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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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Nah man Sony had some great games during PS1 IMO , don't forget Wild Arms , Arc the Lad , Alundra and few more RPGs.
Also don't forget GT was born on PSx along with Twisted Metal ,PaRappa the Rapper , Wipe out , Syphon Filter and many more.
Same can be said for PS2.
That is why i don't worry about Sony when it comes to games.

I know many of those were succesful games both critically and saleswise, but apart from WipEout none of those games were to my taste. I haven't played the RPGs you mentioned though. That's what changed during the PS3 years, when they started having a more varied library of games, or should I say more games to my fancy. ;) That's why I don't worry about tomorrow's PS4 library.


Neo Member
Currently own a ps4 and part of me really wants an xbone but I just can't. I so vehemently disagree with their vision; forcing kinect on their consumers, putting apps behind a paywall etc., that I can't bring myself to buy one. This is coming from someone who had a ps3 and 360 last gen.


PC or X1...either way he can't play them on the PS4.

What level is he stooping to?

I have and/or can play both on PC. I still play the X1 versions. Depends on my mood and who's online.

Money isn't a big worry for me finally in life though. I just buy everything I like.

It's a dumb comment to make days before Infamous is out.
Is he going to abandon his XB1 after Infamous is out? That's my point. The comment in general is just stupid. Tycoon games are plentiful on PC, much better than the XB1/360 version of Zoo Tycoon. He has a gaming PC, make use of it.


Lots less dicks getting sucked on Xbone

Who says you have to buy both at the same time? you can't buy one at launch and then buy the others when they're dirt cheap to play the good exclusives you heard about?

With the way things are going I doubt there will be not anywhere the same amount of gamers who have a PS4 bothering to buy a Xbone later into the console cycle as say 360 owners buying a PS3 and to a lesser degree PS3 - 360.

With less AAA's and 3rd party exclusives I can't see there being a big enough reason to buy a Xbone for most PS4 owners not unless MS money hats a load more Titanfalls. Or they match Sony in 1st parties (which I doubt they'll bother)

Apart from less AAA games and worse Xbone ports a big difference from last gen is that both systems require online subscription, 2 subs to most ppl is a big waste and the free PS+ games is a big incentive to keep subbed.


Last gen I started with a 360 which my brother and I shared. Then after my sophomore year in college, I bought PS3 when it hit that $299 price. Mass Effect and Gears were literally the only franchises I cared about on the Xbox 360. After the Mass Effect trilogy on the ps3, it was a wrap. I've been spoiled too much by Uncharted and Gears of War never was worth buying a 360 for. The one that my brother and I shared got RROD'd


I agree. Even Halo's popularity has fallen off of a cliff, & is not like what it used to be.

Once 343i took over, even the quality of the series started declining.

They made one Halo game and it's much better than Reach in visuals, campaign and mp. Halo 4's campaign is second only to the first game. H3 was fun but it had the flood and that horrible Cortana level. MP-wise, H2/H3 are still the best because of their simplicity.


I'll buy an X1 when it's $299 or significantly cheaper than the PS4. No way am I paying more or the same for a significantly underpowered console.
I'm clueless as to what Uno is. When you have a like to like comparison, such as Twitch let's say, which allows you to broadcast and watch other people's playthroughs, the two platforms are very different. For one, the Kinect won't let your broadcast your own "thug life" home tv show. You can only broadcast "compatible" games (whichbisboretty much any game). That's it.

I'll have to check out Uno. Does it require a paid subscription on top of XBLive Gold?

I hope this is sarcasm or jest.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I'm clueless as to what Uno is. When you have a like to like comparison, such as Twitch let's say, which allows you to broadcast and watch other people's playthroughs, the two platforms are very different. For one, the Kinect won't let your broadcast your own "thug life" home tv show. You can only broadcast "compatible" games (whichbisboretty much any game). That's it.

I'll have to check out Uno. Does it require a paid subscription on top of XBLive Gold?

What the fuck is a "thug life" tv show?

Rolf NB

Well it's a better value, really. Would you rather have a new version of Kinect that still kinda sucks, or a more powerful machine for $100 less?
The inclusion of Kinect obfuscates the real issue: what is an appropriate MSRP for an Xbone without Kinect?

