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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


I'm must be the only one who hates those door animations, sure it's cool the first time but then when you need to backtrack and shit...nope.


Door animations are an important facet of the game's design and pacing. It builds tension, communicates the enclosed nature of each room, exaggerates the connection between rooms so that players more easily form a mental map of the area, and it forces down-time during which the player can plot out their strategy for the next room.

Though I do think there should be an option to skip most doors... at the cost of slamming them open, thus making a noise that alerts all enemies in the next room.


While I appreciated the door animations back in the day, they get really annoying on the umpteenth walk-through. Fortunately the PC versions have a skip button.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
It occurs to me now that removing them from the REmake remaster would complicate recordkeeping for speedruns, since the orginal GC release had unskippable doors.

If there are door animations in REmake 2, they should maybe stop the clock for door animations so that it doesn't matter whether you keep or skip them.

That, or add a continuous speedrun mode that drops animations and fmv sequences


I think doors should just be an optional toggle once you have beaten the game once.

It should just be an option period. I've always hated that 1st walkthrough requirement for toggle BS. It especially annoys me in Okami when you can't skip cutscenes because you don't have your old save file anymore. You gotta sit through all that shit over again just because.


I have a question; does RE 6 have a system link where you can play local coop without the splitscreen but require 2 TVs, 2 Playstation 4s, 2 disc games and 2 controllers separately? Something like Dead Island?


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I have a question; does RE 6 have a system link where you can play local coop without the splitscreen but require 2 TVs, 2 Playstation 4s, 2 disc games and 2 controllers separately? Something like Dead Island?

I'm looking at the in-game options RN, and the only available network options are PSN and Offline.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
10 more days... I want some RE news at E3!!

You and the rest of the fans. The anniversary date passed us, and we know they have a big title they want to release this fiscal year that could be little other than Resident Evil 7, so the E3 likelihood looks high, but we shall see.

And while I am picking it up, I'm expecting Umbrella Corps won't give me my Resident Evil fill in two and a half weeks either.
You and the rest of the fans. The anniversary date passed us, and we know they have a big title they want to release this fiscal year that could be little other than Resident Evil 7, so the E3 likelihood looks high, but we shall see.

And while I am picking it up, I'm expecting Umbrella Corps won't give me my Resident Evil fill in two and a half weeks either.
That's why RE5 is saving us from that disgrace.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
So first the first three volumes of The Marhawa Desire arrived in the mail today, and I really enjoyed them. Will definitely pick up more.

Feels a little sad seeing Piers. R.I.P., young sniper dude.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So first the first three volumes of The Marhawa Desire arrived in the mail today, and I really enjoyed them. Will definitely pick up more.

Feels a little sad seeing Piers. R.I.P., young sniper dude.

The Resident Evil mangas are surprisingly good, I know Capcom has some hand in them and they are considered canon as part of that (that specific manga was run as a prequel to RE6 and all).

I've heard the recent Revelations 2 manga is also quite good, hope that gets translated, though I know it's still ongoing, and from my understanding it takes place after the events of Revelations 2 and has a few interesting elements some are hoping find their way into the games.
You and the rest of the fans. The anniversary date passed us, and we know they have a big title they want to release this fiscal year that could be little other than Resident Evil 7, so the E3 likelihood looks high, but we shall see.

And while I am picking it up, I'm expecting Umbrella Corps won't give me my Resident Evil fill in two and a half weeks either.

Almost a week now... HYPE!

I won't buy UC at launch, probably when is on sale just because it's RE, not blowing my mind right now.


Bought Umbrella corps since I had 10 in credit on PSN. Plus didn't mind getting a theme with the preorder. Skipped on the extra edition though. I don't need character heads or other customization.
Going through Resident Evil 2 again in preparation for whatever REmake 2 news we'll get, god I do enjoy this game so. Whatever happens, it'll always be my near-numero-uno.

