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Rise of the Tomb Raider PC |OT| Hello... it's me.

I hope for the next game they go full in on Lara being a crazy, ruthless, driven character. Like in this one they have her struggling to accept what she's doing but she manages to mentally justify killing tens of people so I hope that in the next one she's gone flat out crazy and truly believes that what she's doing is right. It would be really interesting to have that sort of protagonist.

But I doubt that will happen, Square or someone will probably say that that's too unlikeable so her character won't really develop any further.

I loved that in the
Baba Yaga DLC
there was no moaning - Lara was just completely capable and even calming down another character by sharing her experience. I would like it if that was the direction the next game took!


I think this game really has some of the most unbearably trite writing I have ever seen. It's truly unthinkably mediocre.

Lara and the Anna wake up in the same torture chamber

"She's working with the enemy" - revealed 2 minutes later

Anna coughs

"Oh she has terminal cancer and wants the immortality thing" - lights up a cigarette seconds later

Anna says that Mr Croft was "blinded by idealism"

... but she works for a village massacre-ing bunch of religious zealots

Jesus who gets paid to write this. I kinda want to play in another language with the subtitles off or something just so there can be some element of unpredictably. Cutscenes look beautiful for sure, but... that's it.
I think this game really has some of the most unbearably trite writing I have ever seen. It's truly unthinkably mediocre.

Lara and the Anna wake up in the same torture chamber

"She's working with the enemy" - revealed 2 minutes later

Anna coughs

"Oh she has terminal cancer and wants the immortality thing" - lights up a cigarette seconds later

Anna says that Mr Croft was "blinded by idealism"

... but she works for a village massacre-ing bunch of religious zealots

Jesus who gets paid to write this. I kinda want to play in another language with the subtitles off or something just so there can be some element of unpredictably. Cutscenes look beautiful for sure, but... that's it.

I mean the writing isn't great but your latter two complaints aren't very good.

She smokes because she doesn't give a fuck because she knows if they don't find the source she'll die anyway

That's the point. Since when are zealots self-aware?
What I found weird near the end was
Lara tells Constantin that he's been lied to by Anna when that's only ever revealed in a diary entry. Also it seems like it should be a bigger moment. Then he tells Lara that they killed her dad. No shit man


Beat the game this morning at 71%. It's a good followup to the 2013 game for sure. More story this time and much more memorable characters, which was a huge problem with TR 2013.


Beaten the game, which the last area was full of meh and wave of enemies, through
using the trebs were fun despite Lara not shutting up, god the hand holding in this game at times I swear.<.<

Now checking out more of the world, which while it has it moments, still feel uninspired in places.:/ Was hoping a bit more from the crypts.

Finished up all the challenge tombs, and well least there were still a couple that felt good with a decent enough length, like Baths of Kitezh and the Pit of Judgement.

Anyway what I am liking are the outfits, even if a lot of the DLC ones are just variants. Currently switching between the Leather Jacket and the Pioneer Outfit



Just finished the game. What a convoluted mess. Story is worse than the previous one in terms of direction and intrigue. CD copy and pasted the samurai with the immortal knights almost exactly pound for pound in terms of implementation as a foe, both in the context of the story and in gameplay terms. The marching scene of the Knights where Lara is hiding is pound for pound played to the same effect as in the reboot trying to bypass the Samurai formation. Something I noticed - repetition. While dialogue wasn't filled with cringe-worthy dialogue (say the reboot had 8/10, this one has 5/10), it still didn't do much to improve the overall story. Characters were garbage and lacking serious characterization through dialogue or otherwise. Outside of Lara, Jacob was the best, but even he turns to shit when you realize he's the damn
prophet playing a self-blame game (like really that's the best this character being the "prophet" can be?)

Jonah...don't get me started. So he's back, and he's just as bad. I was so happy
to see him die
(a cringe worthy death worthy of a cringe worthy character)
only to be laughed at by a revival at the hands of
Jesus the prophet Jacob - surprise he's the prophet.
Long story short, story was garbage, characters were as uninspired as the last one. While the dialogue improved, it didn't improve significantly enough to make the story any more serious, relate-able or likable. The team at CD is just behind the curve plain and simple. It's hard for them obviously. Two tries in the book.

The gameplay and gameplay systems. While the gameplay was expanded with "survival options" it's pretty much fodder due to how inconsequential it's to progress in the game. The stealth and sneaking in general is sadly just there for its sake - guns are extremely OP and there is plenty of cover to tackle any combat encounter. Can't recall an encounter where I was pushed to rethink my strategy - that is, headshot a couple guys w/ bow, finish the rest OR shoot everybody with the shotgun while playing peek-a-boo with cover. The instant health patch with regenerating health? Fodder. It's not quite like the TLOU and to use that game as an example it doesn't work as in TLOU since health recovers fully in ROTR. There is no constraint to health regeneration in ROTR, there is in the TLOU (as part of a health bar).

