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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


"Confirmation" is when become official. Now is just rumor.

there will never be an "official" confirmation after sometime the game releases on the xbone because of the NDA, how are you going to drive the console sales when people know the game will still be coming out several months after


As an owner of both consoles this is pretty pathetic.
I would have picked it up on PS4...also considering how fast a definitive edition came out i may actually hold off for that now.


I bought TR:DE in PS4, but if it was going up against Uncharted next holiday, it would get a pass from me until 2016 anyway so I hardly feel burned by this as a PS4 only owner. This is probably in SE's best interest anyway. Seriously, what PS4 owners would pick TR over Uncharted? If they got a lot of money from MS, good for them, but I think their best bet on PS4 was to get out of U4's way anyway.
Sounds reasonable.


Lead Game Designer on Uncharted 4


I dislike the exclusivity of this game, but that's a dumbass tweet. We'll never see Uncharted running on an R9 290 either, but so what?
Hurt the growth? They just fucked this franchise. They cut the audience down to a third of what it might have been.

Is a timed exclusive isn't? People will just buy it once it hits pc and ps4. Unless the game/franchise gets tainted by the ongoing backlash.


I understand being upset at CD

But I don't at MS

MS wants to beat Sony, sorry that they are not considering Playstation fans when they spend money.

MS literally spent money just to take a game away from Playstation.
I can see spending money on an exclusive, but this is spending just to prevent versions from releasing.
Gee whiz, unless Squenix doesn't want to fund this or something, I see no reason at all to make this game exclusive to one platform. Everyone calling them scared of Uncharted, c'mon. TR lifetime sales are superior to any of the UC titles. This is bullshit.

He said "timedd," not timed. I on t think it conts as exlusiv

Yep, this has done more harm than good, and the game isn't even out for over a year, so the negativity will continue.

Someone really needs to tell them this is not how you do it. They NEED to start investing in some of their own studios and create NEW, original franchises that we all can enjoy. So that you get the impression that MS is bringing something to the gaming landscape that isn't Halo, Forza, Fable and Gears.

They haven't done it in 2 generations, so why now? Every single time Xbox announces a new studio, something weird happens. Black Tusk? Oh, they are doing Gears now. Where the hell is Lift London and BigPark? I was 360 only last gen and I learned my lesson big time.

What brand was it always associated with? Which brand has received all other big name TR titles? This is pathetic.

I never associated the brand with PS. To each is own and relax, dude. You seem to be swimming on a sea of salt or something.

Hyun Sai

Key word is think. Which maybe the case but not enough to keep changing the thread title to make it seem other wise.

Yeah, that is the problem. With the current thread title, it appears as "official" when it is only speculation. Not sure if I'm ok with that especially on Neogaf. A (rumor) would be enough.
Each console has their exclusives, there is nothing special here. So what if it's an exclusive you wanted that won't be available on your console. Am I supposed to cry and cause an uproar every time Sony announces an exclusive game on their console? This is getting beyond pathetic! Maybe I should go and complain that they are taking people's rights away by releasing Bloodborne only on PS4. All of those people who played Dark Souls on PC are being denied their rights!
The only exclusive games Sony announces are titles they're working on themselves. Or at least contributing to. All MS is doing is throwing money around. They aren't creating dick.
Each console has their exclusives, there is nothing special here. So what if it's an exclusive you wanted that won't be available on your console. Am I supposed to cry and cause an uproar every time Sony announces an exclusive game on their console? This is getting beyond pathetic! Maybe I should go and complain that they are taking people's rights away by releasing Bloodborne only on PS4. All of those people who played Dark Souls on PC are being denied their rights!

This is different because Bloodborne is a new IP that's being worked on by one of Sony's first party studios (Japan Studio) in collaboration with FROM.

Tomb Raider is an existing IP by a third party that released a previous iteration on all platforms, then suddenly and inexplicably locked itself to one system.


Game Informer's Andy McNamara seems to be getting reports that it's timed as well

Much Ado About Nothing: The Story Of The Rise Of The Tomb Raider (Exclusive to XBox, Holiday 2015)

Well well well.

76 pages is" only a handful"?

Eh, sure the fans were upset (and if you think the outrage is just limited to GAF you're sadly mistaken). But people were also trying to get to the bottom of the matter-- how exclusive was this game's exclusive.i.e. Timed?, Forever?, Mass Effect-esque exclusive? Then, you have CD's tumblr post, followed by Geoff's questions to Xbox, a CD developer's tweet (that wasn't about Robin Williams death), cboat, shinobi etc.
Each console has their exclusives, there is nothing special here. So what if it's an exclusive you wanted that won't be available on your console. Am I supposed to cry and cause an uproar every time Sony announces an exclusive game on their console? This is getting beyond pathetic! Maybe I should go and complain that they are taking people's rights away by releasing Bloodborne only on PS4. All of those people who played Dark Souls on PC are being denied their rights!
Bloodborne is being published by Sony, so that's kind of a dumb analogy.


Microsoft would not benefit because according to your post, PS4 owners will be playing U4 at that time anyway (inferred, won't buy Rise). Why would MS moneyhat for a game PS4 owner's won't buy?

Makes no sense
It's a holiday release when people are buying new consoles. They are trying to sell XB1's with this.

We're not the audience which they're targeting with a move like this. It's your average consumer that walks into a store and sees Tomb Raider on one console and not the the other.


in your opinion. The last Tomb Raider was one of the better games I have played in the last few years. Thankfully I own an xbox one and ps4. This will be a must own game for me

I haven't noticed any "i will buy an Xbox One to play Tomb Raider 2" comments. That was my point.


Jesus. I hope we get a pc version sometime down the road. TR looked fantastic at 1440p.

Still, even if it only comes out on the bone then I'll atleast have an excuse to plug it in 😛
That's not a spin. Confirmation IS when either MS or SE provide an official response.

If I ask you something and you answer something else, to me that is a spin. He said he didn't trust CBOAT. I asked if he trusted shinobi, who had another source. He didn't answer until the second post. Spin.


Banstick Emeritus
That's confirmation!?

Wasn't he banned for spewing nonsense and fud about ms?
CBOAT received a 3 day ban for doubling down on Titanfall resolution claims which were proved wrong on release. Looked at in context of his overall track record, his accuracy is fine. Most of the people squawking for his head post E3 couldn't be more transparent if they tried.

As far as this timed exclusivity goes, the writing is on the wall. If Geoff Keighley can't get a straight answer, Andy McNamara from Game Informer says it's timed, along with shinobi and cboat?


Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I'd give away RoTR to Microsoft for good if it meant FFXV was actually, you know, coming out.

Fair enough. At least they showed something which looked like progression in their development cycle. How long has this game been worked on? Close to a decade?

Now that you mention.. I'm reminded this is SE. Sensible decisions are not part of their collective thoughtprocess.

Considering the state that SE is at this point, I have no expectation of FF XV being any better than FFXIII

I want to believe otherwise, but a part of me, the part that enjoys facing reality, agrees with you.


Lead Game Designer on Uncharted 4


Well, I guess that was MS's intention from the start. To pay for a timed exclusivity of a game similar to one of their rivals most iconic series to try and make the consumer base feel divided, therefore trying to lessen the impact of a new Uncharted game. All that considering they launch in the same time frame. But then again, if MS went this far, I guess they have all that planned out already. If it will work is another question though.
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