Bought Umbrella corps since I had 10 in credit on PSN. Plus didn't mind getting a theme with the preorder. Skipped on the extra edition though. I don't need character heads or other customization.
10? I thought that the price was 30 usd

Going through Resident Evil 2 again in preparation for whatever REmake 2 news we'll get, god I do enjoy this game so. Whatever happens, it'll always be my near-numero-uno.
It would be nice if we get some kind of news but I wouldn't get my hopes up since RE7 should be the game that's going to be revealed... maybe a teaser for REmake2?


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I'm sure I'll buy UC at some point, but seems silly to buy it the week before digital RE5

I just won't have time for it

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I don't know if I'm really happy or really sad that Resident Evil has avoided any major leaks. I know the rumor for RE7 with a horror direction and the P.T. guy working on it, but that's not very substantial until we see the proof pudding, or something like that.

Hoping The Evil Within 2 rumor is true, though may be a bit early. I do expect it will happen eventually sooner or later, however.


10? I thought that the price was 30 usd

It would be nice if we get some kind of news but I wouldn't get my hopes up since RE7 should be the game that's going to be revealed... maybe a teaser for REmake2?

No I meant that I had 10 in my PSN Wallet. So I took $10 off the 29.99 base price.

I don't know if I'm really happy or really sad that Resident Evil has avoided any major leaks. I know the rumor for RE7 with a horror direction and the P.T. guy working on it, but that's not very substantial until we see the proof pudding, or something like that.

Hoping The Evil Within 2 rumor is true, though may be a bit early. I do expect it will happen eventually sooner or later, however.

I'm actually kind of glad RE7 hasn't been hit with leaks yet. Will make the reveal all the more interesting to see.
Could care less about The Evil Within. Was very let down by that.


I just want all the info.

Leak. Leak it now.

and the new cgi movie too while they're at it :D

i thought Kotaku would be leaking shit left and right

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm actually kind of glad RE7 hasn't been hit with leaks yet. Will make the reveal all the more interesting to see.
Could care less about The Evil Within. Was very let down by that.

That's how I feel on one side, even if it's very likely it's at E3 I'm happy if it is that there's been no major leaks... Half of me is at least. The other half has been waiting for this RE7 news ever since the first word of it in 2013, so I'm secretly hoping to see it due to excitement, but also know it'll be far more effective if I just experience it at E3.

Evil Within is weird because it's one of the truest love it/hate it games I've ever seen. I was in the love it crowd, but I know about as many people who loved it as hated it, both among friends and online. There's heavy implications for Evil Within 2 that it'll be on Unreal 4 and have some form of online multiplayer though, as Tango Gameworks has had a shit ton of online position jobs and people who know Unreal 4 for their next project over the last year and a half.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I loved Evil Within, too. It would be interesting to see a postmortem on that project. I know it started in Unreal, and when Tango was acquired by Zenimax the project switched to iDTech (presumably at Zenimax/Bethesda direction, since they own the engine).

I wonder how many project hours the team spent modifying iDTech to handle dynamic lighting. Judging by launch performance, optimization was a problem that took a long time to fully address. I have a theory that this management decision had big consequences, but it would be nice to know more about the project.

So far as RE7 goes, I agree it's time to come off something. Capcom's ability to keep secrets is pretty impressive, but it's time.


Junior Member
Beat RE0 last night. It was ok just a bit uninspired since it's basically remake 1.5. It has some good ideas like having billy and Rebecca separate in some spots but having no item box was really annoying and enemies likes those leech men suck. The train was a really awesome section though and I wish more of the game was like that. I'd probably rank it on the lower side in the series overall. Luckily for me, CV just went on sale so I'll probably play that in a week or 2.
7 better mention what the hell Jill is up to, if she is retired just say it in a single line of dialog. If she is a deskworker now put her on BSAA comms every once in a while.
Though my hope for 7 is
Rebecca + Chris & Jill
Rebecca + Chris
Rebecca + Jill
or most of all
Chris, Jill, Rebecca, Barry & Claire v Alex.
That would 100% wrap up everyone but Claire.