Crafting serves as simply ammo recollection and health patching. You have to wonder why add arrow quivers full of arrows around combat encounters and throughout the maps when there is crafting - robs the usefulness or to better phrase it, the overall need of crafting. Balance is once again horrible. You can beat the game easily with the shutgun or bow, no problem. I mean once you get the shotgun, why even try any other gun.

Melee is still hack-based. You don't have a requisite for engagement this time so that's an improvement but still, not much variety in terms of weaponry, not much close engagement - hand-to-hand combat is out of the picture. My guess is they don't want to prioritize too much time into developing a deeper melee system with multitudes of contextual animations. It's a simple, poor man's melee system. To be fair they added a downed/last state of sorts to enemies wherein you can perform finishing moves by pressing Y. I did use it, while not too frequent but used it with the shotgun. The novelty here is that you can buy an upgrade to do these for every type of gun there is. The reboot had finishing moves, just not too sure if it had them for every type of weapon??? So that might be new... (edit: kinda like TLOU, but, TLOU doesn't force you to buy the ability with xp, much less tier 3 - you get it by default).

As for the bow: A bow made out of a twig, and arrows made out of twigs bear absolutely no arrow drop and possess almost infinite distance travel/reach (at least to every freaking and possible enemy encounter there is - so it's technically that. I guess there is a reason there are no sniper rifles in this game.) So nothing changed this time around except they made it even stronger with the double-arrow, triple arrow shenanigan.

Now I can't blame CD for the bow. If CD were to focus test the bow with people's reactions in forums and on the net, the bow is apparently great - awesome. Overwhelmingly that's what I read. So if they keep hearing that feedback why change it? I completely disagree - I guess I am in the minority. I love the implementation of the bow in TLOU. The bow in these Tomb Raider games play like a silenced, automatic sniper rifle without the need of a scope, and little to no recoil. Can't really make it any more OP - but they did tho...

Some mechanics push the boundaries of what's believable for this character to the max, ex: broad arrow climbing. This is the sort of mechanic that's just fodder. You got the climbing with the axes, plus added a rope swing. I can take that - that's something an adventurer would do, something you expect an adventurer to do in a way. Climbing on top of arrows? LOLLLLL...why not just make those areas climbable with the axe? I mean heh....not to mention the weird camera angle when trying to use multiple broad arrows in a large climbing section. The surfaces are tool specific as a result.

As for the xp, upgrading collectathon, basically reminds of Batman Arkham City and Arkham Knight in terms of progression. People say Assassins Creed, nah...they been paying a close attention to Rocksteady's work. I don't think it benefits this game as much as say, Batman, a superhero with all these gadgets. Fodder but I can see why some might like it. Keeps them busy from an otherwise mediocre campaign. The illusion of having something to do, even if it's more or less meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

Puzzles improved (not by much literally) yet most of them are once again optional. You still once again get a notification reminding you that you're close to a Tomb - asking you to find it. They still feel like tacked on. There is no build up within the story towards something specific that presents itself as a puzzle or tomb (except the first one in Syria and the multiple globes puzzle).

The game is bigger than the last one for sure but not necessarily a better game because of it.... If you told me to pick, I would pick the cringe worthy reboot as the story had better direction and more intrigue towards the end. So in that sense I am split. CD shows they're competent at building mechanics, crafting beautiful scenery (their art team is great) and they have some solid level designers but they continue to miss the magic that stitches everything together to form something coherent.

Can't see myself sympathizing with the sporadic GOTY claims you see. In my opinion you would have to be very superficial in your playthrough to claim it as such. I could go into more detail about everything in the game but it's just a playthrough and, well, a game. Reviewed about the same as the last one, about right.
What an incredibly condescending "review". I mean feel free to disagree but you say CD is "behind the curve" at making games and then you go on to mention how a game mechanic is "uncanny valley" (not really sure you know what that means?)


What an incredibly condescending "review". I mean feel free to disagree but you say CD is "behind the curve" at making games and then you go on to mention how a game mechanic is "uncanny valley" (not really sure you know what that means?)

Behind the curve in telling stories and building characters? Yes they are in my pov. The only thing that improved in this one was the level of cringe worthy dialogue, or "less of". Then again, pacing was non-existent, the story lacked intrigue and the characters were hardly fleshed out for proper digestion. What they tried just falls flat. Since I found the last one to have better direction, pacing and more intrigue (despite bad writing, dialogue and characters) there are more steps taken backwards than forwards per say. Two tries in the book, hardly any improvements.

