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Rumor: Forza 6 and Forza Horizons 3 coming to Windows 10

Phil Spencer wants to establishment some sort of marriage between Windows 10 and Xbox One. This has been pretty obvious for at least a year now, and he's explained why they're doing it time and time again. I really don't understand why some continue to be surprised and/or antagonistic towards this.


Console sales aren't where the big profits come in, if I'm correct. People feel free to correct me, but the point of the console is to get you into their Eco-system so they can sell you stuff. 'If' so why didn't Microsoft do this a long time ago?

I'm sure they wish they did this long before steam take all their pie away.


Some people only buy consoles for their exclusives and play everything else on PC. For those, consoles completely lose their appeal as soon as the same games become available on PC.

Nope. Those guys (like me) get 2 copies of the game, lets them play however they want when they want. Lets you play both copies of the game, one on PC and one on the xbox, which is great for crossplay titles, as your buddy can play at the same time with you. Its a win-win for me.


Sure, but this move wont increase xbone sales.

How can you say this though? If this move helps these games become a bit more popular, and causes more new IPs to be tested under this model, then wouldn't that mean more actual and/or visible game variety for people who only care about console gaming? Wouldn't that make the Xbox One more attractive than it currently is for these people?
The one thing though is if gamers want this to continue they need to show the support. People have been clamoring for MS to cater to PC for years and years now and this is finally the chance to back it up. If people really want this stuff to keep happening they need to buy the games.
You're right but the games will still be exclusive a to 'console'. PS4 Street Fighter V isn't going to lose out because its also out on the PC.

Funny how people seem to forget that Tomb Raider II III, IV was meant to be exclusives to SONY. Don't remember SONY PS owners getting rid of their PS because Tomb Raider III, Resident Evil 2, G Police, Final Fantasy 7, F1, Colin McRae and the like were also out on the PC with 3DFX support and so had better screen res and graphics than the PS.

Irrelevant point. If you think pc gaming is inaccessable for the mass market now, then I can't tell you how bad it was back in those days. And more to the point, the games you list are third party games which mostly appeared on the pc a substantially long time after their debut on playstation. The situation now with simultaneous releases on a vastly more accessable pc platform is completely different.


Sure, but this move wont increase xbone sales.

Xbox One did cost 480$ to produce back when it launched. Subtract the lower prices for the components now and Kinect and you are still at around $350 (sans RnD, packaging, defect unit repair, marketing etc) They don't make money from a sold unit alone. I'd wager they even lose with every unit they sell. So they probably don't care.

Mikey Jr.

I am not surprised by Xbox players being upset at this news. I know people say "Why do you give a shit games are going to PC? Does it some how affect your enjoyment on the XB1?"

Ok, but I see where the upset people are coming from. By putting games on PC.....

1) Less people will buy XB1 hardware. How much? Who knows. But there will be less sales.


2) People will sell their XB1 if they have a gaming PC.

You can't deny that these things will happen. I'm not saying it'll happen in droves, or it will be a huge dent.

Now, people like the Xbox console. They want to see it flourish. They are afraid that sales will start to slow down even more, and that maybe MS will see that they don't need to be in the console business anymore.
To put it simple again: with the prices for Xbox One bundles I don't see MS making any real money from selling the HW. So the only outcome this could have is them selling more copies of games which makes them actual money. Some people here are really stuck in a competitive "NPD sold HW numbers" mindset. People don't go into stores and say: "well. The game is also available on PC so I won't buy an Xbox One... It's not exclusive enough" that would be dumb. And if those people have a gaming rig they will just buy it there. Nothing is lost for MS here. They just have to make MP gaming free on X1 and PC and offer the rest of the Xbox Live sub perks to PC players as well. (Discounts and GWG)

Dude, just stop. I've been trying for awhile to get people to understand this. A lot of people are stuck in the NPD mindset and actually have no business sense nor understand that no money is made on the HW its all on the SW. If you can sell a game via two distribution channels that you own you could care less about the HW. The NPD stuff just turns into a dick wagging contest between fanboys.

Microsoft and Sony do not make money on HW, they make it on SW.

This may be a hardcore gaming forum, but the fact remains that the majority of gamers are not business savvy.
My ONLY real concern is the evaporation of the strong XBOX Live ecosystem. I love the no-cheating, all under one gamer tag reputation, friends list, party chat etc.

I want folks with top of the line PC's to enjoy the games. I don't want to cross play Halo with them if they're KBM and don't want their modding ass on my servers.

I like the level playing field of consoles for competitive games.
We are in a different thread then, lol. I'm seeing everything from "then why buy an Xbox" to "so I guess MS are done with consoles". I only quoted you because what you outlined is presumably the reason that people think it's "game over, man!".