Lastly 8 would be Claire, Leon, Sherry and Jake.
No I meant that I had 10 in my PSN Wallet. So I took $10 off the 29.99 base price.
I must say that I thought about that being the case but ended up asking hahaha

7 better mention what the hell Jill is up to, if she is retired just say it in a single line of dialog. If she is a deskworker now put her on BSAA comms every once in a while.
Though my hope for 7 is
Rebecca + Chris & Jill
Rebecca + Chris
Rebecca + Jill
or most of all
Chris, Jill, Rebecca, Barry & Claire v Alex.
That would 100% wrap up everyone but Claire.

Lastly 8 would be Claire, Leon, Sherry and Jake.
I've been thinking about the possible main characters of 7, I really don't think that Jill's going to retire (she's very popular, I would put her just behind Leon because of 4) and that email to Barry from Rev2 may explain why she hasn't appear since the events of RE5. Maybe the release of the hd version and Jill on the cover (over Chris & Sheva's one) is to refresh people's memories... or maybe I'm over thinking a little lol

I really hope that Chris and Leon don't show up in 7, have seen a lot of them as of late, Rebecca's involvement on the movie after all these years could end up putting her as one of the MC along with Jill (hopefully) or Claire or new characters... who knows, less than a week now!


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I think they can make Jake interesting. They didn't manage to do so in RE6, though.

I agree that the conclusion of RE6 points to more Jake in RE7

I myself would like to see Rebecca return. She always does her best.

Honestly, though, I am most interested in seeing Alex return, regardless of what protagonists we get.
Enough Chris! I know he's bae but c'mon, he's in almost all games now.

He aint the (sexy pretty daddy) face of RE!

Also if Jill isnt in RE7, I dont even know. At least she's gotten love from Capcom in Revelations so she's not completely gone.
I must say that I thought about that being the case but ended up asking hahaha

I've been thinking about the possible main characters of 7, I really don't think that Jill's going to retire (she's very popular, I would put her just behind Leon because of 4) and that email to Barry from Rev2 may explain why she hasn't appear since the events of RE5. Maybe the release of the hd version and Jill on the cover (over Chris & Sheva's one) is to refresh people's memories... or maybe I'm over thinking a little lol

I really hope that Chris and Leon don't show up in 7, have seen a lot of them as of late, Rebecca's involvement on the movie after all these years could end up putting her as one of the MC along with Jill (hopefully) or Claire or new characters... who knows, less than a week now!
Honestly to me the STARS team is just too connected to not work on the same mission together.
Barry had a good excuse, Rebecca's is okay but still kinda silly she goes unmentioned for 15+ years.

CV & 3 were the only acceptable excuses for Chris and Jill not working together.
After that though it just seems like an excuse to keep the big 3 spaced out.
Like Piers being the one to get Chris was completely stupid in 6.

I do think Chris should be in but as a small 3rd though if the game is Rebecca and Jill.
like Rebecca and Jill are co-op partners while Chris is in a role similar to Josh in 5.
Jill and Rebecca go after the virus, research, scientists and head of the new corporation
Meanwhile Chris is in the background commanding all BSAA groundforces in the area.
Hell probably don't even need to show him much just have him as Jill's radio person.

Though if 7 is about Alex all those characters need to be in as equal stars.
You can pretty much end everyone with that besides Jake, Leon, Ada and Sherry.

And 8 imagining a set-up like 6,
Leon & Ada(wrap them up.)
Jake & Sherry
(partners swap back and forth a bit)


I don't see Rebecca, Chris, or Leon happening. I have a feeling that the reason they're in the movie that connects to RE7 is because they aren't in 6. That's just my take on it though.