I'd say 350$ at most, given the spec disparity.

But removing Kinect from the box cann't save Microsoft 150$. Not even close.

By keeping Kinect bundled, at least they have something that can be used in relative valuation arguments. If they ever remove that, that whole argument becomes a whole lot easier, and it will immediately become apparent that their pricing isn't competitive at all.
I owned both last-gen and actually skewed towards the 360 earlier in its lifespan.
Over time the exclusives ceased, Kinect gained more focus and I felt left behind. The Xbone reveal was a disaster and did nothing to gain my favor back.

I'm also one of those who switched to Sony and don't intend to buy an Xbone

Pretty much me. The DRM scandal + mandatory Kinect still leaves me sour. Might possibly get an Xbone when its kinectless and cheap, but even then i'd rather get a WiiU before that.
I'm clueless as to what Uno is. When you have a like to like comparison, such as Twitch let's say, which allows you to broadcast and watch other people's playthroughs, the two platforms are very different. For one, the Kinect won't let your broadcast your own "thug life" home tv show. You can only broadcast "compatible" games (whichbisboretty much any game). That's it.

I'll have to check out Uno. Does it require a paid subscription on top of XBLive Gold?

Uno on the 360 used Kinect to have a camera feed as your in-game avatar. Imagine what happened with that:


I haven't yet but the PS4 is much more appealing atm. I haven't jumped on either ship because neither have games I want to play, but I'm leaning more towards the PS4. My only issue is that I don't like the dual shock controller at all.


The inclusion of Kinect obfuscates the real issue: what is an appropriate MSRP for an Xbone without Kinect?

I'd say 350$ at most, given the spec disparity.

But removing Kinect from the box cann't save Microsoft 150$. Not even close.

By keeping Kinect bundled, at least they have something that can be used in relative valuation arguments. If they ever remove that, that whole argument becomes a whole lot easier, and it will immediately become apparent that their pricing isn't competitive at all.

Maybe you're right, but I thought the new Kinect was fairly expensive tech.


I'm not really seeing the problem with PS4 supposedly not having as many exclusives as XB1. Simply having the best console versions of multiplats will probably keep the PS4 very competitive as it did the 360. Besides, many of the XB1's "exclusive" games are from third parties that probably agreed to make them so with the expectation that Microsoft would dominate like they did last gen.
To me, Resogun is better by itself than all the Xbox One exclusives combined. Throw on the multi-plat situation and even "Go with the games!" points me to a PS4 over Xbox One.

The only One game I want more time with is Dead Rising 3, and I simply can't justify 560$ for one game.


Could we see the xbone or even ps4 add ram to the boxes by an accessory that connects via USB? Like the n64 did with the expansion pak that upped the ram to 8mb.
They made one Halo game and it's much better than Reach in visuals, campaign and mp. Halo 4's campaign is second only to the first game. H3 was fun but it had the flood and that horrible Cortana level. MP-wise, H2/H3 are still the best because of their simplicity.

Spot on


And even i am moderately surprised
Last gen - i spent the most of my gaming time on x360 and loved it. Then late in life focus shifted : indie was thrown under a bus, kinect got a big push, and the games series felt tired - especially Halo

In the last few years of last gen i found myself playing more ps3 games. However i still expected next gen to be mostly MS based

Have to say - the E3 showing disgusted me - i know they backed out but the intention was there. With no competitor do you think MS would have listened? Absolute buckleys and none

Sony had been completely lost for most of last gen - but hey - the vita was utterly awesome (it was - you are wrong) and the ps4 build up was executed fantastically well - and then we end up with the basic game-ending point on the next gen angle : sony have a stronger machine , with less evil intent (for now), with a stronger first party ... AT A LOWER PRICE* (i think this is now changed but again that is a blot on MS)

However - i will insert the following disclaimer : it is games that make generations - not hardware. MS could always pull (insane game X) out the bag. I freely admit if Titanfall was exclusive that would have forced me down the xone import path - but it also bein on PC killed that dead
With the way things are going I doubt there will be not anywhere the same amount of gamers who have a PS4 bothering to buy a Xbone later into the console cycle as say 360 owners buying a PS3 and to a lesser degree PS3 - 360.

