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Respawn: EA made Titanfall deal, only for one game, will work on PS4 later

get the eff outta here...that makes no sense...LBP came to Sony a small group and they gave them there own studio/funding/marketing budget. It's a growing partnership, not holding one game back from another platform.

We know, SOny does it too. But just say that, as starting studios is not the same as nabbing exclusives, particularly when the devs state they want to please all fans...

btw--don't care about TF, not being butt hurt or anything...just saying that's not the same thing. PS4 owner people are fine...

it falls under the same tactic as the timed exclusivity deals that MS does.

"get the map packs early on Xbox!" what it really means is we're delaying the content on a competing platform with absolutely no benefit to you the consumer. obviously this Titianfall deal is on a much larger scale but the parallels are there.

MS gonna MS. then, at year 4 or 5 were going to see the lack of first party support rear it's ugly head again and we'll be left with three or four MS IP's that keep getting rehashed.


If Respawn wanted to make TF an exclusive, they would've gone to MS in the first place and would've undoubtedly been far better off then than they are now. EA is forcing them to be exclusive even after they very explicitly went to a 3rd party publisher to be released as multiplatform.

That's the difference, not the same result.

Well... not really though, because presumably they didn't go first party so they could keep the sales of both consoles; the reason they're exclusive now is because MS covered the costs to make up that difference.



That's hilarious, lol.




Umm, you go EA.

Update 1;



Well yeah, the sequel will come to PS4.

I know Im late but this confirms CBOAT's rumor as true. This game was gonna be exclusive for a certain window.

This tweet also doesnt really confirm TF2 for PS4 but more like "yea we can work on future PS4 titles but not TF1". So Maybe TF2 will come to PS4 or he meant that other Respawn games will be multiplatform/have PS4 support.

I believe MS needed a "Hail Mary" before Xbone's launch to have some positive news within xbox fans as its been a killzone over the net for them. Nothing but really nasty rumors that kept becoming true plus their own backlash.

Lastly I think having the infamous TITANFALL be '1080P on PS4' a year later would crush their egos and dark hearts to no end. Their touted exclusive being better on their competitor? MS wasnt gonna have that and decided to close any of that drama coming and made the game exclusive to not deal with more anti-MS backlash.

Feel bad for Respawn but not about this news and this game has been over hyped but to me it looks really lame.
Next bit of breaking news will be Destiny exclusive to PS4 on next gen.Sony need some big moves like when they secured FF VII in the PS1 days.

It's time to kick them while they're down!

Destiny is a quarter billion, 10 year project. The chances of it ever going platform exclusive are less than zero.
Titanfall 2 in 2016 for PS4 confirmed then.
Unless Microsoft makes it rain on EA again.

Will enjoy Titanfall on the XBO though. =D


Serious question, how much dough are we talking about in a moneyhat of this magnitude?
I mean, all those potential PS4 sales, it has to be a shitload of money, doesn't it?


Okay, if you really insist
But... whats the benefit of 1st party developed games if you're spending money on what is the functional equivalent of such content? An exclusive fills the same role?

If MS spent the money on a new IP, Xbox owners could have Titanfall + a new IP. Instead, MS spends the money on securing a exclusive, which doesn't benefit Xbox owners, only hurts PS4-only people.
But... whats the benefit of 1st party developed games if you're spending money on what is the functional equivalent of such content? An exclusive fills the same role?

It's not all exclusive though. you want the consumer to know that your console is something special. Now with that tweet, everyone know that Titanfall 2 will come to PS4. Said PS4 consumers answer: "I'll wait. Destiny will hold me up until then." If it was 1st party, the decision is clear. To play this franchise, I'll need your console.
There is an obvious difference between creating something and using other companies' creations. One adds to the industry while the other just takes something/removes a feature from the competition.

So when Sony buys a studio like Naughty dog, that means they are creating their work that naughty dog does from then on? Same people making the same content just under different ownership.

Microsoft buys exclusivity the same way Sony does, with cash. Just Sony does it in a different way. The end result are still exclusive games being paid for with money.
Well... not really though, because presumably they didn't go first party so they could keep the sales of both consoles; the reason they're exclusive now is because MS covered the costs to make up that difference.

You're making no sense.

You're simply assuming MS is paying Raspawn at least what they would've made on PS4 sales. MS paid EA, you have no idea how much of that deal Respawn saw, and given Vince's reaction I doubt what you're suggesting is true.


Do you guys think the amount that MS paid equals or tops the profit they could have gained by putting it on the PS4? I think we're talking a shit load of cash here.


bish gets all the credit :)
Serious question, how much dough are we talking about in a moneyhat of this magnitude?
I mean, all those potential PS4 sales, it has to be a shitload of money, doesn't it?

