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Resident Evil HD Remaster confirmed for PS3/PS4/360/XB1/PC

I didn't realize how frustrating and tense it was going to be with all of the item management, limited inventory, backtracking, and tank controls. I mean it is a great game and all, but I just felt like it is tedious as hell.

I still vastly prefer Resident Evil 2 though.

For the record, RE2 also has:
item management
limited inventory
tank controls.

So the "vast" preference is just because of Leon/Ada?
For the record, RE2 also has:
item management
limited inventory
tank controls.

So the "vast" preference is just because of Leon/Ada?

Well, I like the A/B scenario system and the different environments. Also, I didn't mind the backtracking in RE2 compared to REmake. I really didn't like being in the mansion for a long time and going back and forth. I guess it became a chore to me after a while even though I was making considerable progress. Don't get me wrong REmake is true survival horror, but I still don't like it quite as much.



Nice to see the room with the armours in full resolution finally. That's definitely a good example of the new lighting system:



I'm really excited because I know the game will look decent enough in the end, I know they are trying their best to make the game look as good as possible with what they got between their hands.

I know we will have a first trailer at TGS for the PS3 version ( it's releasing in 2 months so this is logical ).

But what I really can't wait is the first gameplay footage of the PS4 version... because I think it's going to be fantastic.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I have continued to mess around with REMake ~every way I can~

I decided to try and make a Jill retexture that is more accurate to the new version (the bluer tone). I used the textures from cutscene Jill to update the gameplay versions to have higher clarity.

I've also made a SweetFx profile which I've modeled after screen grabs of REmake on Gamecube, since the emulated version seems to have a generally lower contrast and lighter hue'd visuals. Then, I've also got the backgrounds I've scaled in my own custom way.


Here is
  1. the REmake image that I based the SweetFx profile off of
  2. vanilla REmake in Dolphin
  3. SweetFx/blue outfit texture



I tried to emulate the Gamecube visuals, but without the crushed blacks.

In game, Jill's outfit is supposed to appear much more blue it would seem based on images like this

Here is
  • vanilla Jill, no SweetFx, regular background
  • bluer REmaster Jill, custom SweetFx, custom scaled background

Here are just some in game screenshots

  1. Custom textures/SweetFx/in game fog filter disabled
  2. Vanilla/in game fog filter disabled
  3. Custom textures/SweetFx
  4. Vanilla
  5. REMaster

  • Vanilla
  • Custom



Got our interview back with Capcom. I'll be sharing it on Rely on Horror soon.

Got answers on the upscaling v.s rerendering. They ARE working from original assets.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Got our interview back with Capcom. I'll be sharing it on Rely on Horror soon.

Got answers on the upscaling v.s rerendering. They ARE working from original assets.

Ohhhhh shitttttttt. That's a huge confirmation.

Hearing that, and comparing that with the screenshots we've seen of the PS360 versions...

Could this lend credibility to the idea that they're only re-rerendering for the next-gen/PC versions? Because if so holy shit, that would be kinda messed up.

Can't wait to read the article.
With the new shots it's even clearer how dreadful the new color grading is. All the blacks are being tuned toward blue-green, and all the lights are toward orange. I'm tempted to say it's straight up offensive in some cases, like the knight room. I really hope this is a post-process thing that can be eliminated with mods in the PC release. The overall effect is similar to the Xbox One's old sharpening and contrast boost filter, and it's sad to see such a visually lush game be treated like this.

I also think the new character lighting needs work. In this shot the zombies' upper bodies are too brightly lit for their distance from the torch, and the overdone bloom makes them appear to glow with orange light. This is also clear in the other shot with the bald top zombie, where his head looks like it's right up against a light source when it clearly isn't.

I want to welcome this game with open arms so badly, but these issues are holding me back.


My first PS-game ever was the original Resident Evil with the odd aiming. You missed your shots so easily with it. Then game the Director´s Cut, Resident Evil II (the BEST game of the series IMO), and so on...

Played every game of the main series on PS-consoles, so it will be glorious to return to the mansion with this edition. Can´t wait!!


Got our interview back with Capcom. I'll be sharing it on Rely on Horror soon.

Got answers on the upscaling v.s rerendering. They ARE working from original assets.

Is that how they phrased it? Working from "original assets"? Because unless they specifically stated that they're re-rendering every scene at a higher resolution, that phrase could mean they're using the original JPGs or character models. And if they are re-rendering, why not re-render for widescreen? Why stick with 4:3 scrolling? Why even release those terrible screenshots? Something doesn't add up.
My first PS-game ever was the original Resident Evil with the odd aiming. You missed your shots so easily with it. Then game the Director´s Cut, Resident Evil II (the BEST game of the series IMO), and so on...

Played every game of the main series on PS-consoles, so it will be glorious to return to the mansion with this edition. Can´t wait!!

You're most definitely in for a treat then.


Is that how they phrased it? Working from "original assets"? Because unless they specifically stated that they're re-rendering every scene at a higher resolution, that phrase could mean they're using the original JPGs or character models. And if they are re-rendering, why not re-render for widescreen? Why stick with 4:3 scrolling? Why even release those terrible screenshots? Something doesn't add up.

They address 4:3 scrolling and why they didn't go for 16:9. Also, the wording is interesting. It'll be posted in full.

