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Rumor: Forza 6 and Forza Horizons 3 coming to Windows 10


Wow... if true that leaves only Halo as exclusive to XB1.

MS is essentially removing the XB1's identity as a console. I own an XB1 and enjoy it, and also plan to build a good gaming PC in a year or so. I wonder if I will even use the XB1 anymore after that?


The vast majority of console owners factually don't buy consoles for exclusives.

The loss of potential hardware sales from PC gamers is minimal.


If every exclusive that goes on pc is handled like KI, (Crossplay and Crossbuy) then great. If not, then this is not "great for Xbone owners".


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Now my only holdout to going PC is halo. Give me that on win 10 just in time for VR please
Seeing all of this I really feel Microsoft is positioning themselves next gen to make the Windows 10 equivalent of the Steam Machine and go head to head with Steam themselves.

The Windows 10 equivalent of a steam box is the Xbox hehe.

Maybe next gen we can have multiple Xbox dedicated hardware releases at different price to entry points for performance and/or Xbox software comparible to steam big picture mode that can be activated within Windows 10 for living rooms so that when you turn on your gaming htpc, it launches directly into the NXOE.

Add the ability to use cable cards and recording live tv, you have a very attractive home entertainment option.


Xbox one to be Xbox last ?
Next Xbox to be a mid range 100% compatible PC ?
It would make sense if you adk me


I'd sell my Xbone and buy a mid-tier PC to play these games, because that mid-tier PC is more powerful and runs these games better. That's at least for me the only logical thing to do, I don't know about other people. Xbone controller is quite like the official pad for PC, so you only need an HDMI cable to plug your PC to your TV. And there you have it, a more powerful platform to play those Xbone "exclusives" on. There's also thousands and thousands of other games you can't play on Xbone, even some PS4 only games.

After the QB announcement I saw zero reasons to buy an Xbone, now I see even fewer reasons. Sorry.

But you're still buying the games from microsoft, and you have upgraded to windows 10.
Microsoft is happy, and you are happy as well. :)
Well... is Microsoft hitting that panic button? All exclusives going to PC leaves zero reasons to own Xbone.

I would be pissed off if I'd have an Xbone.

Microsoft cannot win.

They keep all their exclusives and say PC is a focus, people call them liars and say there's no evidence of commitment.

They commit and put all their exclusives on PC and people say they're desperate, panicking, etc and that the Xbox One no longer holds any value.



Please let this be true. I supported Xbox the last two gens, but still haven't picked up a One yet. I've now become more of a PC (and PS4) gamer the last few years, but have been itching to play Forza Horizons. Along with Quantum Break, if all these rumors are true, I'm buying every single game MS puts in the Win 10 Store.


Really excited about this. I've been looking for a good PC counterpart to FH and there just isn't one. Plus, I really liked forza (had 1, 2, and 4) so playing the newest one without investing in another console would be awesome. Can't wait.


Yes... I wasn't complaining anything like that. I was pointing out how Xbone might die a swift death. Microsoft gets their money and maybe even more, but they might abandon the sinking ship of Xbox.

Too much money to be made from console gamers who only play multiplats for MS to not have a simple/straightforward "TV gaming box" in the future.

I'm trying to say the same thing! :)

MSFT gets their money, but in the meantime they piss off lots of people. And they might even bury the whole Xbox project because of this Win 10/DX 12 move.

All I can say: we'll see. I feel sorry for those Xbone owners who have their box for exclusives only.

Do you mean Xbone owners who also own a gaming PC? Not all owners have a gaming PC and/or have interest in getting one, therefore these games will still be viewed as exclusive to them since they aren't on the Wii U and PS4.


Microsoft cannot win.

They keep all their exclusives and say PC is a focus, people call them liars and say there's no evidence of commitment.

They commit and put all their exclusives on PC and people say they're desperate, panicking, etc and that the Xbox One no longer holds any value.


What about make RTS or any PC oriented genre for PC exclusive and keep console experience exclusive to console? Both party happy.
I just want new AOE.


From the last Quantum Break thread, my thoughts are all these Win10 games might as well still be considered XB1 exclusives. If it's not on Steam then it might as well not be considered an option for PC gamers, no? Not that I agree with that, but that seemed to be the sentiment with Quantum Break.

Anyway, like I've maintained before, facts are: Most people don't buy consoles for exclusives and releasing these games on PC is objectively pro consumer. Doesn't hurt me as an XB1 owner if other people (PC gamers) get to play these games.


