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RTX 2080 Ti Can Barely hit 30fps at 1080p ultra running Watch Dogs Legion


Watch Dogs: Legion on GeForce RTX 2080 Ti: 1080p can barely hit 30FPS
Ubisoft locked the preview build of Watch Dogs: Legion to 1080p 30FPS -- RTX 2080 Ti could barely handle that.

In their hands-on time with Watch Dogs: Legion, Digital Foundry may have been using the most powerful graphics card you can buy in the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti -- yet it couldn't handle the game at 1080p and anything over 30FPS. Ubisoft had locked Watch Dogs: Legion's preview build to 30FPS, for some stupid reason.




Gold Member
Ok, i watched the DF video and here's what it actually said:

"I left it mostly at the default set by the Ubisoft staff (Ultra settings) at 30 fps lock. Trying to push it to 60 fps on the RTX 2080ti, with ray tracing enabled and settings maxed proved a stretch too far, though i didn't have a chance to test the DLSS option which will certainly help. At least a locked 30 is possible in this early stage."

"The other point here is we have resolution set to 1920x1080 more as a necessity for getting capture. Whether the ps5 and the series X could push to 1440p or beyond with ray tracing is something we'll discover soon."

-It never said "it can barely hit 30fps", just that it couldn't hit 60 with everying maxed out + RT.
-It ran at 1080p so they could record the game.
-It didn't have DLSS activated.

Enough with the clickbait console war articles already

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Sources? We don't know how consoles perform compared to RTX GPUs. If anything is an indicator, its a little worse given how Minecraft DXR runs on both.


For what? The series x has additional power in reserve that doesn’t come out of the main system to get RT much cheaper (13tf of et equivalent) PS5, while not as good at RT operations as the XSX, will still offer RT solutions just maybe not at the fidelity of its competitor.

This stuff has been known about for a long time.

It’s nothing to do with the game itself. It’s to do with the implementation of RT at the system level. The series x ran minecraft in 1080p with full path traced ray tracing, and while most people will scoff at that, that’s something that brings a 2080ti down to its knees at the same resolution. It’s extremely demanding to do full path tracing.

When you have an optimised solution, coupled with it being in a console (so you can finer tune performance), it stands to reason that the next gen consoles will handle this much better.

Will it be ultra/high quality in this? Nobody knows. But will it likely be easier to implement on both consoles, with less performance hit? Yes, absolutely. The only wild card is PS5, as right know all signs point to reduced reflection count and quarter res reflections, not native. But that’s talking about strictly RTR, even though RT can do so much more). But we don’t know how it’s implementation will be like when compared to maximum pc settings, as some things are turned down to keep frame rate/time consistent.


Ok, i watched the DF video and here's what it actually said:

"I left it mostly at the default set by the Ubisoft staff (Ultra settings) at 30 fps lock. Trying to push it to 60 fps on the RTX 2080ti, with ray tracing enabled and settings maxed proved a stretch too far, though i didn't have a chance to test the DLSS option which will certainly help. At least a locked 30 is possible in this early stage."

"The other point here is we have resolution set to 1920x1080 more as a necessity for getting capture. Whether the ps5 and the series X could push to 1440p or beyond with ray tracing is something we'll discover soon."

-It never said "it can barely hit 30fps", just that it couldn't hit 60 with everying maxed out + RT.
-It ran at 1080p so they could record the game.
-It didn't have DLSS activated.

Enough with the clickbait console war articles already

Of course, PC and consoles will use upscaling techniques next gen to enable good Ray tracing, thats a given.

Nobody expected otherwise.


..but cry so much I wish I had some
People need to have expectations in check though. Even DF in their analysis said that games like R&C had ray tracing equivalent to low on BF5 PC and didn’t even raytrace all elements in the reflections. Those demos of games like WDL and even CP2077 are using higher settings and more ray tracing effects than what we will get on consoles.


Gold Member
Of course, PC and consoles will use upscaling techniques next gen to enable good Ray tracing, thats a given.

Nobody expected otherwise.
Yeah, he also said they'll be looking for a balance on what'll use RT and what'll use other techniques. The water on the river in this demo still uses SSR for example.

