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Resident Evil 2 Remake Confirmed [WE DO IT!]

It's funny she turned out to be my go-to character for Raid.

When I started Revelations 2 I fucking hated Moira. Everything she said was like she was taking a cheese grater to my face. By the end of the game I just wanted to protect her and I was ashamed of my words and deeds.


Mr X comin' at ya.

Now in 1080p!!


This guy makes Nemesis look like a chump
This guy makes Nemesis look like a chump

Dude literally terrified the shit out of me. The buildup was immense. Chopper just deploys a package into the station and you're like wtf was thAAAOOMMGGG

Just one of the many awesome things about the secondary scenarios. RE2 is a masterpiece.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I can see why some people love RE4 and some dislike it but it is no way the best RE game in the series at all like people claim to be...

No way at all, really?

You can dislike it yourself but it's a little short-sighted to not see why others praise it so much.

Jake is the best thing to come out of 6

Aside from Ada in leather pants

IMO the only good thing about RE6 was the end-credits.
Eh, I thought Nemesis was far superior to Mr X. Nemesis had an element of surprise, suspense (with those live action choices you make when he's around) and persistence that Mr X doesn't come close to matching imo.

I'm fine with both. While RE6 was too bloated, I thought RE4 was way too long. RE2 still remains one of the most perfect RE experiences to me in terms of length, pacing and content. It's a bit shorter story-wise but when you play through all four scenarios, I mean that's a pretty meaty enough thing. I got plenty of time out of it while never thinking it was dragging on like RE4.
While I can see how one might view RE4 as too long, I personally thought it was justified its length (while RE5, half its length wasn't) with the right level of variety and pacing to move things along. With RE2, while I enjoyed the scenario structure initially, I still had that feeling in the end that I played essentially the same game 4 times just to get the full experience and that kind of padding is what makes me rank it low-ish on my list. I would have preferred to suck out all of the unique aspects of the scenarios into one scenario OR have more variety to justify them by themselves. Most days when I replay RE2 I just pick a scenario and be done with it.


Dude literally terrified the shit out of me. The buildup was immense. Chopper just deploys a package into the station and you're like wtf was thAAAOOMMGGG

Just one of the many awesome things about the secondary scenarios. RE2 is a masterpiece.

Somehow the Nemesis was never as scary or imposing as Mr X.


Junior Member
Omg so much to catch up.

All this RE6 talk:
RE6 is fucking great in theory, but fucking shit at execution. As everyone else said the 4 different campaigns with different aspects is just confusing. The plot of this game is MUCH more complex than RE4 and RE5's straight-to-the-point plots that it REQUIRES files to understand the full story. The mainstream games have abandoned in-game files and made them exclusive to a gallery the the regular gamer would not really bother to check or read thinking it may not be essential to understanding the story.

Would you honestly believe Revelations 2 would have made sense if there were ZERO files to read (in-game)? It wouldn't and you would get a rather confusing story like RE6's.

So because of this, the regular gamer would play all 4 campaigns and end up with a non-satisfactory ending, with no closure / no explanation to why everything just happened. This leaves a bad taste in their mouths and they label RE6 as garbage because the plot wasn't as straight-forward as its fellow action REs.

The other thing is the inconsistency of gameplay:
- Leon
This campaign begins by forcing you to walk slow as shit, is filled with scripted events, and the pacing is rather slow. Pretty much an easy campaign.

Literally the opposite of everything you just experienced with Leon, This campaign is the epitome of RUN&GUN, Michael Bay explosions and non-stop action. You rarely get a minute to breathe (whereas in Leon's it's the opposite) and this is agreed-upon to be the hardest campaign.

This campaign has an identity crisis. Chapter 1 starts and it feels original, then you get Chapter 2 and 3 where it turns into sneaking (Ada's campaign), Chapter 4 is non-stop action (Chris' campaign), Chapter 5 is the scripted-events of Leon's Campaign.

Chapter 1 introduces sneaking gameplay. Here's the shocker: this game is NOT made for sneaking. ALL RE games are NOT made for sneaking (remember those Revenants in Revelations 2, too? Yeah). Thankfully, her campaign changes immediately as it progresses. This is normally the last campaign the player finishes, but due to the files problem I just talked about above, the player expects this campaign to answer ALL questions for the plot, where again, it doesn't.

Throw QTEs and some AWKWARD vehicle driving (Car for Chris, Bikes for Jake, Helicopter for Ada) and you have a game that is amazing at its core (Mercs<3), but confusing at everything else. Notice how everything negative is related to the weird pacing for the campaign. Play some Mercenaries and you get the MOST FUN GAME OF ALL TIME. OF ALL TIME.
While I can see how one might view RE4 as too long, I personally thought it was justified its length (while RE5, half its length wasn't) with the right level of variety and pacing to move things along.

