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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


At last! Someone with a sense of adventure, a fan of drama rollercoaster like me!

This is going to sound pretty random but have you ever played Little Inferno? It's the thing most reminiscent of this kind of dramas you'll ever find in a videogame.
Yes! I loved Little Inferno!

I'm going to replay it with your perspective in mind.
I made this for you GAF. Enjoy. Please put it in the OP.




Is Rhianna Pratchett writing with Gail Simone? They would be such a killer duo for the game. I know they're doing the comics together starting from Issue #6, but it would be brilliant for the game.
And there was an uproar for Bloodborne, all the port-beggings going on in those threads and the refusal to believe that FROM would collab with Sony again. ( because why would they?)

Granted, there's a lot more noise in this thread.


Judging by the thread Microsoft wanted this. People have gone nuts.

Now if it actually is a timed thing which I believe it is, would anyone be as upset/mad?

Probably not.
Judging by the reactions, this created more negative publicity than anything else. This is from the article about it on BBC tech:
Even so, there is evidence of a backlash against the decision.

"I played every Tomb Raider since Tomb Raider 2 on PC. This announcement doesn't mean I'll be playing it on Xbox One. It means I just won't be playing it all," posted a user named John in one of the comments below the firm's blog.

And on Twitter Colin Jones tweeted: "I have just lost every bit of respect & love I had for Square Enix, a game like Rise of the Tomb Raider should not be an exclusive!!!", while Jason Schreier added: "Microsoft literally paid Square Enix to deny their game to people."


LOL square enix fucked up, i don't think the money they got for exclusivity will be enough to cover the loss of sales. Rise is now guaranteed to sell less than the previous tomb raider considering Xbone has a lower install base than the PS4.

that is the question, how much was the moneyhat
NeoGaf in a nutshell:

PS4 exclusive: "Great move Sony, good on you guys *hugs ps4*

Xbox One exclusive: "Fuck M$$$$$$$, using shitloads of cash again to actually compete in a business world, I'm not buying it! (I own a Xbox One, or at least I'm saying that to seem less biased)."

Emmm did you not see the outrage on the Destiny Sony Exlusive Content, even from Sony Fanboys

if your thinking Sony did the same with Bloodborne.

Bloodborn is not Demon Souls 2 as much as it it shares similarities its technically a new IP meaning total New story, now say if BB was multiplatform and BB2 went full Exclusive then their be an outrage.
No-one here looks favourably at Microsoft with this news. If they do, they are ignorant.

Yep, this has done more harm than good, and the game isn't even out for over a year, so the negativity will continue.

Someone really needs to tell them this is not how you do it. They NEED to start investing in some of their own studios and create NEW, original franchises that we all can enjoy. So that you get the impression that MS is bringing something to the gaming landscape that isn't Halo, Forza, Fable and Gears.
Timed exclusives are the dumbest thing ever, but at least it makes it easier for me to wait for the game to hit a single-digit price on Steam.
I wonder if the same people butt-hurt/boycotting over this announcement will do the same when Sony announces a multi-plat is going PS4 exclusive tonight or in the future?

There were a lot of people pissed off at just some strikes being exclusive to PS4's Destiny port.

This has to be disingenuous as these discussions are not that rare or one-sided.
Timed lol, way to go Microsoft, you pissed off more people by doing this than gaining new potential xbox one owners.

No. Just no. People are delusional if they think there's going to be some mass outrage over this.

This is a good move for Microsoft. They're behind in the race, and they're taking the steps to close the gap. I feel Microsoft as of late has been trying a lot harder than Sony has. Sony feels like they're riding the wave as of late. So this is a good move for Microsoft.

As a gamer, I'm not pleased with the announcement even if I do own both. But realistically, I don't expect this to be anything other than a timed exclusive, so I'll play it later when they release the Definitive Edition again, or something with DLC, or some other method of launching it on the PS4 and PC. So I'm not really concerned about never playing it on my preferred platform.


Slightly annoyed I have to wait an extra 6 months to play this now. This is the most MS of moves though. Rather than invest in a first party studio, look around the release calendar then throw money at a publisher to hold a game back on other platforms. Hard not to dislike a company that only creates comparative value in their products by trying to lower the value of the competitions offering rather than making their product better.

Oh well, MS gonna MS. Tomb Raider will be a nice rental in Summer 2016.
This is not a good way to develop and launch a game. Piss off loyal customers and diminish brand value in one go. The only positive is the cash infusion that MS delivers, which perhaps speaks louder than anything else.



This is how Microsoft is going to play the game. They know they need the sales and they know Playstation has a healthy lead so they're going to moneyhat any good potential 3rd party titles in a bid to draw more people to the Xbox camp.

The amount of money to strike this deal must have been huge which makes me wonder instead of moneyhatting 3rd party games how would MS fair funding 1st party exclusives instead.


This is actually good news, wallet-wise. I'll play Uncharted holiday 2015 and then pick up Tomb Raider 2016 when it's released on the PC or PS4. Was always going to get Uncharted first.


I was going to get the TR Remastered but whats the point if I can't play the damn sequel, this announcement did more harm than they imagine I think.

Sad news indeed.
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