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Resident Evil 2 Remake Confirmed [WE DO IT!]

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They had their own winning formula but decided to throw it out the window in favour of an RE-like game and hired people from the RE team to make it. Sounds like a rip-off to me.

RE2 and RE4 are hardly good comparisons, RE4 did something new and didn't copy Silent Hill or Siren.

Iwao joined Square in 1995 before BIO1 was released. The BIO2 staff joined shortly after its release. They weren't hired for the express purpose of creating a BIO clone.

It's perfect comparison. Nothing was copied. By your logic BIO is an amalgamated monster of a game because it takes inspiration and gameplay techniques from dozens of other games from Sweet Home to Alone in the Dark and Doctor Hauzer.

Besides the fixed camera angles and tank controls, PE2 isn't that much of a similar game. You could argue that the story and progression is very similar (isolated location -> secret lab) but that's because all of the BIO story gimmicks started with Iwao.


Iwao joined Square in 1995 before BIO1 was released. The BIO2 staff joined shortly after its release. They weren't hired for the express purpose of creating a BIO clone.

It's perfect comparison. Nothing was copied. By your logic BIO is an amalgamated monster of a game because it takes inspiration and gameplay techniques from dozens of other games from Sweet Home to Alone in the Dark and Doctor Hauzer.

Besides the fixed camera angles and tank controls, PE2 isn't that much of a similar game. You could argue that the story and progression is very similar (isolated location -> secret lab) but that's because all of the BIO story gimmicks started with Iwao.

And yet, "PE2 isn't that much of a similar game".

Agree to disagree :)


Eh, I thought Nemesis was far superior to Mr X. Nemesis had an element of surprise, suspense (with those live action choices you make when he's around) and persistence that Mr X doesn't come close to matching imo.
Nemesis put in more effort to catch you and had an instant kill. Mr X just kinda showed up in special events and areas and could be bypassed.
If they do REmake style, they won't need a AAA budget.

What was REmake's original budget (2001) I wonder? Unless I'm forgetting something to make new pre-rendered backgrounds artists basically have to make new 3D assets anyway. Granted some leeway with shader/texture work with going prerendered, but you are making the assets none the less. Plus REmake 2 needs to sell to more than just fans of the original/franchise to justify it's existence to shareholders. Only time will tell though


What was REmake's original budget (2001) I wonder? Unless I'm forgetting something to make new pre-rendered backgrounds artists basically have to make new 3D assets anyway. Granted some leeway with shader/texture work with going prerendered, but you are making the assets none the less. Plus REmake 2 needs to sell to more than just fans of the original/franchise to justify it's existence to shareholders. Only time will tell though

They're going to need a lot of money to make it look as good as REmake. I'd say 20m at least. Whether they actually spend that much is another matter.


They're going to need a lot of money to make it look as good as REmake. I'd say 20m at least. Whether they actually spend that much is another matter.

Why would it cost at least 20 million? Isn't that the budget for a lot of higher budget games that are made from scratch?

In REmake 2's case, a lot of the game is basically done by the mere fact that RE2 exists (setting, characters, story, enemies etc.). They just have to work on top of that.
I don't think this was posted yet, so:

Help a girl out?

It shouldn't really even be a question, but with Rev 2, it is. Anything that helps erase Rev 2 Claire is a step forward in my book.

As a side note, I do think if Capcom include Elza Walker in some fashion, it would be such an easy hype generator.


Junior Member
I don't think this was posted yet, so:

Help a girl out?

It shouldn't really even be a question, but with Rev 2, it is. Anything that helps erase Rev 2 Claire is a step forward in my book.

As a side note, I do think if Capcom include Elza Walker in some fashion, it would be such an easy hype generator.

Id like to erase the character of Claire in Rev2 (since that "Claire" was so out of character it hurts)

And the new voice...
can stay pls dont kill me


Junior Member
Why would it cost at least 20 million? Isn't that the budget for a lot of higher budget games that are made from scratch?

In REmake 2's case, a lot of the game is basically done by the mere fact that RE2 exists (setting, characters, story, enemies etc.). They just have to work on top of that.

I agree that it won't cost 20 million, but no, I don't think "a lot of the game" is done at all. Like in REmake's case, all the enemies/characters got redesigned one way or another, needing new sketches, the models need to be recreated and the environments must be redone, script rewritten, etc. literally the only thing done is the setting (and you may argue the plot is done too, but considering how somethings were added/retconned from RE1 to REmake, the same could happen here).


I like Huber but how could there be anything against this? Don't have the time to watch it right now.

maybe cause RE2 is boring.

RE3 would've been the better choice.

Heck I'll get flak for this but even Code Veronica, make a BETTER version of CV than there already is.
I don't think this was posted yet, so:

Help a girl out?

It shouldn't really even be a question, but with Rev 2, it is. Anything that helps erase Rev 2 Claire is a step forward in my book.