Right now im calling Jake and Jill.
Actually wouldn't be surprised if it's a new character either. Since I don't see them doing the multiple campaigns again, but we can all agree coop is staying.


7 better mention what the hell Jill is up to, if she is retired just say it in a single line of dialog. If she is a deskworker now put her on BSAA comms every once in a while.

Last we heard of her she was fine, just doing tests for the BSAA to make sure that she is fine.

Honestly to me the STARS team is just too connected to not work on the same mission together.
Barry had a good excuse, Rebecca's is okay but still kinda silly she goes unmentioned for 15+ years.

Rebecca doesn't even have an excuse, tho. She's been a BSAA agent and advisor all this time, she's just never mentioned in the games.

Anyways, I totally want the characters for 7 to be Jill and Rebecca or Sherry and Jake.
Last we heard of her she was fine, just doing tests for the BSAA to make sure that she is fine.

Rebecca doesn't even have an excuse, tho. She's been a BSAA agent and advisor all this time, she's just never mentioned in the games.

Anyways, I totally want the characters for 7 to be Jill and Rebecca or Sherry and Jake.

Well Rebecca you could just assume she's a scientist, doctor or something before the play established her doing BSAA missions.
That in turn makes no mention of her in 9 games stand out even more but whatever.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I mean, they didn't mention Simmons for 30 years, even though he apparently was the secret ruler of the world.

They can't do this, obviously, but an alternative I'd enjoy would be some random, unskilled nobodies just trying to survive. That worked great in RE2. The known characters could be advisors or otherwise "involved"

There are also some cool, unknown randos in the BSAA from manga and elsewhere

We could have a "fallen heroes" edition,
Piers and Merah Biji RIP
Jill needs to appear in 7!! i miss her already hahah

I want multiple character arcs again. That was fun, and have them all connect.

Evem though that I could play with different characters in 6 and have fun trying each one of them I didn't really liked the multiple arc thing, it feltl kinda overwhelming (for me at least lol) so much crap happening at once sometimes.

I would prefer a RE1/RE2 approach with two characters helping each other out and defeating bosses together (that was nice on 6)
Jill needs to appear in 7!! i miss her already hahah

Evem though that I could play with different characters in 6 and have fun trying each one of them I didn't really liked the multiple arc thing, it feltl kinda overwhelming (for me at least lol) so much crap happening at once sometimes.

I would prefer a RE1/RE2 approach with two characters helping each other out and defeating bosses together (that was nice on 6)

You know what would be cool for multiple character arcs?

A remake of RE1 that gives Chris & Jill completely separate campaigns(as we don't have the canon ending either),
Barry & Rebecca get their own campaigns.
Finally Wesker has his own after you finish the others.

Certain boss fights are co-op,
Like Tyrant would be a 4 player fight.
Plant 42 would require Chris & Jill to fight it while Rebecca and Barry go downstairs but quickly get separated.
Lisa becomes a boss for Barry
Jill gets Yawn
Chris gets Tyrant v1
Rebecca has mini boss section where she has to take something to other characters while fighting many Hunters and Cerberus
I actually really hope Alex ISN'T in 7 because then they'll have an excuse to not do a Revelations 3 and that would be sad.

Then again Rev 1 and 2 were hardly even connected to each other so maybe Rev 3 won't be either.
I actually really hope Alex ISN'T in 7 because then they'll have an excuse to not do a Revelations 3 and that would be sad.

Then again Rev 1 and 2 were hardly even connected to each other so maybe Rev 3 won't be either.

If 7 used Alex, i'd be fine with Revelations just becoming generic outbreaks for the BSAA to clean up.
Have Chris, Jill and Rebecca in some capacity but introduce new characters like Piers here(and the EU members) and rotate them around every game.
Maybe a few civilians.

Also test mechanics in there for potential mainline integration later.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I'll take Alex in Rev3, that's fine, too. I think she's ready for prime time, though.