With less AAA's and 3rd party exclusives I can't see there being a big enough reason to buy a Xbone for most PS4 owners not unless MS money hats a load more Titanfalls. Or they match Sony in 1st parties (which I doubt they'll bother)

Apart from less AAA games and worse Xbone ports a big difference from last gen is that both systems require online subscription, 2 subs to most ppl is a big waste and the free PS+ games is a big incentive to keep subbed.

You really wouldn't pick up a Xbox One when its $200 6 years from now and play the games you passed up on over the course of the generation?
If the argument for the bone is that the ps4 has no games

then what will be the argument when the ps4 has games? when the inevitable happens, and the library on both machines consists mostly of multiplatform titles which are on both?


Could we see the xbone or even ps4 add ram to the boxes by an accessory that connects via USB? Like the n64 did with the expansion pak that upped the ram to 8mb.
USB isn't anywhere near the same league when it comes to bandwidth. Even USB 3 is under 1 GBps, I believe.
Let me know when PS4 has something that rivals Titanfall or Halo and maybe we'll talk.

In the grand scheme of things the power differences between PS4 and Xbone have been grossly exaggerated by people on the internet. It's funny how many fanboys became pixel counters and framerate fiends during the launch of this generation. You'd all be better serviced by a gaming PC if image quality is such a concern.



The inclusion of Kinect obfuscates the real issue: what is an appropriate MSRP for an Xbone without Kinect?

I'd say 350$ at most, given the spec disparity.

But removing Kinect from the box cann't save Microsoft 150$. Not even close.

By keeping Kinect bundled, at least they have something that can be used in relative valuation arguments. If they ever remove that, that whole argument becomes a whole lot easier, and it will immediately become apparent that their pricing isn't competitive at all.

I don't find the "connect your cable box and control it with your voice" argument very compelling. When I had an Xbox One, I found it to be very fucking stupid. There I was, talking to my TV, when the Comcast remote was right next to my stupid ass. It made me feel like a sucker, the fact that I bought their bullshit gimmick.


Let me know when PS4 has something that rivals Titanfall or Halo and maybe we'll talk.

In the grand scheme of things the power differences between PS4 and Xbone have been grossly exaggerated by people on the internet. It's funny how many fanboys became pixel counters and framerate fiends during the launch of this generation. You'd all be better serviced by a gaming PC if image quality is such a concern.

It's 2007 all over again.


If the argument for the bone is that the ps4 has no games

then what will be the argument when the ps4 has games? when the inevitable happens, and the library on both machines consists mostly of multiplatform titles which are on both?

You don't understand man, it will never have TitanFall and Halo...

- TrounceX

But yes, if you are way into Halo and can only afford one console, buy Xbox.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
You really wouldn't pick up a Xbox One when its $200 6 years from now and play the games you passed up on over the course of the generation?

I wouldn't as I'd be wanting to play next fen games at that point.

Not everyone is a super hardcore gamer whose life revolves around the hobby. A lot of us just game for fun and know we'll only play a fraction of the great games as we have other things we prioritize our time and money for.
If the argument for the bone is that the ps4 has no games

then what will be the argument when the ps4 has games? when the inevitable happens, and the library on both machines consists mostly of multiplatform titles which are on both?

System war logic dictates that Multi platform games doesn't count!


I'm one of those.

I have both the 360 and PS3, but opted for PS4. Not in a hurry to get the Xbox One, though I'll probably buy it when Forza Horizon 2 releases.


What if you're in the kitchen cooking sweet and sour chicken, look up the clock, want to switch to American Idol in the living room but can't get away from your pan because your sauce is at a critical point?

Think about it .

I have my Tivo recording the show I want to watch, so I can focus on not fucking up dinner.


Its not just the games; Research didn't tell me that everutime I go to PlayStation Live, I would catch dudes getting their dicks sucked in 720p. The ecosystem just appalling, consumer friendly or not.