As a side note, I do think if Capcom include Elza Walker in some fashion, it would be such an easy hype generator.
Oh my god... If they now also get Paul Mercier to voice Leon I can die peacefully. But no, that game can't be THAT perfect. It just can't.

Or can it?


I agree that it won't cost 20 million, but no, I don't think "a lot of the game" is done at all. Like in REmake's case, all the enemies/characters got redesigned one way or another, needing new sketches, the models need to be recreated and the environments must be redone, script rewritten, etc. literally the only thing done is the setting (and you may argue the plot is done too, but considering how somethings were added/retconned from RE1 to REmake, the same could happen here).

The characters, setting, story etc. are all done. Even a lot of the same music will be used (if they know what's good for them anyway).

Sure they may have to create fresh backgrounds, character models etc. but things like that will progress much faster since they already exist and don't have to be designed from scratch. They will give Leon a new model for example but his character, look etc. is already there and ready to use.

It's pretty much the same reason that Final Fantasy VIIR is feasible by 2017. A lot of time is saved due to the things that already exist.

REmake was made in 1-2 years and I'm expecting REmake 2 to take around the same. And really, it makes sense when it takes them like 3-4 years to make a brand new mainline entry from scratch.


maybe cause RE2 is boring.

RE3 would've been the better choice.

Heck I'll get flak for this but even Code Veronica, make a BETTER version of CV than there already is.


I don't think this was posted yet, so:

Help a girl out?

It shouldn't really even be a question, but with Rev 2, it is. Anything that helps erase Rev 2 Claire is a step forward in my book.

As a side note, I do think if Capcom include Elza Walker in some fashion, it would be such an easy hype generator.


I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
maybe cause RE2 is boring.

RE3 would've been the better choice.

Heck I'll get flak for this but even Code Veronica, make a BETTER version of CV than there already is.

I played RE3 when it came out. I didn't play RE2 until 2007. Not even nostalgia could make me think RE3 is as good as RE2 let alone better.
I played RE3 when it came out. I didn't play RE2 until 2007. Not even nostalgia could make me think RE3 is as good as RE2 let alone better.

I think RE2 is better most of the time, but I like them pretty much equally, and there are some things that 3 does definitively better than 2 (the big one being puzzles)


Why would it cost at least 20 million? Isn't that the budget for a lot of higher budget games that are made from scratch?

20m isn't a lot these days. Uncharted 2 cost 20m 6 years ago and that was considered low for AAA. Some handheld games are probably in that range now.

Nobody knows the budget for REmake, but it's always been inferred that it was relatively expensive for a 8-10 hour game.

It would be wrong to assume that a lot of work for RE2 is already 'done'. There was very little that carried over from RE1 to REmake aside from the character designs, the map, and the script, all of which ended up being reworked, too.


I like Huber but how could there be anything against this? Don't have the time to watch it right now.

Basically one thing (and my biggest concern)

How will a remake of a perfect game look and how good will it be without these masterminds on board:


But its cool when you're part of a team.

On a serious note, I really hope they don't change the music too much. early RE soundtracks were some of the best things ever.

The Front Hall

Secure Place

Escape from the Laboratory

The second malformation of G

I can't wait for the eventual orchestral remaster of these classics like the did for RE1 REmake. Hopefully they put out a limited edition with a physical CD of the OST

New Japan Philarmonic Orchestra - Biohazard 2: The Ultimate Bio-Weapon Medley

The soundtrack has always been dope, but live on string and brass really makes it something special!


I played RE3 when it came out. I didn't play RE2 until 2007. Not even nostalgia could make me think RE3 is as good as RE2 let alone better.

Maybe I played RE2 too much but now I just think of it as boring.

REmake on the other hand doesn't get boring, just quite a bit to it to give it a more filling experience.


Were the original members involved in REmake?

Absolutely. Mikami was super hands on with the REmake.

Seems like it'll be all blood working on this RE2make, which worries me greatly. I'm hoping for the best, but I'm not expecting much without the involvement of Kamiya or Mikami.


Absolutely. Mikami was super hands on with the REmake.

Seems like it'll be all blood working on this RE2make, which worries me greatly. I'm hoping for the best, but I'm not expecting much without the involvement of Kamiya or Mikami.

So is this going to be like REmake?

Yoshiaki Hirabyashi was a producer of REmake and worked with Mikami (Director, Creator of RE1 and executive Producer). He also worked on a lot of other RE titles (RE1+2 programmer and executive producer of RE6). I think he can assemble a good team but he never worked as a director. Nobody knows about the rest of the team. But I don't know how many of REmake worked on RE1.

The CV of "H" makes hope. He produced a lot of good titles: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroyuki_Kobayashi_(producer)

I don't think there should be too much to worry about since they obviously see whats up with REmake and releasing the Resident Evil Zero remaster... but there is still a chance I suppose.