Xbox one to be Xbox last ?
Next Xbox to be a mid range 100% compatible PC ?
It would make sense if you adk me
It wouldn't surprise me if the Xbox One is the last dedicated console from Microsoft. It may be my last Xbox. Next gen I'll probably go PC and Nintendo.


Now my only holdout to going PC is halo. Give me that on win 10 just in time for VR please

Don't go that fast, it's just a rumor, though if that'll turns out to be true and even Gears 4 and Scalebound will follow the same path, then i guess Halo will eventually come to Windows 10 too, starting with the Master Chief Collection
People buy console because of the cost, and convenience.
If it was because of Exclusives, you would at least expect exclusive sales to be in 10s of million if the console sold 85 million. But how many exclusive games sold above 10million last gen? 1?2? I am guessing its less than 5.

I think Nintendo crossed that line a whole bunch of times, but on the back of a successful console not a failed one


I bought an Xbox cause I want to play computer games and I love and am invested already in Halo, Gears, Forza/s, Fable, Crackdown, Remedy etc.

I don't want to buy a PC, ever. I would say I am in the majority, not the majority on GAF where every 3rd person has a HAL 9000 in every room but the majority for the rest of the human race.

People getting upset or annoyed at this need to take a step back and think if gaming is really for them.

There are far more pcs playing games than xboned or ps4s last time I looked :p

With the original Xbox, Microsoft deliberately distanced it from Windows PC to assure console players they were serious about providing the console experience without the Windows PC baggage.


Is it the best thing for Xbone versions of games if developers aren't considering the best technology cocktail for that one version, but also multiple PC specifications, also in competition with other PC developers.

Console exclusive development is limiting and liberating.

The vocal PC fanbase requests for mods aren't compatible with ensuring minimal cheating. In single player games as well as online.

For console players it's a reasonable sacrifice not to get unofficial mods for an even playing field.

Console development is liberating? What? And you act as though there hasn't and won't be people cheating on consoles. There is and there will be. And what about those using wheels and other enhancers? The playing field isn't as even as you make it out to be.

Yes... I wasn't complaining anything like that. I was pointing out how Xbone might die a swift death. Microsoft gets their money and maybe even more, but they might abandon the sinking ship of Xbox.

Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo - they're all going to evolve into something else. It's just a matter of who takes the first step


It wouldn't surprise me if the Xbox One is the last dedicated console from Microsoft. It may be my last Xbox. Next gen I'll probably go PC and Nintendo.

Unless Nintendo NX really means Next Xbox, which would meen that they'll make game on Windows 10 PC too :)


you know id actually be fine with ms releasing games on pc if theyd just enable crossplay between the two ....

That's the plan, MS just has to come through. Games have cross-buy & cross-play, I buy games. They don't, I don't. Its up to MS to add value


Junior Member
If true, this is good. I don't think the amount of people who will buy the PC versions instead of the Xbox versions will be enough to drastically hurt Xbox hardware sales. Plus, when you buy a Windows 10 Store game Microsoft still get's basically the same amount of money as if you'd bought it on Xbox, so the software sales are pretty much the same. What you have to ask yourself is: "How important are Xbox hardware sales to Microsoft?"

Some people on GAF (and elsewhere) seem to be very invested in the Xbox as a platform on its own, but at this point Microsoft is probably already thinking of Xbox as just another form factor of Windows. Plus, Xbox revenue was never really a huge piece of the Microsoft pie relatively speaking. The entire original Xbox's lifespan resulted in a net loss for Microsoft, and I think the 360 was a slight profit, but still nothing compared to Windows sales. Xbox as a vehicle for Windows makes more sense for Microsoft than Xbox as an end unto itself. For Sony it's different, because PlayStation it itself is a much more important part of Sony's business. For Nintendo, gaming hardware and software is the entire business. If we reach a point where the Xbox has no more exclusives, what you essentially have there is the cheapest Windodws HTPC on the market, or the living room sibling to the Surface tablets.

The one stumbling block I see here is third party developers. The ones that are releasing PC versions of their games are releasing them on Steam. Even if Microsoft convinces them to get into the cross-buy thing (which would turn Xbox into an easier alternative to Steam Machines), that's still pitting the Steam version of a game up against the Windows 10 Store version, and right now the W10 Store version is going to fall flat. Basically, Microsoft now needs to actually compete with Steam. That's great, but I'd like to see Microsoft actually try this time and not end up with GFWL 2.0. The ultimate irony here is that Valve has spent over 10 years doing precisely what Microsoft should have been doing -- consolizing PC gaming, and it has been doing so without giving up the unique advantages of PC gaming.