Honestly, though, they HAVE to make Rev3 because Raid Mode has still not reached its full potential. Somebody has got to perfect that formula because the concept is just too good.

Rebecca would probably be a better fit for REV3 than RE7, but I feel like she would do a great job of sweetening the inevitable Jake appearance. Seems like the realistic question is "who should be in RE7 with Jake?"
Honestly, though, they HAVE to make Rev3 because Raid Mode has still not reached its full potential. Somebody has got to perfect that formula because the concept is just too good.
It needs to be 1 huge interconnected map with multiple paths that is nearly impossible without grinding gear forever.
Considering 2's Raid mode was a vr simulation by the Red Queen I would have went all out crazy with it.
REmake mansion with classic gameplay
Raccoon City map either using 2,3 Outbreak or ORC assets.(ORC map would use Rev gameplay)
Ghost Ship returns

Every main playable character included.

The thought of the entire mansion being a Raid map with you starting at the doors and ending on the helipad is incredible to me.
Sadly not having a 3d version of the mansion limits what they can do but even if it went to classic camera and controls it would still be awesome for that mode.

Maybe REmake 2 will be 3d but with a classic camera and they can rip some of those maps for Rev3.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So for the last week, I have checked Google News once a day to see if there's been any RE news in the last 24 hours, usually when I get done with working just to see if I missed anything or spot anything that might be interesting (Spoilers: There's been no leaks, or even strong rumors). I also have looked for news about once a month like this previously, and did a few times close to the series anniversary as well.

There is a series of weird sites who cannot stop spinning their own narrative on RE7 and REmake 2. A few sites in this weird circle are even posting updated articles as new articles once every few days. I saw some of them doing this months ago, and they're still doing it. Some are posting an updated RE7 news post almost daily, 'collecting' as much information as they can, and then posting it as a new article each day. And the funny part is that a few other small sites seem to think these are legitimate news things and source them, and it's like some miniature fan fiction circle that feeds into each other I have been being amused by.

It's just amusing to watch these things spread, and trying to fit all of these obviously fake rumors into some cohesive news narrative. I've seen everything from claims of a tie-in with the live-action movies, a clip from Resident Evil Damnation being spread as a 'leaked' clip from Resident Evil 7, and a lot more and ridiculous claims. The current 'spreading' piece of news among these sites is that one of the 'insiders' said RE7 was going to release this October, but it got 'delayed' so it won't be releasing when they claimed, conveniently right before E3 if the game is revealed so they can continue spinning their narrative.

I don't know why I wanted to post about this, it's literally nothing, but it's been some weird thing I've ended up checking in on every once in a while due to these almost popping up in recent Resident Evil 'news'.


not me
Seems like the realistic question is "who should be in RE7 with Jake?"

The only answer should be Sherry. They already have a dynamic going, and they can do some neat gameplay things with Sherry's G-Virus mutation.

Old Blonde Jill who wouldn't even have good Jill's face can stay gone as far as I care.


Still betting on Jill and Jake, or Jake and a new character. That's if the story isn't going to be spun into a "finding Jake" type of story instead.

News Bot

So, after recently going through 6 once again and finally having the pleasure of experiencing Revelations 2, there's some lingering questions.


What is the basis of the C Virus to allow it to do so many different things? I mean:

  • C-Virus aerosol dispersal creates zombies and their mutations
  • C-Virus injections creates J'avo
  • C-Virus Improved strain injections supposedly create advanced mutations like the Napads...but so does apparently mutation through trauma on J'avo? Advanced mutations seem like a roulette wheel of chance, with their forms based on....what? What makes a Napad hatch rather than Strelats or Gnezdo (latter could be female host, but never see this in-game iirc).
  • Can be used to create/incubate a 'clone' from the DNA of an individual(?) introduced while a host is in the chrysilid state(?)
  • Further "improved" strain causes severe mutations (
    Simmons, Carla
    ) that vary greatly.