Take any expected revenue from potential PS4 sales. Let's say they estimated 3 million PS4 copies would sell. That's $180M right there. Would have been nice to invest that into some new games...


So if MS approached Respawn directly with a tonn of money, would they refuse? My understanding is Respawn are pissed they're not seeing any of the money MS paid EA, which was obviously a lot.

That's your understanding from Vinces tweets?

Deal done behind back, a deal that threw away work already done on PS4 version, deal that stops their game getting out to the masses.
I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing Respawn actually wanted to release a PS4 TF game six months before releasing another. This franchise was destined for the Fall. It probably was meant to be so originally. With the rumored 1 year exclusive, it doesn't make much sense. To me at least anyway.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Not surprised. Honestly I don't care much about this game (I seriously don't see what the fuss is about) but Vince is obviously not happy. The man cannot catch a break. I sure hope MS paid out the ass for this b/c EA probably won't get to publish Titanfall 2 now.

Funny thing is, this could easily blow up in MS/EA's face. The game is multi-player only...so once they have the game finished, what's stopping Respawn from re-skinning/re-naming the maps, adding a few new ones, and maybe even throwing in a single player mode and having say Bethesda publish "TitanFall 2" in under a year?


You're making no sense.

You're simply assuming MS is paying Raspawn at least what they would've made on PS4 sales. MS paid EA, you have no idea how much of that deal Respawn saw, and given Vince's reaction I doubt what you're suggesting is true.

You're hinging a lot on a sadface that could mean a lot.

Its definitely not as much as Ps4 sales, because its eliminating risk and $ now is worth more than $ later- but that has value too.


Neo Member
Fucking hell, he said that publicly?


So when Sony buys a studio like Naughty dog, that means they are creating their work that naughty dog does from then on? Same people making the same content just under different ownership.

Microsoft buys exclusivity the same way Sony does, with cash. Just Sony does it in a different way. The end result are still exclusive games being paid for with money.
Well EA/MS could have at least bought them dinner before they fucked them
If MS spent the money on a new IP, Xbox owners could have Titanfall + a new IP. Instead, MS spends the money on securing a exclusive, which doesn't benefit Xbox owners, only hurts PS4-only people.


Why in the nine hells are people forgetting that respawn has explictly said the servers (for a game that is ONLY MP) were a great deal thanks to MS.

How is this moneyhatting when MS was doing this BEFORE e3 and BEFORE the bad news?
it falls under the same tactic as the timed exclusivity deals that MS does.

"get the map packs early on Xbox!" what it really means is we're delaying the content on a competing platform with absolutely no benefit to you the consumer. obviously this Titianfall deal is on a much larger scale but the parallels are there.

MS gonna MS. then, at year 4 or 5 were going to see the lack of first party support rear it's ugly head again and we'll be left with three or four MS IP's that keep getting rehashed.

And this is the fear on many minds still. Will Microsoft continue down the same path of getting these types of deals that don't really resonate with the brand in the end? Will these short term gains keep loyal fans at bay?

But does it also make much sense to have a ton of studios of your own that you have to pay for? It's very expensive to make these big games and by limiting your audience to just one platform may not be the smartest investment either. At least Sony and Nintendo have handheld systems to feed off of as well.
So you won't be able to enjoy TitanFall as much knowing they didn't give birth to it and raise it?

From a business perspective yes, it would make more sense in actually owning the ip's but that also comes at a risk. TitanFall is generating a ton of positive feedback. That can be hard to do on new ip's at any time but when you have the guys from the original Call of Duty that risk is lessened because they have the experience. I'm sure people would be just as upset if they took the team and bought them out like they did with Rare.

A franchise like Gears of war proved they could secure a license while not owning the ip. Who's to say they won't be doing the same here?
like I said, I'd rather a team be built up through partnerships with a company rather than doing deals for certain products. Sony has been taking a bunch of risk then because they established 2 new studios this generation. Do I want to see that from MS? You bet. It builds faith in the brand, knowing amazing experiences are coming from in house. People would be upset now that the developers have expressed interest and sincerity in doing there games on PS4. But if it was an announced partnership and Respawn just became a part of MS from the gate, it would be no different from ND making titles for PS4 IMO=NO Hate...

but, regardless, I don't think we even disagree, I think we both feel building studios is better, and TF is a good win for X1 IMO, Hope it sells well and sequels come to more platforms, i'll be too broke to play any of it next year anyway lol...


Well... not really though, because presumably they didn't go first party so they could keep the sales of both consoles; the reason they're exclusive now is because MS covered the costs to make up that difference.

This post makes no sense. I've read it three times and it still doesn't.


They are effectively paying EA to keep the game off PS4 which sucks. It's an effective tool to increase their userbase for people desperate to play a next-gen version of TitanFall, but it is a scummy move.

