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RUMOR: Project Beast (From Software/Sony Japan Studio, PS4) [Port begging = ban]

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while i don't have complaints on the gameplay side (From always deliver), i still can't understand how a rather small and unknown company like Deck13 can achieve similar gameplay but with true next gen graphics while From doesn't (apparently even with Japan Studio's help) on the same machine.
Not that i'm a graphic whore or something but man, a Souls game with this graphical fidelity would improve immersion so much (on the animation/physics sides too).
Hope to prove wrong at E3, i'll gladly eat graphic crows.
There's a few things about this post which are very strange.

Firstly, the assumption LotF has a smaller team. It's being developed by two studios, the fifty man Deck 13 you cited, and the hundred and fifty strong CI Games. How many of that combined effort is on the game is anyone's guess at this point.

Secondly, the assumption that Beast Souls won't have 'true next gen graphics', which is pretty ridiculous considering the only known images of the game are in the OP, and the compression is truly crippling.

Thirdly, the assumption that video is a PS4 game, which I would say is not the case at all, given the 360 pad icons, I would say it's on PC, moreover, in that boss fight, the game is running like dog shit. So you neither know what Beast Souls looks like on PS4, or Lords of the Fallen.

I think people are notably low balling the technical prowess of Demon's Souls. For a game that came out at the very start of 2009, it looks really good. This was four months after Sony's big holiday release was Resistance 2. You can't look at the game with the consideration of what the PS3 library became, you have to consider it in the context of it's release.


And, above all, they are part of the From/AC mythology now.
Because, frankly and in terms of sheer power, give me a hi-laser canon or the biggest railgun around over a krsw laser rifle ;p

I now want AC6 more than the next Souls game. Please go back to SP focus FROM :(

Firearms =/= Shadow Tower sequel.

Of course not.

But let me put it like this: The game seems to contain firearms - what universe seems most likely it's set in?

The universe with firearms?
The universe without firearms?

It is by no means conclusive and noone is saying it is. There are also other factors like market and brand value that might suggest the opposite.

It's still a thought worth entertaining though.
Imagine this:

What if the inclusion of a shotgun at all times would change the pace and feel of the combat so much, that it would be a bit different from the core. Imagine L1/2 being tied to the firearm and R1/2 to the sword. The combat is brought up to a faster speed, almost character-action-ed up. You have much better agility with your moves and can build your attacks into combos.

Not total conversion, but change it enough to give it that feel.

Now that is something I would love to see, I do not want to see one of my all time favourite series get stale and boring (although if this has simply Souls combat, I would play hundrets of hours anyway).

This is just letting my mind loose and going from the vibe of the screenshots.

What do you think?
Things that point to this being a Souls game:
Aesthetics (locales, fog door, enemies seem consistent with Souls)
Third person view
Melee weapons
Teasing from insiders
Popularity of Souls games

Things that point to this being a Shadow Tower game:


Things that point to this being a Souls game:
Aesthetics (locales, fog door, enemies seem consistent with Souls)
Third person view
Melee weapons
Teasing from insiders
Popularity of Souls games

Things that point to this being a Shadow Tower game:

Pretty much


a next-gen Souls' game ? Already my most anticipated game of this generation, PS4 purchase justified, could this be the one to best the original Demon's Souls ? (game of the forever)

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Things that point to this being a Souls game:
Aesthetics (locales, fog door, enemies seem consistent with Souls)
Third person view
Melee weapons
Teasing from insiders
Popularity of Souls games

Things that point to this being a Shadow Tower game:



..has what looks like a DS-esque loot light thingie hovering at a nearby dead body.


Lost all credibility.
Things that point to this being a Souls game:
Aesthetics (locales, fog door, enemies seem consistent with Souls)
Third person view
Melee weapons
Teasing from insiders
Popularity of Souls games

Things that point to this being a Shadow Tower game:

A first person Project Morpheus enabled From Software game would have been pretty cool. Especially with how atmospheric their games are.


This has to be the longest thread I've seen on GAF devoted to a rumor (granted I haven't been a member for that long).

Regardless, I'm hyped!


Neo Member
I don't see why people are firmly of the belief that it's either a DeS successor or a Shadow Tower successor and it's that black and white. It could be a spiritual successor to both games at the same time.

Someone mentioned Shadow Souls earlier which sounds really cool for a name, but I'm thoroughly under the belief the game will have "Beast" in the title. So the most likely is either Beast's Tower (which would be a bit... stupid), or Beast's Souls.

Then again I could be completely wrong and it could be Dark Souls 3/Demon's Souls 2 but I really doubt it...

Never played a Soul's game in my life, but I will probably give this one a shot.

Do it, it's a fantastic franchise.


At first, Beast Souls just didnt roll off the tounge for me. It felt weird to say and didnt feel like it would be the actual title...

But after a week... Beast Souls has a nice ring to it. Im already used to it at this point.

Lets fucking do it From.

Beast Souls it is.


So what's the over/under on Miyazaki and his team jumping ship to Sony first party following the Kadokawa purchase?

Seems kind of suspect that they've all been working on this PS exclusive when Kadokawa bought out From. It would be a very SCEA move to make, but then they do have the former head of Sony Santa Monica running things now.


I'm getting a pirate vibe about it. There seems to be enemies with sailing garb on and there's blunderbusses as well. Perhaps the protagonist has landed on a foreign land from the sea......it's probably NOTHING like that in reality lol


I'm getting a pirate vibe about it. There seems to be enemies with sailing garb on and there's blunderbusses as well. Perhaps the protagonist has landed on a foreign land from the sea......it's probably NOTHING like that in reality lol


Naughty dog working on Beast's Souls?! Megaton.


Neo Member
I think, regardless of whether it is called Beast's Souls or Demon's Souls 2 or whatever variation, that it will be an indirect sequel to Demon's in that time will have gone forward many years.

Within that, I think the souls arts could have been replaced by man's advancements in technology. Although in a way I hope this is wrong, because it will be hard to replace the magic system in place with various guns n shit.

Also(and this is all wild speculation obviously), one of the pictures shows a red mist coming from the enemies in similar way to how the player would absorb souls, but instead of the trademark white mist flying at the player, it is a blood red one(As I am seeing it anyway).

Is the player now absorbing some sort of blood equivalent to what souls were in the previous games?

This would also tie in with that thing about it being called Bloodborne, but this is as I said, wild speculation.

I seriously wish it was e3 already so I knew :(

Regardless, I want on the hype train. I no longer have photoshop or I'd do it myself.
At maximum overhype here!
I just realized something. This is gonna be a Souls game marketed by Sony! An actually competent publisher. That means the trailers, instead of the ultra corny Namco ones for Dark 2, might actually capture the mood of the games and be awesome!
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