Opposed to T, G, T-V, Plagas, and Uroboros, C-Virus feels like the equivalent of a broad superhero. It/They can do whatever the writer wants to happen, rather than having the single direction and clear/reasoned stages of the others.

REv2 (+6):

How are these mind/personality transfers (RE6:
Ada to Carla
; REv2:
Alex to Natalia
) being done? Yes, the Chrysalid/C-Virus is a factor in 6 and there's an incubation machine (+ something to do with T-Phobos) in REv2, but how it's being achieved doesn't really get touched on in any in-game or post-game documents or dialogue.

I did find it amusing/ironic that
in REv2 is doing something very similar, in a much smaller time frame, to what Alexia was attempting to achieve in RECV. Do we know much more on what
was exposed to with Umbrella, or is the island in REv2 the extent known?

The aerosol C-Virus is actually a recombinant strain produced exclusively in the body of the Lepotica, able to be extracted and refined. Secondary exposure to the normal C-Virus will also create J'avo. There are many different C-Virus strains incorporating different animal genes. Carla gave many different kinds to different soldiers in order to diversify their mutations. Deborah is an example of the "pure" C-Virus being used, it creates random mutations. Napad, Strelats etc are all engineered mutations using animal genes. Basically, experimenting with the viruses in the series has always been a matter of trial and error and throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. If something sticks, then they clone the result. The other side of virus development is "stabilization", for example the t-Virus didn't always create Zombies, Cerberus, etc with such high consistency, many animals just died upon exposure. Repeated genetic manipulation of the virus, accompanied by repeated administration into test subjects, yielded better results. The series actually handles it very well, as it's established that it took twenty years to reach the point it's at in the first game.

In reality, the C-Virus isn't special, some of these properties would apply to the other viruses too, but we only get to see the aspects relevant to the story. I think they did well with the C-Virus, Simmons aside.

Alex digitally recreated her mind and memories and used technology to implant them into Natalia's own mind. It's better explained in the Japanese version:


Recorded for the "rebirth ceremony"...
In his later years, my pitiful father Spencer obsessively clutched at straws in the study of undying power and "immortality", expiring with it unfinished.
I took over his research and repeated experimental improvements on a "mind and memory transfer system" and the technology at its core.
I've obtained stable results, but there are still many unstable portions.

The requirements currently clear are as follows
1. The "vessel" must be mentally strong to overcome the "fear" with facing the new mind.
2. To minimize strain on the "vessel", a period of about half a year is needed post-transfer to stabilize and adapt.

It won't be long before I run out of the time I've been given.
I must hurry to finish it as soon as possible...

The origins of the Wesker Project is familiar to me, but it would have been nice to see what Alex' relation is to Umbrella's history after seeing how involved Albert was. Especially the echoes to what Alexia Ashford set out to do.

Both Heavenly Island and Marhawa Desire are needing a read, so I'll be sure to check what translations are there.

Those who conquer their fear likely have a similar, though maybe not quite as dramatic, relationship to the virus like we see with Sherry and the G-Virus (another echo to past events). At least, that's how I understood it. Another way of looking at it was what Alexia Ashford and Albert Wesker were attempting to achievever personally with the T-Veronica and Uroboros virus respectively.

Glad to see that I wasn't missing much in understanding how the C-Virus was utilized. Still a bit of a disappointment narrative-wise, even if the effects are mostly fantanstic.

So far all that's known about Alex is that she was a rival to Albert, though he was unaware of who her true identity and presumably so was she of his. Following the t-Virus injection test in 1998, she was appointed in charge of the Wesker Project. After Umbrella's dissolution, she was sent to Spencer's research facility on Sonido de Tortuga Island to conduct research on biological immortality using the viruses, where she began the "Jǐn Dú Project" with her subordinate Dirk Miller. Three years later, she abandoned the island taking all of the researchers and test subjects with her, but left Miller behind with the virus she was developing.