Still, my point is that the title of this article is innacurate, and obvious clickbait.


Sounds like another great optimization work on ubi side lol Ubi is a console 1st company, so I'm not surprised that PC is getting downports.


Ok, i watched the DF video and here's what it actually said:

"I left it mostly at the default set by the Ubisoft staff (Ultra settings) at 30 fps lock. Trying to push it to 60 fps on the RTX 2080ti, with ray tracing enabled and settings maxed proved a stretch too far, though i didn't have a chance to test the DLSS option which will certainly help. At least a locked 30 is possible in this early stage."

"The other point here is we have resolution set to 1920x1080 more as a necessity for getting capture. Whether the ps5 and the series X could push to 1440p or beyond with ray tracing is something we'll discover soon."

-It never said "it can barely hit 30fps", just that it couldn't hit 60 with everying maxed out + RT.
-It ran at 1080p so they could record the game.
-It didn't have DLSS activated.

Enough with the clickbait console war articles already

You know that activated DLSS means below 1080p, right?


Yes, i also know it has barely any visual impact despite that. Thats the whole appeal of it.

By the way, as been discussed around, it doesn't mean the final result will be 1080p for ultra, just like the Cyberpunk 2077. But it's a reality check for people overestimating PC's, and I got a capable one, and underestimating next gen consoles that are gaming centric with predictable performances vs wide range of PC parts.
It's an interesting post this as the OP is fanatical about the weakest of the 3 systems this will be on.

Weakest? The OP is fanatical about Xbox One? I think you got the wrong guy.

And btw, Watch Dog Legion platforms are the following:
PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows.

Console war harder next time
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Gold Member
By the way, as been discussed around, it doesn't mean the final result will be 1080p for ultra, just like the Cyberpunk 2077. But it's a reality check for people overestimating PC's, and I got a capable one, and underestimating next gen consoles that are gaming centric with predictable performances vs wide range of PC parts.
Mate, all i'm doing is pointing out the article is demonstrable clickbait bullshit. You're free to think whatever you want from the capabilities of pc parts, new consoles or whatever.


Both are more efficient than PC's with what they have, I believe. PC architecture needs to be overhauled.

For people who didn't understand what I meant, AMD is trying to improve:


Putting everything very close:


Nvidia's approach, reminds us of the PS5 I/O to some extent but it's still not integrated with the CPU but scalable and cheaper to make bigger GPU's less expensive with better yields theoretically.


Hope this clears the fog.


The ray tracing they're trying to sell us on today is a gimmick & spurned on more by Nvidia wanting to sell those types of cards to professionals and then just passing it on the gamers to save on margins, if they really cared about doing something useful they'd pump up the memory something fierce - instead they just try to sell you on bullshit & more ways to play at lower resolutions (bbbbut it looks the same as native!). Like all the lemmings following in Nvidia's marketing department's footsteps (which includes Digital Foundry), yes, ray tracing is "the future". Which means not now. There's still so much left in tank for rasterisation, and so many techniques (like SVOGI) which didn't see widespread use due to dog-shit console performance, it's crazy that people are buying the marketing bullcrap around RT so readily. There's good use cases for full-scale RT & DLSS, like Minecraft, but for 95%+ of games? Fucks no.

A video as relevant today as on the day Turing came out:


Weakest? The OP is fanatical about Xbox One? I think you got the wrong guy.

And btw, Watch Dog Legion platforms are the following:
PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows.

Console war harder next time

Why would it matter which platform the game is being aimed at first? The one x did pretty well against the lead platform this generation and obviously pc brute forced it to next generation levels this generation even though last if any development team followed your list.

Not really a console war type if person as I own all 4 and will again when new stuff is out.

Ps5 is the weaker of the two graphics wise

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Hey Gavin! Well, there is an annoying NPC searching for you all the time in RDR2, hope you reach him as he seemed quite worried about you:



Didn't have enough time to read what's being discussed here, need to catch up.

My names never really used in media all that much, so it always catches me off guard a bit. Gavin & Stacey was one, and this was another. Always made me laugh.


My names never really used in media all that much, so it always catches me off guard a bit. Gavin & Stacey was one, and this was another. Always made me laugh.