Well heres hoping for the best. At least it hasn't devolved into the style of discussion that takes place in the FFVIIR threads.
20m isn't a lot these days. Uncharted 2 cost 20m 6 years ago and that was considered low for AAA. Some handheld games are probably in that range now.

Nobody knows the budget for REmake, but it's always been inferred that it was relatively expensive for a 8-10 hour game..

since when is the length of a game linked to production budget

aka whitneyhoustonreceipts.gif


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Take a look at RE1 and REmake to see what can be improved with just a 6 year difference.

Now imagine a 17 year difference.

I think people are building their expectations too high for this.

This is current Capcom we're talking about here. They do everything on the cheap. At best, we'll get an HD Remaster of 2 like what they did with the PS4 version of REmake.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I think people are building their expectations too high for this.

This is current Capcom we're talking about here. They do everything on the cheap. At best, we'll get an HD Remaster of 2 like what they did with the PS4 version of REmake.
They have source material so everything will be done from scratch, plus this is a Remake not a HD version.
But yeah the best we can hope for is a REmake game made today, it'll look stunning I think.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I think current Capcom have more talent at it than people may give credit for, they just need to set their mind to making what people want. Honestly, old-school survival-games were never about big budgets or large teams, the credits for the games were even kind of short for the time period and since these games died out before game development prices fluctuated, standards for what these games should be hasn't risen much in over 10 years because old-school survival horror games haven't existed much in the last over 10 years, so it can be made with a modest budget and team size and still probably be very good. None of the old RE games had particularly long credit sequences, they just need the right creative visions and direction and people on-board, and I do think current Capcom can pull it off.

There's things I like about RE3 more than RE2 for certain, I think RE3 does have better puzzles and is more challenging, and I like RE3's pacing actually, I think RE2 is kind of easy and short, but I think what I really like about RE2 which pushes it ahead is the monsters themselves, I think RE2 has some of the best monsters in the series (the G-Monsters are obvious, but I think the game has my favorite versions of the spider/dog enemies too, their so fierce in this title and I love it), and small touches I like a lot such as the music, Iron's dungeon, the moments you play as other characters (Sherry especially)...

I think the aspect that excites me most personally about a remake of 2 is if they expand the game and make certain design decisions to make it a bit tougher. I love RE2, but honestly, it's like the easiest and shortest entry in the franchise, it is made to be replayed with the A & B scenarios, but I think if they add some things and expand certain locations and toughen certain things, like puzzles, some interesting back-tracking mechanic hook like Crimson Heads, and whatever else, this could be very good.

Gaiden is funny because despite its looks it's a legit survival horror game.

I REALLY want to find a copy of Dead Aim but I ain't paying like 40 bucks for it on ebay (canadian dollar isn't helping). I recently came across a nice Trinitron CRT and my Guncon2 works great.

Gaiden isn't bad, and is a horror game and follows RE formula in some ways. I'm not fond of the combat system, but liked everything else well enough.

I was lucky I got Dead Aim for $15 at a convention.

Revelations 2 is so mediocre. I don't get what people see in it.

Taste and all that, I could go in-depth but I liked certain things about it quite a bit.

I really liked Sherry in RE6, wouldn't mind her being in RE7.

Sherry I think was well-done in RE6, surprisingly, happy they didn't ruin her character. I expected to hate Jake, he sounds like fan-fiction the character, but I did end up liking him actually. I hate -what- he is and it still has things that feel like plot holes in how Jake's very existence is even possible and where/why that happens, but Jake himself is alright.

Survivor is a straight-up bad game, mang.

I expected to dislike it, but no, I thought it was alright. I would go out of my way to recommend it to people or debate why I liked it, I just expected to hate it, but came away after playing every level variation as thinking it was alright. It's a bit dumb, and it's an action game, but I found it to be fairly enjoyable.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I assume Capcom can reuse many of the enemy models, animations, and AI from Remake HD to lower development cost.

RE2make could reuse the dogs and the crows, but that'd be about it.

I was going to say, there's not a lot from REmake they could bring over to REmake 2.

Zero is another story, as you actually visit a few RE2 locations in Zero and they apparently still have the original assets from Zero, so I wouldn't be surprised if they used those a bit.


Basically one thing (and my biggest concern)

How will a remake of a perfect game look and how good will it be without these masterminds on board:

This is my main concern as well, that's why I think of this as a re-imagination of RE2 rather than an actual remake. Lets not forget how much trash did DSC add to the story and how will it influence the direction of REmake 2.


I think people are building their expectations too high for this.

This is current Capcom we're talking about here. They do everything on the cheap. At best, we'll get an HD Remaster of 2 like what they did with the PS4 version of REmake.

They're not going to remaster a PS1 game. This is a remake.

And my expectations are in check, believe me.
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