Lol so Live on Playstation has become chat roulette? If we are going to use anecdotes as proof, I'd say that the majority of us have seen zero dicks sucked. Maybe a few dumb girls flashing.

You sure you were on your PS4 and not your Pc? :p


Last gen - i spent the most of my gaming time on x360 and loved it. Then late in life focus shifted : indie was thrown under a bus, kinect got a big push, and the games series felt tired - especially Halo

In the last few years of last gen i found myself playing more ps3 games. However i still expected next gen to be mostly MS based

Have to say - the E3 showing disgusted me - i know they backed out but the intention was there. With no competitor do you think MS would have listened? Absolute buckleys and none

Sony had been completely lost for most of last gen - but hey - the vita was utterly awesome (it was - you are wrong) and the ps4 build up was executed fantastically well - and then we end up with the basic game-ending point on the next gen angle : sony have a stronger machine , with less evil intent (for now), with a stronger first party ... AT A LOWER PRICE* (i think this is now changed but again that is a blot on MS)

However - i will insert the following disclaimer : it is games that make generations - not hardware. MS could always pull (insane game X) out the bag. I freely admit if Titanfall was exclusive that would have forced me down the xone import path - but it also bein on PC killed that dead

I don't know about that...Microsoft really doesn't have long-term commitments towards 1st/2nd party games like Sony does.


i think they sincerely thought it was so awesome the consumers were going to gobble it up, they were so far ahead of playstation in terms of innovation. they felt they were doing an apple to the industry.

I don't think MS thought it was going to be awesome and I'm pretty sure they knew before E3 that gamers didn't like their vision. I think MS just thought they could get customers to put up with it just to get their xboxes. In a way, can you blame them? When gamers didn't even blink an eye and payed for MP access and access to Netflix and pretty much anything internet related to the box... I could see how MS thought they could get gamers to put up with it.

Hell half of M$ plans have been simply to hault and annoy Apple to mixed and usual poor success.

For some reason this phrasing amuses me (just the idea of a company doing something just to annoy the other company).

The whining made the machine more consumer friendly. So yes, please do whine. Also, whine about how slow Sony is to update firmware.

Agreed. Sony is being slow to update the firmware. Hell, one feature I was really excited for I think Sony completely forgot they promised (Doesn't help that most other people do too), the ability to let your friend take over your game for you if you can't get past a spot. But, they haven't really added any other major features yet they promised but didn't come out at launch. Save supporting some headsets. I wish people would start taking Sony to task for that.

But then when they consider how much of a brick the XBO is without Gold, the entire endeavor of getting one becomes a bigger ordeal and holds less value overall when the subscription is basically required to even use the thing.

I wish that's how it worked. Most people who have Gold when I object that it's ridiculous you need it for Netflix, etc. just tell me why should they care since they want it for MP. It doesn't matter to them that it has less value and MS has to "add value" by taking away features (and I've even seen people post that they buy it specifically to watch Netflix.. even though you could buy a cheep blu ray player that would do Netflix for a price cheaper than Live Gold).

One has to give Microsoft credit for their agility. They do react quickly to criticism (manifested in relatively bad sales numbers) and change the system as good as they can. One can only wish that Nintendo would do the same.

What? MS had plenty of time to reverse their policies. They never even had to announce it. It's not like people weren't already in arms about the rumors, there is no way MS didn't know that people didn't like those policies, people had been bitching about it for months, before even Orth twittered "Deal with it". Hell, Orth responded that in response to people being upset about online requirement policies due to rumors that MS was going to implement it.

They didn't react quickly to criticism, they reacted quickly to realizing they were going to be forced to 180 or have a complete failure of a console. And honestly, you gotta wonder if they hadn't already started back up plans because I'm sure they knew the policies wouldn't be popular (I am willing to bet their concession when they made the announcement was to make it so you only needed to connect once every 24 hours. I bet they thought if they did that people would calm down). So their ability to quickly 180 may not have even been that quick in the first place.

The only thing they didn't realize was that people actually would put their money where their mouth was this time around. Where as before people would complain about needing Gold for Netflix but put up with it anyways. MS was getting the impression people would "deal with it" on anything they required to play their xbox.
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