Heh, different sides of the coin here. I thought RE5 had much better pacing than 4 and didn't overstay its welcome.


RE4 definitely felt like it dragged, it kept going downhill for me after the village area tbh.

The Evil Within also felt on the long side, guess it's a problem Mikami tends to have.
RE4 definitely felt like it dragged, it kept going downhill for me after the village area tbh.

The village was the highlight. It was actually very atmospheric, even scary. After that it became Leon Kennedy and the Temple of Doom. Which is cool, I enjoyed all that stuff, but the first act of the game was by far the best to me and where it really peaked. After about 2/3 of the way through it feels like you're playing the kitchen sink.


Junior Member
Voice actors:

Oh my. I never thought i'd say this regarding Claire's voice.
I'm kind of conflicted.
Alison Court is without a doubt a fan-favorite and Claire's original VA.
Ali Hillis is Claire's new VA.

At first, I was furious that they changed Alison for Ali, but as I play Revelations 2 more and more.. I kinda like her.. Like her more than Alison D:
Someone made a fake "Alison Court VA DLC" trailer for Revelations 2. They used Darkside Chronicles' Claire lines which was the most recent work Alison had done for Claire.. And it sounded terrible. Claire sounded like either: a whiny 16 year-old or a really, realllllly slow talker as if she was teaching a kid how to pronounce words. Ali Hillis' Claire sounds mature and I don't know, it fits this in-her-30s Claire much more, but then again, this remake does not feature that Claire, but it feature the college girl we know and love. So, yeah. Maybe Court is the most suitable after all.

RE4 Leon.
No exceptions.
The GOAT Leon.
RE4 Leon.

Sally Cahill (RE2, RE4, RE:DC, Retribution) or Courtenay Taylor (RE6, RE:ORC, Damnation)?

Sally is my preference, but I do have some comments..
RE2 voice: it's too outdated. They wanted it to be "sexy" and "mysterious" but she sounds like she's whispering most of the time.
RE4: it's almost perfect, but it's too calm and collected. It fits the experienced agent Ada Wong we see in RE4 but not the one in RE2. She could show a bit more emotion.
RE:DC: This voice is way too soft/high pitched for a character like Ada.
Retribution: the best. This is RE4 Ada mixed with the emotional DC/RE2 one. Perfect.

We'll probably get Courtenay again, so if we do:

ORC voice: this voice resembles Sally the most. She sounds exactly like her in some lines it's scary, but when she shouts she doesn't sound like Ada at all.

Damnation voice: This is Courtenay's Ada. Throughout the movie you can tell the VA has taken the role of Ada and is trying to make it her own. The result is... Okay. It's nice, but it doesn't fit RE2 Ada. This Damnation Ada is cocky and sarcastic, and doesn't give two shits about emotions.

RE6 voice: This voice sounds like her ORC voice in some scenes and like her Damnation voice in other scenes. And in some lines she sounds EXACTLY like Sally's Ada (if only she could be consistent), one line for example: "More games?" (Scene in the catacombs talking with Simmons/Carla) sounds so much like Sally. I actually thought it was her for a milisecond or two.


Laura Bailey (RE:DC) or Eden Riegel (RE:ORC, RE6)?

Eden. Easily.
I love Laura but Eden just nails Sherry. She did a good job voicing young Sherry in ORC and did even a better job voicing old Sherry in RE6. So absolutely Eden.


Aww, it just occurred to me that Capcom might re-dub this then. If that's the case it'll be disappointing not hearing Alyson Court, especially in the role that started it.
The village was the highlight. It was actually very atmospheric, even scary. After that it became Leon Kennedy and the Temple of Doom. Which is cool, I enjoyed all that stuff, but the first act of the game was by far the best to me and where it really peaked. After about 2/3 of the way through it feels like you're playing the kitchen sink.
RE4 was one of the few games that actually delivered to the very end. The last 1/3 introduced the best enemies (Regenerators) and had the most intense boss fights (Krauser + "It"). EVERY chapter in RE4 has something special to it and deserves not to be ignored.
RE4 was one of the few games that actually delivered to the very end. The last 1/3 introduced the best enemies (Regenerators) and had the most intense boss fights (Krauser + "It"). EVERY chapter in RE4 has something special to it and deserves not to be ignored.

Like I said I enjoyed it, I simply prefer the first third of the game. The stuff you mentioned was indeed cool but by that point I was feeling done with it.
Like I said I enjoyed it, I simply prefer the first third of the game. The stuff you mentioned was indeed cool but by that point I was feeling done with it.
It was the complete oposite for me. I remember thinking "please don't end" halfway through the final chapter if the game. What a game this was back then. Man, I wish I could go back. Going back and reading my comments about the game in another forum from back when I played it first is really sonething. Gives me chills. I was so blown away.