My knee jerk reaction to some of the comments was "why would anyone be upset by this?" but...

if you bought an xbox one just to be able to play games/don't want or have the funds for a PC and not too worried about exclusives then i can see why this isn't a bad thing. but for those that have a PC and bought an Xbox One for exclusives you basically have a paper weight. that's what i was trying to say in my earlier comment.

...I can understand this position. If a PC gamer purchased an XB1 specifically to be a Forza box because they love the franchise and it wasn't slated to be available on their platform of choice then it was a crappy investment in retrospect. But if the recent announcements of MS first party titles going PC are indeed foreshadowing their exit of the console market then there would be casualties regardless of when they pull the plug. If this is where their gaming division is heading at least the XB1 is in no way losing support and the games aren't being made exclusive to WIndows. It just gives the (potential) Xbox gamer a variable to consider when purchasing their consoles.

For me personally, I have a gaming PC and a PS4. If every single PS4 exclusive went to PC I would be pleased since it would give me an option as to what platform I could purchase a game on and I would still keep my PS4 regardless. Since my friends play on Playstation I'm in until they're out and I would happily continue to purchase certain "inferior" versions of games over their PC counterparts if that meant I could stay connected with them. As much as I would like all of them to migrate to PC, a turnkey/relatively cheap console is what works for them and I can respect that. There's value in the console to me outside of exclusive IPs.
Id think about selling my XBOX One with all of these games going to PC but many seem to be going for $120 or less on Craigslist. Probably not worth selling it at this point.


Well... is Microsoft hitting that panic button? All exclusives going to PC leaves zero reasons to own Xbone.

I would be pissed off if I'd have an Xbone.

Sinking ship? You mean the console that has sold 20 million units? That's a sinking ship?

PS4 kicking the shit out of XB1 is a fact, but it's completely dulling some people's critical thinking skills.

Just because PS4 is kicking butt does not mean XB1 is a "sinking ship". PS4 will continue to lead in all territories worldwide and XB1 will continue to sell its own amounts, remain active, get software, etc...

I wonder how you'll react when Microsoft announces it will make another console to compete with PS5.
Really disappointing news...

I dont get why people are happy about this.

Shouldnt there be a reason to get a console? Sure some kids buy these consoles for CoD nowadays.

But other still buy them because of the exclusives. I mean what would happen if Sony wouldnt be the dominating force they are now and all they games would drop to PC? I can see a lot more people salty.
And i wouldnt call this "salty". I surely can understand people that are disappointed.

Sure it helps that a game can sell more. But IMO the Console should have some must haves that are only playable on this consoles and not elsewhere.

SMH at this post. There isn't really a logical point made to respond to so I guess I will ask, what is disappointing about this? You didn't write any example of why you are so disappointed.

Edit: realized who I was responding too. Is it disappointing because Halo will once again be tainting the PC by how awful it is or something?


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I'd sell my Xbone and buy a mid-tier PC to play these games, because that mid-tier PC is more powerful and runs these games better. That's at least for me the only logical thing to do, I don't know about other people. Xbone controller is quite like the official pad for PC, so you only need an HDMI cable to plug your PC to your TV. And there you have it, a more powerful platform to play those Xbone "exclusives" on. There's also thousands and thousands of other games you can't play on Xbone, even some PS4 only games.

After the QB announcement I saw zero reasons to buy an Xbone, now I see even fewer reasons. Sorry.

MS makes almost no money on you buying their hardware. If you don't buy an Xbox and still buy all their games on the W10 store then they are perfectly happy with that. They will make more money from you than from someone buying an XB1 and getting all their games used.


I see a lot of exclusive don't sell console argument with multiplat sale and WiiU sale as example, but I still think that's over simplified the situation.
I think, gamer buy a console because they want both exclusive and multiplat. Now, why multiplat sold the best and exclusive not sold as well?
Say everyone buy big multiplat like COD or FIFA because it's go to game everyone can easily get in.
But some of those might also love exclusive A, and exclusive A is important deciding factor for him/her. Some of those like exclusive C or exclusive D etc.

Therefor even exclusive not sold as well as multiplat, but it's still an important factor when gamer decide which console to buy.
MS makes almost no money on you buying their hardware. If you don't buy an Xbox and still buy all their games on the W10 store then they are perfectly happy with that. They will make more money from you than from someone buying an XB1 and getting all their games used.
They will, however, be losing out on whatever 3rd party games you inevitably buy on steam that they would have gotten a cut of on the XB1. And your Live sub.

Also, while people don't buy consoles ONLY for exclusives, I have a hard time believing they have no influence on a person's purchase. I don't see how this move better positions the Xbox for the consumer over its alternatives, especially for the (small subset of) people with gaming rigs.