I can imagine that. :lollipop_tears_of_joy: Didn't know how his story ends though, I need to check what happens if he finds Gavin.:messenger_winking_tongue:


I don't get all the hate that PC is getting from some individuals on this forum. It's kind of pathetic. 💁🏼

It's mostly because while they see the benefits of PC gaming if you're willing to put money into it, some dont have those funds so they keep having to hold onto hope that the plastic boxes these companies keep putting out will finally be better than PC gaming so they can feel they won a victory that only exist in their mind.


I know I actually love LEDs. I just bought an LED mousepad! My K/D ratio has improved by 1.4

Well, I'm not a big fan of LED's, but they can look nice if used in moderation. I hate when you leave them go in rotation of RGB colors, I prefer them static. It's nice as well to have them reflect the heat of the CPU for example:

Green: Below 40C
Yellow: between 40-60C
Red: Higher than 60C

It can work well for overclockers.
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Gold Member
I don't get all the hate that PC is getting from some individuals on this forum. It's kind of pathetic. 💁🏼
Yeah, i don't get it either. The majority of the PC player population isn't even into master race in the first place, most go for budget gaming builds. The main attracive of PC gaming is the fact its an open platform, being able to build more powerful machines if you have the money is just part of that freedom.
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We laugh at the obvious but something tells me we will be seeing pop in on the PS5 version too. Ubisoft gonna Ubisoft. Exclusives matter more than ever to push these laggards into the future.


Yeah, i don't get it either. The mojority of the PC player population isn't even into master race in the first place, most go for budget gaming builds. The main attracive of PC gaming is the fact its an open platform, being able to build more powerful machines if you have the money is just part of that freedom.

There are some PC fanatics who kept shitting on PS/Xbox threads all the time, along with youtube comments and many other places. There are sane PC gamers like you and many here indeed.


Gold Member
There are some PC fanatics who kept shitting on PS/Xbox threads all the time, along with youtube comments and many other places. There are sane PC gamers like you and many here indeed.
There's no shortage of fanatics for about any platform, and lets not pretend console fanbases don't suffer from bad cases of that either, Playstation especially. You lose the moment you engage in these discussions with an hostile mindset.

Just look at your thread, you posted a demonstrably false article with clickbait title. Regardless of what position you take in this, doesn't change the fact you're feeding hardware wars with innacurate stuff. How is that any different from these PC fanatics shitting on PS/xbox threads you're talking about?


There's no shortage of fanatics for about any platform, and lets not pretend console fanbases don't suffer from bad cases of that either, Playstation especially. You lose the moment you engage in these discussions with an hostile mindset.

Just look at your thread, you posted a demonstrably false article with clickbait title. Regardless of what position you take in this, doesn't change the fact you're feeding hardware wars with innacurate stuff. How is that any different from these PC fanatics shitting on PS/xbox threads you're talking about?

It's not one article, plenty of articles are out there talking about it. Of course in such matter you'll use an "attractive" title to pull attention, but it's not false by any means. It's good for some PC gamers to lower the exaggerated estimation of how PC's will play the next gen games at 4K@120fps if consoles do 4K@60fps. PS4 for example is pretty weak in current PC standards, yet it holds itself quite well and with very comparable PQ. So downplaying next gen consoles which are coming pretty loaded this time isn't a smart idea, not you indeed.


Gold Member
It's not one article, plenty of articles are out there talking about it. Of course in such matter you'll use an "attractive" title to pull attention, but it's not false by any means. It's good for some PC gamers to lower the exaggerated estimation of how PC's will play the next gen games at 4K@120fps if consoles do 4K@60fps. PS4 for example is pretty weak in current PC standards, yet it holds itself quite well and with very comparable PQ. So downplaying next gen consoles which are coming pretty loaded this time isn't a smart idea, not you indeed.
You made a thread about one article about a video of DF testing Watch_Dogs Legion. And the article isn't using an "attractive" title, its lying.

If you want so much for PC gamers to lower their "exaggerated estimation" for whatever reason you think that's important, at the very least make a thread using another one of the "plenty of articles out there" you talked about, while making sure to check they're not so obviously fake.