Any news on release date and pricing?



Stormy Grey
They address 4:3 scrolling and why they didn't go for 16:9. Also, the wording is interesting. It'll be posted in full.


Looking forward to seeing the whole interview posted. I would like to believe that they are really putting the effort in but everything I've seen so far has been showing otherwise.


never left the stone age
Got our interview back with Capcom. I'll be sharing it on Rely on Horror soon.

Got answers on the upscaling v.s rerendering. They ARE working from original assets.

Question is what Capcom counts as original assets :(. They might as well be talking about the original assets from the Gamecube release lol.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Question is what Capcom counts as original assets :(. They might as well be talking about the original assets from the Gamecube release lol.

As with most PR stuff, I think the wording will be really important. Arsenic says they got answers on upscaling vs rerendering, so I hope the wording is specific enough that we'll know which they mean.


Question is what Capcom counts as original assets :(. They might as well be talking about the original assets from the Gamecube release lol.

That's precisely how I read it, and with the released screenshots I'd call bullshit on anything else tbh.


Yeah, this definitely doesn't add up. If they're working from the source files then why do the backgrounds look like simple upscales?


Low Poly Gynecologist
Capcom has been repeatedly emphasizing that the screenshots are from the PS360 versions of the game. If they are working from original assets, and as that would have many hoping re-rendering the backgrounds, that could mean last gen versions are getting scaled backgrounds and current gen versions are getting re-rendered. That would be a crappy artificial way to make the current gen versions look good, but it wouldn't necessarily be completely unlikely.
Capcom has been repeatedly emphasizing that the screenshots are from the PS360 versions of the game. If they are working from original assets, and as that would have many hoping re-rendering the backgrounds, that could mean last gen versions are getting scaled backgrounds and current gen versions are getting re-rendered. That would be a crappy artificial way to make the current gen versions look good, but it wouldn't necessarily be completely unlikely.

I hope to God that is what they are doing. I was so excited when I first read that they were doing a Remaster until I seen the screen shots. But I still don't have much faith considering they posted the same shots on their Steam page. I am just hoping those are placeholders.

Fady K

Man, I wish this would get a limited physical release on consoles at least. I'd buy the PS4 version for almost a full retail price!


I know, that is the most disappointing thing about this Remaster. I mean, it is sad that Capcom has an entire dedicated team and people in this thread are doing better upscales.

That's to be expected of Capcom though. Most of the devs who actually care about quality left the company


Capcom has been repeatedly emphasizing that the screenshots are from the PS360 versions of the game. If they are working from original assets, and as that would have many hoping re-rendering the backgrounds, that could mean last gen versions are getting scaled backgrounds and current gen versions are getting re-rendered. That would be a crappy artificial way to make the current gen versions look good, but it wouldn't necessarily be completely unlikely.

Yeah but why even release a botched last gen version like this? it doesn't make sense but I guess everything is possible.

Also original assets can also mean GC assets no? Capcom should clarify this because things are pretty confusing right now. :/
Man, I wish this would get a limited physical release on consoles at least. I'd buy the PS4 version for almost a full retail price!

I would buy it for a FULL retail price 60$ and it would be so worth it.

What a full retail price for one of the most atmospheric and greatest games of all time?


I pray that Capcom surprise us and change her mind.
Capcom has been repeatedly emphasizing that the screenshots are from the PS360 versions of the game. If they are working from original assets, and as that would have many hoping re-rendering the backgrounds, that could mean last gen versions are getting scaled backgrounds and current gen versions are getting re-rendered. That would be a crappy artificial way to make the current gen versions look good, but it wouldn't necessarily be completely unlikely.

That would be stupid. And not in a "it makes kinda sense in a twisted Capcom- way"-stupid like a lot of their recent blunders.

Don´t get your hopes up, I´m sure they are refering to the original JPEG-files.


Capcom has been repeatedly emphasizing that the screenshots are from the PS360 versions of the game. If they are working from original assets, and as that would have many hoping re-rendering the backgrounds, that could mean last gen versions are getting scaled backgrounds and current gen versions are getting re-rendered. That would be a crappy artificial way to make the current gen versions look good, but it wouldn't necessarily be completely unlikely.

I don't think they would upscale all backgrounds (and re-do major parts of some backgrounds), AND re-render all the backgrounds.

I'm expecting PS4/XBONE/PC versions to look virtually identical to the 360/PS3 versions.

Fady K

I would buy it for a FULL retail price 60$ and it would be so worth it.

What a full retail price for one of the most atmospheric and greatest games of all time?


I pray that Capcom surprise us and change her mind.

Likewise man....even if Capcom should charge us $30-40 max, i'd still buy it at $60.


Likewise man....even if Capcom should charge us $30-40 max, i'd still buy it at $60.

I won't. This is Resident Evil directors cut all over again.

Not being hyperbolic at all, I'm hoping Capcom goes sooner than later so their IPs can have a chance of being picked up by studios and publishers that have an idea. I will feel bad for those effected, but its management's fault. Sad to think of what they were doing in their hayday


Capcom: "We are working on the original assets
from a retail disc we just bought from the local shop

Hey, that's better than Konami.

"We are working on the original assets
from the alpha and beta versions and changing stuff here and there so that it looks in HD how it should be. We are not putting it into some 'upscaling' machine.
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