Is it too late to post my ranking?

RE2 = RE4 > REmake > Revelations 2 > RE3 > RE6 > RE5 > RE1 > CV > Revelations
Bursting through the fucking walls man. Gets me everytime. Love it :D

I'll never forget when I was playing the game for the first time, with my brother watching, I was all like "he can't surprise us because he only enters rooms when the doors are off-screen coz pre-rendered backgrounds" and at the exact moment I finish the sentence he bursts through a wall right in front of me. We literally screamed like little bitches.


Revelations worse than Gaiden, you heard it here first

I didn't play Gaiden, so I don't know how it would fit on my ranking.

From what I've played, I disliked Revelations 1 the most. It's still a solid 5/10 game, I don't think there's a plain bad mainline RE.


Junior Member
Also. YES YES YES at all this Moira fuckin' Burton praise!

Best character ever. Fucking
LOVE her.
Why did everyone jump in on the ranking? My ranking is only there as a point of reference so that whoever viewed knows where stand on the entire series so that they can use that as a starting point to determine if my view on RE0 was relevant to them.
Why did everyone jump in on the ranking? My ranking is only there as a point of reference so that whoever viewed knows where stand on the entire series so that they can use that as a starting point to determine if my view on RE0 was relevant to them.

Coz people love lists.

I hate that song with a passion.
We are officially enemies.

I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not sure why I even wrote that.
RE4 definitely felt like it dragged, it kept going downhill for me after the village area tbh.

The Evil Within also felt on the long side, guess it's a problem Mikami tends to have.

Yeah man, Vanquish, RE/REmake, and Dino Crisis definitely wore out their welcome.

Seriously though, each time I've played RE4 I've hated the Island more and more. The Village/Castle are 10+ hours of some of the best gaming ever burned to a disc, but then it just becomes less interesting. I don't think it's a case of length, but more that the Island isn't nearly as well designed as the Village/Castle. God Hand definitely could have been condensed a bit, and I would have thrown out a chapter or two in TEW (I'm looking at you chapters 8 and 14). I've yet to play PN03 though so I can't comment out that.

I think game length is something that's very difficult to get right. Very few games to me feel perfect in that regard.
It was the complete oposite for me. I remember thinking "please don't end" halfway through the final chapter if the game. What a game this was back then. Man, I wish I could go back. Going back and reading my comments about the game in another forum from back when I played it first is really sonething. Gives me chills. I was so blown away.

I can see that. The game never got bad (anything but) and it was a ride from start to finish. Just for me personally I think I would have appreciated a tighter thing.

News Bot

Lucky, I couldn't stand the RE rip-off after playing a unique and awesome modern day rpg :(

Much of BIO's design came from Iwao so "rip-off" isn't very accurate. Square wanted to mingle with survival horror and asked Iwao to do it. Parasite Eve already had a perfect premise for it.

Both PE1 and PE2 are excellent for different reasons. Not unlike BIO2 and BIO4.
Much of BIO's design came from Iwao so "rip-off" isn't very accurate. Square wanted to mingle with survival horror and asked Iwao to do it. Parasite Eve already had a perfect premise for it.

Both PE1 and PE2 are excellent for different reasons. Not unlike BIO2 and BIO4.

Well said.


Much of BIO's design came from Iwao so "rip-off" isn't very accurate. Square wanted to mingle with survival horror and asked Iwao to do it. Parasite Eve already had a perfect premise for it.

Both PE1 and PE2 are excellent for different reasons. Not unlike BIO2 and BIO4.

They had their own winning formula but decided to throw it out the window in favour of an RE-like game and hired people from the RE team to make it. Sounds like a rip-off to me.

RE2 and RE4 are hardly good comparisons, RE4 did something new and didn't copy Silent Hill or Siren.


Junior Member
Coz people love lists.

I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not sure why I even wrote that.

Are your ears bleeding? Good - it means you have taste.

Moira is pretty amazing. She's my favorite female character in RE and I flat out did not expect that when I started playing Rev 2.

What makes it more surprising is i HATED her guts when I first played it lol. Now she's easily up there with Ada and Jessica for me (when it comes to females).

EDIT: omg your avi. I can finally ask this, is it me or does Moira sometimes sound SO much like Max in some lines?
Some lines some to mind:

"You must be so scared." (Episode 2, Meeting Natalia)
"Ohmigod" (Episode 1, couple of times)
"if you say so.." (Episode 1 after Claire gets her gun)

There are other lines but these are at the front of my head right now.
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