Well, I'm not a big fan of LED's, but they can look nice if used in moderation. I hate when you leave them go in rotation of RGB colors, I prefer them static. It's nice as well to have them reflect the heat of the CPU for example, if it's below:

Green: Below 40C
Yellow: between 40-60C
Red: Higher than 60C

It can work well for overclockers.

that’s legitimately useful and not just some cool visual effect. LED lighting, used correctly, can be both aesthetically pleasing and useful at the same time. I just love the memes.


When the fuck is everyone going to realize that an SSD is the only way to get great performance, hi res textures and assets??

Nvidia would be better off stopping making GPUs, and instead focus on SSDs and special I/O sauce....


The level of fanaticism that you'd buy a complete gaming PC just to post a picture to everyone to show that you have one and could be using it if you didn't love your PS consoles so much.

What next, gonna buy 3 launch Xbox Series X systems just to post yourself taking a shit on them for the fun of it?


The level of fanaticism that you'd buy a complete gaming PC just to post a picture to everyone to show that you have one and could be using it if you didn't love your PS consoles so much.

What next, gonna buy 3 launch Xbox Series X systems just to post yourself taking a shit on them for the fun of it?

Here is what I expect of the new Generation.
Racing games
4k 120,4k60,4k60RT with GL.
Open world games
4k60RT,4k60,4kDR60RT,4k30RT with GL.

I hope! Please!


Skill up seemed to like it:

Decent amount of higher quality footage in his video as well. Looks like there are ray tracing enabled reflections on both puddles and glass surfaces (buildings in particular) so no wonder it won't perform very well without dlss enabled.

I also have no idea why console gamers on this thread are laughing as if they think this will run any better there. It's likely going to be worse with lower settings. This game didn't keep on getting delayed for no good reason.
Don't run games on ultra. Complete waste of resources
But but the option is there :lollipop_crying:
Sure; but PC gamers aren't expecting to run next-gen at "4k120" with 2 year old cards, it's about the upcoming generation of cards.

And that will include much more affordable options than the ridiculous 80/80TI series cards.

Most of us actually don't give half a shit about running games on "Ultra" either; it's about buying what you can afford and then running the games how you want to. Crank details if you care less about framerate, or tune to framerate if that's your preference.
The problem is most of the PC gamers just build its PC following a video and accepts as true anything the same youtuber say, they basically confuse
the fact of know how to build a well-balanced PC to understand how to fuck the component of its PC works.

This cause just random guys saying in forums the new consoles are equals to a normal PC with a 2060 and with normal SSD and a ryzen 3600,
yes I almost an embolism when I readed it. So they still think that any normal GPU (GTX 1060 or better) should run easily any game to 60 fps combinate
with the first gen of games of Ubisoft using RT is not a good combination

Do we remember how they think SSD only care for loading? yes even our unbiased friend of DF made fun of it.

The first time I read ACV was not 60fps 4k in XSX I was not surprised its last game of the series run in ultra to 45 fps in a 2080 TI so its secuele will improve some
graphics and with the few time to work with the new machines is hard to expect more fps.
The actual DF video, that wasnt posted for some reason -

By open world standards, i think the game looks stunning. And i didnt realize it was a different dev team making this, thats a good thing imo.

I am not the only one who found ugly that detail in the faces of the characters I mean looks almost from a different gen compare with the scenarios.

BTW the game looks super fun to play, so will be buy the first day probably.
Ray tracing is the new buzz word but it's too demanding and the rest suffers for it. The worst is that you can barely tell when it's turned on unless you compare side by side.

A waste of resources.
Oh you couldnt be more wrong. Not saying someone needs it for a game to be pretty but it is a significant difference visually speaking. That realistic lighting and reflection is a graphical leap In its own right for sure. Youre right about it being taxing on the gpu and as a 2080ti owner i am upgrading just so i can achieve raytracing without maxing my card out and having to deal with a significant dip in performance. The technique is clearly in its infancy as far as current cards go but its that worth it for me as an enthusiast to see that its achieveable. I understand someone not prioritizing it though so they can run their game well but to say you can barely tell is pure hyperbole.
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