I mean, they didn't mention Simmons for 30 years, even though he apparently was the secret ruler of the world.

Actually, he's this guy:


Adam Benford appears in Leon's BIO3 epilogue also. They were initially unnamed side characters but the writers decided to revisit them in BIO6 due to ther existing connections to Leon and Sherry, rather than create new characters.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
It needs to be 1 huge interconnected map with multiple paths that is nearly impossible without grinding gear forever.
Considering 2's Raid mode was a vr simulation by the Red Queen I would have went all out crazy with it.
REmake mansion with classic gameplay
Raccoon City map either using 2,3 Outbreak or ORC assets.(ORC map would use Rev gameplay)
Ghost Ship returns

Every main playable character included.

The thought of the entire mansion being a Raid map with you starting at the doors and ending on the helipad is incredible to me.
Sadly not having a 3d version of the mansion limits what they can do but even if it went to classic camera and controls it would still be awesome for that mode.

Maybe REmake 2 will be 3d but with a classic camera and they can rip some of those maps for Rev3.

Maybe instead of shooter spinoffs, they should consider a standalone Raid title. Creating some locales based on older titles would be great fun (Mansion, RPD, etc), and the absence of at least one large, contiguous map (like Ghost Ship) was a big issue for Rev2 Raid.

They also had a problem with difficulty, the Code Red stuff is just tedious, never-ending sponge. Even rainbow-tier guns with great mods seem anemic--you end up spending hours and hours to get these guns just to feel underpowered. I'd rather have enemies that can soak less damage but deal way more damage in return. Playing Code Red just doesn't stay interesting.
Actually, he's this guy:

Adam Benford appears in Leon's BIO3 epilogue also. They were initially unnamed side characters but the writers decided to revisit them in BIO6 due to ther existing connections to Leon and Sherry, rather than create new characters.[/QUOTE]

Good point, I always forget the RE3 endings. Still, that reinforces my original contention that being out of sight for a decade or so does not preclude a character from taking a major role in a future title.

& Speaking of those endings. The North American versions show a dimension of Leon, Claire, and Sherry's experiences that later NA releases either ignore or downplay. Leon and Sherry are essentially captives coerced by the United States government. Sherry waiting for (presumably) Claire to come and rescue her. Leon telling Claire to beat it.

They're all a little jarring to look at (well, except the Hunk one) in retrospect--not because they contradict later stories, but because they emphasize facets of the story that later NA releases do not. I don't believe I've seen alternate translations of the RE3 endings--is this a case where different localization teams choose to emphasize different things? Or do we get an inaccurately rosy impression of Leon's relationship with the US government in, say, RE4?

[quote="Ralemont, post: 206103489"]Old Blonde Jill who wouldn't even have good Jill's face can stay gone as far as I care.[/QUOTE]

damn, dude

[quote="Jawmuncher, post: 206123895"]Still betting on Jill and Jake, or Jake and a new character. That's if the story isn't going to be spun into a "finding Jake" type of story instead.[/QUOTE]

RE7: The Search for Jake
Starring Sherry and Josh or Sheva
post-game "Separate Ways" type campaign with Rebecca and Jake

On another note: anybody have any good GIFs? Thread needs more GIFs IMO. I made this one for the Rev2 OT back in the day. Default Jill had the best i-frames

News Bot

Good point, I always forget the RE3 endings. Still, that reinforces my original contention that being out of sight for a decade or so does not preclude a character from taking a major role in a future title.

& Speaking of those endings. The North American versions show a dimension of Leon, Claire, and Sherry's experiences that later NA releases either ignore or downplay. Leon and Sherry are essentially captives coerced by the United States government. Sherry waiting for (presumably) Claire to come and rescue her. Leon telling Claire to beat it.