As for uncanny valley: something that doesn't feel that belongs in that world, or that works for that specific character. Something just wrong to the eye per say. I might be using that term wrong for lack of a better one to describe something that just feels/is off and pushes the boundaries of what you would expect from this sort of character - the limits of what's believable. In that sense, broad arrow climbing and double-triple arrow is just that. But I'll edit it, to avoid replies focusing on that alone.

Not a review....just my observations. There are pluses in there. Level design, art, (graphics in general), gameplay mechanics that properly balanced and constrained would work. But that's just a dissection too big to undertake. Like basically molding another game out of what's in there. I alluded as much. It's just not coherently good.
I definitely don't think it's a fair representation of what most of the game looks like. .

Well, that's what the distant rendered area looks like. Part of the world you can't visit. Still no excuse.

It's not all bad though. Here's a different outdoor scene.

Playing through the game now and am finding it fun. My favourite part is that at some point in history, people spent thousands upon thousands of man hours creating a tomb to contain the secret of shooting two dudes at once with your bow and arrow.
Behind the curve in telling stories and building characters? Yes they are in my pov. The only thing that improved in this one was the level of cringe worthy dialogue, or lack there of. Then again, pacing was non-existent, the story lacked intrigue and the characters were hardly fleshed out for proper digestion. What they tried just falls flat. Since I found the last one to have better direction, pacing and more intrigue (despite bad writing, dialogue and characters) there are more steps taken backwards than forwards per say. Two tries in the book, hardly any improvements.

I agree for the most part but actually found the dialog and voice acting worse in this one. I thought it was much more cringe worthy really.

The game is fun, graphics look superb (and it was super cheap) so I am happy but acting and story are horrible.


I agree for the most part but actually found the dialog and voice acting worse in this one. I thought it was much more cringe worthy really.

The game is fun, graphics look superb (and it was super cheap) so I am happy but acting and story are horrible.

This one is fresh in your eyes. The reboot had some cringe worthy dialogue from beginning to end. But yeah this one has them too. The harder you look for them, the more instances you find. It's better to take that lightly when playing.


The Language Proficiency leveling is hilarious and awful. It feels like something out of a video game comic.

I'm going to take a break from getting 100% for a while since I'm becoming increasingly frustrated and tired looking for dots on a map on what I've missed, maps the game won't show me I haven't picked up, and Challenge locations I haven't met. It's just tiresome and highlights a massive flaw in the world design which focuses on putting a whole lot of crap around at the cost of functionality being visible and usable.

I'm skipping most of the dialog/story pickups when I get them now as well. I just don't care. It's awful. All of it. I'm also guessing that Tomb Raider 3 goes in the direction of...
Lara's father is the head of Trinity because it's that obvious.


The Language Proficiency leveling is hilarious and awful. It feels like something out of a video game comic.

I'm going to take a break from getting 100% for a while since I'm becoming increasingly frustrated and tired looking for dots on a map on what I've missed, maps the game won't show me I haven't picked up, and Challenge locations I haven't met. It's just tiresome and highlights a massive flaw in the world design which focuses on putting a whole lot of crap around at the cost of functionality being visible and usable.

I'm skipping most of the dialog/story pickups when I get them now as well. I just don't care. It's awful. All of it. I'm also guessing that Tomb Raider 3 goes in the direction of...
Lara's father is the head of Trinity because it's that obvious.

You find the relic/document map, to find the relics/documents, to learn the languages, to read the monolith to learn the coin stash locations? or is it the resource stash? Yeah metta upon metta.


Can't see myself sympathizing with the sporadic GOTY claims you see.
Is there anyone taking GOTY claims seriously these days? I mean people throw that term around as soon as they're really hooked to a game ignoring completely the fact we have February (or still months to go in other scenarios). It's just on of those superlatives people used to use like "best [insert noun here] ever". I do not REALLY think about GOTY and I'm sure many people will change their mind as the year progresses. I think it's just another expression for overwhelmingly possitive emotions about that game. Not one that cannot be topped.
Speedrun/ Quality of life tech:

After using your axe to break down those crumbling walls (the ones with arches above them) instead of approaching it and doing the slow sidle animation, do a jumping axe swing with Space+E and youll just go right through it


Well, that's what the distant rendered area looks like. Part of the world you can't visit. Still no excuse.

It's not all bad though. Here's a different outdoor scene.

No doubt it can look shitty if you go wandering too far or catch a bad angle, but in the minute-to-minute gameplay, the visuals have been quite lovely.