Maybe I'm reading the thread in a wrong way. ;) Of course there's always some doomsayers, but most people posting stuff along the line as "Now I don't see a reason to buy an Xbox anymore" or "I'm going to sell my Xbox" are talking about themselves personally and aren't implying that everyone will abandon Xbox now. At least that's how I perceived it.


My ONLY real concern is the evaporation of the strong XBOX Live ecosystem. I love the no-cheating, all under one gamer tag reputation, friends list, party chat etc.

I want folks with top of the line PC's to enjoy the games. I don't want to cross play Halo with them if they're KBM and don't want their modding ass on my servers.

I like the level playing field of consoles for competitive games.

That will not happen i am sure.
How can you say this though? If this move helps these games become a bit more popular, and causes more new IPs to be tested under this model, then wouldn't that mean more game variety for people who only care about console gaming? Wouldn't that make the Xbox One more attractive than it currently is for these people?

What ifs only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades and everyone doesn't use Windows 10.


I am not surprised by Xbox players being upset at this news. I know people say "Why do you give a shit games are going to PC? Does it some how affect your enjoyment on the XB1?"

Ok, but I see where the upset people are coming from. By putting games on PC.....

1) Less people will buy XB1 hardware. How much? Who knows. But there will be less sales.


2) People will sell their XB1 if they have a gaming PC.

You can't deny that these things will happen. I'm not saying it'll happen in droves, or it will be a huge dent.

Now, people like the Xbox console. They want to see it flourish. They are afraid that sales will start to slow down even more, and that maybe MS will see that they don't need to be in the console business anymore.

Just wait for "console doesn't matter anymore, Eco system is more important reply".
I am not surprised by Xbox players being upset at this news. I know people say "Why do you give a shit games are going to PC? Does it some how affect your enjoyment on the XB1?"

Ok, but I see where the upset people are coming from. By putting games on PC.....

1) Less people will buy XB1 hardware. How much? Who knows. But there will be less sales.


2) People will sell their XB1 if they have a gaming PC.

You can't deny that these things will happen. I'm not saying it'll happen in droves, or it will be a huge dent.

Now, people like the Xbox console. They want to see it flourish. They are afraid that sales will start to slow down even more, and that maybe MS will see that they don't need to be in the console business anymore.

The best selling games are multiplatform. If people were really going to sell their consoles and move to PC wouldn't they have done it years ago? No console exclusive game can hold a candle to the sales of a multiplatform game.

If MS sells less X1 software, but more games via a store they own they could care less. The X1 is just a means to sell you SW via their store. Same with W10.

NPD stuff is just for console fanboys.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
You can build a computer for not much more than an Xbone and still be more powerful, and still function like a PC.

Get a 750 Ti, an i3, 8gb ram and you are set.

Did you add in the cost of the controller and OS?


You can build a computer for not much more than an Xbone and still be more powerful, and still function like a PC.

Get a 750 Ti, an i3, 8gb ram and you are set.

Nah. You won't get a PC like this with an OS, a game and a Controller for 350 bucks.
My ONLY real concern is the evaporation of the strong XBOX Live ecosystem. I love the no-cheating, all under one gamer tag reputation, friends list, party chat etc.

I want folks with top of the line PC's to enjoy the games. I don't want to cross play Halo with them if they're KBM and don't want their modding ass on my servers.

I like the level playing field of consoles for competitive games.

I think Microsoft knows this very well. They're new focus will be Xbox Live memberships, if on Xbox One or their Windows 10 store, doesn't matter. But to be competitive on PC they need to have an absolute premium online-playing service to make it worth extra money per month.


I am not surprised by Xbox players being upset at this news. I know people say "Why do you give a shit games are going to PC? Does it some how affect your enjoyment on the XB1?"

Ok, but I see where the upset people are coming from. By putting games on PC.....

1) Less people will buy XB1 hardware. How much? Who knows. But there will be less sales.


2) People will sell their XB1 if they have a gaming PC.

You can't deny that these things will happen. I'm not saying it'll happen in droves, or it will be a huge dent.

Now, people like the Xbox console. They want to see it flourish. They are afraid that sales will start to slow down even more, and that maybe MS will see that they don't need to be in the console business anymore.

Another possibility though ("3") is that this move will cause games like Forza to have a shot at being more popular, and more new IPs to be tested via this model, so wouldn't this cause the Xbox One to look more attractive to people who don't care about PC gaming that don't own the console yet?

Purest 78

How can you saM this though? If this move helps these games become a bit more popular, and causes more new IPs to be tested under this model, then wouldn't that mean more actual and/or visible game variety for people who only care about console gaming? Wouldn't that make the Xbox One more attractive than it currently is for these people?

Most PC gamers aren't the elitist type, they'll buy a console if it has games they like. MS certainly will lose the gamer who Primarily Play on pc, But have no problem owing a console. So I do see a chance of selling less Hardware with the goal to sell more software.