They're all a little jarring to look at (well, except the Hunk one) in retrospect--not because they contradict later stories, but because they emphasize facets of the story that later NA releases do not. I don't believe I've seen alternate translations of the RE3 endings--is this a case where different localization teams choose to emphasize different things? Or do we get an inaccurately rosy impression of Leon's relationship with the US government in, say, RE4?

The localizations in the series are all handled by different people who are about as terrible as each other at the job, so there are rampant inconsistencies and when they actually put the effort in to maintain consistency, they end up referring back to translations that were wrong to begin with. BIO6 has a few things from BIO3's localization, such as "Baccilus Terminate", that had never appeared again in the time between the two games.

Generally speaking, very few characterizations in the series are consistent due primarily to the flakey localization. Leon's attitude in BIO4 is a lot different from the happy-go-lucky version of him in that game's localization. He is sardonic, but the translator exaggerated his humour and deliberately inserted more of it where it wasn't needed, missing the point.

Here are accurate translations of the epilogues:


Jill Valentine left after the incident.
In order to join Chris Redfield.
However... Jill arrived and the hideout was empty.
A dull color reflected sluggishly off Chris' knife like a signpost on the floor.
Jill left the empty place without hesitation.
She knows it.
He's alive and they'll meet again, she vowed as such with her sworn ally.


"Claire, I'm sorry"
Chris Redfield finishes his umpteenth letter with his usual words.
When he removes his sunglasses and squints at the warm sunlight of the café, a woman passes him lightly.
...She looks the same age as his younger sister.
Afterwards, Chris followed her whereabouts and learnt the cost of his younger sister joining the fight.


Barry Burton slowly stooped down before his young daughters.
"I'm sorry, my comrades are waiting."
He'd betrayed them for his family.
He had to join his comrades, and hardened his will to repay their trust even if it meant being separated from his family.
"Honey, we'll be okay."
His beautiful wife stands on her tiptoes and kisses him one last time.


Leon Scott Kennedy was facing a man who identified himself as a U.S. government intelligence agent.
"So you're gonna kill me..."
The man distorted his lips slightly into a smile.
"Leave Sherry out of this. She isn't guilty."
"Ah, but she knows too much."
The man glanced up briefly, looking him straight in the face.
"Let's talk frankly. We value your abilities. This isn't a bad negotiation. To make this go peacefully, you only have one choice."
Leon closed his eyes and replied.


"Leave Sherry behind with me."
When Claire Redfield heard what Leon said, she couldn't believe her ears.
"Leon, why?"
"You're looking for your brother, right?"
The weakened Sherry and injured Leon were in need of immediate medical care.
But she had no more time to spare.
"I... I'll definitely come back. I promise!"
Claire disappeared into the wilderness alone.


"Do you have any relatives?"
The army officer asked her with a soft voice, but Sherry Birkin didn't answer.
The girl doesn't have any relatives now.
They met a tragic and bitter end due to the military virus they had created, "G."
The little girl held herself with her arms and bit her tiny lip tight.
"She'll surely come back to me..."
For the lonely Sherry, only the single red jacket Claire left was the remaining bond between the two.


A woman gazes at her figure reflected in a mirror.
A woman called Ada Wong...
However, she will say goodbye to that name the coming morning.
It was almost time for her next mission.
"I'm not Ada anymore..."
There was a brand-new laceration on her side.
"This is Ada's scar. Not mine."
When the woman was Ada, it was a scar she received in order to protect the man she loved.
Ada Wong will become a thing of the past, and in the morning, the woman sheds endless tears.


"You're the only one again, Reaper."
The pilot said bitterly after realizing HUNK was the only soldier he recovered.
"As always, only you survived. Even in such a hellish battlefield."
HUNK didn't answer, but took out the capsule he recovered and played with it in his palm.
Hell is the Reaper's domain.
"The Grim Reaper can't die..."
The survivor bears a faint smile.


It'll be so great once the trailer hits. I remember all the speculating on RE6s trailer. Some thought Jake might be hunk and that sherry was Ashley.
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