to foster some kind of creativity in the industry.

With MS you know what you are going to get - a rather soulless array of shooters, racing games and action games.

Sad but true.

I got hooked on my original Xbox thanks to Oddworld and Blinx before even putting Halo in the disk tray. One of the first games I had for 360 was Kameo. Project Gotham Racing was a great arcade racer that was killed off in favor of pushing Forza uber alles (edit: full disclosure, I had Metropolis Street Racer on DC, so my opinion of PGR may be skewed). All of these games went the way of the dodo as Microsoft decided to steer the marketing for the 360 in the "dudebro shooter" direction. Gears, Halo, Gears, Halo, Forza! COD & MADDEN LOOKS BETTER HERE! (Here's Fable if you're into that kind of thing, did you see Halo?)


I think its far too early to draw any conclusions about either audience.

Where MS really "won" in US/UK is with casual/softcore audiences and I'd be surprised if those people have really made any decisions about which console, if any, they are going with this early in the generation.
Microsoft really goofed with the specs and pricing of the Xbox One when compared to the PS4. How Microsoft could not foresee that is beyond me, they have basically given a certain amount of sales to Sony for free. It's not like Sony have done anything incredible with the new PlayStation, it's pretty run of the mill. It's just Microsoft have made it look like a great choice by getting their own competing product so wrong.

Still having said that, the XB1 is the only "next gen" console I own so far along with my trusty PC. The PS4 and Wii U just have nothing in the games department lined up as of yet. I'm the type of person who usually buys everything at some stage, though I can definitely see why many would chose to go PS4 only this gen.


Many of the casuals I know are fully aware that the ps4 is more powerful and runs the games they like better. Price is obviously hugely important, but not the only factor.

Yeah, i think "the masses" don't know every detail how which game runs better and what AF method works better but general statements like "multiplats on 360 are better than on PS3" are well known and spread easy.
Same will be with PS4 > XB1.
I understand that people love exclusives, but why are some people actively ignoring third party titles. Destiny, CoD , Battlefield, assassin's Creed and many other titles will likely both look and perform better on the PS4. That is hard for many to bypass when combined with exclusive content and a lower price point. Also, can we stop ignoring indie titles when wee lusty exclusives. Those are games too you know.
Its only a strong launch line up if you consider 4 of the 5 launchgames were slated to be released on 360.

Hmm I think there is some truth to this. Not sure if so many were scheduled for 360 originally, but I am pretty sure MS has been focusing on Xbone, in terms of games, for the last couple of years whilst letting the 360 fall to the wayside.

In fact that is patently the case if you look at 360's barren exclusive line-up these last two years. Sony on the other hand has spread their development on both PS3 and PS4. A little too evenly, some would argue.

Point being, I am not being duped so easily into thinking MS all of a sudden has a greater exclusive output than Sony's first party. It's not even close when you consider all the dev teams tied up with PS3 games within the last year. We've had GT6, Beyond, TLOU, Rain/Puppeteer etc etc


Every time someone on GAF compares Resistance favorably to HL2, I lose big chunks of hair.
There is no way you have played Resistance 3. A Crack in Time is also probably in top 5 PS3 exclusive games, and that's a list filled with some really good games.


I already own all the platforms, as I did last gen, but this gen I'm definitely getting more multiplatform titles on PS4 than X1, last year it was more 360 than PS3...


The average consumer only cares about price. Not which version runs at what frame-rate, not sure if they even know what that is.

That don't care about framerate or resolution specifically but the idea that the average consumer doesn't care or won't ask which one's games look better is kind of misguided.
Good to see all the switching stories...Sony played there card right and fans of gaming IMO should support the company with the best chance of furthering the industry and backing developers. Forums were a tough place to go on talking about VF5, Motorstorm and resistance, but Sony just continually added value to there platform, just need to do the same with vita..

If ms keeps providing value, I will pick up an X1 down the line, but outside of project spark I have no interest in getting anything from ms...in fact most of the stuff I can get on PC. More likely to get a steambox at this point.


Microsoft shoehorning microtransactions into a bunch of their launch titles was actually the biggest turn off. It's not really an issue per-game, just more that it's so pervasive. If that's what their starting point is I'm dreading what payment models they come up with 2 or 3 years from now.


Why? XB1 has more games right now. PS4 may be the more powerful console but at launch if you want actually exclusives, XB1 is the way to go. This is coming from a guy who bought PS4 at launch.


I agree Microsoft screwed up their message to gamers but the console has some fun exclusives right now. Specs dont mean everything . If your main factor is to go where the games are then the xbox one is the place to go right now. I was a die hard 360 owner who had the ps3 for exclusives but this gen i purchased the ps4 to have it die on me 2 times. I didnt get the xbx1 mainly due to i was waiting for titan fall .which is changing this week. but in anycase my 4 yr old pc >ps4>xbx1

You bought 2 PS4's which broke? Seems like bad luck.

Yes you go where the games are, but the platform with the more advanced specs can bring more possibilities. If the Xbone cannot even sustain the current games with good performance, I don't want to know how a game like The Division needs to be downgraded on Xbone.

Xbox has more games? No. This is simply not true. There are a few more 'exclusives' like Dead Rising 3 or that Panzer Dragoon like game, but those are games that were changed from Xbox 360 games to Xbone games.

With inFAMOUS coming out next week, we'll see that the PS4 is up to snuff and is able to run games like that with a massive graphics bump compared to Xbone games. Then you have Killzone SF which looks so much better than most games released up until now.
What doesnt make sense to me is why they didn't make Titanfall an Xbone exclusive. Releasing it one the PC and 360 will kill their console sales since there really is no other exclusive that will drive the system.


There is no way you have played Resistance 3. A Crack in Time is also probably in top 5 PS3 exclusive games, and that's a list filled with some really good games.
And yet I have played it. Bizarre.

ACiT I haven't played, but considering I hate all the R&Cs I have played, I would be surprised if it changed my mind.

They're truly awful.


once the xbox drm was announced and then the ps4 price. it was easy for me to say goodbye to xbox.

microsoft lost so many customers with that.

oh well. enjoying the ps4 so far (infamous next week!)
My closest online friends are a group of around 20 people on a small comic book forum, and last gen it was 18 to 2 in favor of Xbox 360. This time it's 19 to 1 in favor of PS4.


extra source of jiggaflops
Why? XB1 has more games right now. PS4 may be the more powerful console but at launch if you want actually exclusives, XB1 is the way to go. This is coming from a guy who bought PS4 at launch.
The Xbone doesn't have more games right now.

You're doing it wrong man. That's an obvious lie. You need to say:

XB1 has more games right now* (asterisk and then you elaborate how your taste is the one that matters.)


Why? XB1 has more games right now. PS4 may be the more powerful console but at launch if you want actually exclusives, XB1 is the way to go. This is coming from a guy who bought PS4 at launch.

Maybe people don't want those exclusives.
What doesnt make sense to me is why they didn't make Titanfall an Xbone exclusive. Releasing it one the PC and 360 will kill their console sales since there really is no other exclusive that will drive the system.

EA could only afford to kneecap the franchise so much on release. There was no way the title would not see a PC and 360 release. The cost would have been too much for even MS to consider reasonable

Not to mention how it would have limited the franchise
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