Dude, just stop. I've been trying for awhile to get people to understand this. A lot of people are stuck in the NPD mindset and actually have no business sense nor understand that no money is made on the HW its all on the SW. If you can sell a game via two distribution channels that you own you could care less about the HW. The NPD stuff just turns into a dick wagging contest between fanboys.

Microsoft and Sony do not make money on HW, they make it on SW.

This may be a hardcore gaming forum, but the fact remains that the majority of gamers are not business savvy.

Another day, another win for the MAU.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I'm sure they wish they did this long before stream take all their pie away.

Yup, I can just see some higher up at MS sees steam take all the cut on game sold through their OS and not a day goes by without them cursing on themselves for not be the one.

Seriously there should be a book written on this. Microsoft under Ballmer was totally different, they were competing inside instead of outside. There were dick measuring contest on which division brings more money. The growth of Apple and Google was more than enough to get their asses out of each others ass for once.

I am glad what Satya is doing to turn things around.


Maybe I'm reading the thread in a wrong way. ;) Of course there's always some doomsayers, but most people posting stuff along the line as "Now I don't see a reason to buy an Xbox anymore" or "I'm going to sell my Xbox" are talking about themselves personally and aren't implying that everyone will abandon Xbox now. At least that's how I perceived it.

There's a little of A and a little of B. People giving their personal reasons for not owning an Xbox are perfectly fine, as I don't care how other people spend their money. People going off the deep end are the curious bunch that I was questioning. I understand where the people in Camp A are coming from as I don't own an XB1 but I do have a nice PC and would like to play some of those MS games. Camp B is crazy town.


My ONLY real concern is the evaporation of the strong XBOX Live ecosystem. I love the no-cheating, all under one gamer tag reputation, friends list, party chat etc.

I want folks with top of the line PC's to enjoy the games. I don't want to cross play Halo with them if they're KBM and don't want their modding ass on my servers.

I like the level playing field of consoles for competitive games.

See Xbox 360. XBL doesn't prevent modding/cheating online. And going by what Phil has said in the past about cross-play, a FPS like halo probably wouldn't happen except maybe if they group people playing with controllers and such together.


Most PC gamers aren't the elitist type,

I can't agree with this at all.

The very nature of PC gaming is elitist. Not that it's always a bad thing in most cases, but it's always been the the platform for those who are willing to spend time, money and effort to get the experience specifically want, without the user compromising anything... except for time, money and effort. :)


My ONLY real concern is the evaporation of the strong XBOX Live ecosystem. I love the no-cheating, all under one gamer tag reputation, friends list, party chat etc.

I want folks with top of the line PC's to enjoy the games. I don't want to cross play Halo with them if they're KBM and don't want their modding ass on my servers.

I like the level playing field of consoles for competitive games.

You obviously haven't read this thread. I don't think you'll have anything to worry about for a while.


What ifs only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades and everyone doesn't use Windows 10.

It's a fact that more people will have access to these games in comparison to if they were only on Xbox One.

It's a fact that most console gamers don't care about PC gaming -- hence why multiplats are the top selling games this gen.

Therefore, I don't see how what I've said in that post can be shot down by summing it up as a "what if".


Id get Forza 6, not so much Horizon, dont like em.

It would be cool, i dont think the series is a major seller, its not like Xbox brand losses something major from it.
This is great news for PC Gamers if it turns out to be true.

However, I do remember in the other thread that there were quite a few people that said they still will use their Xbox One as a Forza box. Now, they may not necessarily have to!


What ifs only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades and everyone doesn't use Windows 10.

But it was in reply to an opinion stated as a fact....nothing wrong with opposing a plausible scenario with another plausible scenario.

Another possibility though ("3") is that this move will cause games like Forza to have a shot at being more popular, and more new IPs to be tested via this model, so wouldn't this cause the Xbox One to look more attractive to people who don't care about PC gaming that don't own the console yet?

If this results in more games being made for XB1 then it really is a win/win as there will still be new customers that don't want a PC but will want those new games. In this scenario you'd have to be a dedicated warrior to find the negative. The question remains will it actually lead to more games being made? I hope so but we have no way of knowing yet.
Well... is Microsoft hitting that panic button? All exclusives going to PC leaves zero reasons to own Xbone.

I would be pissed off if I'd have an Xbone.


You can build a computer for not much more than an Xbone and still be more powerful, and still function like a PC.

Get a 750 Ti, an i3, 8gb ram and you are set.

More powerful yes, but it does not beat Quantum Break's minimum requirements.

Well... is Microsoft hitting that panic button? All exclusives going to PC leaves zero reasons to own Xbone.

I would be pissed off if I'd have an Xbone.

What if you don't own a gaming PC? I don't think Microsoft is hitting the 'panic button' the success of the Xbox division is now measured in MAUs and the biggest growth market for them is PC so what they are doing makes a lot of sense.

Forza is the only game I considered buying an Xbox One so I hope these rumours are true.
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