I'm wanting to like this game but the mix of exploring some old soviet ruins/generic lost city and the cringe of the dialogue and progression has me putting this game down every 30 minutes to take a break.

All this game is doing for me right now is making me realise how thirsty I am for another prince of persia game.
If we're comparing Tomb Raider to Uncharted, as many like to do, this game is certainly no Uncharted 2.

Unlike the immense, generational leap from Uncharted to Uncharted 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider makes a series of small improvements over its predecessor.

Gameplay is just a bit tighter and more varied, writing and story is just a bit more intriguing, locales have just a bit more variety, the scope is just a bit larger... But in the end, it just feels like a louder version of the same game we played in 2013.

These small improvements left me with a game that felt like it was only doing just enough to match the expectations of what a sequel to Tomb Raider ought to be. It did nothing to exceed them.

I had fun, and it's a solid game, but I don't think I could give it more than a 7.5/10.


Gold Member
Finally %100 the game and my opinions are the same as the last game.

1.Game needs more combat encounters, especially after you beat the game. I beat the game after 25 hours. 10 hours later ive only been involved in 15 encounters that last like 10 seconds

One of the biggest complaints about TR was that it had too many combat encounters, muh ludonarrative dissonance, etc.

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that you're in the minority with the first one. And yea, CD seems to have taken these complaints to heart in this one, as there is less combat.


Like the previous game, this one could have been such a great game, there a few moments that it really shines and almost captures that feeling of wonder and discovery of what a Tomb Raider should be.

The tombs and the moments where you travel there are genuinly great and makes me thinks what this new rebooted series could have been. And honestly dump the story, it's not good.

A simple story like... there's an artifact, Lara wants it, She goes on an epic adventure in the wilderness/tombs is enough tbh. There is no need for ancient factions, betrayals and mercenaries.
How can I revert back to the original driver profile for RotTR in nvidia inspector? I tried using the revert button but it did nothing.

I downloaded a profile several days ago to try to fix SLI but it's caused some bugs and stuttering. It's actually better for me to dedicate one GPU to physx compared to the sli "fix" that profile provided.


Like the previous game, this one could have been such a great game, there a few moments that it really shines and almost captures that feeling of wonder and discovery of what a Tomb Raider should be.

The tombs and the moments where you travel there are genuinly great and makes me thinks what this new rebooted series could have been. And honestly dump the story, it's not good.

A simple story like... there's an artifact, Lara wants it, She goes on an epic adventure in the wilderness/tombs is enough tbh. There is no need for ancient factions, betrayals and mercenaries.
Based on the post credits stinger, it's probably not going to happen any time soon.

Anyways, just beat the game. The final boss is kind of a mess and so is the final stretch of gameplay leading to it. The final boss was extremely disappointing. I also ran into a pretty major bug where enemies would disappear if they tried to melee Lara and it completely threw off game balance. Which is not to say that it would have been difficult. Even on the hardest difficulty setting, the game is easy (much easier than on the Xbox One where I had to combat input lag).


finished the game a few minutes ago...I give it an A- overall...excellent graphics and gameplay...story wasn't all that amazing but it was decent...looking forward to Tomb Raider 3 in 2018!
I don't get it. I completed all tombs in the geothermal valley but that chick still wont give me the Dark Aegis armor. Says I've only found 8 out of 9 secrets. What could I possibly be missing?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
If anybody else encounters the bug here, at the research base, that prevents Lara from swinging to the second pole, cap the game to 30fps (I used RTSS) and it will trouble you no more.


I don't get it. I completed all tombs in the geothermal valley but that chick still wont give me the Dark Aegis armor. Says I've only found 8 out of 9 secrets. What could I possibly be missing?
There's one last tomb in the final hub that you'll have to finish.
So I've been playing Rise since day one and I told myself that I'd like to complete this game 100%, meaning get every single item.

As I progress in the game and I get new equipment, I fast travel to previous locations to get the items I may have missed.

Well, there are some locations that I did not pick up everything for whatever but want to go back to get them, but some locations are inaccessible at the moment.

My question is this, once the story is complete, is every single location accessible?

Like the previous game, this one could have been such a great game, there a few moments that it really shines and almost captures that feeling of wonder and discovery of what a Tomb Raider should be.

The tombs and the moments where you travel there are genuinly great and makes me thinks what this new rebooted series could have been. And honestly dump the story, it's not good.

A simple story like... there's an artifact, Lara wants it, She goes on an epic adventure in the wilderness/tombs is enough tbh. There is no need for ancient factions, betrayals and mercenaries.