It's crazy how many people can't see the bigger picture it's wild. Honesty the best thing about this is no more list wars


Horizon 3 would be day one, fm6 i have to think about it but i'll probably end up buying that too. Hopefully this rumor is true.


Really disappointing news...

I dont get why people are happy about this.

Shouldnt there be a reason to get a console? Sure some kids buy these consoles for CoD nowadays.

But other still buy them because of the exclusives. I mean what would happen if Sony wouldnt be the dominating force they are now and all they games would drop to PC? I can see a lot more people salty.
And i wouldnt call this "salty". I surely can understand people that are disappointed.

Sure it helps that a game can sell more. But IMO the Console should have some must haves that are only playable on this consoles and not elsewhere.

There always will be one, the ease-of-use and simplicity of a console over a PC. Being able to just pop a game into and play will always be a reason people choose a console over a PC.


Gold Member
If they keep on doing the cross buy and hopefully some cross play titles, I'm going to be very happy that they're doing this.


Modern steering wheels are PC compatible as well. I can work with this.

Also, can you monsters stop calling it Horizons?


Gold Member
Well there goes my reason to buy an xbox one

I was really considering purchasing an xbox one because of Forza Horizons 2 and Forza 6. If the horizons sequel and forza 6 is coming to PC, there is no reason for me to purchase an Xbox One considering I would be able to play both games on PC soon anyways.

So don't buy one? I think most people buy consoles because they are more user friendly anyway. I don't think this will impact Xbox One sales in any way.
They will, however, be losing out on whatever 3rd party games you inevitably buy on steam that they would have gotten a cut of on the XB1. And your Live sub.

I think a big chunk of Xbox One owners do that now already and also what if you still pay for Xbox Live online gaming on PC and have your big friends list from the 360 times on Windows 10 Xbox app and not on Steam, what if they do something for you that makes online play better on Xbox Live than on Steam. Then maybe you won't buy the games on steam. ...ok Microsoft might have to do some big price-cuts to compete with non-day1 games on steam, but Microsoft has the money to take an initial loss if they then later on have the chance to eat parts of Steams lunch.


So don't buy one? I think most people buy consoles because they are more user friendly anyway. I don't think this will impact Xbox One sales in any way.

Exactly on the money. It's funny when lots of console folk say this, then angry when the game arrives on PC and then say oh what was the point of buying an Xbox. Quite ironic.


If this is true and becomes true for a majority of their exclusives, it gives me a good reason to finally build a PC and just go Nintendo + PC.


Forza Horizon 3, yes please. I've been playing FH2 a bit on my brother's Xbone and it's quite a lot of fun.

Really disappointing news...

I dont get why people are happy about this.

Shouldnt there be a reason to get a console? Sure some kids buy these consoles for CoD nowadays.

But other still buy them because of the exclusives. I mean what would happen if Sony wouldnt be the dominating force they are now and all they games would drop to PC? I can see a lot more people salty.
And i wouldnt call this "salty". I surely can understand people that are disappointed.

Sure it helps that a game can sell more. But IMO the Console should have some must haves that are only playable on this consoles and not elsewhere.





I think a big chunk of Xbox One owners do that now already and also what if you still pay for Xbox Live online gaming on PC and have your big friends list from the 360 times on Windows 10 Xbox app and not on Steam, what if they do something for you that makes online play better on Xbox Live than on Steam. Then maybe you won't buy the games on steam. ...ok Microsoft might have to do some big price-cuts to compete with non-day1 games on steam, but Microsoft has the money to take an initial loss if they then later on have the chance to eat parts of Steams lunch.

I think part of demand behind Gold (partly based on my experience) has shifted to the included Games with Gold offers/titles. If I play online more than a few times a month, that's the exception, but the membership is still worth maintaining.

More general comment: I feel like the selling point of a self-contained gaming machine for $300 or less that can run high-profile games, and having many of those games available on PC (and all the goodies associated with that platform) is sort of win-win.


How can you say this though? If this move helps these games become a bit more popular, and causes more new IPs to be tested under this model, then wouldn't that mean more actual and/or visible game variety for people who only care about console gaming? Wouldn't that make the Xbox One more attractive than it currently is for these people?

Microsoft is after the PC gamers with these moves. They're talking of creating titles exclusively for the PC market. Will Xbox users be ok with Windows getting all of their games, and money made on those funding new PC exclusive ips?
Microsoft is after the PC gamers with these moves. They're talking of creating titles exclusively for the PC market. Will Xbox users be ok with Windows getting all of their games, and money made on those funding new PC exclusive ips?
What big PC exclusive IP have they announced?
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