You're right in saying it sucks for playstation owners, but it sure isn't "scummy". It's business, and judging the Microsoft model going forward (buying more 3rd party exclusives), it's right up their alley. It's a smart move for MS to lock in a game that can help with in install base (like Halo did previously). They're not in the business to "share the wealth", neither are Sony. The publishers/developers are the ones that want their product to be played by everyone. If anything, this is a shocking step from EA (especially if Respawn was unaware of it).


They are effectively paying EA to keep the game off PS4 which sucks. It's an effective tool to increase their userbase for people desperate to play a next-gen version of TitanFall, but it is a scummy move.

You don't think Sony does the same from time to time? I like how some people are really mad about this but would completely lose their shit if Infamous went multi platform.

This just makes me want an X1 even more. For $500, you better provide the exclusives because I'm definitely not going to be playing third party games on it when I have a PS4.

I also find it weird that Respawn sided with EA and Bungie signed a deal with Act., even considering what happen to Infinity ward. Did Sony really not want to pay up for either team? Bungie completely revolutionized online gaming and they certainly aren't a one trick company. IW pushed that envelop a bit more and made a significant impact


I know Im late but this confirms CBOAT's rumor as true. This game was gonna be exclusive for a certain window.

This tweet also doesnt really confirm TF2 for PS4 but more like "yea we can work on future PS4 titles but not TF1". So Maybe TF2 will come to PS4 or he meant that other Respawn games will be multiplatform/have PS4 support.

I believe MS needed a "Hail Mary" before Xbone's launch to have some positive news within xbox fans as its been a killzone over the net for them. Nothing but really nasty rumors that kept becoming true plus their own backlash.

Lastly I think having the infamous TITANFALL be '1080P on PS4' a year later would crush their egos and dark hearts to no end. Their touted exclusive being better on their competitor? MS wasnt gonna have that and decided to close any of that drama coming and made the game exclusive to not deal with more anti-MS backlash.

Feel bad for Respawn but not about this news and this game has been over hyped but to me it looks really lame.

But how did CBOAT know about this deal when the head of Respawn just found out? If you read the tweet at face value, the question was about working on the PS4 in general, not Titanfall.


You're hinging a lot on a sadface that could mean a lot.

Its definitely not as much as Ps4 sales, because its eliminating risk and $ now is worth more than $ later- but that has value too.

Why in the world would he use a sad face if he wasn't, you know, sad?


I feel sorry for them but don't. They signed the contract that gave EA the ability to do this. If they didn't want that to happen then they probably should have put something in the contract to prevent it.

So I'm very torn on this. Either way it is what it is.
Well, its great for PC gaming...cause more people will be upgrading, buying a capable PC or buying it on PC then buying a One it seems.


I don't see how EA screwed Respawn in this. Respawn owns the IP, they made a deal with EA to publish the game. EA as a publisher made a deal with MS.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Anyone who thought that MS was going to let their next Gears of war slip through their fingers is crazy.

this is more of a splinter cell

gears of war is an example of MS publishing the games directly
like mass effect, PGR, rallisport, lost odyssey, ninja gaiden yadda yadda


This post makes no sense. I've read it three times and it still doesn't.

Presumably, the reason they wanted to go 3rd party was to get the install base/money of multiplatform sales.

Going to one platform eliminates this, but presumably MS's payment makes up the gap somewhat. MS also takes on risk here.


So when Sony buys a studio like Naughty dog, that means they are creating their work that naughty dog does from then on? Same people making the same content just under different ownership.

Microsoft buys exclusivity the same way Sony does, with cash. Just Sony does it in a different way. The end result are still exclusive games being paid for with money.



Lastly I think having the infamous TITANFALL be '1080P on PS4' a year later would crush their egos and dark hearts to no end. Their touted exclusive being better on their competitor? MS wasnt gonna have that and decided to close any of that drama coming and made the game exclusive to not deal with more anti-MS backlash.

You do know that apart from a couple of GAF members most people don't even know the difference between 720/1080p? (or care about it)
You're hinging a lot on a sadface that could mean a lot.

Its definitely not as much as Ps4 sales, because its eliminating risk and $ now is worth more than $ later- but that has value too.

You're hinging your arguments on even less: random assumptions Respawn isn't getting screwed on their game suddenly becoming an exclusive after their publisher completes a deal behind their back because reasons.

"Sad face" to me means he's not happy about this. What do you think it means?
I don't see how EA screwed Respawn in this. Respawn owns the IP, they made a deal with EA to publish the game. EA as a publisher made a deal with MS.
Was Respawn working on a PS4 version? Do they have devkits?

I just wonder how a deal like this affects any development work they may have been doing.


Actively hates charity
Guys, what if this game sells like crazy, and ultimately becomes a huge success like gears or Halo?

Is it possible that MS investing heavily in TitanFall IP to get exclusive deal?
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