I think some fans have a warped sense of the story in the Tomb Raider series. It's always been bad. TR 2013 and this game at least tried a bit harder. The series is more about the puzzles and tombs and I think they did much better with that this time around although most of them are completely optional. If you just follow the waypoints to your goal then I'd see how people would still be disappointed.
This game's outdoor vistas....


They're certainly.... uhh.... something....[/QUOTE]

I can somewhat understand and give some slack with their outdoor vista areas. However, this tomb has to be one of if not the ugliest of the challenge tombs with the awful low-quality repeating textures.



Started the game today and got to the Siberian mission, after the flashback. The face animations in the cutscenes are brilliant.
Just wish the game could slow down for a bit, getting a heart attack over here.


Isn't there supposed to be a tomb in the baba yaga dlc? I just beat a boss and the dlc seems to be over, but no tomb in sight.
I'm pretty sure I broke this game somehow. I was trying to collect all of the Semi-Auto Pistol Parts, and I found 3 of 4 on my own, but I wanted to find the final part before I continued on.

So I looked up this guide. (Click the plus button next to 'Semi-Auto Pistol' to reveal the guide I looked at).

I used the map pictures they provided and went to each of the 4 strongboxes, and all 4 of them were already open. But I only have 3 of the 4 pistol parts. So unless that guide is wrong and it's actually a different strongbox I haven't encountered yet, I think my game is bugged. It's really putting me off from continuing to be honest.



This was a very good write up which I agree with. The game isn't good. There's a good possibly great game hidden amongst it but the bloat and lack of any satisfying achievement spoil it. Then the game is covered in one of the worst stories I've played for a long time.

I also agree that it's no longer an Uncharted clone but a Batman one with some TLoU sprinkled in. Unlike the latter though, the lack of any challenge and the absolute abundance of resources even on hard mode totally ruins any Survival theme they were attempting to capture.

CD and Rhianna Pratchet just can't write a story either. People forgave them for the first game because she was brought in late in development and had to come up with whatever she could. But now we have the real deal and it's actually worse than the previous game and even Lara is less likeable than before - as the player it's very difficult to relate to her pursuit because the characterisation is so terrible.

I've said it before but I can't believe the reviews this game got. It's more AAA checklist design than anything I've seen for a while, so well maybe I shouldn't be surprised. I'm not sure I'll actually finish it, it's quite boring and I'd rather play TitS while waiting for Uncharted.
Isn't there supposed to be a tomb in the baba yaga dlc? I just beat a boss and the dlc seems to be over, but no tomb in sight.

I completed it last night and didn't run across one. Checking the Baba Yaga region summary doesn't list one either.

Must say I'm a bit disappointed. Guess I got spoiled by CDProjekt Red with their Hearts of Stone DLC which took me around 10 hours to complete. This Baba Yaga took me around couple hours to finish while both DLC's have the same price. Oh well...


I completed it last night and didn't run across one. Checking the Baba Yaga region summary doesn't list one either.

Must say I'm a bit disappointed. Guess I got spoiled by CDProjekt Red with their Hearts of Stone DLC which took me around 10 hours to complete. This Baba Yaga took me around couple hours to finish while both DLC's have the same price. Oh well...

Yeah, the dlc was kind of short. The main game is very generous with content, though,


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm pretty sure I broke this game somehow. I was trying to collect all of the Semi-Auto Pistol Parts, and I found 3 of 4 on my own, but I wanted to find the final part before I continued on.

So I looked up this guide. (Click the plus button next to 'Semi-Auto Pistol' to reveal the guide I looked at).

I used the map pictures they provided and went to each of the 4 strongboxes, and all 4 of them were already open. But I only have 3 of the 4 pistol parts. So unless that guide is wrong and it's actually a different strongbox I haven't encountered yet, I think my game is bugged. It's really putting me off from continuing to be honest.

The people who contribute to IGN's wiki-based guide seem to agree that only some of the weapon part locations are preset.

Edit: Err, silly me, that's the guide for the previous game. Still, some weapon part locations being randomised could be the case in Rise, too.
I actually don't think that there was that much bloat in the game, possibly the only egregious bloat for me were the survival caches and coin caches, and mostly because they were counted for 100%, otherwise the survival caches actually had some uses if you were too lazy to hunt.

I even really like the relics as collectibles, but man I don't understand why they don't tie them more into the story or at least some mystery, I still can't believe that no one tried to copy the amazing hunt for the truth/ glyph collectibles from Assassin's Creed 2. Those would be perfect for a game like Tomb Raider.


My aim Y sensitivity keeps resetting and won't save at all, anyone ever had this issue? Aiming is impossible on m/kb with this glitch :(
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