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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


When you cut off most of the audience that made it a success, how could this not?
I think the idea might be that most PS4 owners will be playing Uncharted 4 at that time anyway. Give Microsoft that exclusive window during that time period, and by the time the exclusivity is up, Tomb Raider will not have to contend with Uncharted on the PS4. Both Crystal Dynamics and Microsoft benefit in the short term.

Not that I agree with that reasoning in any way.


Funny how people say that this is "Bayonetta 2 all over again".
That ignores how Bayonetta 2 was never to be released if it was not for Nintendo.
It ignores the differences between SEGA's financial situation and Square's.

It also ignores that Rise of the Tomb Raider has already been announced as a multiplatform game not so long ago.

So yeah, it is "the same situation all over again", except for the details.


This makes no sense. 7 million copies wasn't enough and there aren't 7 million XBOs in the wild. There will be at that point, but jeez. Dat moneyhat.


Microsoft's Bayonetta lol

I hope this doesn't hurt the growth of the rebooted franchise.

How could it not, unless this is a timed exclusive. It seems they're already hesitant to self-fund a project of it's cost, otherwise I doubt they'd go for the exclusivity money. If they thought this was a sure-thing I can only assume it'd be multiplat.


No-one here looks favourably at Microsoft with this news. If they do, they are ignorant.
Yup. Moneyhatting this isnt going to make me want to buy an xbox, it just makes me pissed at Microsoft that now I have to wait.

That said given that its almost guarenteed the xbox one versiom will be the worst, its not surprising they're trying to get people on board.


Rise of the Tomb Raider, coming Holiday 2015, is exclusively on Xbox.
If that's supposed to mean or even hint at the possibility of timed exclusivity, CD don't have a clue how sentences work.


Microsoft's Bayonetta lol

I hope this doesn't hurt the growth of the rebooted franchise.
There are millions of Playstation and PC gamers wanting this title that wont get to play it. Its not so much hurting the growth of the franchise which did well in its last outing, but rather hurting or potentially harming the growth of the developer.


I'm happy it's just timed but seriously fuck Microsoft. I'm all good and fine with a console company funding and/or publishing a sequel or game that otherwise would not get made or needs an extra push but this stuff is just intentional market fuckery. You can't compete on the quality of your offerings so you try and wall off software from coming to your competitors by buying exclusivity.

I have literally gone from being an almost exclusive xbox gamer last gen to never wanting to touch the brand again.

LOL excellent. Love fake Kaz


aka Mannny
Isn't he a verified to be legit?
He's been accurate more than he's been wrong but people still seem to forget that. Lol I called out an exclusive Microsoft kamiya project long before anyone mentioned it when at the time it seemed so unlikely, then e3 2014 came around. Suffice to say I'm more inclined to trust him just due to that.
I understand being upset at CD

But I don't at MS

MS wants to beat Sony, sorry that they are not considering Playstation fans when they spend money.


Of course it's timed. They would come right out and say if it wasn't. It would be a massive plus for Microsoft. They're being so coy about it because they want today, this week, this year even to be about Tomb Raider on Xbox One.


I think the idea might be that most PS4 owners will be playing Uncharted 4 at that time anyway. Give Microsoft that exclusive window during that time period, and by the time the exclusivity is up, Tomb Raider will not have to contend with Uncharted on the PS4. Both Crystal Dynamics and Microsoft benefit in the short term.

Not that I agree with that reasoning in any way.

Microsoft would not benefit because according to your post, PS4 owners will be playing U4 at that time anyway (inferred, won't buy Rise). Why would MS moneyhat for a game PS4 owner's won't buy?

Makes no sense


Key word is think. Which maybe the case but not enough to keep changing the thread title to make it seem other wise.

The "seem to think" only applied to the journalists.

Timed exclusivity is not something that SE/MS/CD will confirm until after the exclusivity window is up and they're releasing on other platforms. Multiple sources is the best we'll likely get.


Gotta fight that Uncharted. Seriously though, holy shit.
I bought TR:DE in PS4, but if it was going up against Uncharted next holiday, it would get a pass from me until 2016 anyway so I hardly feel burned by this as a PS4 only owner. This is probably in SE's best interest anyway. Seriously, what PS4 owners would pick TR over Uncharted? If they got a lot of money from MS, good for them, but I think their best bet on PS4 was to get out of U4's way anyway.


..but cry so much I wish I had some
Each console has their exclusives, there is nothing special here. So what if it's an exclusive you wanted that won't be available on your console. Am I supposed to cry and cause an uproar every time Sony announces an exclusive game on their console? This is getting beyond pathetic! Maybe I should go and complain that they are taking people's rights away by releasing Bloodborne only on PS4. All of those people who played Dark Souls on PC are being denied their rights!
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